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FACULTY: mechanical engineering
SPECIALTY: Professional Mechanical Engineering(MASTER 1 GMPro)
SUBJECT: English

Quality controle

Produced by: Directed by:

- BOUKHIAR Mohamed Salah Eddine

academic year 2022/2023



III-Control tasks

IV-How to perform quality control

V-The control plane

VI-Respond to non-compliance

VII-Types of control


Quality control is a procedure put in place by companies which aim to ensure the
conformity of a product.
It is carried out by a quality controller with the help (or not) of the other production actors.
Conformity is established based on criteria developed by the company or by mutual
agreement between a supplier and a customer. (This includes, for example, industrial
This voluntary approach allows the company to respond to product quality issues in an
increasingly demanding market.
Ensuring product quality has become essential for companies, not only to meet customer
requirements, but also sometimes for legal reasons.
Quality control is a procedure (or series of procedures) aimed at ensuring the quality of a
manufactured product.
With this in mind, the product must satisfy a defined set of quality criteria and customer
Unlike the control procedure, which aims to identify potential non-conformities, quality
assurance aims to prevent the manufacture of non-conforming products.
In French, this means that quality assurance takes place during the manufacturing process
of the product, where quality control takes place once the product is finished. The two are
often combined under a single entity.
In general, this procedure aims to meet the quality standards in force, and thus provide
labels or certifications to the company or the product.
III-Control tasks
The objective of the inspection is to detect non-conformities.
At the right time..
And above all, to identify the causes and consequences that it could produce.
Detecting problems is good news for the company.
You are thus able to identify and correct problems when they occur.
The sources of non-compliance are numerous and it would be precisely worrying never to
detect any problems.
Let us distinguish two types of controls for the following.
Control upon receipt.
You must ensure that products received from a supplier pass the required audits.
In this case, you are not in control of the manufacture of the product, so you must check
that it complies with your requirements.
In general, the audit is carried out before placing in storage.
Control at the end of production
When you are the maker of the product, you also have to put your product through reviews.
Indeed, although you may be in control of production, a malfunction could slip into your
process and you must certify the conformity of your product to your customers.
In this case, quality control allows you to identify malfunctions and resolve them quickly
and reactively.
IV-How to perform quality control
There are different ways to perform a check. First, let's distinguish the methods. There are

 100% control, or systematic. In this methodology, the controller seeks to check all
the parts in the batch.
 Sampling inspection. Unlike 100% inspection, only part of the batch is checked, a
representative sample.
Both methods have their limitations, but it is important to distinguish the main points. If
you control each of the pieces, you will be limited in several points:
1. The cost will be much higher, since you are carrying out more checks.
2. You will not be able to perform destructive testing and will be limited to non-
destructive testing techniques. (including Plastiform! and if you take a look at it?)
3. By checking more frequently, you increase the risk of human error.
Conversely, sampling control will limit you in terms of performance, you do not control
everything, so you are likely to miss a fault.
This is quite rare and that is why this methodology is widely used.
V-The control plane
No matter what solution you find yourself in, you will need to have a precise methodology.
The process control plan (PCP) is a formal document which makes it possible to define the
stages necessary for the validation of conformity of a process or a product.
This document is specific to the product or process.
The plan allows you to ensure that the product corresponds to the requirements by ensuring
the documentation of these. In general, the PCP is represented in a table and consists of the
following elements:
 Identification of control points,
 The characteristics to be checked (what type? indicator, variable, etc. for example:
dimensions in mm.),
 tolerances,
 The oversampling frequency,
 The control method and the measuring instrument,
 Actions to be taken in the event of non-compliance.
Do not forget of course to properly list the plan by assigning it a unique identifier
VI-Respond to non-compliance
The detection of a manufacturing defect is a crisis situation.
Indeed, if you notice an anomaly, you will have to solve several problems.
First, you will have to identify the problem (which is not always obvious), then you will
have to repair it, then relaunch a battery of tests.
During this time, you can no longer produce. Not only will you no longer be able to
produce, but you will have to make corrections to what has already been produced, or even
worse, lose the products.
Thus, it is essential to be reactive and to be able to react quickly during all the stages,
 Carry out non-time-consuming checks, to detect defects as early as possible
(Warning! Fast does not mean sloppy!)
 Be reactive on the detection of the origin. If you check your product at the very end
of the chain, for example, you will have many more potential sources of problems
than if you check at each stage.
 You will also have to be reactive on bringing the production line back into
compliance, which means that you have a clear and established procedure.
VII-Types of control
Being reactive also means selecting the right tools.
When it comes to carrying out a quality control of a product, you have three options
available to you:

1. Destroy the part to perform the check by performing a destructive check. It is an

expensive and sometimes very time-consuming option, but it saves you if you do
not have a solution.
2. Control without destroying via non-destructive control solutions. Depending on the
solution, it takes more or less time, but it is generally more economical than
destroying the part. (Particularly if you use Plastiform)
3. Delocalized indirect control. It is a specific field of non-destructive testing. The
control is no longer carried out on the part, but on its imprint, and the imprint
serves as a witness to the measurement. (and thus facilitates control traceability)

Example of delocalized indirect control

It is important to determine your control processes in advance with careful thought to

optimize this process as much as possible.
It is also important to set up a permanent watch to continuously improve your methods.
Nowadays, it is essential to set up a quality control approach in companies. Whether for
internal concern to offer quality products, or by legislative or contractual obligation, quality
control is a reality that you will have to face.

There are two types of quality control, acceptance control and production control. In both
cases, the objective is to detect anomalies on the products.

There are different methodologies to perform quality control. You can first perform a
100% inspection, testing each of the parts in a batch, or you can opt for a sampling inspection,
selecting only part of the parts in the batch.

In both cases, it is important to be effective in the detection and treatment of non-

conformities so as not to penalize the profitability of the company.

Failure to quickly detect the origin of a problem, or even worse, the problem itself, could
cause a stoppage of the line or the production of non-recoverable parts, which is a problem!
2. ISO 8402:1994 : Management de la qualité et assurance de la qualité – Vocabulaire,
version datée 01/04/1994 (norme annulée).
3. ISO 9001:1994 : Système qualité – Modèle pour l'assurance de la qualité en
conception, développement, production et prestation associées (norme annulée)
4. ISO 9001:2000 : Système de management de la qualité – Exigences.

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