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Faculty of Technology and Built Environment

Department of Civil Engineering



Highway Construction & Maintenance
Highway Engineering 2
ENGG MG6014 & ENGG DE6202
SHEET: 1 of 12 SEMESTER: 2
DATE: Monday, 11th November, 2013 DURATION: 3 HOURS

Assessment breakdown: This examination 50% Other 50%

The total mark for this examination is 100

10 minutes reading time will be allowed before commencement of this

This is a closed book examination.

Answer ALL questions.

Non programmable electronic calculators are permitted.

Start each question on a new page and write on one side of the paper only.

Upon completion of this examination, ensure that on the front page of your
answer book you have ticked the questions that you have completed, and also
recorded your student ID no, subject and subject code.

Before handing in your script, ensure that your student ID number is on the top of
any loose pages, and that all pages are attached and in the correct order.

Any special instructions 1.

A Formula List and some design charts are attached.
ENGG DE 6202 & ENGGMG 6014
Examination Formula Sheet

A = G1-G2
DT = NE x 365 x GF
Eb = 0.21 xh0.45xEs
Ed = V2.Sk
1.27 R
Eh = 0.5 x Ev
E.S.A ={ A.L }4
{ R.A.L.}

L = K.A
L= LC + 2 SL
Lc = ( R x Irad) –SL

N = [9,300 ]7
[ E ]

Ne = AADT x F x C/100
SM = Ev

R = 750/ALD

R= Vb + As + Ss + Gs + Cs + Us

RLz = RLvpc + G1x - Ax2

100 200L

T = V/(450 x s x n) Td = 57,300
TT = (R+P) Tan I/2 + k

UC = √ R xSL
Vb=(ALD + 0.7 Td)(0.291-0.025x Log10(2.0 x v/l/d x 100))
Vm = 450xs x n
x = G1 x L

y= A (x2)

Semester 2, 2013 Examination ENGG MG6014 & ENGG DE6202

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Years n Growth Rate %
2 4 6 8 10
5 5.2 5.4 5.6 5.8 6.1
10 10.9 12.0 13.2 14.5 15.9
15 17.3 20.0 23.3 27.2 31.8
20 24.3 29.8 36.8 45.8 57.3
25 32.0 41.6 54.9 73.1 98.3
30 40.6 56.1 79.1 113.3 164.5
35 50.0 73.7 111.4 172.3 271.0
40 60.4 95.0 154.8 259.1 442.6

Table 1: Geometric Growth Factors ( ex Austroads Table 7.2)

Shade Air Total diluents PPH of

Temperature Penetration Grade
C Bitumen
12.5 15
15.0 14
17.5 13
20.0 11
22.5 9
25.0 7
27.5 & over 6

Table 2 . Total Diluents Table

( Ex TNZ P/3)

Expected 24 hr Total Diluents PPH of penetration grade Bitumen

Maximum Shade (Second coat seals & Reseals)
Air Temperature
180/200 130/150 80/100

15.0 6 8 10
17.5 4 6 8
20.0 2 4 6
22.5 0 2 4
25.0 0 0 2
27.5+ 0 0 0

Table 3 . Total Diluents Table for second coat seals and reseals
( Ex Chipsealing in NZ )
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Total Diluents PPH Spraying temperature oC
6 154
7 153
8 151
9 149
10 146
11 144
12 142
13 139
14 137
15 135

Table 4. Spraying Temperatures for first coat seals(Ex TNZ P/3)

For Binders based on 180/200 For Binders based on 80/100

Penetration grade Penetration grade
Total Temp. Total Temp. Total Temp. Total Temp.
Diluents oC Diluents oC Diluents oC Diluents oC
0 170 10 146 0 185 10 159
1 167 11 144 1 182 11 157
2 165 12 142 2 180 12 154
3 163 13 139 3 177 13 151
4 160 14 137 4 175 14 148
5 158 15 135 5 172 15 146
6 156 16 132 6 170 16 144
7 153 17 130 7 167 17 141
8 151 18 128 8 164 18 139
9 149 19 125 9 162 19 136
20 123 20 133
Table 5. Spraying Temperatures for second coat seals & reseals(Ex TNZ
( For Binders based on 130/150 grade use average temp)

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Temp. oC Factor Temp. oC Factor Temp. oC Factor
120 1.0672 140 1.0811 160 1.0953
122 1.0686 142 1.0825 162 1.0967
124 1.0700 144 1.0839 164 1.0982
126 1.0714 146 1.0853 166 1.0996
128 1.0727 148 1.0867 168 1.1011
130 1.0741 150 1.0881 170 1.1025
132 1.0755 152 1.0896 172 1.1040
134 1.0769 154 1.0910 174 1.1055
136 1.0783 156 1.0924 176 1.1069
138 1.0797 158 1.0939 178 1.1084

Table 6 . Factors for calculating the increased volume of bitumen heated

above standard temperature.

Chart 1: Pavement Design Chart

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Table 7: Unit Chord Table

Semester 2, 2013 Examination ENGG MG6014 & ENGG DE6202

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Question 1 (Total 20 marks)

(a) The pavement design for the next section of The Waikato Expressway is
to be carried out using the following Data.
Three Lanes in each direction
AADT = 24,000 vpd
% HCV in Traffic stream = 10%
Traffic Growth Rate = 4 % p.a
ESA/HCV = 1.1
Design Life = 30years

(i) Determine the Design Traffic Value Dt for the Left Hand or slow
(5 marks)

(ii) If Subgrade CBR for the section is 5 ,use Chart 1 P 6 to determine

the total cover required over the subgrade and the minimum depth
of M/4 Basecourse required.
(2 marks)

(iii) One of the materials available for use as a sub-base aggregate has
a compacted CBR value of 20 and a maximum particle size of
65mm. Calculate the minimum practical layer thickness for this
material and determine the minimum cover needed over this
(2 marks)

(b) (i) A section of pavement is to be designed for a Dt value of 1.2 x 107.

Determine the appropriate value of vertical strain at failure in the
subgrade In units of microstrain.(E).
(3 marks)

(ii) If the pavement is to be constructed on a granular subgrade with

CBR 5, what THREE values of elastic moduli would be used on top
of the lower layer of Basecourse if that layer was 120mm thick and
was underlain by three layers of sub-base each 140 mm thick?
(8 marks)

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Question 2 (Total 20 marks)

Design a Grade 4 First coat seal using 180/200 penetration grade bitumen with 4
pph AGO for a section of State Highway.
Site conditions are as follows:
Shade air temperature = 22.5 oC
Traffic volume = 6,000 vpd/lane
Average sand circle diameter = 240mm
Chip ALD = 6.7 mm
Allowance for Basecourse absorbancy +0.12 litres/m2
Using the appropriate Tables , determine the following :

(i) Binder Blend & Spray temperature

(2 marks)

(ii) Residual Application rate R for Binder

(5 marks)

(iii) Cold application Rate

(1 marks)

(iv) Hot Application rate

(2 marks)

(v) Quantities of all materials required to seal a section of road 2km long and
10.5 m wide. Volumes of all liquid materials to be measured at standard
(8 marks)

(vi) If the sealing Contractor has three rollers available on site each capable
of 9km/hr rolling speed, what is the maximum length of lane 3.5 m wide
that can be sprayed in one continuous operation.
(2 marks)

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Question 3 (Total 20 marks)

(a) Compaction is a critical process in the construction of an Asphaltic Concrete

(i) Name the THREE stages of compaction of an asphaltic surfacing mix;
explain the purpose of each stage, the plant used and the minimum
temperatures for each stage.
(6 marks)

(ii) Within each of the stages named above compaction should proceed in
a particular order. What is the order and why is the mix compacted in
this order?
(4 marks)

(b) Compare the construction process for a second coat Chip seal with the
process used to construct an asphaltic concrete surfacing mix.
(6 marks)

(c) A Heavy Commercial vehicle consists of a Tractor unit with a single tyred
steering axle at the front and a dual tyred twin axle set at the rear towing a
semi-trailer with a triaxle set at the rear of the trailer. Determine the ESA
rating for the vehicle in unloaded and loaded states if Axle loadings are as
tabulated below:

Tractor Unit Semi Trailer

Front steering Rear Tandem set Triaxle set
Axle (Dual Tyred) (Dual tried)
Reference 5.3 13.5 18.1
Tare weight 2.5 6.6 6.1
Fully Laden 5.2 13.4 18.0

(4 marks)

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Question 4 (Total 20 marks)

(a) The approaches to an existing bridge are being realigned. You are to
design a S-C-S curve to provide the final approach to the bridge, your
curve will have a final tangent point ST located at Route Distance
27,000m. The curve has an intersection angle I of 36o and will be
designed for a design speed of 100 km/hr.
Maximum superelevation is 10%, rate of application of superelevation is
2.5%/sec and the curve radius is in the order of 700 m.
If minimum unit chord for curve is 40m and the coefficient Sk has a value
of 0.417, using the unit chord Tables supplied as Table 7 at front of this
paper, determine the following.

(i) Design Superelevation ed

(ii) Transition length SL in metres.
(iii) From Table 7 select the nearest unit chord data that will give a
larger than minimum radius.
(iv) Radius in metres
(v) Length of Transition curve SL
(vi) Length of circular curve L
(vii) Route distances of the following points:
Point where superelevation application starts
Tangent points TS,SC,CS,ST
Point where superelevation runout finishes.
(12 marks)

(b) A section of a rural highway consists of two up hill grades of +6% and
+3.2% respectively, it is intended to join these two grades with a crest
vertical curve designed for a speed of 120km/hr.
If the route distance of the start of the curve VPC is 3,897.25 m and RL at
this point is 200.00m and the curve parameter K =298.
Determine the following:
(i) Curve length in metres.
(ii) Tangent and curve levels at VPC, VPI & VPT and at even 100m
intervals along curve ( i.e. at 3,900,4,000 and so on).

(8 marks)

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Question 5 (Total 20 marks)

(a) State Highway 1 starts at Awanui in Northland and runs in a generally southerly
direction to Bluff at the bottom of the South Island. Where State Highway 1 passes
through the Auckland Metropolitan area it is commonly referred to as The
Southern Motorway. The Highway Information Sheet for the section of the
Southern motorway between Takanini Interchange and the Drury Overpass is
attached as Appendix 1 of this paper. Using this sheet answer the following
(i) On this section of the Southern Motorway, Papakura Interchange at Beach
Rd is listed as R.P 355/10.04. Explain what this means and show by
means of a sketch how this point would be signposted.
(3 marks)

(ii) What is the approximate distance in km between the rail overbridge

adjacent to the Old Manakau City Boundary and the rail overbridge
adjacent to Drury Interchange?
(2 marks)

(iii) How many vehicles per day were using the Southern Motorway in each
direction in 2000?
(2 marks)

(iv) What differences in texture would you expect to see between the south
bound and north bound lanes between 355/6.0 and 355/10.0.
(2 marks)

(v) What are the criteria for size and placement of road signs on the section of
State Highway 1 between RP 355/5.49 and RP 355/12.78.?
(4 marks)

(vi) The Level of Temporary Traffic Management required on any section of

road is determined from 2 statistics. Explain the values of these figures for
Levels 1, 2 &3 roads and state what level of TTM you would use on this
section of State Highway 1.
(4 marks)

(vii) A haulage Contractor has applied for an over dimensional permit to cart a
tall load over this section of State Highway 1. You are to determine the
minimum vertical Clearance available on this section and state where it
(3 marks)

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Appendix 1 :

Semester 2, 2013 Examination ENGG MG6014 & ENGG DE6202

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