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Clasa a VII-a
Faza zonală – 10 martie 2012
Varianta 1


Subject 1
Mr. Jones woke early one morning, before the sun had risen. It was a beautiful morning, so he
went to the window and looked out. He was surprised to see a neatly dressed, middle-aged professor,
who worked in the university just up the road from Mr. Jones’s house, coming from the direction of
the town. He had grey hair and thick glasses, and was carrying an umbrella, a morning newspaper
and a bag. Mr. Jones thought that he must have arrived by the night train and decided to walk to the
university instead of taking a taxi.
Mr. Jones had a big tree in his garden, and the children had tied a long rope to one of its
branches, so that they could swing on it.
Mr. Jones was surprised to see the professor stop when he saw the rope, and look carefully up
and down the road. When he saw that there was nobody in sight, he stepped into the garden (there
was no fence), put his umbrella, newspaper, bag and hat neatly on the grass and took hold of the
rope. He pulled it hard to see whether it was strong enough to take his weight, then ran as fast as he
could and swung into the air on the end of the rope, his grey hair blowing all around his face.
Backwards and forwards he swung, occasionally taking a few more running steps on the grass when
the rope began to swing too slowly for him.
At last the professor stopped, straightened his tie, combed his hair carefully, put on his hat,
picked up his umbrella, newspaper and bag, and continued on his way to the university, looking as
quiet and correct and respectable as one would expect a professor to be.

1. Are the following statements true or false? (3points)

a. When Mr. Jones woke up, it was still dark:

b. Mr. Jones’s garden was protected by a fence:
c. The professor was carrying an umbrella because it was raining

2. Find a synonym for each of the words below from these six options. (4 points)


a. If, supposing, provided that

b. That can be seen
c. Tidily
d. Cord or thick and long string

3. Choose a, b or c in each question below. Only one choice is correct. (3points)

1. The university was
a. near Mr Jones’s house.
b. far from Mr Jones’s house.
c. next to Mr Jones’s house.
2. The professor stopped by the rope because
a. he thought that it was dangerous for the children.
b. he wanted to untie it from the tree.
c. he wanted to play with it.
3. The professor pulled the rope because he wanted to check that
a. it was safely tied to the tree.
b. it could hold him before swinging on it.
c. he was sure he would break it.

Subject 2
Put the verbs in the correct form than match the two parts of each sentence (10 points)

1. If you….(be) hungry… a) she…….(tell) him the news.

2. If he …….(go) on holiday… b) you’ll have to eat.
3. If she sees him… c) he’ll send you a postcard.
4. If we …(not go) swimming… d) they…(buy) a boat.
5. If they win the lottery… e) we’ll phone you and do something else.

Subject 3
Write the verbs in the correct form. (15 points)

a. What type of car ……… your father……..(drive) ?

I ……….. (not know) the name, but it starts with “P”. That’s strange, our car starts with a key.
b. What ……….you……….. (do) in my apple tree last night, young man?
Well, one of your apples …………… (fall) down when I …….(pass) your garden so I …….(put)
it back for you!
c. Why are you only wearing one glove? Did you lose one?
No, I ………… (find) one.
d. John, what were you doing out there in the rain?
I …………… (get) wet, mum!
e. The police ………….(look) for a man with one eye called Smith. What’s his other eye called?
f. Darling, I want to see the world!
I ……. (give) you an atlas for your next birthday, then.
g. I …………. (sing) since I was two years old.
No wonder you’ve lost your voice.
h. Doctor, I’m very nervous. This is the first time I …….. (ever/need) an operation.
Don’t worry, I feel the same. This is the first operation ………. (ever/perform).
i. I know what you’re going to do tonight.
All right then. What ……. I ……… (do) ?
You ……… (sleep), of course.

Subject 4
Fill in the correct word derived from the words in bold. (5 points)

1. It was a very..................... injury. PAIN

2. Witches and wizards have powers. MAGIC
3. These oranges are very.......... JUICE
4. Our neighbors are not very……. FRIEND
5. May I borrow your pencil sharpener? Mine is……. USE
Subject 5
Read the following passage. Write the correct comparative and superlative forms of
the adjectives in parentheses in the blank spaces. ( 10 points)

Paul likes playing football. He’s a very good player, but his friend Sally is a 1..........................(good)
player. She’s 2.......................... (good) player in the whole school. She is 3.......................... (fast) and
4.......................... (strong) than all the boys, even the boys who are 5.......................... (old) and
6.......................... (big) than her. That’s why Paul likes her. Paul thinks all games are exciting, but
football is 7.......................... (exciting) game and it’s 8.......................... (noisy) than all the other
games he plays with his friends. When the grass is wet, everyone gets dirty when they play football.
But Sally gets 9.......................... (dirty) and 10.......................... (wet) than everyone else.

Subject 6
Fill in the correct relative pronoun. (10 points)
1. This is the school …… I used to study.
2. This test is for students …… native language is not English.
3. The students …… lost his bag is waiting in the office.
4. The house …… they live needs repairing.
5. Children …… eat a lot of candy often get bad teeth.
6. The teacher, ……every student is afraid of, is really very nice.
7. I ate all the cake ……. you gave me.
8. Look at the horses …… are drinking in the river.
9. The student …… father is sick does not come to school today.
10. I ate all the cake …… you gave me.

II. WRITING (30 points)

Subject 7
Composition (100-130 words) Do professors and teachers always behave as people expect them
to do?

Toate subiectele sunt obligatorii.

Se acordă 10 puncte din oficiu.
Timp de lucru 2 ore.




Clasa a VII-a
Faza zonală – 10 martie 2012
Varianta 1

Barem de corectare şi notare

I. 10x 1 = 10 points
1) a. T 2) a. whether d. rope 3) 1. a
b. F b. in sight 2. c
c. F c. straighten 3. b
II. 5 x 2= 10 points
1. – b ( are)
2. – c (goes)
3. – a (will tell)
4. – e (don’t go)
5. – d (will buy)
III. 15x1=15 points
a. does… don’t know f. will give
b. were you doing/ fell/ was passing/put g. have been singing
c. found h. have ever needed/ have ever performed
d. was getting i. am I going to do/are going to sleep
e. is looking
IV. 5x1=5 points
1. painful
2. magical
3. juicy
4. friendly
5. useless
V. 10x1=10 points
1. better 6. bigger
2. the best 7. the most exciting
3. faster 8. noisier
4. stronger 9. dirtier
5. older 10. wetter
VI. 10x1=10 points
1. where 6. whom
2. whose 7. that
3. who 8. which
4. where 9. whose
5. who 10. that

VII. 30 points
10 puncte din oficiu

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