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1. Which best describes Piaget's cognitive stage of formal operations?

A) Deductive and abstract reasoning
B) Inductive reasoning and beginning logic
C) Transductive reasoning and egocentrism
D) Cause-and-effect reasoning and object permanence

2. Which statement helps explain the growth and development of children?

A) Development proceeds at a predictable rate.
B) The sequence of developmental milestones is predictable.
C) Rates of growth are consistent among children.
D) At times of rapid growth, there is also acceleration of development.

3. The nurse is aware that the age at which the posterior fontanelle closes is _____
a. 2 to 3
b. 3 to 6
c. 6 to 9
d. 9 to 12

4. When assessing a child’s cultural background, the nurse in charge should keep in mind
A. Cultural background usually has little bearing on a family’s health practices
B. Physical characteristics mark the child as part of a particular culture
C. Heritage dictates a group’s shared values
D. Behavioral patterns are passed from one generation to the next

5. In diagnosing seizure disorder, which of the following is the most beneficial?

a. Skull radiographs
b. EEG
C. Brain Scan
D. Lumbar Puncture

6. Your neighbor's husband comes to talk to you. He says his wife has not left the house in
2 weeks, has a flat mood, and has lost interest in her usual activities. You recognize
these as the primary symptoms of
A. Depression.
B. Schizophrenia.
C. Suicidal ideation.
D. Bipolar manic episodes.

7. A 21-year-old patient has a diagnosis of schizophrenia and is stuporous, yet exhibits

sudden, excessive motor activity with repetitive sit-ups. What is this behavior called?
A. Delusional.
B. Hallucinogenic.
C. Paranoid.
D. Catatonic.

8. In the 19th century, the most common cause of infant death was
A. tuberculosis.
B. cancer.
C. measles.
D. infectious diarrhea.
9. A nurse is assessing a premature infant. What would initially alert the nurse that the
infant is having respiratory distress?
A. Flaring nostrils
B. Sporadic crying
C. Ineffective cough
D. Decreased pulse rate
10. In which step of the nursing process does the nurse analyze data and identify client problems?
1) Assessment
2) Diagnosis
3) Planning outcomes
4) Evaluation


1. Which is the best examination position for a complete geriatric physical examination on a weak
patient with bilateral basilar pneumonia?
a. Prone position
b. Sims' position
c. Supine position
d. Lateral recumbent
2. A febrile preschool-aged child presents to the after-hours clinic. Varicella is diagnosed
on the basis of the illness history and the presence of small, circumscribed skin lesions
filled with serous fluid. The nurse documents the varicellar lesions as which type of skin
a. Vesicle
b. Wheal
c. Papule
d. Pustule
3. Which type of therapy helps patients with personality disorders explore ways to enjoy
themselves and increase their socialization skills?
A. Occupational therapy.
B. Recreational therapy.
C. Music therapy.
D. Medication therapy.
4. An infant is born with Down syndrome should be assessed for which condition?
A. Clubfoot
B. Cleft palate
C. Cardiac defect
D. Choanal atresia
5. The nurse has been assigned to care for a patient during the night shift. The patient's
medication to prevent seizures was due at 6 AM. At that time the nurse was involved
with another patient and did not administer the medication. At 10 AM, the patient
ambulated to the bathroom, had a seizure, fell, and later developed brain damage as a
result of the fall. The nurse can be sued for?
A. abandonment.
B. malpractice.
C. a civil tort.
D nothing, the nurse is immune because she was assisting another patient.
6. The nurse assesses clients' breath sounds. Which one requires immediate medical attention? A
client who has:
1) Crackles
2) Rhonchi
3) Stridor
4) Wheezes
7. The nurse notes a lesion that appears to be caused by tissue compression on the right hip of a
patient who suffered a stroke 5 days ago. How should the nurse document this finding?
1) Maceration
2) Abrasion
3) Excoriation
4) Pressure ulcer
8. Compared with an infant born vaginally an infant born via cesarean section is more likely to
manifest which condition?
A. crib death syndrome
B. neurological deficits
C. failure to thrive syndrome
D. Respiratory distress syndrome
9. An 81 year old client, scheduled for a long orthopedic procedure, appears to have a low
body mass index. In addition to the body mass index value, which additional client
information is most important for the nurse to report to the surgeon and perioperative
team as indicating an increased risk for skin breakdown?
a. Negative nitrogen balance
b. Previous abdominal surgery
c. Allergy to latex products
d. Change in mental status upon administration
10. Which factor in the patient's past medical history dictates that the nurse exercise
cautions when administering acetaminophen (Tylenol)?
A) Hepatitis B
B) Occasional alcohol use
C) Allergy to aspirin
D) Gastric irritation with bleeding


1. A client has one time order for morphine 2 mg IV push. The drug is available as 5mg/ml. The
nurse administers? mL of morphine for one dose.
ANS: 0.4 ML
2. Your patient is preoccupied with perfection and control, has difficulty relaxing, exhibits
rule-conscious behavior, and cannot discard anything. What type of personality disorder
does this behavior reflect?
ANS: Obsessive-compulsive personality.
3. A 21-year-old patient has a diagnosis of schizophrenia and is stuporous, yet exhibits sudden,
excessive motor activity with repetitive sit-ups. What is this behavior called?
ANS: Catatonic.
4. Cystic fibrosis may affect single or multiple systems of the body. The primary factor
responsible for possible multiple clinical manifestations is:
ANS: mechanical obstruction caused by increased viscosity of mucous gland
5. Walking pneumonia is most often caused by what type of bacterium?
ANS: Mycoplasma
6. Which group of helminths is subdivided into cestodes and termatodes?
ANS: Flatworms
7. A patient has been hospitalized for the past 48 hours with a fever of unknown origin. His
medical record indicates tympanic temperatures of 38.7° C (101.6° F) (0400), 36.6° C
(97.9° F) (0800), 36.9° C (98.4° F) (1200), 37.6° C (99.6° F) (1600), and 38.3° C (100.9°
F) (2000). How would you describe this pattern of temperature measurements?
ANS: Intermittent fever pattern
8. A nurse is caring for a patient who is hospitalized with pneumonia and is experiencing
some difficulty breathing. The nurse most appropriately assists him into which position to
promote maximal breathing in the thoracic cavity?

ANS:  Fowler's position promotes maximal breathing space in the thoracic cavity and
is the position of choice when someone is having difficulty breathing. Lying flat on
the back or side or Sims' position would not facilitate respiration and would be
difficult for the patient to maintain.

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