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Self Study Guide

I Part. Administrative information

Teacher´s Name: Daniel Vega Jiménez

Conversational English/Specialty: Electrónica
Subject area: English For Communication
Schedule: Distance Learning: Institution: CTP CARRIZAL
Scenario: 1 ( x ) 2( ) 3( ) 4( )

Established period for the development of the self-study guide:

From February to March, 2021

II Part. Pedagogical Planning

Physical space, materials or teaching Resources that I Student will develop this assessment mostly in class and will be
Will need: (It is important to consider the situation of assisted by the teacher.
each Student)
General instructions: Please read the instructions and listen to teacher’s explanations.
Student will have one week to complete the assessments and present
the evidences.
Detailed Planning of the Activities carried out by the Student.

Goals or Linguistic Achievements: Building personal interaction at the company

Task Outline for the implementation of pedagogical mediation using Blended
Learning Learning
Home ( ) Type:
1. Pre-Task: (Connection-Clarification)
Institution (x) ( x ) Knowledge
Teacher and students will interact about the word SKILLS, the teacher will add the word ________________
JOB SKILL to discuss about it.
- This video will clear a little bit more about this topic: ( ) Performance
2. Task Rehearsal: (Clarification and Collaboration)
( x ) Product
- Student will research on google the following concepts:

o Communication skills: The ability to communicate effectively with superiors,

colleagues, and staff is essential, no matter what industry you work in
o Computer skills: Computer skills are abilities and knowledge which allow you
to use computers and related technology.
o People skills: People skills are patterns of behavior and behavioral interactions
Among people, it is an umbrella term for skills under three related set
of abilities: personal effectiveness, interaction skills, and intercession skills.
o Leadership skills: Leadership skills can help you in all aspects of your career,
from applying for jobs to seeking career advancement.
o Organizational skills: are the abilities that let you stay focused on different
tasks, and use your time, energy, strength, mental capacity, physical space,
o Time management skills: Is the process of organizing and planning how to
divide your time between specific activities.
o Collaboration skills: Enable you to successfully work toward a common goal
with others 3
o Problem-solving skills: Problem solving is the phase that involves the
conclusion of a broader process that has as previous steps the identification
of the problem and its modeling.
o Creativity: the ability to produce or use original and unusual ideas: Too many
rules might deaden creativity.
o Attention to detail: Developing strong attention to detail makes you more effective
in the workplace, increasing your productivity and reducing the likelihood of error.
o Multitasking: it is an apparent human ability to perform more than one task or
activity at the same time.
o Work ethic: is a belief that work and diligence have a moral benefit and an
inherent ability, virtue or value to strengthen character and individual abilities.
o Positivity: Our efforts had a positive effect on the company.

3. Post Task: Construction/ Application (Oral and Written Production)

- Students will explain the concepts googled in the activity before they will have to
present it to the others.

- Please take some time to read the following article

4. Assessment:

- Students will have to fulfil a form associated to a Job Application where employers
ask for personal information and job skills.
- After you fill out the form print it as a PDF again with the corresponding

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