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 Demographic Analysis of Data

Age of Respondent
Frequency Percent
Interpretation – Among total
16-20 14 6.3 valid responses (of 224) most of
21-25 189 84.4 the respondent are in between
26-30 21 9.4 age group of 21-25
Total 224 100.0

Table 1: Age of Respondent

Gender of Respondent
Frequency Percent
Interpretation – Among total

Male 130 58.0

valid responses (of 224) 58% are
Valid Female 94 42.0 male and 42 % are Female
Total 224 100.0

Table 2: Gender of Respondent

Education Level
Frequency Percent Interpretation – Among total
valid responses (of 224) 69 %
Graduate 69 30.8
are postgraduate and above and
Valid Post Graduate and Above 155 69.2

Total 224 100.0

30% are graduate
Table 3: Education level of Respondent
Interpretation – Among total

Background of Family valid responses (of 224) 42 %

Frequency Percent having service background, 37%
are from business background
95 42.4
Service and 20.5% are from Agro

83 37.1 background

Valid 46 20.5

224 100.0

Table 4: Family Background of Respondent

 Perception of students of Higher education (in the region of Uttar
Pradesh) aboutthe importance of factors to start a new business venture
Descriptive Statistics

N Mean Analysis: (Rating score range from 5

Extremely Important to 1 Least Important)
Having Unique and Valid Business Idea 203 4.59
The total valid responses were 203 and the
Motivated by the passion in related 203 4.35
most important factors to start a new
business opportunity
business venture (as per the students of
High opportunity in the market 203 4.31
Higher education in the region of Uttar
To generate employment for others 203 4.13 Pradesh) with average rating score of
To be famous and successful. 203 4.20 more than 4.3 is having unique business
To Earn More 203 4.12 Idea followed by passion in related
business opportunity and High
Unemployed 203 3.41
opportunity in the market.
Valid N (list wise)

TABLE 5 - Average rating score of Perception of students of Higher education (in the region of Uttar Pradeshtowards the important factors to
start a new business venture.

 Crucial barriers, as per the students of Higher education (in the region of
Uttar Pradesh), that dissuades the growth of entrepreneurship .

Main barriers to start a new business N Mean Analysis: (Rating score range from 5
Strongly Agree to 1 Strongly disagree) total
Access to finance 203 4.56
valid responses were 203 and the
Administrative and Legal Hurdles (From 203 4.30
mainbarriers for new business venture (as
Government) per the students of Higher education in the
[Lack of Technical Knowledge Base and skills] 203 4.03 region of Uttar Pradesh) with average
Low Risk bearing ability 203 3.94 rating score of more than 4.3 is
Family Pressure and Lack of Support 203 3.86 havingaccess to finance followed by
administrative and Legal Hurdles (From
Lack of infrastructure 203 3.75
Valid N (list wise) 203

TABLE 6 - Average rating score of Perception of students of Higher education (in the region of Uttar Pradesh) towards the Main
barriersto start a new business venture.

 Perception of students of Higher education (in the region of Uttar

Pradesh) about the requisites for starting and developing new venture:
Descriptive Statistics
Requisites to Start a new
N Mean Analysis: (Rating score range from 4
highly required to 1 not required )total valid
Networking (Both Social and 201 3.74
responses were 203 and themost important
requirements for starting a new business
Professional Skills 203 3.67 venture (as per the students of Higher
Risk Taking Ability 203 3.67 education in the region of Uttar Pradesh)
Financial Strength 203 3.37 with average rating score of more than 3.6
Knowledge related to legal and 203 3.22 is Networking followed by professional
Business aspects skills and risk taking ability
Family Support 203 3.09

TABLE 7- Average rating score of Perception of students of Higher education (in the region of Uttar Pradeshabout the requisites for starting
a new business venture.

 Perception of students of Higher education (in the region of Uttar

Pradesh) on the role of Education and Mentorship

Fig 4 : Perception of students of Higher education about the role of Education and Mentorship

Out of total responses more than 50% students consider education and mentorship is
Highly required while 40% of students consider the requirement of mentorship and
education is moderate.

 Perception of students of Higher education (in the region of Uttar

Pradesh) on the impact of Business enabling Environment:
Analysis: (Rating score range from 4 Extremely Important to 1 not Important)

Descriptive Statistics
Analysis: (Rating score range from 4
Elements of Business N Mean highly required to 1 not required ) total
Enabling Environment
valid responses were 203 and the most
Infrastructural support 203 3.68 important elements of Business enabling
Social Peace & harmony 203 3.67 environment (as per the students of Higher
Environmental Condition 203 3.66 education in the region of Uttar Pradesh)
Fair Competition 203 3.51 with average rating score of more than 3.6
Supportive Government 203 3.47 is Infrastructure support followed by
Schemes Social Peace & harmony and
Easy Regulation and Rules 203 3.46
Environmental Condition
Valid N (listwise) 203

 Perception of students of Higher education (in the region of Uttar

Pradesh) about the impact of interpersonal Skills

Analysis: (Rating score range from 4 highly required to 1 not required)

Descriptive Statistics
Interpersonal Skills Elements N Mean

Confidence and Self Belief 203 3.87

Leadership 203 3.84
Communication 203 3.84
Decision Making Ability 203 3.81
Creativity and Innovative 203 3.78
Ability to work in team 203 3.69
Empathy 203 3.42
Reliability and Dependability 203 3.40
Valid N (listwise) 203
 Impact of Demographic factors on the perception of students of Higher
education (in the region of Uttar Pradesh) about the importance of factors
to start a new business venture.

H0 : There is no significant impact of Demographic factors on the perception of students of

Higher education (in the region of Uttar Pradesh) about the importance of factors to start a new
business venture.
Ha : There is significant impact of Demographic factors on the perception of students of Higher
education (in the region of Uttar Pradesh) about the importance of factors to start a new
business venture.

( Testing criteria: the p-value of a hypothesis test is 0.05, Testing Tool : one way Anova)

Factors to start a
new business Gender Education Level Family
venture. Background

Sig. (2- tailed)= 0.453 Sig. (2- tailed)=0.298 Sig. (2- tailed)= 0.249
Having Unique and
Null Hypothesis : not Null Hypothesis : not Null Hypothesis : not
Valid Business Idea rejected rejected rejected
Sig. (2- tailed)=0.512 Sig. (2- tailed)=0.636 Sig. (2- tailed)= 0.270
Motivated by the
passion in related Null Hypothesis : not Null Hypothesis : not Null Hypothesis : not
business opportunity rejected rejected rejected
Sig. (2- tailed)=0.701 Sig. (2- tailed)=0.283 Sig. (2- tailed)= 0.167
High opportunity in the
Null Hypothesis : not Null Hypothesis : not Null Hypothesis : not
rejected rejected rejected
Sig. (2- tailed)=0.614 Sig. (2- tailed)=0.04 Sig. (2- tailed)= 0.204
To generate
Null Hypothesis : not Null Hypothesis : rejected Null Hypothesis : not
employment for others
rejected rejected
Sig. (2- tailed)=0.529 Sig. (2- tailed)= 0.889 Sig. (2- tailed)= 0.033
To be famous and
Null Hypothesis : not Null Hypothesis : not Null Hypothesis : rejected
rejected rejected
Sig. (2- tailed)=0.410 Sig. (2- tailed)=0.380 Sig. (2- tailed)= 0.239
To Earn More Null Hypothesis : not Null Hypothesis : not Null Hypothesis : not
rejected rejected rejected
Sig. (2- tailed)=0.684 Sig. (2- tailed)= 0.240 Sig. (2- tailed)= 0.015
Unemployed Null Hypothesis : not Null Hypothesis : not Null Hypothesis : rejected
rejected rejected

 Impact of Demographic factors on the perception of students of Higher
education (in the region of Uttar Pradesh) about the Crucial barriers, that
dissuades the growth of entrepreneurship.

H0 : There is no significant impact of Demographic factors on the perception of students of

Higher education (in the region of Uttar Pradesh) about the Crucial barriers, that dissuades the
growth of entrepreneurship
Ha : There is significant impact of Demographic factors on the perception of students of Higher
education (in the region of Uttar Pradesh) about the Crucial barriers, that dissuades the growth
of entrepreneurship

( Testing criteria: the p-value of a hypothesis test is 0.05, Testing Tool : one way Anova)

Main barriers to
start a new business Family Education Level Gender
Sig. (2- tailed)= 0.643 Sig. (2- tailed)=0.044 Sig. (2- tailed)= 0.042
Administrative and Legal
Hurdles (From Null Hypothesis : not Null Hypothesis : Null Hypothesis : rejected
Government) rejected rejected
Sig. (2- tailed)=0.085 Sig. (2- tailed)=0.248 Sig. (2- tailed)= 0.423
Lack of Technical
Knowledge Base and Null Hypothesis : not Null Hypothesis : not Null Hypothesis : not
skills rejected rejected rejected
Sig. (2- tailed)=0.007 Sig. (2- tailed)=0.408 Sig. (2- tailed)= 0.727
Low Risk bearing ability Null Hypothesis : Null Hypothesis : not Null Hypothesis : not
rejected rejected rejected
Sig. (2- tailed)=0.028 Sig. (2- tailed)=0.217 Sig. (2- tailed)= 0.931
Family Pressure and
Null Hypothesis : Null Hypothesis : not Null Hypothesis : not
Lack of Support
rejected rejected rejected
Sig. (2- tailed)=0.013 Sig. (2- tailed)= 0.0004 Sig. (2- tailed)= 0.650
Lack of infrastructure Null Hypothesis : Null Hypothesis : Null Hypothesis : not
rejected rejected rejected
Sig. (2- tailed)=0.6 42 Sig. (2- tailed)= 0.741 Sig. (2- tailed)= 0.326
Access to finance Null Hypothesis : not Null Hypothesis : not Null Hypothesis : not
rejected rejected rejected
Sig. (2- tailed)=0.314 Sig. (2- tailed)= 0.043 Sig. (2- tailed)= 0.511
Lack of Mentorship and
Null Hypothesis : not Null Hypothesis : Null Hypothesis : not
rejected rejected rejected


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