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Evidence 2 Effective presentations

Taller de presentaciones efectivas (Universidad TecMilenio)

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Descargado por Lupita Andrade (


Name: Nancy Alexandra Díaz Figueroa Matriculation number:

Course name: Name of the professor:
Effective presentations workshop
Module: Activitie:
Módulo 2 Evidence 2
 Laskowski, L. (2007). Elements of an Effective Speech. Retrieved from
 Rosenthal, B. (2010). Making an Effective Presentation. Retrieved from
 Russell, W. (2014). The 10 Most Common Presentation Mistakes:
avoid These Predictable Presentation Mistakes. Retrieved from

To detect the do’s and don’ts in a presentations and to be able to give
constructive feedback about any kind of presentation.
1. Search for a presentation that was unsuccessful and write an analysis
about each slide. (Identify at least 20 mistakes)
2. Search on the Internet 2 different presentations, one must be of a good
presenter and the other one a deficient.
3. Analyze both presenters and identify 10 Do's and 10 Don’ts from their
4. Provide a presentation about the Do´s and Don´ts in presentations.


Descargado por Lupita Andrade (



1) He was unprepared from the beginning

2) He was not 100% prepared
3) He made questions not meant for the public
4) Too many things on his hands
5) Reads his information
6) Nervous attitudes
7) The projector was not working
8) He made unnecessary tryouts on his microphone when the
presentation was already on.
9) He made silly comments
10)His things fell to the ground
11) He started singing unnecessarily
12)No good physical appearance
13)He never used an anecdote or a story to catch the audience
14)There was not a clear idea of what the topic was
15)He broke the table where he was working
16)He used a stuffed animal in a serios presentation
17)He didn’t have eye contact
18)He never showed what was the payoff of his presentation
19)He didn’t speak with conviction
20)He caught the audience attention by making fun of himself.

2. I made a research about presentations to find two that were a contrast to

each other, and I found a video that shows a student making a very
inefficient presentation and then changing it to a really good one.

Descargado por Lupita Andrade (



Good presentation Bad presentation

1 He smiled 1 Reading his information
2 Big font size 2 Lack of eye contact
3 Less text 3 No good physical appearance
4 He stopped reading 4 Low voice volume
5 He uses his personal experience 5 Nervous attitudes
to get in contact with the audience 6 Boring slides
6 Better physical appearance 7 Very small font size
7 Confidence 8 Small and irrelevant pictures
8 He caught the audience attention 9 He was not a 100% prepared for
9 He gave the audience a payoff his presentation
10 He demonstrated that he 10 He didn’t speak with conviction
believed in what he was saying

For this evidence the conclusion is that it is important to know which are the
do’s and don’ts in any presentation. To have an effective presentation can
open doors and opportunities in any case, it could be to make a good
impression with a boss or to sell some product; to have the best manage of
words, time ,attitude, and material can make anyone a great presenter.

Descargado por Lupita Andrade (

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