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Lunes 17 de abril, 2023

Curso: Ingles
Evidencia 1

Lizbeth Any Espinoza Espíritu
Mirella Pacho Mamani

Yuly Nataly Payano Cruz
In this opportunity we are going to present
three conversations

A= Good evening!
B= Good evening!  My name is Lizbeth
A= I’m Mirella 
B= How are you?
A= I´m fine, how are you?
B= I´m relaxed, thanks 
A= Nice to meet you.
B= Nice to meet you too. Goodbye
A= Bye.


A= Hello!
B= HI! What´s your name?
A= My name is Mirella Pacho, and you?
B= OK, my name is Lizbeth Espinoza. How old are you?
A= I’m 26 years old, How about you? 
B= I’m 22 years old. 
A= Lizbeth, Are you from Mexico? 
B= No, I´m not. I am from Peru. I am Peruvian.
Where are you from?
A= I am from Spain. I am Spanish.
B= It’s a beautiful country.
A= Yeah, Okey, good to see you.
B= Good to see you too.


A= Hello! Lizbeth
B= Hello! Mirella
A= I love your Hair
B= Thank you, How are you?
A= I´m tired, I work in my mom´s restaurant.
B= Okey, what is the name of her restaurant?
A= Her restaurant name is ¨Good taste¨
B = That sounds good
A= Do you have work?
B= Yes, I do. I work with my brother. He has a business.
A= How old is your brother?
B= He is 26 years old. His favorite activities are sports.
A= it's interesting. Do you have a big family?
B = No, I don´t. I have a small family. There are four family
members in my family. Do you have a big family?
A= Yes, I do. there are ten family members in my family:
my three sisters, my parents, my grandmother and my grandfather,
my aunt and my uncle and me.
B= Okey, there are many members in your family.
A= It was a pleasure talking to you.

B= Okey, see you soon.

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