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Teacher Fe edback Opportunity

Year 12 A Level Chemistry Mock Exam

June 2022

Please write clearly in block capitals.

Centre number: ______________________________
Candidate number: ____________________________
Surname Forename(s): _________________________
Candidate signature: I declare this is my own work. _______________________________________

Time allowed: 90 minutes

Materials For this paper you must have:
The Periodic Table
A ruler with millimetre measurements
A scientific calculator
Use black ink or black ball-point pen.

Total Marks: ________/80 Percentage: ____________ GRADE: _________

Teacher Feedback:

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(a) Table 1 shows some data about fundamental particles in an atom.
Table 1

Particle proton neutron electron

Mass / g 1.6725 × 10–24 1.6748 × 10–24 0.0009 × 10–24

(i) An atom of hydrogen can be represented as 1H

Use data from Table 1 to calculate the mass of this hydrogen atom.


(ii) Which one of the following is a fundamental particle that would not be
deflected by an electric field?

A electron

B neutron

C proton

Write the correct letter, A, B or C, in the box.


(b) A naturally occurring sample of the element boron has a relative atomic mass of
In this sample, boron exists as two isotopes, 10B and 11B

(i) Calculate the percentage abundance of 10B in this naturally occurring sample
of boron.






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(ii) State, in terms of fundamental particles, why the isotopes 10B and 11B have
similar chemical reactions.




(c) Complete Table 2 by suggesting a value for the third ionisation energy of boron.
Table 2

First Second Third Fourth Fifth

Ionisation energy / kJ
799 2420 25 000 32 800

(d) Write an equation to show the process that occurs when the second ionisation
energy of boron is measured. Include state symbols in your equation.


(e) Explain why the second ionisation energy of boron is higher than the first ionisation
energy of boron.


(Total 8 marks)

This question is about a volatile liquid, A.

(a) A student does an experiment to determine the relative molecular mass (Mr) of liquid
A using the apparatus shown in the figure below.

The student injects a sample of A into a gas syringe in an oven.

At the temperature of the oven, liquid A vaporises.

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The table shows the student’s results.

Mass of fine needle syringe and contents

11.295 g
before injecting

Mass of fine needle syringe and contents

10.835 g
after injecting

Volume reading on gas syringe before

0.0 cm3

Volume reading on gas syringe after injecting 178.0 cm3

Pressure of gas in syringe 100 kPa

Temperature of oven 120 °C

Calculate the Mr of A.

Give your answer to 3 significant figures.

The gas constant, R = 8.31 J K–1 mol–1

Mr _______________

(b) The student noticed that some of the liquid injected into the gas syringe did not

Explain the effect that this has on the Mr calculated by the student.






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The table is repeated here.

Mass of fine needle syringe and contents

11.295 g
before injecting

Mass of fine needle syringe and contents

10.835 g
after injecting

Volume reading on gas syringe before

0.0 cm3

Volume reading on gas syringe after injecting 178.0 cm3

Pressure of gas in syringe 100 kPa

Temperature of oven 120 °C

(c) Each reading on the balance used to record the mass of the fine needle syringe and
contents had an uncertainty of ±0.001 g

Calculate the percentage uncertainty in the mass of liquid A injected in this


Percentage uncertainty _______________

(Total 7 marks)

This question is about intermolecular forces.

(a) Give the meaning of the term electronegativity.




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(b) Explain how permanent dipole-dipole forces arise between hydrogen chloride







(c) Complete the table by naming the shape of each molecule.

Place a tick (✔) in the final column if the molecule has a permanent dipole.

Tick (✔) if molecule has

Molecule Name of shape
a permanent dipole




(Total 7 marks)

This question is about 1-chloropropane.

(a) Define the term standard enthalpy of formation.





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(b) The equation for a reaction used to manufacture 1-chloropropane is

3 CH3CH2CH2OH(l) + PCl3(l) → 3 CH3CH2CH2Cl(l) + H3PO3(s)

The enthalpy change for this reaction, ΔH, is –114 kJ mol–1

The table contains some standard enthalpy of formation data.

Substance PCl3(l) CH3CH2CH2Cl(l) H3PO3(s)

∆fHө / kJ mol–1 –339 –130 –972

Calculate a value for the standard enthalpy of formation of propan-1-ol using the
enthalpy change for the reaction and data from the table.

Standard enthalpy of formation _______________ kJ mol–1


(c) 1-chloropropane can also be produced by the reaction between propane and
chlorine in the presence of ultraviolet light.

State why ultraviolet light is needed for this reaction to occur.

Give an equation for each propagation step in the formation of 1-chloropropane from

Why ultraviolet light is needed __________________________________________



Propagation step 1 ___________________________________________________


Propagation step 2 ___________________________________________________


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(d) The C–Cl bond in 1-chloropropane is polar because carbon and chlorine have
different electronegativities.

Define the term electronegativity.




(e) Ammonia reacts with 1-chloropropane to form propylamine.

Name and outline the mechanism for this reaction.

Name of mechanism __________________________________________________

Outline of mechanism

(Total 14 marks)

(a) Chlorine displaces iodine from aqueous potassium iodide.

(i) Write the simplest ionic equation for this reaction.


(ii) Give one observation that you would make when this reaction occurs.



(b) In bright sunlight, chlorine reacts with water to form oxygen as one of the products.
Write an equation for this reaction.


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(c) Explain why chlorine has a lower boiling point than bromine.






(Total 5 marks)

2-Methylpropan-1-ol can be prepared by reacting 1-bromo-2-methylpropane with dilute
aqueous sodium hydroxide.

(a) Name and outline the mechanism for this reaction.

Name of mechanism __________________________________________________



(b) When 2.0 cm3 of 1-bromo-2-methylpropane (Mr = 136.9) were reacted with an

excess of sodium hydroxide, 895 mg of 2-methylpropan-1-ol (Mr = 74.0) were

The density of 1-bromo-2-methylpropane is 1.26 g cm−3

Calculate the percentage yield for this reaction.

Percentage yield _________________________________________


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(c) When 1-bromo-2-methylpropane reacts with hot, concentrated ethanolic potassium
hydroxide rather than dilute aqueous sodium hydroxide, a different product is

Name this organic product and name the mechanism for this reaction.

Name of organic product _______________________________________________

Name of mechanism __________________________________________________

(Total 8 marks)

Octane and isooctane are structural isomers with the molecular formula C8H18.
The displayed formulas and boiling points of octane and isooctane are shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1

(a) Give the IUPAC name for isooctane.


(b) Octane and isooctane can be separated in the laboratory.

Name a laboratory technique that could be used to separate isooctane from a

mixture of octane and isooctane.

Outline how this technique separates isooctane from octane.

Name _____________________________________________________________

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Outline ____________________________________________________________





(c) Isooctane is added to petrol to increase its octane rating. Some

high-performance engines require fuel with a higher octane rating.

Write an equation for the complete combustion of isooctane. Use the molecular
formula (C8H18) of isooctane in your equation.


(d) Explain, in general terms, how a catalyst works.




(e) Carbon monoxide is produced when incomplete combustion takes place in

engines. Nitrogen monoxide is another pollutant produced in car engines.

Write an equation to show how these pollutants react together in a catalytic



(f) Platinum, palladium and rhodium are metals used inside catalytic converters.
A very thin layer of the metals is used on a honeycomb ceramic support.

Explain why a thin layer is used in this way.





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(g) Oleic acid (C18H34O2) is a straight-chain fatty acid obtained from plant oils.
Isooctane can be made from oleic acid. The skeletal formula of oleic acid is
shown here

Identify a reagent that could be used in a chemical test to show that oleic acid is
unsaturated. State what would be observed in this test.

Reagent ___________________________________________________________

Observation _________________________________________________________

(Total 12 marks)

Propene reacts with concentrated sulfuric acid to form two isomers, E and F.

The structure of E is shown.

(a) Name and outline the mechanism for the formation of E in this reaction.

Name of mechanism __________________________________________________


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(b) Draw the structure of F.


(c) Explain why more of isomer E than isomer F is formed in this reaction.






(Total 8 marks)

Ethanol can be oxidised slowly to ethanal. State how a sample of ethanol could be tested
to confirm the presence of ethanal. State what you would observe.

Test ___________________________________________________________________

Observation _____________________________________________________________
(Total 2 marks)

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The graph shows the Maxwell−Boltzmann distribution of molecular energies in a sample
of gas at a fixed temperature.

(a) Label the horizontal axis on the graph.


(b) On the graph, sketch a distribution of molecular energies for this sample of gas at a
higher temperature.

(c) This gas decomposes on heating.

Explain why an increase in temperature increases the rate at which this gas





(Total 5 marks)

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This question is about electron configuration.

(a) Give the full electron configuration of an Al atom and of a Cr3+ ion.

Al atom ____________________________________________________________

Cr3+ ion ____________________________________________________________


(b) Deduce the formula of the ion that has a charge of 2+ with the same electron
configuration as krypton.


(c) Deduce the formula of the compound that contains 2+ ions and 3− ions that both
have the same electron configuration as argon.

(Total 4 marks)

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Mark schemes

(a) (i) 1.6734 × 10−24 (g)

1.6734 × 10−27 kg
Not 1.67 × 10−24 (g).

(ii) B

(b) (i) = 10.8

OR ratio 10:11 = 1:4 OR 20:80 etc

Allow idea that there are 5 × 0.2 divisions between 10 and

abundance of 10B is 20(%)


= 10.8

10x + 1100 − 11x = 1080

∴ x = 1100 − 1080 = 20%

Correct answer scores M1 and M2.

(ii) Same number of electrons (in outer shell or orbital)

Ignore electrons determine chemical properties.

Same electronic configuration / arrangement

Ignore protons unless wrong.

(c) Range between 3500 and 10 000 kJ mol−1


(d) B+(g) B2+(g) + e(−)

B+(g) − e(−) B2+(g)

B+(g) + e(−) B2+(g) + 2e(−)

Ignore state symbol on electron even if wrong.

(e) Electron being removed from a positive ion (therefore needs more energy) /
electron being removed is closer to the nucleus
Must imply removal of an electron.

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Allow electron removed from a + particle / species or from a
2+ ion.
Not electron removed from a higher / lower energy level /
Not electron removed from a higher energy sub-level /
Ignore electron removed from a lower energy sub-level /
Ignore ‘more protons than electrons’.
Not ‘greater nuclear charge’.
Ignore ‘greater effective nuclear charge’.
Ignore shielding.

(a) M1 n = pV / RT
M1 for rearrangement

M2 for three unit conversions

M3 n = 5.45 × 10−3 mol

Mr = mass/mol or 0.460 / 5.45 × 10−3

M3 for calculating the amount in moles of A

M4 Mr = 84.4 Answer must be to 3 sig.fig.

M4: 0.460 / M3 given to 3sf

(b) Calculated Mr value would be greater than actual

Mr = mass / moles so dividing by too small a value of moles
gives a larger Mr than expected.

A lower volume would have been recorded / mass evaporated less than mass of
liquid / lower moles calculated / mass recorded higher than mass of gas / mass
recorded would be too high
M2 dependent on correct M1

(c) % uncertainty = (uncertainty / mass added) x 100

= ((2 x 0.001) / 0.460} x 100 = 0.435%


(a) Power of an atom to attract a pair of electrons in a covalent bond.
Allow power of an atom to attract a bonding/shared pair of

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Allow power of an atom to withdraw electron density from a
covalent bond
Not lone pair Not Element

(b) Difference in electronegativity leads to bond polarity

If chloride (ions) mentioned then CE = 0

(dipoles don’t cancel therefore the molecule has an overall permanent dipole) and
there is an attraction between ∂+ on one molecule and ∂− on another
partial charges should be correct if shown and can score M2
from diagram

1 shape &
SiH4 Tetrahedral
no tick

Pyramidal (trigonal) 1 shape &

PH3 ✓
Allow tetrahedral tick

1 shape &
BeCl2 Linear
no tick

1 shape &
CH3Cl (Distorted)Tetrahedral ✓

If shapes are drawn rather than named then penalise first mark gained

(a) M1 The enthalpy / heat energy change when 1 mol (of a substance / compound /
product) is formed from its (constituent) elements
M1 energy change is not sufficient – must refer to enthalpy
change or heat energy change

M2 with (all) reactants and products / all substances in standard states

M2 or with (all) reactants and products / substances in
normal states under standard conditions / 100 kPa and any
specified temperature (usually 298 K)
Ignore reference to 1 atmosphere
If enthalpy of combustion given rather than formation, then
mark M1 and M2 independently, and M2 could score.

(b) M1 ∆H = [sum ∆fH products] – [sum ∆fH reactants]

or –114 = [3(–130) – 972] – [3X – 339]

or 3X = 3(–130) – 972 + 339 + 114

–303 scores 3 marks (+303 scores 2 marks)

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–909 scores 2 marks (+909 scores 1 mark)
ignore units

M2 3X = –909
M2 No ECF from M1 (except +909 or arithmetic error)

M3 X = –303 (kJ mol–1)

M3 ECF from M2, ie M3 ÷ 3

(c) M1 provides energy to break (covalent) bond in chlorine / Cl2 or to form chlorine
free radicals

M2 CH3CH2CH3 + •Cl → •CH2CH2CH3 + HCl


M3 •CH2CH2CH3 + Cl2 → ClCH2CH2CH3 + •Cl

M2 and M3:
• must show structure of •CH2CH2CH3 in at least one of
the equations to score both marks (dot must be on or around
the end CH2 group), but only penalise •C3H7 once across
both equations if both equations otherwise correct
• on this occasion, molecular formula of propane can be
allowed for M2
• on this occasion, molecular formula of 1-chloropropane
can be allowed for M3
• penalise absence of radical dots once
• allow equations in either order

(d) the ability/power of atom to attract/withdraw the 2/pair of electrons in a covalent

allow nucleus in place of atom

(e) M1 nucleophilic substitution


M2 curly arrow from lone pair on N of NH3 to the correct C atom

Penalise M2 if negative charge on ammonia

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M3 must show the movement of a pair of electrons from the C−Cl bond to the Cl
atom; mark M3 independently provided it is from their original molecule
Penalise M3 for formal charge on C and/or Cl of C–Cl or
incorrect partial charges on C–Cl; ignore other partial
charges on uncharged atoms
Penalise M3 for any additional arrow(s) to/from the Cl to/from
anything else

M4 is for the structure of the alkylammonium ion, which could be a condensed

a positive charge must be shown on, or close to, the N atom

M5 is for an arrow from the N−H bond to the N atom

The second molecule of NH3 is not essential for M5, but
penalise M5 if used incorrectly (but only penalise once in M2
and M5 for negative charge on ammonia)
SN1 mechanism alternative (loss of Cl first followed by
attack by NH3) :
M2 curly arrow from C–Cl bond to the Cl
M3 curly arrow from lone pair of NH3 to correct C on the
correct carbocation

(a) (i) ½Cl2 + I − ½ I2 + Cl−
Only these two equations.


Cl2 + 2I− I2 + 2Cl−


(ii) (Solution turns from colourless to) brown / red-brown solution

Allow grey / black solid.
Ignore “purple”.

(b) 2Cl2 + 2H2O 4HCl + O2

(4H+ + 4Cl−)
Credit multiples.

(c) M1 The relative size (of the molecules / atoms)

Chlorine is smaller than bromine OR has fewer electrons / electron shells
OR It is smaller / It has a smaller atomic radius / it is a smaller molecule / or
has smaller Mr
(or converse for bromine)
Ignore general Group 7 statements.
For M1 ignore whether it refers to molecules or atoms.

M2 How size of the intermolecular force affects energy needed

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The forces between chlorine / Cl2 molecules are weaker (than the forces
between bromine / Br2 molecules leading to less energy needed to separate
the molecules)
(or converse for bromine)
OR chlorine / Cl2 has weaker / less / fewer forces between molecules OR
chlorine / Cl2 has weaker / less / fewer intermolecular forces
(or converse for bromine)
CE=0 for reference to (halide) ions.
QoL for clear reference to the difference in size of the force
between molecules.
Penalise M2 if (covalent) bonds are broken.

(a) M1 nucleophilic substitution

Penalise M3 for formal charge on C and/or Br of C‑Br or

incorrect partial charges on C‑Br
Max 1 out of 2 for M2 & M3 for incorrect reactant or product
(ignore poorly drawn bond from C to OH group in product if
For SN2
penalise M2 for any additional arrow(s) on NaOH
penalise M3 for any additional arrow(s) to/from the Br to/from
anything else

M2 curly arrow from lone pair on O of OH− to C of C‑Br


M3 curly arrow from C‑Br bond to the Br

If SN mechanism given (loss of Br first followed by attack by

OH−) then:
M2 curly arrow from C-Br bond to the Br
M3 curly arrow from lone pair on O of OH− to positive C atom
of correct carbocation
penalise M2 for any additional arrow(s) to/from the Br to/from
anything else
penalise M3 for any additional arrow(s) on NaOH

If curly arrows represent an attempt at an elimination

mechanism, cannot score M2 or M3

(b) M1 Amount 1-bromo-2-methylpropane

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(= (2 × 1.26) / 136.9 = 2.52/136.9) = 0.0184 mol
Correct answer scores 3 marks; answer to at least 2sf and
any individual marks for M1/2 should be at least 2sf; answers
that are a factor of 10x out score 2;

M2 mass of 2-methylpropan-1-ol expected

(= 0.0184 × 74.0) = 1.36 g
Allow ECF through the question

M3 % yield = 100 × (0.895/1.36) = 65.7% (65-67%)

Alternative method:

M2 amount of 2-methylpropan-1-ol produced

= 0.895/74.0 = 0.0121 mol
M3 % yield = 100 × (0.0121/0.0184) = 65.7% (65‑67%)

Allow 2 marks for 82.7‑83% (comes from starting with 2 g not

2.52 g), with answers that are a factor of 10x out from this
scoring 1

(c) M1 methylpropene
M1 Do not allow any names with numbers for the position of
the double bond. Allow 2-methylpropene but no other answer
Ignore any drawn mechanism

M2 elimination
M2 allow base (or basic) elimination but no other answer

(a) 2,2,4-trimethylpentane
This answer only but ignore punctuation

(b) M1 (fractional or simple) distillation

Incorrect process in M1 CE=0
If M1 blank, mark on for M2 and M3 (ignore boiling,

M2 idea that isooctane / the one with the lower boiling point boils (first)
(or reaches top of column first)
Ignore reference to octane boiling and being collected at
higher temperature
If temperature referred to, should be between 99 and 124°C
“it” refers to isooctane
M2 – allow vaporises/evaporates first

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M3 idea that isooctane condenses / liquefies and collected
Penalise M2 and M3 if octane boils first
In M2 and M3 – if no specific reference to individual alkanes,
could score one mark for M2 + M3 combined if M2 and M3
both otherwise correct
M2 and M3 must refer to a laboratory apparatus (not to an
industrial process)

(c) C8H18 + 12½O2 → 8CO2 + 9H2O

Accept multiples; ignore state symbols
Accept any correct structural representation of isooctane

(d) M1 Alternative route/mechanism/pathway


M2 With lower activation energy

Accept Ea for activation energy

(e) 2CO + 2NO → 2CO2 + N2

Accept multiples; ignore state symbols

(f) M1 to reduce amount of metals needed / small amount of metal needed

Relates to low amount of metal

M2 Increase / maximise / produce large surface area or to give catalyst a

larger surface area: volume ratio or so that high(er) proportion of
atoms/metal is on surface
Is related to large surface area

(g) M1 bromine (water or in organic solvent or CCl4) / Br2 (aq) / Br2

No reagent or an incorrect reagent (e.g. bromide), CE=0;
Penalise Br (or incorrect formula of other correct reagent) but
mark on for M2
It must be a whole reagent and/or correct formula
If oxidation state given in name, it must be correct
If ‘manganate’ or ‘manganate(IV)’ or incorrect formula,
penalise M1 but mark on
Ignore ‘acidified’

M2 (orange/yellow to) colourless / decolourised / loses its colour

Ignore goes clear
Ignore brown/red, but penalise other incorrect colours
M1 = potassium manganate(VII), M2 = colourless
M1 = conc sulfuric acid, M2 = brown

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M1 = iodine, M2 = colourless

(a) M1 electrophilic addition

All arrows are double-headed. Penalise one mark

from the total for M2-5 if half headed arrows are
Do not penalise the "correct" use of "sticks"
Penalise only once in any part of the mechanism
for a line and two dots to show a bond

M2 must show an arrow from the double bond towards the H

atom of the H2SO4 molecule
For M2/3, the full structure of H2SO4 does not
need to be shown, but the key features for the
mechanism should be shown and the formula
must be correct. Penalise only once in M2/3 an
incorrect but genuine attempt at the structure of
sulfuric acid
M2 ignore partial negative charges on the double

M3 must show the breaking of the H-O bond in H2SO4

M3 penalise incorrect partial charges on the H–O
bond and penalise formal charges

M4 is for the structure of the correct carbocation

Penalise M4 if there is a bond drawn to the
positive charge

M5 must show an arrow from the lone pair of electrons on

the negatively charged oxygen of HSO4– towards the
positively charged atom of their carbocation drawn
Max 3 of 4 marks (M2-5) for wrong organic
reactant or wrong carbocation (ignore structure of
If attack is shown from C=C to H+ rather than
H2SO4, then allow M2 but not M3

Page 25 of 28
For M5, credit attack on a partially positively
charged carbocation structure, but penalise M4
for the structure of the carbocation.
For M5, the full structure of HSO4– is not essential, but attack must
come from a lone pair on an individual oxygen on HSO4–, but the –
sign could by anywhere on the ion (e.g.: OSO3H–)


Any correct structural formula, including OSO3H

bonded through O to correct C

(c) M1 idea that E is formed from/via more stable carbocation

M1-2 Allow carbonium ion in place of carbocation

M2 idea that 2y carbocation is more stable than 1y carbocation

M2 Allow descriptions in terms of number of alkyl
groups attached to positive C atom
Ignore reference to inductive effect
Penalise M1 if answer suggests that the products
are carbocations (but could score M2)
In order to access M1 and/or M2 there must be
some reference to carbocations (carbonium ions)
by name or structure or description

Add Tollens / Fehling’s / Benedict’s reagent / ir spectra
Accept any other chemically correct reagent and observation

Silver mirror / blue to red OR red precipitate (with ethanal) / peak at 1700 cm–1 (in
Must have correct test to access second mark
Accept ‘silver’. Do not accept ‘silver solution’
Give one mark for ‘silver mirror test’ and ‘silver mirror’
Accept correct answer based on n.m.r. spectra

(a) energy

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Ignore reference to
• any units (e.g. J, kJ, J mol−1, kJ mol−1)
• particles
• molecules
• kinetic
NOT mean energy or average energy

(b) M1 maximum peak height is lower and displaced to the right of the original
M2 all of the following
• starts at the origin but does not follow the original line
• shows separation as soon as possible from the original line
• crosses the original curve once only
• similar area to original curve
• an attempt has been made to draw the new curve correctly towards the
energy axis above the original curve but not to touch the original curve (or

(c) M1 an increase in the number/amount/proportion/fraction of molecules

E ≥ Ea / with activation energy
or more molecules have E ≥ Ea / with activation energy
or more molecules have enough / sufficient energy (to react)
• Molecules have more energy
• More energetic collisions
• More collisions

Allow E > Ea in place of E ≥ Ea

Credit particles for molecules (but not atoms)
Penalise for M1 reference to increased activation energy
M2 more successful / effective / productive collisions in a given time / period
or higher rate of successful / effective / productive collisions
or higher frequency of successful / effective / productive collisions
Must refer to both idea of successful / effective / productive
collisions and the rate / frequency of collisions
Ignore ‘chance of collision’

(a) 1s22s22p63s23p1

If noble gas core used correctly in both then scores 1
Allow subscripts and capitals

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Ignore 4s0

(b) Sr2+
Ignore name and correct proton/mass number
Allow Sr+2

(c) Ca3P2
Allow reversed or ionic formula
Ignore name

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