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Title: End of unit exhibition

(1st Grade, 20 students, 60 minutes)


Students will participate in a VTS style discussion on the following works

Vincent Van Gogh, The Red Vineyard, 1888
Joshua Petker, Facing Away, 2010

Students will select an artwork for display that uses their selected element of art

Students will write an artist statement to display next to their work

Standards: Choose artwork based on a theme or concept for an exhibit Use art vocabulary to express preference about artwork


Smart board or dry erase board

Write out objectives on the board prior to class
Slideshow (Van Gogh and Petker)
Project display boards, each labeled with an element of art (stick a sign-up sheet with 5 slots to each)
Blue tack
Printed artist statement template sheets (and filled out example)
Example artwork for demo
Victim sticks (popsicle sticks with student's names)
Make sure students have access to all the work they have created throughout the unit

Begin class by reading out the objectives for the day

Intro/VTS: (15 min)

Explain that this VTS will be a little different from normal, we will discuss two pieces and just talk about
what we see on each one and then we will talk about them together
Begin by giving students 30 seconds to look at the first piece
Ask students “what do you see?” And “what do you see that makes you say that?” And build up a visual
inventory for this piece
Move on to the second piece and repeat the same steps
Move on to the last slide that shows both pieces together and ask “how are these two pieces similar or
different” as students think of differences and similarities, write them out on the board.
Talk about the many reasons that a museum or an artist may choose to display artworks together. Bring
in the similarities that the students thought of (ex. Color, texture, painting, different artists)
Tell students that today we will display works together based on the theme of elements of art.

Demo/Instructions: (15-20 min)

Instruct students to get out their artworks they made throughout the unit and think about which ones
they may want to display. Instruct students to think about the elements of art that they used in each
piece. Give students a few minutes to look and think before starting the sign-up process.
Teacher will draw students names out of a can to decide who gets to sign up first for elements of art
Each element will have 5 slots to sign up so that students who sign up last will still have a choice

Demo how to use blue tack to hang up artwork without damaging it. Also show students that the artist
statement sheet and title card will be displayed next to the work. Also remind students to hang up the
artwork as neatly and straight as they can. Displaying artwork nicely shows that the work is important.

Hand out blank artist statements, read out the questions, and give example answers

Work time: (25-30 min)

Students will use this time to choose an artwork, fill out the artist statement, and hang them both up
using the blue tack.
Teacher will assist students with spelling, ensure students are filling out all sections of the artist
statement, and assist with hanging up artworks.


Final display – display must include one artwork and artist statement. Display must be neatly hung
Artist statement – must identify element of art and explain how it is used in the piece, must give one
reason that the artist chose to display this piece, and must include artists name and title of piece.

Visual literacy connection and how it relates to a larger unit:

Students will practice meaningful looking during the VTS discussion, when choosing an artwork, and
when filling out the artist statement.

The lesson focuses on the elements of art and students must identify and justify their use of the element
they choose.

Students will bring in their prior knowledge during the VTS discussion by answering the question “what
do you see that makes you say that” and while filling out the more open ended second part of the artist

This lesson would cap off a larger unit on the elements and principles of art. It gives students a chance to
reflect on their past work and allows them to choose what they are most proud to display.

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