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According to what I know and have learned, economics is the study of how people make decisions based

on finite resources, for example, if you have 2 million food a month, you will come up with a way to
make decisions. Decide how to spend to feel the most satisfied and spend the most reasonably. The
level of consumer spending here is not only at the individual level, but also at the higher levels that are
household, business, and national levels, so it is one of the most important factors in a country's
economy because if the economy develops strongly, it means that people buy and exchange goods and
services much and continuously because it directly affects the supply side, which is businesses industry
and manufacturing plants

Similar to economics, microeconomics is the social science that studies the meaning of incentives and
decisions, specifically individuals or businesses, that affect the use and distribution of resources based
on limited resources such as your salary is 15 million, how will you decide to spend? With that amount
or a business with an amount of 1 billion, what will it produce and how will it be sold? In general,
microeconomics shows how and why goods have different values, how individuals and businesses
conduct and benefit from the production and exchange of goods, and how individuals coordinate and
cooperate with each other best.

After learning and understanding economics and microeconomics, I find these are basic things that I
have to deal with every day and it is always associated with basic needs such as e understanding the
laws of supply and demand in the market, evaluating the costs and benefits of options, and help you
determine the price of goods to buy when to make informed decisions Or invest and trade in any
commodity when the quantity demanded is more than the quantity supplied. Microeconomics gives me
more insight into how I make more improved decisions about what to buy and how much to spend in
summary this knowledge if understood well will have to make more informed financial and personal

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