In Uence of Coffee Water Ratio On The Nal Quality of Espresso Coffee 2007

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Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture J Sci Food Agric 87:586–592 (2007)

Influence of coffee/water ratio

on the final quality of espresso coffee†
Susana Andueza, Marı́a A Vila, M Paz de Peña and Concepción Cid∗
Food Science and Technology, and Toxicology Department, School of Pharmacy, University of Navarra, E-31080 Pamplona, Spain

Abstract: Espresso coffee is a polyphasic beverage in which the physico-chemical and sensory characteristics
obviously depend on both the selection of ground roasted coffee and the technical conditions of the percolation
process. The aim of this work was to evaluate the influence of the coffee/water ratio on the physico-chemical and
sensory quality of espresso coffee. Furthermore, the influence of botanical varieties (Arabica and Robusta) and
the type of roast (conventional and torrefacto) on the selection of coffee/water ratio was studied. The relationship
between pH and the perception of acidity intensity is discussed in relation to the influence of the coffee/water ratio,
type of coffee and roast. The optimisation of other technical parameters in previous studies seemed to minimise
the influence of an increase in the coffee/water ratio on the extraction of soluble and solid compounds. In fact, only
some sensory attributes, such as bitterness, astringency and burnt, acrid and earthy/musty flavours were proposed
as relevant to the selection of 6.5 g 40 mL−1 or 7.5 g 40 mL−1 in conventional roasted coffees (Arabica 100% and
Robusta blend), and 6.5 g 40 mL−1 in torrefacto roasted coffees. On the other hand, the addition of sugar during the
roasting process in torrefacto roast coffees seemed to contribute to a higher generation of acids, melanoidins and
other compounds by the Maillard reaction or caramelisation, which led us to select the lowest coffee/water ratio.
 2007 Society of Chemical Industry

Keywords: coffee; espresso coffee; coffee/water ratio; sensory analysis; aroma; torrefacto roast

INTRODUCTION the caramelisation of sugar and the enhancing of

Espresso Coffee is a polyphasic beverage prepared only the Maillard reaction products (MRPs). Also, the
with ground roasted coffee and water, and constituted torrefacto roast was initially used to mask the negative
by a foam layer of small bubbles with a particular tiger- sensory characteristics of low quality Robusta coffees.
tail pattern, on the top of an emulsion of microscopic This roasting technique is used in several countries
oil droplets in an aqueous solution of sugars, acids, of southern Europe and South America, where some
protein-like material and caffeine, with dispersed gas groups of the population prefer espresso coffees with
bubbles and colloidal solids.1 These physico-chemical a high amount of foam, a dark brown colour, a
characteristics of espresso coffee are responsible for very intense aroma, and a strong taste, with a bitter
their peculiar sensorial properties which include a dominance.1
strong body, a full fine aroma, a bitter/acid balance The coffee/water ratio is another factor that could
taste and a pleasant lingering aftertaste, exempt from influence the extraction and quality of the coffee
unpleasant flavour defects.1 compounds. An excessive amount of coffee would not
The physico-chemical and sensory characteristics allow sufficient expansion during wetting, thus causing
of an espresso coffee obviously depend on both the over-compaction, which disturbs the percolation and
selection of ground roasted coffee and the technical results in a deposit of solids in the cup. In contrast, too
conditions of the percolation process, which should little coffee could result in a brew that is over-extracted
be adjusted according to the coffee.2 In previous and has a bitter flavour.1,6 Based on his commercial
studies, the optimal water temperature and pressure to and technical experience Petracco1 proposed a range
obtain a good quality espresso coffee were established between 5 g and 8 g of ground coffee for preparing
as 92 ◦ C and 909 kPa (9 atm).3,4 However, other one cup of espresso, depending on the coffee blend.
technical conditions related to coffee, such as grade However, only a few studies investigating the influence
of grinding, should be different whether coffee was of the coffee/water ratio on the coffee brew have
roasted by the conventional or the torrefacto process.5 been found but these focused on the kinetics and
Torrefacto is a roasting process where sugar is added mechanisms of caffeine or solubles extraction in
to Robusta coffees. This type of roast contributes pressureless systems7,8 rather than on the chemical
to the brownish colour of the coffee brew by and sensory characteristics of espresso coffees.

Correspondence to: Concepción Cid, Food Science and Technology, and Toxicology Department, School of Pharmacy, University of Navarra, E-31080
Pamplona, Spain

Part of this paper was presented at the 5th Pangborn Sensory Science Symposium, July 2003, Boston, MA, USA.
Contract/grant sponsor: Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnologı́a; contract/grant number: ALI-1999-0319
Contract/grant sponsor: Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnologı́a Español
Contract/grant sponsor: Gobierno Vasco; contract/grant number: PN99-72681468
(Received 13 December 2004; revised version received 6 March 2006; accepted 4 September 2006)
Published online 15 January 2007; DOI: 10.1002/jsfa.2720

 2007 Society of Chemical Industry. J Sci Food Agric 0022–5142/2007/$30.00

Coffee/water ratio on espresso coffee quality

The aim of this work was to evaluate the influence of and surface tension (Traube estalagmometer, Oppac,
coffee/water ratio on the physico-chemical and sensory Pamplona, Spain) were measured.
quality of espresso coffee. Furthermore, the influence
of botanical varieties (Arabica and Robusta) and the Foam index and persistence of foam
type of roast (conventional and torrefacto) on the Foam index was defined as the volume of espresso cof-
selection of the coffee/water ratio was studied. fee in millilitres, referred to 100 mL of espresso coffee
total volume.1 Volumes were measured immediately
after the extraction of espresso coffee using a 100-mL
MATERIALS AND METHODS graduated cylinder. Persistence of foam was defined
Materials as the time (in minutes) that the liquid phase below
Three ground roasted coffee samples, pure Coffea the cream layer took to appear during cooling at room
arabica from Colombia (conventional espresso roast, temperature.1
2% water content) (A100); Arabica/Robusta 20:80
blend, (conventional espresso roast, 2% water content) Total solids, extraction and total solids on filtrate
(A20:R80); and a blend of Arabica/Robusta 20:80 with Total solids were determined by oven drying 40 mL of
50% of torrefacto roast Robusta coffee (A20:R80 50% espresso coffee to a constant weight (14 h, 102 ± 3 ◦ C).
torrefacto, 1.8% water content) were provided by a Extraction was defined as the percentage of total solids
local company. Two batches of each coffee sample with respect to the dose of ground roasted coffee. Total
were used. Samples were stored in similar conditions solids in the filtrate (or soluble solids) were defined
(4 ◦ C, vacuum package, less than 2 days) before and as the dry residue, expressed in mg mL−1 , obtained
during analysis. by oven drying the eluate obtained by filtration with
Pure reference standards of acetaldehyde, 2- Whatman no. 1 filter paper of 40 mL espresso coffee
methylpropanal, 3-methylbutanal, 2,3-butandione, to constant weight (14 h, 102 ± 3 ◦ C).
2,3-pentandione and 2-ethyl-3,5dimethylpyrazine
were purchased from Acros (New Jersey, USA); hex-
anal, 2-methoxyphenol (guaiacol), propanal, caffeine Total lipids
and 5-caffeoylquinic acid (5-CQA) were obtained Twenty millilitres of espresso coffee was extracted by
from Sigma (Steinheim, Germany). adding 20 mL of trichloromethane three times in a
separating funnel. The organic fraction was washed
with distilled water three times. Total lipids were
Selection of the coffee/water ratio
quantified by weight after evaporation of the solvent.
To select coffee/water ratios, espresso coffees were
brewed for each sample with the experimental
prototype espresso coffee-maker under the conditions Caffeine and trigonelline
given below. A volume of 40 ± 2 mL, time of Extract preparation, clean-up and high-performance
percolation between 18 and 24 s, and the absence liquid chromatography (HPLC) analysis have already
of particles at the bottom of the cup were the main been described by Maeztu et al.9 HPLC analysis was
criteria for selecting the coffee/water ratio. Weights of achieved with an analytical HPLC unit (Hewlett-
6.5, 7.5 and 8.5 g of coffee to prepare an espresso cup Packard 1100, Madrid, Spain). A reversed-phase
of 40 ± 2 mL were selected as low, medium and high Hypersil-ODS (5 µm particle size, 250 × 4.6 mm)
coffee/water ratios, respectively. column was used. The mobile phase was acetoni-
trile–water (15:85) under isocratic conditions at a
Espresso coffee samples and preparation for constant flow rate of 2.0 mL min−1 at 25 ◦ C. Com-
analysis pounds were detected by using a diode-array detector,
Espresso coffees were prepared from each selected and chromatograms were recorded at 280 nm.
coffee/water ratio with the use of an experimental
prototype espresso coffee-maker. The conditions for Chlorogenic acid (5-CQA)
preparing espresso coffee were fixed at 92 ◦ C water Extraction of 5-CQA and clean-up were carried
temperature (corresponding to erogation temperature out according to the method of Bicchi et al.10 with
of 86 ± 2 ◦ C), relative water pressure of 909 kPa (9 HPLC equipment described above. Conditions of the
atm), extraction time of 21 ± 3 s and holder filter gradient solvent system used were 100% citrate–acetic
diameter of 38 mm. Twenty espresso coffees of each acid buffer solution (pH 3.0) for 2 min, 85:15
coffee/water ratio were prepared and mixed together buffer–methanol for 8 min, both at a flow rate of
in order to have sufficient coffee volume for analysis. 0.8 mL min−1 , and 85:15 buffer–methanol for 5 min
Every parameter was determined in triplicate. at a flow rate of 1.2 mL min−1 , at 25 ◦ C. The detection
wavelength was 325nm.
pH, density, viscosity and surface tension
Espresso coffee samples were immediately cooled Volatile compounds
to 20 ◦ C, and pH (Orion 420A benchtop pH The extraction of volatile compounds and GC analysis
meter, Beverly, MA), density (densimeter), viscosity were carried out by using the method described
(Ostwald viscosimeter, Proton, Barcelona, Spain), by Sanz et al.11 adapted to espresso coffee by

J Sci Food Agric 87:586–592 (2007) 587

DOI: 10.1002/jsfa
S Andueza et al.

Maeztu et al.12 Volatiles were extracted using a static

1.010; 0.000b

50.90; 0.00b

30.00; 0.00b
43.11; 0.33c
1.21; 0.00b

4.06; 0.08c
3.15; 0.05c
0.93; 0.06a
1.50; 0.08c
headspace sampler (Hewlett-Packard model 7694).

22.9; 0.8b

20.3; 0.2a
40.9; 0.1c
5.6; 0.0a
GC analysis was achieved with a capillary HP-Wax
(60 m × 0.25 mm × 0.5 mm film thickness) column

A20:R80, 50% torrefacto

in a HP 6890 gas chromatograph with a HP 5973
mass selective detector (Hewlett-Packard). Volatile

1.010; 0.000b

51.58; 1.05b

30.00; 0.00b
38.20; 0.97b
compounds were identified by referring to the mass

1.19; 0.04b

3.76; 0.02b
2.76; 0.07b
1.74; 0.07b
1.39; 0.02b
34.4; 0.7b
20.8; 6.6a

20.4; 0.5a
5.7; 0.0b
spectra in the Wiley database, their retention times
and Kovats indices.13,14 Thirteen key odorants were
quantified, and results were expressed as relative
percentages from the total amounts of volatiles.

1.005; 0.001a

47.81; 0.00a

20.00; 0.00a
36.17; 0.17a

1.66; 0.17b
1.15; 0.00a

3.46; 0.06a
2.49; 0.23a

1.28; 0.07a
22.3; 0.1b
20.4; 2.7a

33.0; 0.1a
5.8; 0.0c
Sensory descriptive analysis

Twenty judges were recruited from members of the
Food Science and Technology Department at the
University of Navarra. Selection and training were

1.012; 0.000b
carried out as described by Maeztu et al.12 to obtain a

51.00; 0.00b

30.00; 0.00a
40.76; 0.60c
1.17; 0.01b

3.31; 0.18b
3.92; 0.08c

1.29; 0.08a
1.52; 0.03c
30.8; 0.7c

19.2; 0.2a
38.8; 0.8c
10-member panel. Odour, body, acidity, bitterness,

5.8; 0.0a
astringency, flavour and aftertaste intensities were
rated on 11-point scales from ‘none’ (0) to ‘very
high’ (10). The mean and standard deviation for each
attribute in each espresso coffee sample were obtained.

1.010; 0.000a

51.58; 1.05b

36.01; 0.41b
30.00; 0.00a

1.17; 0.02b

3.77; 0.03b

1.55; 0.15b
1.45; 0.02b
3.17; 0.07a
21.9; 0.0b

35.6; 0.7b
19.2; 0.4a
5.9; 0.0b
Sensory flavour profile

In each row, different letters indicate significant difference (P < 0.05) among different coffee/water ratio in each type of coffee.
The most frequently described odour/flavour attributes
by judges during the training process were written in
the same score card in two columns: one for positive 1.010; 0.000a

39.39; 0.00a

30.00; 0.00a
35.58; 0.41a

1.49; 0.17b
1.14; 0.01a

3.34; 0.10a
3.01; 0.08a

1.18; 0.07a
and another for negative flavour attributes. Posi-

20.7; 0.2b
15.8; 0.0a

30.7; 0.9a
Table 1. Influence of coffee/water ratio (g 40 mL−1 ) on physico-chemical parameters of espresso coffee samples

5.9; 0.1b

tive flavour attributes were fruity/winey, malty/cereal,

freshness, straw, caramel-like, equilibrate, chocolate-
like, spicy, nutty, tobacco, and buttery. Negative
flavour attributes were woody/papery, burnt/roasty,
1.010; 0.000b

50.61; 0.96b

30.00; 0.00b
42.07; 0.39c
acrid, fermented, earthy/musty, rancid, burnt rub-
1.26; 0.01b

5.13; 0.09b
2.21; 0.05b
0.94; 0.09b
1.80; 0.06c
17.7; 0.6c

19.8; 0.2a
39.7; 0.9c
bery, sulfurous, flat, grassy/green/herbal, animal-like,
5.4; 0.0a

motor-oil and ashy. In both columns, one line for

‘other flavours’ was added. The flavour profile of each
espresso coffee sample was defined by the percentage
1.010; 0.000b

of judges that perceived each positive and negative

48.81; 0.99ab

30.00; 0.00b
37.24; 0.73b

5.06; 0.04b

1.38; 0.04b
1.29; 0.02c

1.88; 0.12a
0.72; 0.05a

flavour attribute.
14.4; 1.0b

35.2; 0.5b
19.9; 0.4a

5.4; 0.0a

Sensory descriptive evaluation of espresso coffee

samples was carried out in triplicate over 18 sessions.
Three espresso coffees were analysed per session.
Each espresso coffee was prepared immediately before
1.005; 0.001a

48.37; 0.90a

25.33; 0.51a
34.03; 0.21a

All values are shown as mean; standard deviation (n = 6).

tasting, and served monadically in white porcelain

1.23; 0.01a

4.80; 0.17a
1.80; 0.04a
0.73; 0.06a
1.16; 0.17a
20.9; 0.2b
12.3; 0.3a

32.0; 0.3a
5.5; 0.0b

coffee cups labelled with a three-digit code. The order

of presentation was randomised among judges and
sessions. All evaluations were conducted in isolated
sensory booths illuminated with white light in the
Chlorogenic Acid (5-CQA) (mg mL−1 )

sensory laboratory under standardised conditions as

given by UNE 87-004-79.15 Rinse water was provided
Total solids on filtrate (mg mL−1 )

between individual samples.

Surface tension (mN m−1 )

Persistence of foam (min)

Viscosity (mN m−2 s−1 )

Total solids (mg mL−1 )

Trigonelline (mg mL−1 )

Total lipids (mg mL−1 )

Statistical analysis
Caffeine (mg mL−1 )

Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was applied for each

Density (g mL−1 )

Foam index (%)

type of coffee. The source of variation was the

Extraction (%)

coffee/water ratio. The Tukey T -test was applied a

posteriori with a level of significance of 95%. All
statistical analyses were performed using the SPSS

v.10.0 software package.

588 J Sci Food Agric 87:586–592 (2007)

DOI: 10.1002/jsfa
Coffee/water ratio on espresso coffee quality

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION amount and quality of the foam than do other technical
The results of the physico-chemical parameters and parameters such as water extraction pressure3 and
sensory attributes of espresso coffee samples are shown temperature,4 and grinding.5 On the other hand,
in Tables 1 and 2, respectively. pH values were in the Robusta blends espresso coffees had higher foam
range proposed by Petracco1 as normal for espresso indices than Arabica, maybe because the presence
coffee (5.2–5.8), except for 6.5 and 7.5 g 40 mL−1 of unknown tensioactive substances which increase
A20:R80 blend espresso coffees with 5.9. Arabica foam.1
(A100) espresso coffees showed lower pH values Density, viscosity, surface tension, total solids, total
than Robusta blends, as previously reported by other solids on filtrate and total lipids were significantly
authors.16 These results could partially explain the increased with coffee/water ratio (Table 1). However,
high perception of acidity by the judges of A100 only the significant stronger body was appreciated
espresso coffees (Table 2). In A100 espresso coffee, by the judges of the Robusta blends, mainly with
a significant increase of the acidity with coffee/water torrefacto roast (Table 2). Furthermore, a higher
ratio was observed. However, in Robusta blends, viscosity was observed in Arabica espresso coffee,
a clear tendency in the perception of acidity with which also had higher amounts of lipids, because
coffee/water ratio was not found. Espresso acidity viscosity is influenced by the amount of lipid droplets
cannot be described only by pH1 and, in fact, in the emulsion.1 Additionally, although the total
many studies have shown that there is only moderate solids increased with coffee/water ratio, extraction
correlation between pH and the acidity perception.16 yields, which are dose dependent, were slightly
Consequently, although a higher extraction of acids decreased or maintained because the extraction
could be proposed when the coffee/water ratio was conditions for espresso coffee had been optimised
increased, the diversity of the acids, volatiles and in previous studies.3 – 5 A similar, but stronger pattern
non-volatiles, organic acids such as citric and malic, was observed by Cammenga et al.8
as well as chlorogenic acids and its hydrolysis The extraction of caffeine and chlorogenic acid,
derivatives (quinic, ferulic, cafeic acids), and inorganic compounds related to bitterness and astringency,
acids, such as phosphoric, contribute in different increased when the coffee/water ratio was higher.
proportions to acidity.17 Furthermore, some of these However, significant increases in bitterness and
acids, such as chlorogenic, together with caffeine and astringency were perceived only in Robusta blends
other compounds, can also contribute to bitterness, espresso coffees, and mainly in torrefacto coffees. This
modifying the typical bitterness–acidity balance of could be partially due to the higher amount of caffeine
espresso coffees.1 For all these reasons, pH does not and trigonelline in the Robusta variety,1,19,20 and,
seem to be a good reference in espresso coffee for consequently, higher extraction in espresso coffees.
proposing the best coffee/water ratio when the other Furthermore, the formation of other unidentified
technical parameters were previously optimised. bitter compounds derived from Maillard reactions
On the other hand, torrefacto espresso coffees had and caramelisation during roasting of Robusta coffees,
lower pH values than did A20:R80 espresso coffee. and mainly in torrefacto roast, could also contribute
This may be due to a greater amount of acids generated to the greater bitterness and astringency of Robusta
by the Maillard reaction, or by caramelisation18 blends espresso coffee. A bitterness intensity higher
because of the addition of sugars during the roasting than 7.5 on a 10-scale should be proposed to reject
process. 8.5 g 40 mL−1 in both Robusta blends espresso coffees
Although foam index was significantly increased and also 7.5 g 40 mL−1 in torrefacto coffees.
with coffee/water ratio, all espresso coffees had Results for aroma/flavour are shown in Table 3 and
a sufficient amount of consistent, persistent and Fig. 1. In Arabica (A100) espresso coffee, profiles of
hazelnut foam. So, the coffee/water ratio in the the majority of key odorants were significantly similar
proposed range seems to have less influence on the throughout the three coffee/water ratios. However,

Table 2. Influence of coffee/water ratio (g 40 mL−1 ) on sensory attributes of espresso coffee samples

A100 A20:R80 A20:R80, 50% torrefacto

6.5 7.5 8.5 6.5 7.5 8.5 6.5 7.5 8.5

Odour intensity 6.3; 0.8a 6.5; 0.7a 6.6; 0.7a 6.3; 0.8a 6.2; 0.5a 6.2; 1.0a 6.1; 0.8a 6.0; 0.7a 6.4; 0.8b
Body 6.1; 0.7a 6.0; 0.6a 6.1; 0.7a 6.1; 0.7a 6.2; 0.6a 7.0; 0.9b 6.4; 0.9a 6.9; 1.0b 7.3; 0.7c
Acidity 5.4; 0.8a 6.0; 1.0b 6.4; 1.0c 1.6; 0.6a 2.0; 0.7b 1.4; 0.7a 3.5; 0.7b 3.6; 1.0b 1.8; 0.9a
Bitterness 6.6; 1.3a 6.7; 1.0a 7.0; 0.8a 6.9; 1.1a 7.3; 1.2a 8.2; 1.2b 6.8; 0.9a 7.5; 0.9b 8.2; 1.0c
Astringency 6.1; 1.0a 5.8; 0.9a 6.0; 0.9a 6.0; 0.9a 6.4; 0.9a 7.6; 1.4b 5.7; 0.6a 6.4; 0.8b 7.2; 1.0c
Flavour intensity 6.7; 0.9a 6.7; 0.9a 6.8; 0.6a 6.5; 0.9a 6.6; 0.8a 7.7; 0.9b 6.4; 0.9a 6.7; 0.7b 7.1; 0.8c
Aftertaste intensity 6.1; 0.8a 6.3; 0.8a 6.6; 0.7b 6.8; 1.0a 6.9; 0.9a 7.7; 1.1b 6.6; 1.0a 6.9; 0.9ab 7.2; 0.9b

All values are shown as mean; standard deviation (n = 6).

In each row, different letters indicate significant difference (P < 0.05) among different coffee/water ratio in each type of coffee.

J Sci Food Agric 87:586–592 (2007) 589

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S Andueza et al.

Table 3. Influence of coffee/water ratio (g 40 mL−1 ) on the relative percentage of key odorants in espresso coffee samples

A100 A20:R80 A20:R80, 50% torrefacto

KI1 ID2 Key odorant 6.5 7.5 8.5 6.5 7.5 8.5 6.5 7.5 8.5

635 C Methanothiole 0.16; 0.01a 0.24; 0.01b 0.22; 0.02b 0.10; 0.00a 0.12; 0.01b 0.12; 0.02b 0.15; 0.01a 0.16; 0.00b 0.16; 0.00b
645 A Acetaldehyde 0.49; 0.04a 0.54; 0.04a 0.51; 0.05a 0.34; 0.02a 0.35; 0.03a 0.38; 0.02a 0.37; 0.01b 0.32; 0.02a 0.39; 0.03b
712 A Propanal 0.71; 0.10a 0.74; 0.08a 0.74; 0.09a 0.47; 0.04a 0.49; 0.04a 0.54; 0.01b 0.45; 0.03ab 0.43; 0.02a 0.47; 0.03b
747 A 2-Methylpropanal 2.36; 0.38a 2.75; 0.26a 2.74; 0.23a 2.00; 0.18a 2.27; 0.19b 2.41; 0.19b 2.05; 0.15ab 1.93; 0.21a 2.17; 0.08b
880 C 2-Methylbutanal 1.36; 0.20a 1.60; 0.20a 1.53; 0.12a 1.26; 0.14a 1.43; 0.15ab 1.58; 0.20b 1.24; 0.09a 1.20; 0.17a 1.25; 0.05a
884 A 3-Methylbutanal 3.60; 0.51a 4.28; 0.48a 4.09; 0.37a 2.35; 0.29a 2.65; 0.23ab 2.79; 0.15b 2.56; 0.18a 2.44; 0.30a 2.46; 0.33a
1084 A Hexanal 0.08; 0.02a 0.07; 0.03a 0.06; 0.01a 0.10; 0.03a 0.09; 0.02a 0.07; 0.01a 0.07; 0.01a 0.04; 0.01a 0.04; 0.01a
962 A 2,3-Butandione 0.53; 0.09a 0.57; 0.08a 0.54; 0.04a 0.34; 0.04a 0.32; 0.02a 0.36; 0.01a 0.32; 0.02ab 0.30; 0.01a 0.33; 0.02b
1058 A 2,3-Pentandione 0.83; 0.12a 0.87; 0.07a 0.85; 0.09a 0.46; 0.04a 0.45; 0.04a 0.48; 0.01a 0.44; 0.01b 0.40; 0.01a 0.45; 0.04b
1359 C Ethylpyrazine 0.14; 0.01b 0.11; 0.02a 0.11; 0.01a 0.17; 0.01ab 0.16; 0.01a 0.19; 0.01b 0.12; 0.01ab 0.12; 0.00a 0.13; 0.01b
1411 C 2-Ethyl-6-methylpyrazine 0.04; 0.00a 0.04; 0.00a 0.04; 0.00a 0.07; 0.00b 0.06; 0.00b 0.07; 0.00a 0.06; 0.01b 0.05; 0.01b 0.05; 0.00a
1475 A 2-Ethyl-3,5-dimethylpyrazine 0.05; 0.00a 0.05; 0.00a 0.04; 0.00a 0.08; 0.00a 0.08; 0.01a 0.08; 0.01a 0.13; 0.04a 0.06; 0.00a 0.06; 0.00a
A 2-Methoxyphenol (guaiacol) 0.03; 0.00a 0.04; 0.00ab 0.08; 0.04b 0.04; 0.00a 0.04; 0.00a 0.04; 0.00a 0.04; 0.00a 0.04; 0.00a 0.04; 0.00a

All values are shown as mean; standard deviation (n = 6). In each row, different letters indicate significant difference (P < 0.05) among different coffee/water ratio in each coffee sample. 1 KI, Kovats index calculated
for the HP-Wax capillary column. 2 The reliability of the identification proposal is indicated by the following: A, mass spectrum, retention time, and Kovats index according to standards; C, mass spectrum, compared
with the Wiley mass spectral databases.

DOI: 10.1002/jsfa
J Sci Food Agric 87:586–592 (2007)
Coffee/water ratio on espresso coffee quality

(a) A100

Percent of judges
b c
60 c
c b b a a c
40 a a a 8.5
b b a b a 7.5
20 a a a b
a b a a 6.5









(b) A20:R80
Percent of judges

80 b
a b a
60 b a b
a a a a 8.5
40 a b b
a a
a b a 7.5
20 b b a a
b 6.5








(c) A20:R80, 50% Torrefacto

Percent of judges

100 b a b c
b c
80 c
a 8.5
60 a b
40 b c a b b 7.5
20 a a 6.5






Figure 1. Influence of coffee/water ratio (g 40 mL−1 ) on espresso coffee flavour profile. For each parameter, different letters indicate significant
differences (P < 0.05) among different coffee/water ratios.

in 8.5 g 40 mL−1 A100 espresso coffee, burnt/roasty, particularly 8.5 g 40 mL−1 A20:R80 espresso coffees,
acrid and fermented flavours were perceived by negative flavours (burnt/roasty, acrid, fermented and
significantly higher percentage of judges, and freshness earthy/musty) were better perceived. These differences
was less detected with coffee/water ratio increase. This between instrumental and sensory analyses, and
sensory flavour profile led us to reject 8.5 g 40 mL−1 among coffee/water ratios could be explained by the
coffee/water ratio in Arabica coffee. well-known greater sensitivity of judges, and by the
2-Methylpropanal, 2-methylbutanal, 3-methylbuta- masking effect over positive flavours of some potent
nal, Strecker degradation products of valine, isoleucine odorants, such as pyrazines23 and others that still
and leucine related to the malty flavour in coffee remain unidentified, which could be extracted in
brews,21,22 were extracted in lower amounts in 6.5 g higher amounts as the coffee/water ratio increased.
40 mL−1 A20:R80 espresso coffees. On the other A similar pattern in the analysis of volatile
hand, pyrazines, which have been related to negative compounds and sensory flavour profile was observed
flavours such as burnt/roasty, woody/papery and in both Robusta blends espresso coffees. Nevertheless,
earthy/musty in ground and brewed coffees, including in torrefacto roast coffees, less positive flavour notes
espresso coffee,12,23,24 were in similar percentages in related to freshness were perceived, maybe due to
all A20:R80 espresso coffees. However, surprisingly, the ability of melanoidins to bind specific volatile
more judges perceived malty/cereal flavours in 6.5 g compounds.25 Furthermore, an acrid flavour was
40 mL−1 A20:R80 espresso coffees whereas in 7.5 and significantly perceived by higher percentage of judges

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