University of Bridge Port Sop

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Statement of Purpose

I am very thankful for providing me this opportunity and it is with sincere sense of
gratification that I pen my brief statement of purpose. Striving for betterment and improvement
has been my motto in all aspects of life, and the same applies even to my professional and
academic career. Having proved myself in Bachelor’s program in Civil Engineering from
Vaagdevi College Of Engineering, Warangal as a successful professional career, I look forward
to further pursue master’s degree in COMPUTER SCIENCE and allied fields, and for this I
think a M.S. program will be an ideal step. I intend to pursue my M.S degree at University Of
Bridgeport, which I believe will give a direction to my goal of a successful and challenging
career as a research professional at a premier institute replete with excellent research facilities
and academic activity.

Just as the 21st century dawns on mankind, out lives bare a testimony to the genesis of a
new era in technology. Computer, the invention of the century, is changing the way we think,
work and live. It is surprising to see how this man made object has the power to outwit man
himself.  The ease with which a computer performs complex tasks which otherwise would take a
lot of manpower is fascinating. This is going to become the most influential tool of this and the
forthcoming centuries. I regard myself fortunate to have the opportunity for advanced studies in
this field of .  I see the whole field more and more poised to take off. It was this particular fact
that motivated me to take up Master In Computer Science as my career.

The field of computer involves delving deep into the concepts of mathematics and
science so that they can be applied to the real world problems. I opted for Maths and Physical
Sciences at 10+2 level and took the competitive examination for admission to undergraduate

Since my school days, I have always been able to strike a good balance between
academic and extra-curricular activities. And I am Cadet of “National Cadet Corps’’. Also
I have won prizes in General knowledge Quiz at school level continuously 3 times. I have always
strived to give equal importance to education and extra-curricular activities. During my
graduation career I was an active member in organizing the technical fests and also cultural fests.
Also during this tenure I also was core team member of Project of my college with which I got
a chance to learn about leadership and team work which in turn provided me the opportunity to
deal in financial matters and manage finance for various events in the best possible way.

In my undergraduate study I had taken up courses on “COMPUTER

PROGRAMING’’. This program has converted my initial zeal into deep fascination for the
subject and motivated me to pursue graduate study and also after completion my under
graduation I required a job in Tata Consultancy Services at present working as Asscoiate
System Engineering Grade Y.
I may not be out of place, to state that I have an excellent academic record right from my
school level to under graduate level. It has been my cherished desire to pursue graduate studies
in U.S. The academic milieu and good infrastructure facilities of research available in U.S. are
the attractions, which enticed me to choose natural destination for graduate studies and
research. The excellent research facilities, eminent faculty and the vibrant atmosphere of the
UNIVERSITY OF BRIDGEPORT have really attracted me. I am enthusiastically looking
forward to embark on a career of full time research, which will allow me to be involved in
analyzing, comprehending and solving various problems in experimental and computation
research in the field of Computer Technology. I am aware of the kind of patience, dedication and
perseverance needed for such a research and I believe my background shall place me in a unique
position in exploring the emerging technologies and methodologies of the field. I am confident
that with my knowledge and experience .Finally, I am a hardworking and honest student and I
would be glad to be a part of your research community. I would be thankful if you can consider
me for admission with financial assistance.

          I eagerly look forward to be part of your prestigious University.


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