LDM Course

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Republic of the Philippines

Pangulo, Calatrava, Romblon




Read the LDM Course Overview. Reflect on the overview by answering the following
questions. Write down your insights in your Study Notebook.

1. What is the main delivery of this course?

- The main delivery of this course was about the knowledge on different learning delivery
modalities and platforms, its implementation and preparation of learning materials and

2. How can this course help ensure that you will be able to deliver quality instruction in
the “new normal”?
- The LDM Course 2 was provided with different parts of modules, lectures, and activities
that will prepare the teachers with skills and knowledge that would be necessary for the
delivery of new normal of teaching this year.

3. What are the two support mechanisms that will help you with your learning in this
- The two support mechanisms that will help me with my learning in this course are; the
course itself that focused on the implementation and management of alternative
learning delivery system at all levels in education system and next is the collaboration
with my co – teachers and mentors for various points in the modules.


Answer the following questions by copying and filling out the table in your Study Notebook.
1. How will my personal characteristics and circumstances affect (positively or
negatively) my participation in this course?
- I felt motivated to learn and participate on this course because it will help me improve and
learn new teaching skills in the new normal and to successfully implement the different
types of alternative learning modalities.
2. How can I ensure that I am able to sustain my strengths and address the obstacles
that will hinder me from completing this course?
- My eagerness to succeed in the new normal of teaching and through the effort and
collaboration of my co – teachers and mentors will make me sustain my strengths and
overcome the obstacles to learn and complete this course.
(What is it that I (What will prevent (What will push me (Where will I
repeatedly me from to accomplish the
do that may affect participating fully in participate in this requirements of this
my this course?) course?
participation in the course?) Describethis
course in environment.)
a positive or
negative way?)
- the repetition of - Unstable - For learners’ - To a place where
coming back and internet sake internet
forth in running connection - For a successful connection is
for a strong teaching – fast.
internet learning delivery - Safe and free
connection. from
- The repetition in disturbances.
signing in with
the link provided
through zoom


Begin by refreshing your memory on the Learning Action Cell. Read DepEd Order No. 35
s. 2016 titled “The Learning Action Cell as the K to 12 Basic Education Program School-
Based Continuing Professional Development Strategy for the Improvement of Teaching and
Once you’re done, answer the following questions. Write your responses and any other
ideas and reflections in your Study Notebook.

1. Reflect on the objectives for conducting LAC sessions as listed in DO 35, s. 2016.
Rank the following objectives from easiest to the most difficult to achieve:
_2_ To improve the teaching-learning process to improve learning among students
_1_ To nurture successful teachers
_3_ To enable teachers to support each other to continuously improve their content
and pedagogical knowledge, practice, skills, and attitudes
_4_ To foster a professional collaborative spirit among School Heads, teachers, and
the community as a whole

2. What are the top three challenges to having a successful LAC? List down and
2.1. Setting up of resources. Setting up resources in having a LAC such setting the gadget to
be used in a LAC session in internet connectivity before the implementation of the session is
hard especially in the area with low internet connectivity. And so there is a need for us to
look for a venue with strong connection.
2.2. Formation of LAC. Since not all LAC members have the strong internet connection, it is
hard to gather them virtually. Hence, formation of the LAC is being affected.
2.3. Assignment of Work. Some LAC members chosen to be assigned in a task is hard to
reach out due to poor cellular signals/net connection.

List down the members of your LAC and their respective roles in your Study Notebook.

NIEL M. BAJAO – LAC Documenter

Prepared by:


Master Teacher – I / T.I.C.

ACTIVITY 1. Answer the following reflective questions in your Study Notebook:

1. The closure of schools around the world due to the global pandemic posed
seriouschallenges on the delivery of quality basic education. As a teacher, what do youthink
are the fundamental concerns in terms of curriculum standards that need to beaddressed in
order to ensure learning continuity? Cite a specific example. Do you
think these concerns could be solved by teachers alone? Why or why not?
- Despite the challenges of teaching now due to pandemic, as a teacher, I must focus on
addressing the basic and most important learning competency of our subjects. I should
know what need to be prioritize and important to learn. It must be applicable in our real
life situation. For example, reading and comprehension skills is very important are not
just the problem in primary level but also in intermediate level specifically in lower
section class which I am handling. Teacher couldn’t do this alone with the face to face
teaching. Therefore, collaborative effort of parents and guardians is important to be
able to make this distance learning modality a successful one.

2. Even prior to the spread of COVID-19 that eventually led to the closure of schools
nationwide, the congested curriculum has been a perennial problem of teachers
(Andaya, 2018). This is perceived to be one of the hindering factors on the poor
performance of Filipino learners. Do you agree with this observation? Why or why
- Yes.And as a teacher, I experienced difficulty on finishing the topic at the end of the
quarter with such limited time allotted on the teaching learning process. A mastery on
learning competency is important before proceeding on the next lesson.

Familiarize yourself with the course reading on the Development and Design of the MELCs.
After going through the document, provide a brief and concise response to the following
guide questions. Write your answers in your Study Notebook.
1. What are the general and specific purposes of the development of MELCs?
- MELCs serve as one of the teachers’ guide in addressing the instructional needs of learners
ensuring that curriculum standards are achieved and sustained. Furthermore, MELCs intend
to assist schools in navigating the limited number of school days as they employ multiple
delivery schemes by providing ample instructional space.
2. How does curriculum review aid in the identification of essential learning competencies?
- the curriculum review aid in the identification of essential learning competencies by
mapping the essential and desirable learning competencies within the curriculum,
identifying the pre- requisite knowledge and skills needed to prepare pupils for essential
learning competencies. Curriculum review also aid in the identification of essential learning
competencies by analyzing whether the learning competencies are interconnected.
3. What is the difference between essential learning competencies and desirable
learning competencies?
- Essential learning competencies are what the learners need, considered indispensable, in
the teaching-learning process to building skills to equip learners for subsequent grade levels
and consequently for lifelong learning. On the other hand, desirable learning competencies
were defined as what may enhance education but may not be necessary in building
foundational skills.
4. How were the most essential learning competencies identified? What were the decisions
made in order to trim down the number of the essential learning competencies further?
- Most essential learning competencies were being identified through aligning these
learning competencies with national, state, and or local standards/frameworks. This
connects the content to higher concepts across the content areas. Decisions regarding
trimming down the number of the essential learning competencies were made such as
learning competency is retained if it satisfies the endurance criterion which greatly
contributes to life – long learning and is a pre – requisite skill to the next grade level. Some
learning competencies were merged/clustered if they have the same objective or learning
intention and can therefore be combined into one comprehensive learning competency,
and with the same intention. While a significant number of learning competencies were
removed/dropped due to the following reasons:They are too specific, and the articulation is
similar to that of a learning objective They are deemed appropriate to be introduced in an
earlier quarter or grade level or moved to a later quarter or grade level; They are recurring;
They are subsumed in another learning competency. Finally, certain competencies were
rephrased to be more concise.

5. What is the importance of the MELCs in ensuring the delivery of quality instruction?
- MELCs help in ensuring the delivery of quality instruction by way of accommodating the
varying contexts if learners, teachers, learning environment and support structures
considering both the context and performance standards. In addition, MELCs help students
learn the concepts and skills through meaningful activities and scenarios relatable to them
and within the context of the students' own environment. The MELCs are implementable as
long as the designed activities also teach the procedures and processes on how and when to
apply those knowledge and skills in a given context. With these, learners are assured
relevant and quality basic education despite the current health crisis. The Department of
Education, through the Office of the Undersecretary for Curriculum and Instruction, shall
gather relevant feedback on a regular basis from internal units and external partners and
stakeholders in the implementation of these guidelines in order to further enhance the
ongoing review of the K to 12 curriculum.

Prepare a copy of your learning area’s original K-12 Curriculum Guide and corresponding list
of MELCs.
Go to the sections of the curriculum guide and MELCs that are relevant to your instructional
needs. Copy and accomplish the following table in your Study Notebook and compare the
two documents to determine which learning competencies were retained, dropped, or

Math 6 K to 12 Learning MELCs

Merged/ Clustered - adds and subtracts - adds simple fractions
simple fractions and and mixed numbers
mixed numbers without without or with
or with regrouping. regrouping. subtracts
(M6NS-Ia-86 ) simple fractions and
- solves routine and non- mixed numbers without
routine problems or with regrouping.
involving addition - solvesroutine problems
and/or subtraction of involving addition and/or
fractions using subtraction of fractions
appropriate problem using appropriate
solving strategies and problem-solving
tools. (M6NS-Ia-87.3) strategies and tools.
- solvesnon-routine
problems involving
addition and/or
subtraction of fractions
using appropriate
strategies and tools.
Retained - adds and subtracts - adds simple fractions
simple fractions and and mixed numbers
mixed numbers without without or with
or with regrouping. regrouping. subtracts
(M6NS-Ia-86 ) simple fractions and
- solves routine and non- mixed numbers without
routine problems or with regrouping.
involving addition - solvesroutine problems
and/or subtraction of involving addition and/or
fractions using subtraction of fractions
appropriate problem using appropriate
solving strategies and problem-solving
tools. (M6NS-Ia-87.3) strategies and tools.
- solvesnon-routine
problems involving
addition and/or
subtraction of fractions
using appropriate
strategies and tools.
Dropped creates problems (with
reasonable answers)
involving addition and/or
subtraction of fractions.


Familiarize yourself with the course reading on Unpacking and Combining the MELCs. After
reading the document, provide a brief and concise response to the following guide
questions in your Study Notebook:
1. What is the importance of unpacking and combining the MELCs?
- The importance of unpacking and combining the MELCs is to systematize learning activities
and effectively address the varying needs of learners and challenges of instructional
2. What considerations must be taken in unpacking and combining the MELCs? Explain
- Alignment in the content and performance standards must be taken consideration.
Although MELCs are unpacked and combined they should remain parallel to the content and
performance standards to achieve the main objectives. Prerequisite knowledge and skills
must also be taken into consideration in unpacking and combining MELCs. Identify first the
skills you want to develop from the learners before unpacking and combining the
competencies. After this, consider whether the MELCs you have combined are achievable or

3. Do all the MELCs need to be unpacked or combined? Why or why not?

- All the MELCs don’t necessarily need to be combined since there are competencies
which are easy to achieve and doesn’t take much time of learning. Meaning some
competencies are easy to learn and learners can learn in a day.

1. Form a group of four members within your LAC, preferably with fellow teachers in
your respective learning area.
2. Using the curriculum guide and a list of the MELCs, choose MELCs in the first quarter
andunpack these into learning objectives.
3. Each team will present their unpacked learning objectives. Discussion and processing
will follow each presentation. Suggestions and insights from each group will be considered
in enhancing the learning objectives.
Repeat the above process but instead of unpacking, each team will now combine at least
two MELCs of their choice. Group deliberation will be observed in order to arrive at a
Discuss and jot down the synthesis of the presentations in your Study Notebook.

Content Standards Performance Most Essential Sub-Competencies

Standards Learning
Naipamamalasang Naipamamalasangka Nakapagmumungka Naiisa-
pang- sanayansapaggamitn hingmgaparaanupa isaangmgakala
unawasapagkakakila gmapasapagtukoyngi ngmabawasanange midad at
nlanngbansaayonsa ba’tibanglalawigan pektongkalamidad epektongnaidu
mgakatangiangheogr at rehiyonngbansa dulotngmgaito
apikalgamitangmapa. Natutukoyang

Unpacked Most Essential Learning Competencies in AP

Combined Most Essential Learning Competencies

Natutukoyangmgahangganan at lawakngteritoryo ng Pilipinas gamit angmapa at


Submit your Activity 2 Outputs to your LAC Leader. Make sure to keep a copy of your

Prepared by:


Master Teacher – I / T.I.C.


Do a quick check of your knowledge of the four modalities prescribed in the LCP - face – to -
face (F2F) learning, DL, blended learning (BL), and homeschooling. In your own words,
define each modality.
Face-to-face (F2F) learning.This refers to a learning delivery modality where the students
and the teacher are both physically present in the classroom, and there are opportunities
for active engagement, immediate feedback, and socio-emotional development of learners.
Any face-to-face learning delivery must have proper risk assessment and must adhere to the
health protocols in place. Potential learning spaces in the community near the school may
be explored to add spaces for the conduct of classes with the appropriate social distancing.
Distance learning.This refers to a learning delivery modality where learning takes place
between the teacher and the learners who are geographically remote from each other
during instruction. This modality has three types: Modular Distance Learning (MDL), Online
Distance Learning (ODL), and TV/Radio-Based Instruction.
Blended learning.This refers to a learning delivery that combines face-to-face with any or a
mix of online distance learning, modular distance learning, and TV/Radio-based Instruction.
Blended learning will enable the schools to limit face-to-face learning, ensure social
distancing, and decrease the volume of people outside the home at any given time. Critical
for implementation will be the production of the needed teacher’s and learner’s learning
materials (LR Portal and DepEd Commons will be maximized), as well as the support of
media institutions like TV and radio stations.
Home schooling.This is an Alternative Delivery Mode (ADM) that aims to provide learners
with access to quality basic education through a home-based environment to be facilitated
by qualified parents, guardians or tutors who have undergone relevant training. It allows
families to educate according to their personal faith, philosophy, and values, and to adjust
learning schedules around family schedules and circumstances.

- Now, answer this question: Which of the LDMs do not have an F2F learning
Answer: Distance Learning and Homeschooling

Read two documents: Guidance on Distance Learning and Non-Negotiable Minimum
Requirements for Distance Learning. As you go through the readings, complete the Distance
Learning Matrix. Share your completed matrix at your next LAC Session. Your goal is to come
to a shared understanding with your peers on the different DL modalities and their defining
features and requirements.
Note that when a vaccine is already available and F2F will be allowed by the Inter-Agency
Task Force (IATF) and by the local government unit (LGU) concerned, any of the DL
modalities may be combined with F2F learning to come up with a BL. Learn more about BL
in the Supplementary Handout on Blended Learning Delivery Modalities.

Distance Learning Matrix

Distance Distinguishing Essential Role of the Role of Role of the School
Learning Feature Resources Teacher Parent/Household
Modality Member
Modular The best way to Bond papers, Makes, Monitor the Provides materials
reach learners printers, ink, distributes, learning progress and equipment
living in remote laptops or desktop, retrieves of their children. needed in the
areas. Learning is envelopes modules, and production of quality
still possible even checks assured modules
without internet different
connection. activities in
the Module
On – Line Applicable to - Different Able to Provides their Provides teachers
those learners gadgets operate children with at technical assistance,
with internet such as computers in least one load and other ways
connection. laptops, providing mentioned gadget. to have a maintained
It may be costly desktops or online - Supports internet connection.
due to load mobile lessons, and guides
needed but this phones. assignments their
is a safe way of - Net and other children in
learning Connection related this kind of
modality. No f2f and load activities. learning
exposure modality.

TV and Safest learning - TV and Provides Provides TV/Radio Ensures quality

Radio Based modalities since Radio lessons and and guides their lessons and videos.
Instruction majority of the other video children while
learners have clips watching/listening.
television/radio presentation. And, assists and
at home. No assures that their
internet children are
connection learning.
Blended Combination of - Thermal Facilitates Monitors all the Provides materials
Learning face – to – face guns, learning follow up activities needed in having this
and modular alcohols, using the at home. blended learning.
learning. Risky protective mentioned Provides safety - Prepares
because there is gears, essential gears for their facilities
a teacher – pupil modules, resources. children. needed in
interaction but ppts, observing
teacher can laptops physical social
provide and TVs, distancing and
guide a direct projectors other facilities
instruction to needed for
her/his pupils health
and has the precautionary
chance to assess measures.
the actual - Ensures the
performance of safeness of
their pupils. every learner.

Consider the situation in your School/Division—your organizational capabilities, your level of
resources (infrastructure, financial, human), level of experience in DL, health and safety
status, context and capacities of your learners and their households, etc.
Then rank the DL types—MDL, ODL, TVBI, RBI, and BL—from easiest to most difficult to
implement. Give the reasons for your ranking of each.
Distance Learning Ranking Table

Ranking Type of Distance Learning Why

The most appropriate learning

modality for LES pupils. The
1 Modular best way to reach learners
living in remote areas. Learning
is still possible even without
internet connection. Hence,
this is the cheapest learning
modality for our pupils. And,
this is the most chosen distance
learning by our parents.
Combination of face – to – face
and modular learning. Risky
because there is a teacher –
pupil interaction. But, in this
Blended Learning time of pandemic, this kind of
2 distance learning is considered
more effective because teacher
can provide and guide a direct
instruction to her/his pupils
and has the chance to assess
the actual performance of their
pupils. Hence, this blended
learning is considered as
second priority by our school.

Safest learning modality. No

internet connection needed.
3 TV and Radio Based Easy to access for those
Instruction learners with Television or
radio but hard for the learners
without television/radio at
Applicable to those learners
On – Line with gadgets and internet
4 connection.
It is expensive due to the load
needed but this is a safe way of
learning modality. No f2f
exposure needed.

The least priority learning

modality for our school. This
kind of learning modality is very
risky for both teachers and
pupils. And not so applicable in
Face to Face this time of pandemic.
We prefer to make it in a least
priority though this kind of
learning modality is the best
way of a successful teaching
learning process, because it is
already the President who
decided not to have this face to
face learning.

The LCP assures that all possible measures will be taken to ensure that no child will be
excluded from learning during the COVID-19 crisis. Think about groups of learners in your
School/Division who might require special consideration to be able to participate in DL.
Describe what targeted interventions you would develop to include them. Listed below are
some examples which may be relevant to your context. Add others as appropriate.

Targeted Interventions for Learners

Learner Group Targeted Intervention

Learners with unequipped knowledge - Create a school climate and structures
parents, difficulty in independent learning that support family environment
or without any household member who - Provide families with a list of required
can help learner in guiding and supporting mastery skills for each subject taught in
learning at home my class.
- Invite families to share hopes for and
concerns about children and then work
together to set pupil goals.
Beginning Readers (K to 3) - Peer – assisted learning strategies
exercises pair strong and weak readers
who take turns reading, rereading and
Struggling Readers (4 to 6) - Have them read the same thing several
- Make use of a variety of books and
No access to devices and internet - Use modular learning modality
- Encourage parents to take advantage of
community resources
- Have the pupils identify resources
within their family
Inaccessible – live in remote/ unsafe areas - Encourage parents to take advantage of
community resources
- Have the pupils identify resources
within their family
Indigenous Peoples - Use modules with the consideration in
their cultures.
- Acknowledge the existence of
community beyond the classroom to
which the I as a teacher is responsible
- Participate and initiate activities in the
community involving the local IP
Persons with Dissabilities - Provide them access in all school
- Prioritize them in all intervention suited
for their needs aside from modular
- Keep things in perspective. A learning
disability isn’t impossible
- Be an advocate for my children/pupils


Read DO 42, s2016 on Policy Guidelines on Daily Lesson Preparation. As you go through the
document, write down your answers to the following questions in your Study Notebook:
1. What is Lesson Designing or Lesson Planning?
Answer: Lesson Planning is a writing noting the method of delivery, and the specific goals
and time-lines associated to the delivery of lesson content.It helps the teacher to know
what to do in a class (prepared by themselves) with quite specific activities.

2. Why is lesson designing important?

Answer: Lesson Planning/Designing is important because it provides us, teachers with a
general outline of your teaching goals, learning objectives, and means to accomplish them,
and is by no means exhaustive. A productive lesson is not one in which everything goes
exactly as planned, but one in which both students and instructor learn from each other.
Lesson Designing helps ensure that time is maximized for instruction and learning; lessons
are responsive to learner’s needs; teachers set learning targets for learners; teachers carry
out a lesson successfully; teachers master their learning area content; teachers become
more reflective about their teaching; and lastly, learners successfully reach the set learning

3. What are the three elements or components of a well-designed lesson?

Answer: A successful lesson plan addresses and integrates three key components: clearly
articulated Lesson Objectives(what should be taught?);well selected and logically sequenced
presentation of learning resources and activities to help learners meet the objectives (how
should be taught?);and an appropriate and timely assessment activities that provide
relevant information and feedback for both teachers and learners ( how should learning be

The second component of a well-designed lesson asks teachers to select and sequence
teaching and learning activities that would help learners meet the learning objectives. These
learning tasks can be presented (1) before the lesson, (2) during the lesson proper, and (3)
after the lesson. In your Study Notebook, copy the following table:
Before the Lesson
Before the Lesson Lesson Proper After the Lesson

1. Review previous lesson 1. Explain, model, 1. Wrap up activities

2. Clarify concepts from demonstrate, and illustrate 2. Emphasize key
previous lesson the concepts, ideas, skills, information and concepts
3. Present warm-up or processes that students discussed
activities to establish will eventually internalize 3. Ask learners to recall
interest in new lesson 2. Help learners key activities and concepts
4. Check learner’s prior understand and master discussed
knowledge about the new new information 4. Reinforce what teacher
lesson 3. Provide learners with has taught
5. Present connection feedback 5. Assess whether lesson
between old and new 4. Check for learners’ has been mastered
lesson and establish understanding 6. Transfer ideas and
purpose for new lesson concepts to new situations
6. State lesson objectives
as guide for learners

Refer to the list of learning tasks below, and identify which section of the lesson these
learning activities can be presented by placing each task under the appropriate column.
List of Learning Tasks
1. Wrap up activities
2. Review previous lesson
3. Clarify concepts from previous lesson
4. State lesson objectives as guide for learners
5. Provide learners with feedback
6. Present connection between old and new lesson and establish purpose for new
7. Emphasize key information and concepts discussed
8. Assess whether lesson has been mastered
9. Check for learners’ understanding
10. Explain, model, demonstrate, and illustrate the concepts, ideas, skills, or processes
that students will eventually internalize
11. Help learners understand and master new information
12. Ask learners to recall key activities and concepts discussed
13. Reinforce what teacher has taught
14. Transfer ideas and concepts to new situations
15. Present warm-up activities to establish interest in new lesson
16. Check learner’s prior knowledge about the new lesson
Lesson design does not end after implementing the lesson. After the delivery of the lesson,
teachers should take time to reflect on what worked well and why, and what could have
been done differently. Identifying successful and less successful activities and strategies
would make it easier to adjust and revise the lesson plan as needed.
In your Study Notebook, copy the components of the Daily Lesson Log (DLL) or Detailed
Lesson Plan (DLP) listed below, then highlight which part/s is/are accomplished after the
lesson is delivered.
Components of the DLL/DLP
I. Objectives
II. Content
III. Learning Materials and Resources
IV. Procedures
V. Remarks
VI. Reflection

The reflection according to DepEd Order No. 42, s. 2016 is a part of the DLL and DLP which
should be filled up after the lesson is delivered. We, teachers are encouraged to think about
their lessons, particularly the parts that went well and the parts that were weak and write
about those briefly. In the reflection, teachers can share their thoughts and feelings about
their lessons including things about the lesson that were successfully implemented and
which ones need improvement or could be adjusted in the future. Teachers can also take
note of the number of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation, the number of learners
who require additional activities for remediation, and the difficulties teachers encountered
that their principal or supervisor can help solve.

Lesson 2 Activity 4:

Learning Tasks
Learning Delivery Modality (select one): ☐ODL ☒MDL☐TV/RBI ☐BL
Grade Level and Learning Area: Grade 6B/ Math 6
Lesson/Topic: 1. Addition and Subtraction of Simple Fractions and
Mixed Numbers Without or With Regrouping
2. Solving Routine or Non – Routine Problems Involving
Addition and or subtraction of Fractions
Learning Objectives: The learners will be able to add and subtract simple
fractions and mixed numbers without or with regrouping

Learning Resources/Materials SLM, Activity Sheets, Work Sheets, and Answer Sheets

Part of Lesson / Learning Tasks Check if Additional Remarks:

already (ex. can be done via voice calls, can be
present in facilitated by a household partner, can be
the done via a learning activity sheet, can be
SLM presented via an internet- based resource,
can be facilitated during a synchronous
learning session, etc.)
Before the Lesson
1. Review previous lesson / This learning task can be done by using SLM
and Learning Activity Sheets
2. Clarify concepts from previous lesson / This learning task can be done through the
facilitation of a household partner via voice
call to the subject teacher
3. Present warm-up activities to establish This learning task can be facilitated by a
interest in new lesson ̷ household partner
4. Check learner’s prior knowledge about the This learning task can be done using SLM
new lesson ̷ and Learning Activity Sheets
5. Present connection between old and new This learning task can be done using SLM
lesson and establish purpose for new ̷ and Learning Activity Sheets
6. State lesson objectives as guide for learners This learning task can be done using SLM
̷ and Learning Activity Sheets
Lesson Proper
1. Explain, model, demonstrate, and illustrate This learning task can be done via voice
the concepts, ideas, skills, or processes that ̷ calls, can be facilitated by a household
students will eventually internalize. partner and can be done via learning
activity sheets on the SLM.
2. Help learners understand and master new ̷ This learning task can also be done via voice
Information calls, can be facilitated by a household
partner and can be done also via learning
activity sheets on the SLM
3. Provide learners with feedback. ̷ This learning task can also be done via voice
calls, can be facilitated by a household
partner and can be done also via learning
activity sheets on the SLM
4. Check for learners’ understanding This learning task can also be done via voice
calls, can be facilitated by a household
partner and can be done also via learning
activity sheets on the SLM
After the Lesson
1. Wrap up activities ̷ This learning task can also be done via voice
calls, can be facilitated by a household
partner and can be done also via learning
activity sheets on the SLM
2. Emphasize key information and concepts ̷ This learning task can also be done via voice
discussed calls, can be facilitated by a household
partner and can be done also via learning
activity sheets on the SLM
3. Ask learners to recall key activities and ̷ This learning task can also be done via voice
concepts discussed calls, can be facilitated by a household
partner and can be done also via learning
activity sheets on the SLM
4. Reinforce what teacher has taught ̷ This learning task can also be done via voice
calls, can be facilitated by a household
partner and can be done also via learning
activity sheets on the SLM
5. Assess whether lesson has been mastered ̷ This learning task can also be done via voice
calls, can be facilitated by a household
partner and can be done also via learning
activity sheets on the SLM
6. Transfer ideas and concepts to new ̷ This learning task can be done using
Situations learning activity sheets on the SLM

Answer the following questions in your Study Notebook:

1. For learning tasks not found in the SLM you examined, what materials or resources
can you create or curate to supplement the SLM?
- All the learning tasks are found in the SLM I examined.
2. What kind of additional support can you give: a) the learner, and/or b) the
householdpartner so that they are guided throughout the lesson?
- Assistance through voice calls/private messages for any clarifications about the topics on
the SLM.
3. How can the teacher gather feedback on the different learning tasks, in order to refineor
modify current and future lessons?
- through the feedback page found in the SLM.

Assessment is always a part of designing instruction. Read the DO 8, s2015 on Policy
Guidelines on Classroom Assessment to learn about assessment. In the policy, you will find
out about the two types of assessment: formative and summative.
Take note of the similarities and differences between the two. Write your answers in a Venn
diagram in your Study Notebook. Follow the example below.

Formative Assessment
assessment FOR
learning: Summative Assessment
to make adjustments in learners may be assessed assessment OF learning:
the lesson individually or to measure if the student
may be integrated in all collaboratively met the performance and
parts of the lesson: before should promote self-
the lesson, the lesson content standards
reflection and personal done after the lesson/end of
proper, and after the
lesson accountability among a quarter
results must be recorded students about their own results enable teachers to
to study the patterns of learning describe how well the
learning demonstrated by may be a written work or students learned the
the students but should a performance standards/competencies for
NOT be used as the basis task a given quarter, which are
for grading. then reflected in the class

There are various methods of assessment. Read Table 2 of DO 8, s2015 on Policy Guidelines
on Classroom Assessment to see examples such as games, quizzes, and interviews. These
methods that are commonly used in the classroom may be
modified to be suitable for DL.
Which assessment methods can you adapt in DL considering the content area that you are
teaching? In your study notebook, recreate the following table and list five methods that
you would like to try. For each one, write how you plan to use it in DL.

Assessment Methods How to Adapt the Assessment method in DL

Self-assessment I will use learner’s reflection on their own learning to reveal their
understanding and precisely locates the gaps and difficulties that
need interventions. I believe that it is invaluable in distance
learning where others do not get to see learner’s learning action.
Portfolio I will use Portfolio – making which is a perfect assessment tool for
distance education.

Written Output Communication as part of distance learning either one or two –

way communication, communication within a group, verbal,
written and non – verbal communication.
I will let my pupils submit reflective papers, or a report that can
align with the skills sets of intended Learning Outcomes.
This can be submitted to me as their adviser, during the
distribution of the next SLMs.
Weekly Tests I will let my pupils answer a 20 item test each week, the learners
will be required to answer a 20 item tests and submit it together
with the module. They will be graded based on the correct
response they got in the test. I will also take note of the common
misconceptions and clarify them to the learner via text message or
feedback found at the last part of the SLMs.
Illustrated manual I will ask my learners to prepare illustrated manual on performing
procedures and demonstrating techniques, examples,
computations, taking readings, using equipment, or carrying out
This can be submitted to me through drawings, clip arts and other
illustrative materials that is available in their homes and be
submitted once a week.

Sample learning outputs obtained from different assessment methods may be collected to
build a learner’s portfolio. Read Guidelines on the Preparation of Portfolio and e-Portfolio to
find out how to construct and use it.
After reading the references, answer the following quiz to check your understanding about
using a portfolio to assess the learner.
Questions True False
1. A portfolio mainly displays
the academic achievements ✔
of the
2. Testimonies of
parents/guardians and ✔
learning facilitators
regarding the learner’s
progress may be included in a
3. There is a fixed list of items
that should be included in a ✔
4. The teacher can only
comment on a learner’s ✔
5. For asynchronous learning,
teachers allow learners to ✔
on their outputs during their
own time. The latter will
submit the portfolio within
the schedule that the
teachers set.
6. The learners may submit,
store, and manage their ✔
portfolio via file sharing
programs or they may submit
the actual softcopies of
their work saved on a
CD/DVD/USB flash drive.
7. Portfolios of DL learners
with outputs in hard copies ✔
or physical
forms may be handed over to
the teacher by the parents or
learning facilitators.


Answer the simple check-up quiz below. Read and match the descriptions in column A with
the terms in column B. Write your answers in your Study Notebook.
1. These are the knowledge, understanding, skills, and attitudes that learners need to
demonstrate in every lesson and/or learning task.
Answer: c) learning competencies
2. These are the formative learning opportunities given to learners to engage them in the
subject matter and to enhance their understanding of the content.

Answer: d) learning task

3. This refers to the prescribed subject that learners take.

Answer: a) learning area

4. This refers to the method of submission of learning outputs preferred by the
learner/parent based on their context.

Answer: b) mode of delivery

Read items 1 to 6 of the Appendix D of the DepEd Memorandum DM-CI-2020-00162 which
discusses what WHLPs and Individual Learning Monitoring Plans (ILMPs) are. After that, view
the three Sample Weekly Home Learning Plans.
Now, based on what you have read, create a WHLP for your class. Take note of the following
when creating your WHLP:
• For grade levels where learning areas are taught by different teachers, coordinate,
plan, and discuss the WHLP with the learning area teachers.
• Adjustments should be made on the timeframe for accomplishing the learning tasks if
there are any suspensions of classes due to calamities (DepEd, 2020).
• Enjoyable learning activities scheduled on Saturdays such as designing portfolios,
should also be reflected in the WHLP.
• Be guided by the recommended screen time for learners set by the American
Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and the World Health Organization (WHO) which are as
»» Key Stage 1 (K to 3) – at most one hour daily for Kindergarten and one hour to 1.5
hours for Grades 1 to 3
»» Key Stage 2 (Grades 4 to 6) – up to two hours
»» Key Stage 3 (Grade 7 to 10) – up to two hours for Grades 7 and 8 and up to four
hours (two in the morning and the other two in the afternoon) for Grades 9 and 10
»» Key Stage 4 (Grades 11 to 12) – at most four hours (2 hours in the morning and
the other 2 hours in the afternoon)
(See the attached WHLP)

Read items 7 to 11 of the Appendix D of DepEd Memorandum DM-CI-2020-00162. After you
read the guidelines on creating an ILMP, copy and fill out the table below in your Study
Notebook to see how the ILMP differs from the WHLP.

Weekly Home Learning Plan Individual Monitoring Plan


Purpose A tool to guide learners and A tool for monitoring

learning facilitators or learners who lag behind
household partners in based on the results of their
tracking the subject areas to formative and summative
be tackled and activities to assessments
perform at home
For Whom
Learners and learning Teachers and learning
facilitator or household facilitator or household
partner partner
Learning area, learning Learner’s needs, intervention
competencies, learning strategies, monitoring date,
tasks, mode of delivery learner’s status
Has to be communicated to Yes Yes

Assume that after going through the outputs submitted by your learners, one of them has
problems completing the learning tasks for the first two weeks. Think of a possible difficulty
the learner may have encountered in accomplishing the learning tasks. Apply what you have
learned about ILMPs in Activity 3 and create an ILMP for that particular learner who lags
behind. Read and use the Individual Learning Monitoring Plan Template. Consider the
components of the ILMP that were described in Activity 3.
Share the ILMP that you made for that specific learner during your next LAC Session.


Learner’s Name: Rodeo, Blanyl Jay S.
Grade Level: 5-Rizal

Intervention Learner’s Status

Learning Learner’s Monitorin
Strategies Insignificant Significant
Area Needs g Date Mastery
Provided Progress Progress
Mathematics The learner -Modify the November The pupil still The pupil is 75%
needs to learning tasks 20,2020 finds it able to
familiarize on the level difficulty in independently
solving of the solving multi – solve multi –
multi – learners. step routine step routine
step and non – and non –
routine -Provide routine routine
and non – more guided problems problems
routine activities, involving involving
problems exercises and addition and addition and
involving worksheets subtraction of subtraction of
addition regarding 2 to 3 digit 2 to 3 digit
and familiarizing numbers numbers
subtraction the
of 2 to 3 appropriate
digit problem
numbers solving
and tools.

Learner is not making significant progress in a timely manner. Intervention

strategies need to be revised.
Status Learner is making significant progress. Continue with the learning plan.
Learner has reached mastery of the competencies in learning plan.


The DepEd Memorandum on Suggested Strategies in Implementing LDMs for SY 2020-2021
included the Learning Resources (LR) Map as a guide in selecting the appropriate Distance
LDM to be implemented in Schools/Divisions. Study this map and answer the following
questions in your Study Notebook:
1. Based on the map, what resources should you have in order to implement the LDM
adopted by your School/Division?
Answers: Modular Distance Learning features individualized instruction that allows learners
to use self – learning modules (SLMs) in print copy. Learners under Modular Distance
Learning can also use other study materials. Usually, I as their teacher will have to deliver
them the appropriate learning materials. Thus, pupils can also access these materials by
downloading electronic copies through their computer, tablet, PC, or smartphone, if
I take the responsibility of monitoring the progress of my learners. And my pupils may ask
me for assistance via telephone, text message or even private message. Parents or any
member of the family, on the other hand, may serve as a guide or para – teachers to
learners at home.

Materials/gadgets learners will need/use:

 Digital format
 Computer, tablet, smartphone, CD/DVD, Flashdrive

2. Do you have the complete resources for the Distance LDM needed in class? If the LRs are
not complete or not available, what steps will you take to make these available?
What are your options to substitute these missing LRs?
Answer: As promised by the Department of Education, they will provide the complete
resources for the Distance Learning Delivery Modalities needed in the class. But in case of
unavailability of these resources, there are certain steps teacher can initiate in order to fill
these gaps.
I can access the following Learning Resources Portal as an option to substiture missing
Learning Resources.
- LRMDS Portals
- Deped Commons

3. What support will you need to maximize the use of the two DepEd-sanctioned LR
Portals? From whom can you get this support?
Answer: In order to maximize the use of LRMDS Portal and Deped Commons, we, teachers,
need to have a curriculum support system from our own department, from our colleagues,
from our Local Government Units, and from private individuals that are willing to extend
supports in the production of Learning Materials that will provide our learners a more
enjoyable learning experience.

4. Based on your evaluation of the materials, are they appropriate to the level and
characteristics of learners? Are there learners who might be disadvantaged by the
materials (based on reading ability, level of learning independence, level of household
support, distance)? What adjustments will you make in terms of the LRs?
Answer: Based on my evaluation of the materials, most of the learning resources available
in LRMDS Portal and Deped Commons are appropriate to the level and characteristics of
learners. There are learners who might be advantaged by the material and there are
learners who might be not and it is all depend on their economic and financial status and
within their reach.
In order to adjust to these gaps, as a teacher, it is my responsibility to address the
needs of my pupils. If the learning resources provided in the portals can only serve learners
with gadgets and internet access, I can also offer them materials through printed modules.

In your LAC Session, share and discuss your answers from the previous activity.
Whatsupport can you provide to your colleagues and what support can you get from them
interms of LRs? Take note of the insights that you can gather from your colleagues and write
them in your Study Notebook.
- Since majority of them haven’t registered yet in the LRs, all I can do is to assist them
until they will be able to register.


ACTIVITY 1. Establish access to the following portals:

1. LRMDS Portal. Ensure that you have an LRMDS Portal Account. If you have not
registered yet, follow the LR Portal User Guide to guide you in your registration
process. Alternatively, seek assistance from any of your colleagues or your IT
personnel in your school, district, or division. You may also coordinate with your LAC
Leader and/or Coach. To understand the portal better, you may watch the LR Portal
Video Tutorial located in the resources of this Course.

2. DepEd Commons. Ensure that you have access to DepEd Commons. Refer to
Memorandum on DepEd Commons dated March 17, 2020.
Explore the Portals. In your Study Notebook, answer the following questions:
1. Given the LDM adopted in your School, how can the two DepEd portals respond to
your LR needs and those of your learners’? How do they complement the LRs that you
already have?
 The Learning Resources Management and Development System (LRMDS) is designed
to support increased distribution and access to learning, teaching, and professional
development resources at the Region, Division and School/Cluster levels of DepED.
The LRMDS provides access to quality resources from the Regions, Divisions, Cluster/ School
level including:
- information on quantity and quality and location of textbooks and supplementary
materials, and cultural expertise,
- access to learning, teaching and professional development resources in digital format and
locates resources in print format and hard copy,
- standards, specifications and guidelines for assessing and evaluating, acquiring and
harvesting, modification, development and production of resources.
It is also a quality assurance system providing support to DepED Regions, Divisions and
Schools in the selection and acquisition of quality digital and non – digital resources in
response to identified local educational needs.
 DepED Commons is an online learning platform developed by the education
department for students who are forced to stay at home. Learners and teachers can
access Deped commons for free using their Globe or TM – powered smartphones. It
contains online review materials and open education resources(OER) created by
public school teachers who are experts in their respective subject matters. And with
its flexibility, teachers can retain, reuse, revise, remix, and redistribute the content
depending on what suits their students best.
2. What are the challenges in accessing the LRs in the portals both for you and your
learners? How will you overcome these challenges?
Answer: Since most of the learning resources can be access only through online portals, It
would be hard for us, teachers and learners who don’t have internet access to download all
the learning resources and materials.
In overcoming these challenges, I should engage in downloading the learning resources
through my initiatives and printing a hard copy of the LRs to be distributed to my learners
who do not have internet access.

3. What support will you need to be able to maximize the use of the LR Portals? From
whom can you get this support?
Answer: In order to maximize the use of LRMDS Portal and DepED Commons, I need to have
a curriculum support system from our department, from my colleagues, from our Local
Government Units and from private individuals that are willing to extend supports in the
production of Learning Materials that will provide my pupils a more enjoyable learning

In your next LAC Session, share and discuss your answers to the questions in Activity 1.
Explore how you can help and support each other in using the LR portals. Jot down the
insights and helpful information regarding the use of the LR portals in your Study Notebook.


Study the LR Rapid Assessment Tool. Download an LR from either DepEd Commons or
LRMDS Portal and assess the material using the tool. Answer the following questions in your
Study Notebook:


LR Portal: Learning Resources Management and Development System( LRMDS )
Curriculum Information
Education Type K to 12
Grade Level Grade 4, Grade 5, Grade 6
Learning Area Mathematics
Content/Topic Number and Number Sense
Intended Users Educators, Learners
Is the LR Material... YES NO Cannot be determined

1. Connected and relevant to the ✔


2. Appropriate to the grade level ✔

and learner characteristics in
terms of language, activities?

3. easy to reproduce and/or ✔


4. from a credible source/author? ✔

5. culture- and gender-fair? ✔

6. free from red flags on possible ✔

copyright and plagiarism issues?

7. the layout and format easy to ✔

read and pleasing to the eyes?

Reflection Questions:
Was the material able to meet all the requirements?
Ans. Yes. All the materials met the requirements of learning resources since these
resources are made by experts and have undergone validity tests before distributing to the
field for use.

Were there any questions in the assessment tool where you answered “No” or “Cannot Be
Determined”? What decision will you make on the LR material? Why?
Ans. Yes. Although the source of the material cannot be determined, it does not happen
most of the time. Often, authors attached their names to the materials they made so
plagiarism will be prevented or avoided. I will still use the material if I knew that it could be
of great help to the learners’ development.

Are there other aspects of the material not covered by the tool but still need to be
assessed? Specify which aspect/s.
Ans. I think all the aspects of a good learning resource where already covered by the
tool and I can’t think of another aspect which I can add to the tool.

How does this exercise help you in picking the right and appropriate LRs for your lesson
and your learners?
Ans. There are different learning materials being uploaded in the LR Portal, it means I
can choose the right material for my lesson that matches to the content and to my learners

LR Portal: DepED Commons

Curriculum Information
Education Type K to 12
Grade Level Grade 6
Learning Area Mathematics
Content/Topic Addition and Subtraction of Fraction
Intended Users Educators, Learners
Is the LR Material... YES NO Cannot be determined

1. Connected and relevant to the ✔


2. Appropriate to the grade level ✔

and learner characteristics in
terms of language, activities?

3. easy to reproduce and/or ✔


4. from a credible source/author? ✔

5. culture- and gender-fair? ✔

6. free from red flags on possible ✔

copyright and plagiarism issues?

7. the layout and format easy to ✔

read and pleasing to the eyes?

Reflection Questions:
Was the material able to meet all the requirements?
Ans. No, because the source or author cannot be determined as well as the copyright
and plagiarism issues.
Were there any questions in the assessment tool where you answered “No” or “Cannot Be
Determined”? What decision will you make on the LR material? Why?
Ans. Yes. I will still allow my learners to use the answer the activities in the DepEd
Commons because these activities were proven effective and informative.

Are there other aspects of the material not covered by the tool but still need to be
assessed? Specify which aspect/s.
Ans. None. I think all the aspects of a good learning resource where already covered
by the tool and I can’t think of another aspect which I can add to the tool.
How does this exercise help you in picking the right and appropriate LRs for your lesson
and your learners?
Ans. There are different activities being introduced in the DepEd Commons, it means
there are activities suited for every grade level and for every lesson. These activities will help
me reinforce my lesson and make it more meaningful for my learners.


Assess your current capabilities and skills using the Professional Self-Assessment

Check the box that best represents your assessment of your skills and capabilities.


I can use the modality with ease. ✔

I can confidently use the platforms in ✔

the modalities.

I can use pedagogies associated with ✔

the modalities and platforms.

I can very well manage my ✔

learners/class in the modality that my
school has adopted.

I can very well engage with parents ✔

and community partners in assisting

Revisit the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers (PPST) found in the LDM2 Course
Overview. Reflect on your self-assessment from Activity
1. What particular professional standards in the PPST do you need to focus on to effectively
use the LDMs in relation to the content and pedagogy of the learning area/s you are
teaching? Write your answer and other insights in your Study Notebook.
To guide your answers, you can also refer to DepEd Memo No. 50, s.2020 on
DepEdProfessional Development Priorities and the Continuing Professional
Answers: Content Knowledge and Pedagogy:
 Positive use of information and Communication Technology in the delivery of
 Content knowledge and its application within and across the curriculum areas In the
implementation of MELCS in the new normal.
Learning Environment:
 Learning safety and security
 Fair Learning environment

Diversity of Learners
 Learner’s gender, needs, strengths, interests, and experiences
 Learners in difficult circumstances

Curriculum and Planning

 Planning and management of teaching and learning process
 Teaching and learning resources including ICT

Assessment and Reporting

 Monitoring and evaluation of learner progress and achievement
 Communication of learners needs, progress and achievement to key stakeholders

Community Linkages and Professional Engagement

 Establishment of learning environments that are responsive to community contexts
 Engagement of parents and the wider school community in the educative process

Personal Growth and Professional Development

 Philosophy of teaching
 Professional reflection and learning to improve practice

Answer the following questions by constructing and filling out the table in your Study
Notebook. How do you envision your teaching practice in the next few months as you use
the LDM adopted by your School? What is your goal in terms of your teaching practices in
the modalities? What motivates you to achieve this goal? What do you think will help you
attain this goal?
Add as many rows as you need for your answers.

What is your goal toward What will push you to What will help you attain this
improving your teaching achieve this goal? goal?
practices in the modalities?
Promote success through Maintain an academic course Well – implemented
curriculum and instruction inventory delivered via curriculum and instruction
that address learners distance learning that through DepED’s Most
learning needs through provides a solid consolidation Essential Learning
modular distance learning. of general education Competencies (MELCs)

Develop and maintain

learning tasks offered Availability and accessibility
through printed modules of Learning Resources
that are relevant to learner’s

Ensure quality instruction in

distance learning through Effective assessment of
effective course design and learners’ performance under
assessment. Distance Learning Modality
Provide learners’ support Support DepEd Learning
services and programs that Resources Portals that
complement distance enhances distance learning
learning and address for learners.
learners’ needs. A good working relationship
Offer advising/counseling with the learners and their
activities that provide parents.
foundation for learners’
success in distance learning.

Provide a learning
environment for learners’
success and retention in
distance learning that is
equivalent to traditional
Provide distance learning Provide opportunities for Trainings, Seminars, Self –
support services to co – professional development. paced courses.
teachers, staff, and
administrators Provide appropriate
technologies and facilities to
meet the needs of
instructional services.



1. Access the List of NEAP-recognized Programs and the Individual Development
Plantemplate. Examine the available PD activities/programs offered by DepEd and non-
DepEd providers whether online or offline.
2. Communicate with your assigned Instructional Coach to provide you a list of Regionaland
Division Training Programs in your area.
3. Accomplish the Individual Development Plan Template by referring from your outputin
Lesson 1 Activity 3 of this Module.


Action Plan

Developmental Intervention)
Strengths Developmental Timeline Resources
Needs Needed
Learning Intervention
Objectives of
the PD

Positive use of Content Apply Ensure the Year Round Modules on

information and knowledge and knowledge of positive use of LDM2 Course
communication the application content ICT to facilitate for Teachers, K
technology in within and within and the teaching to 12
the delivery of across the across and learning Curriculum
learning curriculum curriculum process on the Guide, MELCs
areas in the teaching distance
implementation areas learning
of MELCs in the modality in the
new normal delivery of

Learner safety Fair learning Establish safe Maintain Year Round Parent –
and security environment and secure learning Teacher
learning environments Agreement
environments that promote Form, Self –
to enhance fairness, Learning
learning respect and Modules.
through the care to
consistent encourage
implementati learning
on of policies,

Planning and Teaching and Plan, manage Select, develop, Year Round Learner’s
management of learning and organize and information
teaching and resources implement use Sheet, Training
learning process including ICT development appropriate in Remote
ally teaching and Teaching
sequenced learning
teaching and resources,
learning including ICT,
process to to address
meet learning goals
and varied

Monitoring and Communication Monitor and Communicate Year Round Learner’s

evaluation of of learner evaluate promptly and Portfolio,
learner progress needs, progress learner clearly the Progress
and and progress and learner’s Report,
achievement achievement achievement needs, progress Individual
using learner using learner and Learning
attainment data attainment achievement to Development
data key Plan

Establishment Engagement of Maintain Guide Year Round Parent –

of learning parents and the learning colleagues to Teacher
environments wider school environments strengthen Agreement
that are community in that are relationships Form, Self
responsive to the educative responsive to with Learning
community process community parents/guardi Modules
contexts contexts ans and the
wider school
community to
maximize their
involvement in
the educative

Philosophy of Professional Apply a Develop a Year – Round PPST, modules,

teaching reflection and personal personal LDM2 Course
learning to philosophy of professional Modules
improve teaching that improvement
practice is learner – plan based on
centered reflection of
each of

Refer to your PD objectives and decide on what topics you would like to talk about in your
School LAC. Use the PD Discussion Template in your discussion.
1. In your LAC Session, share your answers to Lesson 1 Activity 3 and Lesson 2 Activities 1
and 2. Take note of all insights and advice from your colleagues. Make
adjustments in your plan accordingly.
2. Submit your accomplished IDP and LAC Plan to your LAC Leader and your
SchoolHead/Department Head. Make sure that you keep a copy of your Plans.




Apply knowledge of content within and across Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELCs)
curriculum teaching areas
Pedagogical Content Knowledge on Teacher
Competence and Students’ Achievement

Establish safe and secure learning environment to Keeping Learners Safe and Focus During
enhance learning through the consistent Distance Learning
implementation of policies, guidelines and

Use differentiated, developmentally appropriate Diversity, Equity and Inclusion during

learning experiences to address learners’ gender, Pandemic
needs, strengths, interests and experiences

Plan, manage and implement developmentally A Pandemic and a Policy: Contextualizing the
sequenced teaching and learning process to meet National Education Policy
curriculum requirements and varied teaching

Monitor and evaluate learner progress and Assessing Learners’ Performance in Distance
achievement using learner attainment data. Learning as Learning Delivery Modality

Maintain learning environments that are responsive Engaging Parents and Wider School
to community contexts Community in the Education Process

Apply a personal philosophy of teaching that is Positive Teaching and Learning Culture Within
learner centered. and Beyond the School

Study the Reading on Portfolios from the Glossary of Education Reform. Based on
yourreading, reflect on the following questions and jot down your answers in your
1. How will your Portfolio help you in tracking the progress of your teaching practice inyour
School’s LDM?
2. What evidence from the previous modules will help capture the progress of your
teaching practice?
3. Why is writing down your reflections an integral part of your Portfolio?




Before you begin to prepare building your Portfolio, you need to make sure that you have
completed all the outputs for this course. Go over the list found in LDM2 Guide for Expected
Outputs and find out whether you have completed all the outputs required for Modules 1-4
of this course.
Submit the completed outputs to your designated Coach for final evaluation. Keep a copy of
all your outputs for your own records.

Expected Outputs and Assessment for LDM2 Teachers, Modules 1-4 (before practicum)

Module Expected Outputs (to be submitted to LAC Leaders)

Module 1 No outputs for submission

Course Orientation

Module 2 Individual/LAC Group Presentation on Unpacking of a Sample


Module 3A ● List of targeted learner interventions

● Learning tasks for DL
Lesson Design and ● Assessment methods in DL
Assessment ● Weekly Home Learning Plan for 1 subject
● Individual Learning Monitoring Plan for a student who
lags behind in completing the learning tasks
● LAC 3 Teacher Engagement Report (Optional if LAC
session was conducted)
● LAC 3 Session Report (Optional if LAC session was

Module 3B ● Two (2) accomplished LR Rapid Assessment Tools with

Learning Resources

Module 4 ● Finalized LDM Individual Development Plan (produced

after discussion during LAC)
PD and LAC Planning

Study the Reading on Portfolios from the Glossary of Education Reform. Based on
yourreading, reflect on the following questions and jot down your answers in your
1. How will your Portfolio help you in tracking the progress of your teaching practice inyour
School’s LDM?
Answer: Before the start of the LDM2 for Teachers, we, as learner - participants were
required to have our study notebook. This study notebook served as our portfolio.
Our portfolio is a compilation of LDM2 for Teachers Course – work and other forms
of educational evidence assembled for the purpose of evaluating coursework quality,
learning progress, and academic achievements; determining whether we have met learning
standards or other requirements for LDM2 Course for Teacher; helping us to reflect on our
goals and progress as learners; and creating a lasting archive of LDM2 Course for Teachers’
workproducts, accomplishments, and other documentation.

2. What evidence from the previous modules will help capture the progress of your
teaching practice?
Answer: The Individual Development Plan is one of the evidences from the previous
modules that will help capture the progress of my teaching practice. This Individual
Development Plan is a professional development tool used to help a teacher to identify
his/her strengths and areas for growth and set attainable goals. The IDP process is a useful
way to have intentional conversations with mentor/advisor about career interests, skills
building, and planning for your future through my time as a teacher.

3. Why is writing down your reflections an integral part of your Portfolio?

Answer: Writing down my reflection is an integral part of a portfolio because it summarizes
the insights and experiences I have gained for the LDM2 Course for Teachers. It is used to
assess my engagement with my fieldwork, and my ability to use theoretical knowledge in an
applied setting. Writing my reflections on my portfolio allows me to develop a critical
awareness of my own skill development, which help me identify my own strengths and
weaknesses. It also instills confidence in me as I learn to apply my theoretical knowledge to
practical situations. Through writing reflections, it allows me to reflect back on the thoughts,
feelings and insights that I developed over the course of the program, and this creates a
more holistic educational experience for me.

Familiarize yourself with the List of Suggested Evidence Form. Is the list of evidence enough
to capture the progress of your teaching practice? What other evidence can you think of
that is relevant to the LDM adopted by your School? Write down your answers and other
insights in your Study Notebook.

List of Suggested Evidence in the Learning Delivery Modality


Documentation of Lesson August to November At least 2 recorded lessons

(online learning)


Researching and Incorporating August to November Lesson Plans (at least 2 per
Teaching Strategies in the month)

Participation in recognized August to November Certification of Participation

PDs that are aligned with their with PD credit units
Professional Goals anchored
on Philippine Professional
Standards for Teachers (PPST)

Organizing the Professional December Professional Portfolio


Submission of Portfolio to December Certificate of Submission


Co-Learning with Peers and At least once a month starting Video Recording
Coach/es September 2020

In your LAC Session, discuss your answers and thoughts on the questions from Activities 2
and 3 with your colleagues.

Based on the sharing and discussion in your LAC, finalize your list of evidence in the List of
Suggested Evidence Form and submit to your LAC Leader. Make sure that you keep a copy
for yourself.

Study the criteria and indicators found in the Evaluation Rubric. What steps will you take to
ensure that you are able to hit the criteria in the Rubric? Write down your answers and any
other thoughts about the Rubric in your Study Notebook.


(5) Y (4)

DEMONSTRATIO The outputs The outputs The outputs The outputs The outputs do
N OF PROGRESS clearly and adequately reflect to a big reflect to a not show the
OF THE LDM adequately captured the extent the limited extent progress of the
IMPLEMENTATIO captured progress of progress of the progress of LDM
N (30%) the the the LDM the LDM implementation
progress of implementatio implementatio implementation
the n of the LDM n
ation of the
to its
(5) Y (4)

QUALITY OF Reflection Reflection Reflection Reflection Reflection

REFLECTION describes describes the describes the describes the describes
(25%) the experience in experience experience in experience in
experience the LDM and relates the the
in the LDM implementatio them to the implementation implementation
implement n, shows some professional of the LDM with of the LDM with
ation, analysis, and standards and limited attempt no attempt to
shows in- relates it to personal to relate it to relate it to the
depth the development the professional professional
analysis professional goals standards and standards and
and standards and personal personal
synthesis, to professional development development
and and personal goals goals
excellently development
relates it to goals
l standards
and to
l and
nt goals

DEMONSTRATIO The outputs The outputs The outputs The outputs The outputs do
N OF clearly clearly clearly clearly not
PROFESSIONAL demonstrat demonstrate 4 demonstrate 3 demonstrate demonstrate
STANDARDS e 5 or more indicators of indicators of the 2 indicators any indicator in
(20%) indicators relevant relevant of relevant the professional
of relevant strands in strands in strands in standards
strands in professional professional professional
professiona standards standards standards
l standards
(5) Y (4)

LANGUAGE AND The ideas The ideas are The ideas are The ideas are The ideas are
OVERALL are expressed in expressed well expressed using jumbled and
PRESENTATION expressed clear language but with very basic difficult to
OF THE OUTPUT in clear, with very incoherence in words and understand;
(15%) coherent, minimal errors some areas structure with errors in
and in structure and few errors incoherence in structure and
appropriate and/or writing in structure many areas and writing
ly- worded conventions and/or writing several errors in conventions are
language conventions structure and/or found almost
with no writing everywhere in
errors in conventions the output

ORGANIZATION The The portfolio The portfolio The portfolio The portfolio
OF PORTFOLIO portfolio is is logically is generally has 3-4 items does not follow
(5%) logically organized well-organized not well placed a logical order
organized, with 1-2 items in the overall
is insightful, not well organization
and offers placed in the
new overall
perspective organization
and insights

TIMELINESS (5%) The The output/s The output/s The output/s The output/s
output/s is/are is/are is/are submitted is/are submitted
is/are submitted 1-2 submitted on 1-3 days after more than 3
submitted days before the day of the the deadline days after the
more than the deadline deadline deadline
3 days
ahead of

Discuss and share your thoughts on the Rubric in your LAC Session. Present your steps to
make your outputs and Portfolio responsive to the evaluation criteria and indicators. Take
note of your colleagues’ other insights as well.

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