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Project Job Ref.

Office Block
Section Sheet no./rev.
Calc. by Date Chk'd by Date App'd by Date
Luqman 2/2/2023

In accordance with EN1992-1-1:2004 incorporating corrigendum January 2008 and the UK national
Tedds calculation version 1.0.18

Description Unit Provided Required Utilisation
Reinf. at midspan mm2/m 349 304 0.871
PASS Bar spacing at midspan mm 225 272 0.829
PASS Reinf. at support mm2/m 452 408 0.902
PASS Bar spacing at support mm 250 264 0.949
PASS Shear at cont. supp kN/m 81.2 33.2 0.409
PASS Shear at discont. supp kN/m 81.7 28.1 0.344
PASS Deflection ratio 30.30 42.50 0.713
PASS Long span
Reinf. at midspan mm2/m 251 226 0.900
Bar spacing at midspan mm 200 282 0.709
PASS Shear at discont. supp kN/m 77.2 28.1 0.364
PASS Cover
Min cover top mm 30 22 0.733
Min cover bottom mm 30 20 0.667

Slab reference name First Floor
Type of slab Two way spanning with restrained
Overall slab depth h = 200
mm Shorter effective span of panel lx =
5000 mm Longer effective span of panel ly
= 8500 mm
Support conditions Three edges discontinuous (one long edge
Project Job Ref.
Office Block
Section Sheet no./rev.
Calc. by Date Chk'd by Date App'd by Date
Luqman 2/2/2023

Design ultimate load q = G Gk + Q Qk = 11.3 kN/m2

Quasi-permanent load qSLS = 1.0 Gk + 2 Qk = 5.9 kN/m2
Concrete properties
Concrete strength class C25/30
Characteristic cylinder strength fck = 25 N/mm2
Partial factor (Table 2.1N) C = 1.50
Compressive strength factor (cl. 3.1.6) cc = 0.85
Design compressive strength (cl. 3.1.6) fcd = 14.2 N/mm2
Mean axial tensile strength (Table 3.1) fctm = 0.30 N/mm 2 (fck / 1 N/mm 2)2/3 = 2.6 N/mm2
Maximum aggregate size dg = 20 mm
Reinforcement properties
Characteristic yield strength fyk = 460 N/mm2
Partial factor (Table 2.1N) S = 1.15
Design yield strength (fig. 3.8) fyd = fyk / S = 400.0 N/mm2
Concrete cover to reinforcement
Nominal cover to outer top reinforcement cnom_t = 30
mm Nominal cover to outer bottom reinforcement cnom_b =
30 mm Fire resistance period to top of slab Rtop =
60 min Fire resistance period to bottom of slab Rbtm =
60 min Axia distance to top reinft (Table 5.8) afi_t =
15 mm Axia distance to bottom reinft (Table 5.8) afi_b =
15 mm Min. top cover requirement with regard to bond cmin,b_t
= 12 mm Min. btm cover requirement with regard to bond
cmin,b_b = 10 mm
Reinforcement fabrication Not subject to QA system
Cover allowance for deviation cdev = 10 mm
Min. required nominal cover to top reinft cnom_t_min = 22.0 mm
Min. required nominal cover to bottom reinft cnom_b_min = 20.0 mm
PASS - There is sufficient cover to the top
PASS - There is sufficient cover to the bottom
Reinforcement design at midspan in short span direction (cl.6.1)
Bending moment coefficient sx_p = 0.0678
Design bending moment Mx_p = sx_p q lx2 = 19.1 kNm/m
Reinforcement provided 10 mm dia. bars at 225 mm
centres Area provided Asx_p = 349 mm 2/m
Effective depth to tension reinforcement dx_p = h - cnom_b - x_p / 2 = 165.0 mm
K factor K = Mx_p / (b dx_p2 fck) = 0.028
Redistribution ratio = 1.0
K’ factor K’ = 0.598 - 0.18 2 - 0.21 = 0.208
K < K' - Compression reinforcement is not
Lever arm z = min(0.95 dx_p, dx_p/2 (1 + (1 - 3.53 K))) = 156.8 mm
Area of reinforcement required for bending Asx_p_m = Mx_p / (fyd z) = 304 mm2/m
Project Job Ref.
Office Block
Section Sheet no./rev.
Calc. by Date Chk'd by Date App'd by Date
Luqman 2/2/2023

PASS - Area of reinforcement provided exceeds area

Check reinforcement spacing
Reinforcement service stress sx_p = (fyk / S) min((Asx_p_m/Asx_p), 1.0) qSLS / q = 182.8 N/mm2
Maximum allowable spacing (Table 7.3N) smax_x_p = 272 mm
Actual bar spacing sx_p = 225 mm
PASS - The reinforcement spacing is
Reinforcement design at midspan in long span direction (cl.6.1)
Bending moment coefficient sy_p = 0.0440
Design bending moment My_p = sy_p q lx2 = 12.4 kNm/m
Reinforcement provided 8 mm dia. bars at 200 mm
centres Area provided Asy_p = 251 mm 2/m
Effective depth to tension reinforcement dy_p = h - cnom_b - x_p - y_p / 2 = 156.0 mm
K factor K = My_p / (b dy_p2 fck) = 0.020
Redistribution ratio = 1.0
K’ factor K’ = 0.598 - 0.18 2 - 0.21 = 0.208
K < K' - Compression reinforcement is not
Lever arm z = min(0.95 dy_p, dy_p/2 (1 + (1 - 3.53 K))) = 148.2 mm
Area of reinforcement required for bending Asy_p_m = My_p / (fyd z) = 209 mm2/m
Minimum area of reinforcement required Asy_p_min = max(0.26 (fctm/fyk) b dy_p, 0.0013bdy_p) = 226 mm2/m
Area of reinforcement required Asy_p_req = max(Asy_p_m, Asy_p_min) = 226 mm2/m
PASS - Area of reinforcement provided exceeds area
Check reinforcement spacing
Reinforcement service stress sy_p = (fyk / S) min((Asy_p_m/Asy_p), 1.0) qSLS / q = 174.2 N/mm2
Maximum allowable spacing (Table 7.3N) smax_y_p = 282 mm
Actual bar spacing sy_p = 200 mm
PASS - The reinforcement spacing is
Reinforcement design at continuous support in short span direction (cl.6.1)
Bending moment coefficient sx_n = 0.0904
Design bending moment Mx_n = sx_n q lx2 = 25.4 kNm/m
Reinforcement provided 12 mm dia. bars at 250 mm
centres Area provided Asx_n = 452 mm 2/m
Effective depth to tension reinforcement dx_n = h - cnom_t - y_n - x_n / 2 = 164.0 mm
K factor K = Mx_n / (b dx_n2 fck) = 0.038
Redistribution ratio = 1.0
K’ factor K’ = 0.598 - 0.18 2 - 0.21 = 0.208
K < K' - Compression reinforcement is not
Lever arm z = min(0.95 dx_n, dx_n/2 (1 + (1 - 3.53 K))) = 155.8 mm
Area of reinforcement required for bending Asx_n_m = Mx_n / (fyd z) = 408 mm2/m
Minimum area of reinforcement required Asx_n_min = max(0.26 (fctm/fyk) b dx_n, 0.0013bdx_n) = 238 mm2/m
Area of reinforcement required Asx_n_req = max(Asx_n_m, Asx_n_min) = 408 mm2/m
Project Job Ref.
Office Block
Section Sheet no./rev.
Calc. by Date Chk'd by Date App'd by Date
Luqman 2/2/2023

Check reinforcement spacing

Reinforcement service stress sx_n = (fyk / S) min((Asx_n_m/Asx_n), 1.0) qSLS / q = 189.2 N/mm2
Maximum allowable spacing (Table 7.3N) smax_x_n = 264 mm
Actual bar spacing sx_n = 250 mm
PASS - The reinforcement spacing is acceptable
Shear capacity check at short span continuous support
Shear force Vx_n = q lx / 2 + Mx_n / lx = 33.2 kN/m
Effective depth factor (cl. 6.2.2) k = min(2.0, 1 + (200 mm / d x_n)0.5) = 2.000
Reinforcement ratio l = min(0.02, A sx_n / (b dx_n)) = 0.0028
Minimum shear resistance (Exp. 6.3N) VRd,c_min = 0.035 N/mm 2 k1.5 (fck / 1 N/mm2)0.5 b dx_n
VRd,c_min = 81.2
Shear resistance constant (cl. 6.2.2) CRd,c = 0.18 N/mm 2 / C = 0.12 N/mm2
Shear resistance (Exp. 6.2a)
VRd,c_x_n = max(VRd,c_min, CRd,c k (100 l (fck / 1 N/mm2))0.333 b dx_n) = 81.2 kN/m
PASS - Shear capacity is adequate
Shear capacity check at short span discontinuous support
Shear force Vx_d = q lx / 2 = 28.1 kN/m
Reinforcement provided 10 mm dia. bars at 225 mm
centres Area provided Asx_d = 349 mm2/m
Effective depth dx_d = dx_p = 165.0 mm
Effective depth factor k = min(2.0, 1 + (200 mm / d x_d)0.5) = 2.000
Reinforcement ratio l = min(0.02, A sx_d / (b dx_d)) = 0.0021
Minimum shear resistance VRd,c_min = 0.035 N/mm 2 k1.5 (fck / 1 N/mm 2)0.5 b dx_d
VRd,c_min = 81.7
Shear resistance constant (cl. 6.2.2) CRd,c = 0.18 N/mm 2 / C = 0.12 N/mm2
Shear resistance
VRd,c_x_d = max(VRd,c_min, CRd,c k (100 l (fck/1 N/mm2))0.333 b dx_d) = 81.7 kN/m
PASS - Shear capacity is adequate (0.344)
Shear capacity check at long span discontinuous support
Shear force Vy_d = q lx / 2 = 28.1 kN/m
Reinforcement provided 8 mm dia. bars at 200 mm
centres Area provided Asy_d = 251 mm2/m
Effective depth dy_d = dy_p = 156.0 mm
Effective depth factor k = min(2.0, 1 + (200 mm / d y_d)0.5) = 2.000
Reinforcement ratio l = min(0.02, A sy_d / (b dy_d)) = 0.0016
Minimum shear resistance VRd,c_min = 0.035 N/mm 2 k1.5 (fck / 1 N/mm 2)0.5 b dy_d
VRd,c_min = 77.2
Shear resistance constant (cl. 6.2.2) CRd,c = 0.18 N/mm 2 / C = 0.12 N/mm2
Shear resistance
VRd,c_y_d = max(VRd,c_min, CRd,c k (100 l (fck/1 N/mm2))0.333 b dy_d) = 77.2 kN/m
PASS - Shear capacity is adequate (0.364)
Basic span-to-depth deflection ratio check (cl. 7.4.2)
Project Job Ref.
Office Block
Section Sheet no./rev.
Calc. by Date Chk'd by Date App'd by Date
Luqman 2/2/2023

Required tension reinforcement ratio = max(0.0035, Asx_p_req / (b dx_p)) = 0.0035

Required compression reinforcement ratio ’ = Ascx_p_req / (b dx_p) = 0.0000
Stuctural system factor (Table 7.4N) K = 1.3
Basic limit span-to-depth ratio (Exp. 7.16)
ratiolim_x_bas = K [11 +1.5(fck/1 N/mm2)0.50/ + 3.2(fck/1 N/mm2)0.5(0/ -1)1.5] = 34.06
Mod span-to-depth ratio limit
ratiolim_x = min(40 K, min(1.5, (500 N/mm 2/ fyk) (Asx_p / Asx_p_m)) ratiolim_x_bas) = 42.50
Actual span-to-eff. depth ratio ratioact_x = lx / dx_p = 30.30
PASS - Actual span-to-effective depth ratio is

Reinforcement summary
Midspan in short span direction 10 mm dia. bars at 225 mm centres B1
Midspan in long span direction 8 mm dia. bars at 200 mm centres B2
Continuous support in short span direction 12 mm dia. bars at 250 mm centres T2
Discontinuous support in short span direction 10 mm dia. bars at 225 mm centres B1
Discontinuous support in long span direction 8 mm dia. bars at 200 mm centres B2

Reinforcement sketch
The following sketch is indicative only. Note that additional reinforcement may be required in accordance with clauses, and of EN 1992-1-1:2004 to meet detailing rules.

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