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GDP (million current US$, 2021) 314 268 Rank in world trade, 2021 Exports Imports
GDP per capita (US$, 2019-2021) 6 019 Merchandise 62 52
Current account balance (% GDP, 2021) -5.7 excluding intra-EU trade 42 35
Trade per capita (US$, 2019-2021) 1 063 Commercial services 69 54
Trade (% GDP, 2019-2021) 17.7 excluding intra-EU trade 44 36

Value Annual percentage change
Million US$ 2021 2010-2021 2020 2021
Merchandise exports, f.o.b. 40 287 0 -21 30
Merchandise imports, c.i.f. 61 101 4 -17 40
2021 2021
Share in world total exports (%) 0.18 Share in world total imports (%) 0.27
Breakdown in economy's total exports Breakdown in economy's total imports
By main commodity group, % (2020) By main commodity group, % (2020)

Agricultural products: 25.4 Fuels and mining products: 42.9 Agricultural products: 16.1 Fuels and mining products: 6.8
Manufactures: 22.4 Other: 9.3 Manufactures: 76.1 Other: 1.1

By main destination, % (2021) By main origin, % (2021)

United States of America: 28.1 European Union: 10.8 China: 24.2 United States of America: 23.2
China: 8.8 Panama: 5.8 European Union: 13.5 Mexico: 6.2
India: 5.4 Other: 41.1 Brazil: 5.7 Other: 27.1

Agricultural Products
Value Value
Top exported products (Million US$) 2021 . Top imported products (Million US$) 2021
HS0901 Coffee 3 189 HS1005 Maize (corn) 1 776
HS0603 Cut flowers and flower buds 1 727 HS2304 Solid residues from soya-bean oil 759
HS0803 Bananas, including plantains 1 017 HS1001 Wheat and meslin 655
HS1511 Palm oil and its fractions 469 HS1507 Soya-bean oil and its fractions 395
HS1701 Cane or beet sugar 318 HS0203 Swine meat, fresh, chilled, frozen 302
Share in economy's trade in agricultural products
Exports Imports
0% 20% 40% 0% 10% 20% 30% Value Annual percentage change
Million US$ 2021 2010-2021 2020 2021
HS0901 HS1005
Exports 9 260 5 7 20
HS0603 HS2304 Imports 8 317 7 0 27
HS0803 HS1001
HS1511 HS1507
HS1701 HS0203

Non-Agricultural Products
Value Value
Top exported products (Million US$) 2021 Top imported products (Million US$) 2021
HS2709 Petroleum oils, crude 11 201 HS2710 Petroleum oils, other than crude 3 515
HS2701 Coal; briquettes, ovoids 4 380 HS8525 Radio-telephony transmission tools 2 721
HS7108 Gold 3 132 HS8703 Motor cars for transport of persons 2 344
HS2710 Petroleum oils, other than crude 2 144 HS3004 Medicaments in measured doses 1 832
HS2704 Coke and semi-coke of coal 1 272 HS3002 Human and animal blood 1 810
Share in economy's trade in non-agricultural products
Exports Imports
0% 20% 40% 0% 5% 10% Value Annual percentage change
Million US$ 2021 2010-2021 2020 2021
HS2709 HS2710 Exports 32 119 -1 -28 38
HS2701 HS8525 Imports 52 146 3 -20 43
HS7108 HS8703
HS2710 HS3004
HS2704 HS3002

World Trade Organization – Trade Profiles 2022
Value Annual percentage change
Million US$ 2021 2010-2021 2020 2021
Commercial services exports 6 610 1 -46 17
Commercial services imports 13 052 2 -32 30
2021 2021
Share in world total exports (%) 0.11 Share in world total imports (%) 0.24
Breakdown in economy's total exports Breakdown in economy's total imports
By main services item, % (2021) By main services item, % (2021)

Transport: 18.5 Travel: 29.9 Transport: 30.8 Travel: 17.9

Other commercial services: 50.1 Goods-related services: 1.5 Other commercial services: 50.4 Goods-related services: 0.9

By main destination By main origin

Value Annual percentage change

FATS sales 2021 2010-2021 2020 2021
Inward (million US$) na na na na
Outward (million US$) na na na na

Colombia World Value Annual percentage change
200 Million US$ 2021 2010-2021 2020 2021
Exports 1 224 0 -40 0
100 Imports 4 024 3 -26 77

Exports Value Share (%) Imports Value Share (%)

0 By sea (2021) 302 24.7 By sea (2021) 2 890 71.8
2010 2014 2018 2021
By air (2021) 847 69.2 By air (2021) 832 20.7
Transport exports (Index 2010=100) By other (2021) 45 3.7 By other (2021) 202 5.0

Colombia World
300 Value Annual percentage change
Million US$ 2021 2010-2021 2020 2021
Exports 1 973 -3 -72 25
100 Imports 2 330 -1 -72 72

2010 2014 2018 2021
Travel exports (Index 2010=100)

Other Commercial Services and Goods-related Services

Exports of OCS by main item (2021) Million US$ Value Annual percentage change
2021 2010-2021 2020 2021
Other business Other commercial services
3.8 6.5 Exports 3 315 6 5 20
ICTs Imports 6 581 3 -6 5
Intellectual property 2021 2010-2021 2020 2021
Other Goods-related services
Exports 98 9 -52 61
Imports 118 -6 -30 4

Patent applications, 2020 Trademark applications, 2020 Industrial design applications, 2020
Residents Non-residents Total Residents Non-residents Total Residents Non-residents Total
369 1 752 2 121 21 347 9 717 31 064 365 427 792

World Trade Organization – Trade Profiles 2022

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