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General Objective
ou will be able to tal about different types of
movies and describe a se uence of events in
chronological order.

Let’s Talk Movies uu

Communication Goals
ou will learn how to
• describe and differentiate between movie
• tal about movies you have seen.
• as and answer uestions about different
• ma e inferences.
• write a film review and a mini biography.

• ovie enres
• ilm eviews
• ini iographies
• ords related to movie production and the
people involved
• imple ast tense, ast rogressive tense,
resent erfect tense and ast erfect tense
• Time clauses

Idioms and Colloquial Expressions
• To pull off • Few and far between
• By heart • To go overboard
• To come up with • It’s worth it
• In a nutshell • A must see
A Film Review
ou will wor in groups to ma e a ower oint
presentation of a film review and a mini biography.

• hat are the different types of movies
• hat are your favorite types of movies
• o you now the name of any famous
movie directors
• hy do people li e to watch movies

VP6Unidad1.indd 9 5/23/16 6:01 PM

Lesson 1

It Was Terrifying!
1. Label the pictures. Use the Word Bank. Word Bank
• horror • comedy • adventure • western

a. comedy b. c. d.

2. Match the words in column A with those in column B. Then, match B with C.
A - Nouns B - Adjectives C - Descriptions
1. energy a. humorous c 1. very active Vocabulary Strategy
2. history b. terrifying 2. from or connected to the past se your nowledge of
3. humor 1 c. energetic 3. comical or funny panish to associate words.
4. terror d. historical 4. very scary or frightening

3. Read and complete with the adjectives above. Then, match columns A, B and C. Listen to confirm.

Reading Strategy To associate words and paragraphs, loo for synonyms or words that express similar ideas.

A - Genre Description B - Genre C - Example

a. These historical movies often have guns, horses, cowboys and Indians 1. horror 2 a. uffalo ill s
and show how di cult life was in the second half of the th century. ild est
b. These movies are action filled. haracters go through travels, a 2. western b. racula
con uests, explorations and troubles.
c. These movies contain plots to ma e you laugh by 3. adventure c. American
exaggerating situations, language, actions, relationships and characters. Pie
d. Designed to scare us and give us nightmares, often with a finale, 4. comedy d. Pirates of the
this type of movie has sub genres such as teen terror, serial illers and so forth. aribbean

4. Write W (Will Smith) or M (Michelle Rodriguez) to label the statements below. After that, listen
and put them in order. Then, complete the grammar chart on page 11.
W a nother popular movie which was also historical is the comical western, Wild Wild West.
b. he was reported to have said that she couldn t believe it.
c. Before winning a part in the very imaginative Avatar, ichelle odrigue had finished
the terrifying film Resident Evil.
d ill mith has starred in several movies. any of the films he has made are energetic
and amusing.
e. n example of this is when he acted in the hit movie Men in Black in .
f. hile she was filming the movie in , Maxim Magazine voted her one of the world s
most beautiful women.

a Michelle
10 Will Smith
1 2 3 Rodriguez 1 2 3

VP6Unidad1.indd 10 4/25/16 8:59 AM

Grammar and Vocabulary

Reflect on Grammar
The Simple Past tense describes acts that have The Past Progressive tense describes events that were in
already concluded in the past. The time of occurrence is process of occurring when a new event happened at a certain
usually nown. moment in the past).
acted in the hit movie Men was filming the movie when Maximum
e he Magazine voted her one of the
didn’t ______
act in Black in .
______ filming world s most beautiful women.
in the hit movie Men the movie when Maximum
_____ he ____________ _____ she ____________
in Black in Magazine voted her

The Present Perfect tense describes actions that The Past Perfect tense describes events that occurred in the
started in the past and haven t finished or are relevant) past before another past event.
in the present.
______ finished the terrifying film Resident Evil
has ________ ______________ when she won a part in Avatar.
e in several movies.
hasn’t ________ the terrifying film Resident Evil
_____ she _____________
_____ he ____________ in several movies when she won a part in Avatar

NOTE: In interrogative and negative sentences, use the auxiliary verbs be, have or do.

5. Complete with the appropriate form of the verb or an adjective from

exercise 2. Listen to confirm.
Alex: I was watching (watch) television when I a. see) the
past progressive) simple past)
trailer for the animation comedy, Megamind. I thought it loo ed b.)
ad ective humor)
and I love to laugh, so I c. go) with my girlfriend to see it. owever, I
simple past)
was disappointed. The story of the bad guy who becomes the good guy and wins the girl

is very typical and not very imaginative.

Betty: I thought atalie ortman d. be) excellent as a ballet dancer

simple past)
in the mystery thriller Black Swan. he e. train) for many months
past perfect)
before they f. start) to film the movie. I
simple past) present perfect)
g. recommend) this movie to many friends.

Tony: The movie, True Grit, with eff ridges and att amon
simple past)
h. be) a i.) western. I . not imagine) Matt
ad ective history) past perfect)
amon in a western before seeing this movie, but he and eff ridges really pulled it off.

Project Stage 1
• In groups of or , decide on a movie E.g. Name: True Grit; Cast ff
to watch at home. Matt Damon, etc.; Setting: American Old Key Expressions
• Ta e notes about its genre, setting, West. Pull off: to succeed
plot, characters, etc. Main events: A girl was looking for a man in something despite
• a e a short summary of the plot. who had murdered her father… di culties

VP6Unidad1.indd 11 29/03/2016 09:07:56 a.m.

esson 2

By the Time…
1. Answer the following questions.
a. ho is Tim urton b. here is he from c. hat did he study
• an actor • ngland • character animation
• a film director • Italy • acting
• a graphic designer • The nited tates • business administration

2. Discuss in groups what you know about the following movies (director, actors, main events).

Alice in Wonderland Batman Planet of the Apes Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

3. Read the text and underline the correct ending for sentences a to e. Then, complete the grammar chart.
Tim Burton is an merican film director, producer and writer who studied character
animation at the alifornia Institute of the rts. y the time urton started his most
famous movie, Batman, in , he had already made Beetlejuice a year earlier and
Frankenweenie years before. years after ma ing Batman he directed its se uel,
Batman Returns. ince the success of Batman Returns, he has directed and produced
other imaginative movies including Planet of the Apes in and Charlie and the
Chocolate Factory years later. hile filming the latter, he also produced Corpse Bride.
inally, he didn t ma e the creative rema e of Alice in Wonderland until . The cast of
actors for urton s movies often includes his wife, elen onham arter, and his long
time friend, ohnny epp. The soundtracks to his movies have nearly all been produced
by another friend, anny lfman.
Reading Strategy a. film director is someone who acts in a movie / controls the artistic parts of a movie.
ay attention to the time b. The writer is the author / an actor.
expressions used in order to c. The cast is the director and producer of a movie / the group of actors in a movie.
follow the se uence of events d. soundtrac is the name of a movie / the music from a movie.
in biographies and stories. e. film producer writes the movie / provides the money for the movie.

Reflect on Grammar
Time Clauses Expressions

years __________
after ma ing Batman he directed its se uel,
a. while 1. c following a certain point in time
Batman Returns.

inally, he didn t ma e the creative rema e of Alice in

b. since 2. before a certain expected) time
Wonderland __________ .

__________ filming the latter, he also produced Corpse Bride. c. after 3. during a period of time

__________ urton started his most famous movie, Batman,

d. by the time 4. from a particular time to now
in , he had already made Beetlejuice and Frankenweenie.

__________ the success of Batman Returns, he has directed 5. before another event begins or
e. already
and produced other imaginative movies finishes
in , he had __________ made Beetlejuice f. until 6. up to a time

VP6Unidad1.indd 12 29/03/2016 09:07:57 a.m.

Grammar and Vocabulary

4. Read the text again and complete Tim Burton’s filmography timeline.

1984 1989 2001 2010

Batman Alice in Wonderland


1988 1992 2005

5. Based on the timeline, correct the following statements by using an appropriate time expression.
a. Tim urton directed Batman before he made Beetlejuice.
Tim Burton directed Batman after he had made Beetlejuice.

b. y the time Tim urton produced Corpse Bride, he had already finished ma ing Charlie and the
Chocolate Factory.

c. Tim urton didn t ma e Batman Returns until he had made Planet of the Apes and Charlie and the
Chocolate Factory.

d. ince producing Charlie and the Chocolate Factory he has made Planet of the Apes and Alice in Wonderland.

6. Listen and complete. Then, make a similar conversation about movies you have seen.
Conversation 1 Conversation 2
A: ey, have you heard the soundtrac of Thor C: (a.) any movies by artin corsese
B: ctually, I have it at home. I (a.) it D: f course, I love his movies. e is really imaginative. e
after I (b.) the movie. (b.) The Departed.
A: id you li e the movie C: That movie (c.) an ama ing cast. ith
B: eah. I (c.) it had a great cast. I really att amon, eonardo i aprio and ac icholson, it
love nthony op ins. e is such a talented actor. was guaranteed to be a success.
D: e is also the producer of Shutter Island.
C: I (d.) that movie. y the time
Project Stage 2 I (e.) the money to go to the cinema, it
(f.) already (g.) playing.
• In your group, investigate the film director of the
movie you saw in tage . Ta e notes using the D: ou should definitely watch it on . It s worth it
new time expressions.
• E.g. After directing Batman, he directed Planet of Key Expressions
the Apes, and Batman Returns. It’s worth it: It is rewarding

VP6Unidad1.indd 13 29/03/2016 09:07:58 a.m.

esson 3

Reading Between the Lines

1. Answer the following questions.

a. oo at the picture from c. an lue acaws y

the movie Rio. hat type of 1. es, they can.
movie do you thin it is 2. o, they can t.
1. horror 3. I don t now.
2. animation d. lue acaws are from
3. western 1. outh merica
4. I don t now. 2 urope
b. lue acaws are 3. sia
1. sna es 4. I don t now.
2. birds e. re lue acaws an
Reading Strategy 3. cats endangered species
4. I don t now. 1. es, they are.
To ma e inferences and understand a
2. o, they aren t.
story, use the facts given to ma e good
3. I don t now.
guesses about other things that are not
directly stated.

2. Read the following movie review. Then, answer the questions below.
lu lived a comfortable life with his owner and best escape, lu had to find the courage to learn how to
friend, inda, so he never had to worry about learning use his wings and to rely on the help of the bird of his
normal bird activities li e ying or finding food. fter dreams, ewel, and a group of amusing city birds.
learning that lu wasn t the last bird from his species,
The extremely imaginative script is excellent,
they began a long ourney to the distant and exotic
with colorful characters, funny o es and beautiful
land of ra il to find ewel, a female version of lu,
animation it is for both adults and children. This
who lived in io de aneiro. There was hope of saving
exciting and energetic movie will leave you wanting
the lue acaw species after all
more. must see
ut not long after they had arrived in io, their plans
changed when lu and ewel were idnapped. To

a. hy hadn t lu learned how to find food d. ow did lu escape after being idnapped
1. ecause he lived next to a supermar et. 1. inda helped him.
2. ecause ewel ies and finds food for lu. 2. e wal ed away.
3. ecause he was a domesticated bird. 3. e had to learn how to use his wings to y.
b. hy did lu and inda travel to ra il e. hat did lu have to do in order to escape
1. To find ewel. 1. Travel to ra il.
2. To find a new home. 2. ind ewel.
3. To learn to y. 3. earn how to y and trust others.
c. hen did inda and lu travel to ra il
1. efore learning lu was not the last lue acaw.
2. fter learning lu was not the last lue acaw.
Key Expressions
3. ntil learning lu was not the last lue acaw.
A must see: a movie that you should really watch

VP6Unidad1.indd 14 29/03/2016 09:07:59 a.m.

Reading and Writing
3. Make inferences to answer the questions below by finding clues in the text.

a. as lu a typical lue acaw c. hy did lu learn to y while in ra il

lues facts) 1. domesticated Macaw; 2. lived a lues facts)
comfortable life; 3. never had to worry about learning
normal “bird” activities like flying or finding food nswer To ma e inferences,
nswer No d hy did inda want lu to meet ewel choose the
most probable
b. hy hadn t lu learned to y before he lues facts)
explanation from
went to ra il
the facts and clues)
lues facts) given in the text.


4. Look at the pictures below, make inferences about the scenes and the sequence. Then, listen and
put them in order.

Listening Strategy
se pictures to predict content and order before listening.

5. Imagine the story above is a movie. Give it a name and invent the following information. Then, write
a movie review.
Name of movie:
Movie genre:
Stars (leading roles):
Adjectives to describe movie:

Project Stage 3
• rite a film review about the movie you watched and a mini
biography of the director. Writing Strategy
• repare it in the form of a ower oint presentation with emember to use verb tenses and time
photos. expressions correctly to help readers
• emember to pay attention to connectors of se uence, time follow the se uence of events.
expressions and verbs in all tenses.

VP6Unidad1.indd 15 29/03/2016 09:08:00 a.m.

esson 4

In a Nutshell!
1. Label the pictures. Use the Word Bank. Word
• go overboard
• come up with
• in a nutshell
• few and far
a. b. c. d. e. between
• by heart
come up with

2. Listen and complete with the phrases in the Word Bank.

A: ow hat do you thin of the movie
B: ell, in a nutshell , I really li ed it. I don t now how the writers
a.) such imaginative stories.
A: I now, I could never create a story li e that. In fact, movies with really good storylines se context words
or sentences
are b.).
which surround
B: ctually, I thin the same about actors. There aren t many really good actors.
unfamiliar phrases)
A: It must be di cult to be an actor. ou have to learn all your lines
to help understand
c.). ou can t ust invent the words you are going to say. idioms. atch
B: hat do you thin about the special effects out for synonyms,
A: ersonally, I thin they were great. antonyms and
B: I don t agree. I thin they d.) with them. The movie was explanations.
energetic enough without so many special effects.

3. Check the correct definition.

a. go overboard 1. do or have too much 2. not do or have enough 3. don t care
b. in a nutshell 1. the long version 2. the short version 3. the detailed version
c. few and far between 1. easy to find 2. very common 3. not very common
d. by heart 1. by memory 2. not by memory 3. written
e. come up with 1. copy 2. invent 3. duplicate

4. In pairs create a dialog using the idioms learned.

Speaking Strategy
o actor learns I am sure actors
come up with sing idioms when tal ing will
all their lines by
heart. diverse memory help your conversations ow and
techni ues. sound more natural.

Reflect on Values
lways ometimes ever
¾ I can read a movie review critically. Gap Activity
¾ I respect others opinions about movies.
Student A goes to page 87.
¾ I state my opinion respectfully. Student B goes to page 89.

VP6Unidad1.indd 16 29/03/2016 09:08:01 a.m.

Real Communication

Share Your Project

1. Discuss your experience.
hec what you learned while wor ing on the pro ect.
To respect different opinions about the same movie. or ing in a group is fun and easier than wor ing alone.
To consider different interpretations of the same movie. or ing in a group is di cult. It is easier to wor alone.

2. Read and listen to the following article and answer the questions below.

Traditionally, people have used movie reviews to decide which movies to watch. In recent times,
the impact of reviews on a movie s popularity has become a matter of debate. any people
thin that today, good movie criticism is not easily found and that only movies with expensive
mar eting campaigns are in the public eye. They argue that most of the discussion about movies
is focused on the amount of money they ma e, not on their artistic credibility.
n the other hand, some people say that low budget and independent movies such as The Hurt
Locker have become successful than s to positive reviews. There are those who believe that
many critics prefer art house movies rather than commercial bloc busters.

1. hy do people read movie reviews

a. To decide where to watch a movie
b. To decide which movies to watch
c. To decide when to watch a movie
2. hy do some people believe that good movie
reviews are hard to find today
a. ecause nobody writes reviews
b. ecause artistic credibility is
considered more important than how
much money a movie ma es.
c. ecause how much money a movie
ma es is considered more important
than artistic credibility.

Give your Presentation Useful Expressions

• Introduce the name of the movie your group Introduction
decided to watch and why you decided to watch • ood morning afternoon, today we are going to tell
that particular movie. you about the movie and the director
• Tal about the genre or genres that the movie fits State your opinion of movie with reasons
into, giving a brief explanation. • e all agreed that the movie was because
• isplay your ower oint presentation to the class • ome of us thought the movie was and others
with your movie review and mini biography of the thought it was because
movie director. Conclusion
• ention if you en oyed the movie and whether • e don t) recommend you see this movie
you are interested in watching other movies by the
same director.

VP6Unidad1.indd 17 29/03/2016 09:08:02 a.m.


Read and listen.

Going to the Movies
Paul and his friends are on vacation. One evening, But suddenly,…
after an afternoon at the beach, they return home.

hat a great vacation. r we could go

hy don t we go bac to to the movies.
the hotel and relax a bit here are we
They have lost the trail.

e have lost the trail et s go bac . And now they are facing difficulties…

hhhh e uiet.
ollow me. oo at that crocodile.
It s going to attac us

on t move.

osh Is that a
panther over there

e re lost.
et s go that way lease, don t hurt us

But they didn’t know that... h, than od

I thought we were
going to die. I m sorry guys aybe the signs indicating
the filming area weren t clear enough.

ut erfect
et s now wor
on scene ,
ta e one. I had never seen a panther, a
crocodile and a ferocious tribe before.

VP6Unidad1.indd 18 29/03/2016 09:08:03 a.m.

Quiz Time
1. Match the movie genres with their descriptions.
a. any people describe this type of movie as terrifying and frightening. 1. comedy
b. ou will be rolling on the oor with laughter when you watch these funny and
2. western
amusing movies.
c. These movies are very energetic and often ta e you on con uests and travels. 3. horror
d. These old fashioned movies allow you to appreciate how hard life was in the 4. adventure
merican ld est.

2. Listen and check the correct boxes.

Jason Mia Kylie
a. loves adventure movies.
b. watched Scream 2 with his her little sister.
c. called Inception an imaginative movie.
d. s favorite movie is Indiana Jones.
e. doesn t li e horror movies.
f. thought the special effects were fantastic.

3. Choose the best option.

a. ngelina olie had finished filming Mr. & Mrs. Smith c. eath edger The Imaginarium of Doctor
before she filming The Good Shepherd. Parnassus when he died in .
1. had started 2. has started 1. filmed 2. was filming
3. started 4. was starting 3. has filmed 4. films
b. teven pielberg many films over the d. hen urton started Batman in , he
last years. already Beetlejuice.
1. produced 2. was producing 1. did ma e 2. has made
3. had produced 4. has produced 3. had ma e 4. had made

4. Read the text and complete it with the correct time expressions.
in iesel was only when he started acting in theatre. write and produce his first short film called Multi-Facial.
Throughout his primary and secondary education he It was accepted for the annes ilm estival. ut it
acted in various theatre shows. wasn t d. since / until / while) teven
a. After /Since / Already) high school, iesel went to pielberg cast him in his bloc buster movie, Saving
college, but b. by the time / until / Private Ryan, in , that iesel started to become well
while) he was studying, he reali ed that his dream was to nown. e. Already / While / Since)
become a ollywood actor. c. By then, iesel has acted in other very famous action movies
the time / Already / Until) he was , he had managed to including The Fast and The Furious and A Man Apart.

Now I can... ery ell OK A Little
¾ tal about and describe different movies and their genres.
¾ ma e inferences from the information given.
¾ use time expressions and verb tenses to help organi e se uences of events.
¾ use idioms to tal about movies.

VP6Unidad1.indd 19 29/03/2016 09:08:04 a.m.

Activities on page 93

A-E crew: n. the group of people wor ing ticket: n. printed paper which indicates
actor/actress: n. someone who acts together to produce a movie. syn. that the holder can enter a movie. syn.
or performs in a movie or play. Johnny team, group) entry pass)
Depp is a famous actor.

trailer: n. a preview of a movie or film.

director: n. a person who manages western: n. movie genre which tells
the actors and crew in the ma ing of stories about cowboys and Indians
a movie. Tim Burton is a famous movie mainly set in the late th century in
director. the merican ld est. Unforgiven is a
documentary: n. informative movie ou l
about true events. The Cove is a
blockbuster: n. a hugely successful documentary about dolphin abuse.
movie or boo . Avatar was a huge
blockbuster movie. F-J
box office: n. place where admission genre: n. a style or category of movies.
tic ets are sold. Toy Story is from the animation genre.

plot: n. the main se uence of events
or story in a play, novel, or movie. syn. writer: n. person who writes a movie.
storyline, story) syn. author, scriptwriter)
producer: n. person who finances or
supervises the production of a movie. Colloquial Expressions
profit: n. earnings, financial gain. ant.
loss) A must see: a movie that you really
should watch. It normally means that
the movie is excellent.
budget: n. a financial plan the amount set: n. filming location stage and By heart: to learn something by
of money needed or available to ma e scenery for a movie or television memory.
a movie. The Harry Potter movies are program.
u l Few and far between: not many,
cast: n. the team of actors in a movie. only a few.
syn. actors, performers)
In a nutshell: in short, in summary.
celebrity: n. a famous person.
It’s worth it: it is rewarding or
To come up with: to thin of or
invent an idea.
soundtrack: n. the music and songs
To go overboard: to do something in
used in a movie. I listen to the Slumdog
an extreme way or too much.
Millionaire soundtrack every day.
star: n. an actor who plays a leading To pull off: to succeed or
role in a movie. Leonardo DiCaprio is accomplish something despite
the star of the movie Inception. di culties.

VP6Unidad1.indd 20 29/03/2016 09:08:05 a.m.

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