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Grade: 1st

Title: Geometric and Organic Shapes

Time: Two 50min class periods

Standards: Compare artworks that represent the same subject using artistic foundations


Students will create a drawing of an object using only geometric shapes

Students will create a drawing of the same object using only organic shapes

Students will discuss and compare these artworks in small groups








Shape Element poster (prep tape loops below the cloud shape and the trapezoid shape so that students
can stick cutouts up without help)

Raindrop shaped cut outs

Circle shaped cut outs

Collection of random still life type objects

Stencils for geometric shapes

Sharpies (or any black markers)

Drawing paper

Colored pencils



Introduce the definition of shape and explain the difference between organic shapes and geometric

Together as a class come up with a list of descriptive words for geometric shapes and a list of geometric
shapes (write these words on the board and draw out each shape)

Hand out circle shaped cutouts (enlist a helper if the class is feeling extra wiggly)

Instruct students to draw a geometric shape or write a descriptive word on the paper and stick it to a
piece of tape below the trapezoid

Together as a class come up with a list of descriptive words for organic shapes and list of organic shapes
(write the words on the board and draw out each shape)

Hand out rain drop shaped cutouts (possibly enlist another helper)

Instruct students to draw an organic shape or write a descriptive word on the paper and stick it to a
piece of tape below the cloud



Ask students which part of the poster looks like a more realistic cloud, the organic shape or the
geometric shape.

Explain that different types of shapes can make an artwork more realistic or more weird and interesting.

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