Linear Aggregation Revisited Rods, Rings and Worms

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428 Macromol. Theory Simul.

8, 428–432 (1999)

Linear aggregation revisited: Rods, rings and worms

Paul van der Schoot1, Joachim P. Wittmer*2

Max-Planck-Institut für Kolloid- und Grenzflächenforschung,
Kantstrasse 55, D-14513 Teltow-Seehof, Germany
Départment de Physique des Matériaux, Université Claude Bernard and CNRS,
69622 Villeurbanne Cedex, France
(Received: March 25, 1999; revised: May 25, 1999)

SUMMARY: The problem of ring formation in solutions of cylindrical micelles is reinvestigated theoreti-
cally, taking into account a finite bending rigidity of the self-assembled linear objects. Transitions between
three regimes are found when the scission energy is sufficiently large. At very low densities only spherical
and very short, rod-like micelles form. Beyond a critical density, mainly rings but also worm-like chains
appear in (virtually) fixed relative amounts. Above a second transition both the length of the linear chains
and the relative amount of material taken up by them increase rapidly with increasing concentration. The
mass accumulated into long, semi-flexible worms then overwhelms that in rings. The ring-dominated regime
is very narrow for semi-flexible chains, confirming that the presence of rings may be difficult to observe in
many micellar systems, and indeed disappears completely for sufficiently low scission energy and/or large
persistence length.

Solutions of highly elongated, cylindrical micelles are rings were not present above the polymerisation transi-
arguably among the best studied of the so-called equili- tion, although the rings do deplete a fixed amount of
brium polymeric systems1). Equilibrium polymers are material available to linear aggregation7). The amount of
formed in reversible polymerisation processes and there- material incorporated into rings is then roughly equal to
fore are in chemical equilibrium with each other – mono- the volume fraction at the polymerisation threshold
meric material is continually exchanged between the which, for flexible aggregates, is predicted to take place
assemblies. An aspect not at all well understood is why at an estimated value of the order ten per cent. This is at
ring closure seems to be unimportant in solutions of lin- variance with experimental observations on micellar solu-
ear micelles, although this would remove unfavourable tions, where in some cases giant, polymer-like assemblies
free ends (“end caps”) from the solution. (Closed loops are known to arise at volume fractions as low as one tenth
have been observed in electron microscopic images of of a per cent1). Some workers have conjectured that a
linear micelles2), but apparently they occur in too low finite bending rigidity of the micelles could suppress
concentrations to significantly influence the properties of rings smaller than a certain size, thereby reducing the
micellar systems1).) In other equilibrium polymeric sys- contribution of rings4). Others argued that the formation
tems, such as liquid sulfur, the presence of rings is on the of rings is anyway more strongly attenuated than any esti-
other hand thought to be all-important3). According to mate based on a Gaussian bead-spring model can predict.
mean-field theory3), rings must indeed overwhelmingly This is essentially because the number of places a contin-
dominate the aggregate population in solutions of self- uous ring can break is much greater than that of a discrete
assembled, flexible polymers, but only when the mono- ring7). Although both views are not entirely inaccurate,
mer fugacity is below some threshold value. At fugacities we shall see below that the issue is decidedly more com-
above this threshold, the concentration of rings should plex and worth of study.
level off to a constant value. Linear chains then form an In this paper, we reinvestigate linear self-assembly in
increasingly important fraction of the aggregated mate- three spatial dimensions by explicitly taking into account
rial. In the limit where the end caps carry an infinite free the finite bending rigidity of the chains. We find three
energy penalty, the crossover becomes sharp and is remi- regimes, one where spherical and possibly also short, rod-
niscent of a phase transition, sometimes referred to as the like aggregates are overwhelmingly present, one where
polymerisation transition3). closed rings constitute a significant if not dominant por-
Ignoring the subtle effects of excluded volume interac- tion of the micelle population, and one where long,
tions which give rise to departure from mean-field beha- worm-like assemblies emerge to become the dominant
viour3–6), the self-assembled linear chains behave as if the species, see Fig. 1. For semi-flexible linear assemblies

Macromol. Theory Simul. 8, No. 5 i WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH, D-69451 Weinheim 1999 1022-1344/99/0509–0428$17.50+.50/0
Linear aggregation revisited: Rods, rings and worms 429

containing many monomers per persistence length, the Gaussian chain model of semi-flexible linear chains, dis-
crossovers between the various regimes occur at such low cussed recently by Marques and Fredrickson9), the latter
volume fractions that for most practical purposes ring for- can be evaluated exactly in the entire range from the rod
mation can be ignored. This explains experimental obser- to the worm limit. We only quote the limiting results for
vations, and is in line with an earlier (less elaborate) ana- the rod and worm limits, which can be expressed as
lysis of Porte7). We also find conditions under which the l
Z1 …N † zN ÿ1 ……N ÿ 1†=l†
3…N ÿ2† 2
and Z1 …N † zN ÿ1 …2l†
ÿ3 2

ring phase disappears altogether. S F

in the two limits l N 2 and N l. Here l 1 S S
We consider a micellar solution above the critical denotes the average number of monomers per persistence
micelle concentration, cmc. We assume that at (or slightly length, presumed large, and z 3 = ~ † is a func-
k1 lÿ3 2 exp…E
above) the cmc the micelles are essentially spherical, and tion of l and E, ~ with k1 a constant of order unity. A Boltz-
that we can disregard the presumably constant amount of mann term associated with the (dimensionless) free
the dissolved surfactant not incorporated into micelles. In energy cost of chain scission, E ~ > 0, has been explicitly
our model, the spherical micelles are viewed as the basic added, penalising the free ends of the open chains. For
monomeric units that self-assemble into elongated, con- long, polymer-like micelles values of E ~ up to about 20
tinuous chains. Whether in actual fact single surfactant (kB T) are not uncommon1), although scission energies as
molecules self-assemble into cylinders or whole groups high as 38 (kB T) have been reported in the literature10).
of surfactants is inessential to the theory. The cylindrical Note i) that the free energy of a single chain, ÿln Z, is
assemblies can be open (linear) or closed (circular), and extensive in the number of monomers N in the chain, as it
are assumed to be semi-flexible. This implies that the should, but ii) that there are logarithmic corrections near
length each “monomer” contributes to the total length is the rod limit. These corrections very strongly suppress
considerably smaller than the persistence length. Self- rod-like aggregates considerably smaller than one persis-
interactions of the excluded volume type are compara- tence length yet consisting of more then a few aggregat-
tively weak in solutions of semi-flexible chains8), so the ing units. (We shall come back to this later.) As
chains may be treated as ideal. (This can be easily seen s
Z1 …N † zN ÿ1 …2l†
ÿ3 2
s s
for 2 N l, we simply set
from Fixman’s Ginzburg criterion which strongly Z1 …N † ˆ 0 for the entire range 2 N l, and f a
depends on the persistence length: N N 3 l2 . Fors V Z1 …N † ˆ zN ÿ1 …2l†
=ÿ3 2
for N l. The free monomers are
chain and persistence lengths reasonable for cylindrical from now on understood to also include short, rod-like
micelles one readily confirms the validity of the mean- micelles a few micelle diameters long. This merely renor-
field analysis8).) The dimensionless number density of malises the chemical potential.
assemblies of aggregation number N is denoted q…N †, Exact results for the partition function of closed loops
where the subscripts 0 and 1 shall be used to refer to of arbitrary flexibility are, as far as we are aware, not
closed rings and linear chains, respectively. Balancing the available in the literature, although limiting expressions
loss of translational entropy of a monomer when incorpo- have been obtained within several model descriptions.
rated into an aggregate against the free energy gain of The problem of ring closure in the tight bending limit
association immediately gives, in the mean field, was addressed by Shimada and Yamakawa at the level of
the worm-like chain model11). Their result can be written
q…N † ˆ Z …N † exp…l
~N † …1†
as Z0 V S S
exp…ÿ2p2 l=N †, valid when l N 1. (Here
for the equilibrium size distribution. The chain partition we ignore for reasons of brevity additional non-exponen-
function Z …N 1† depends on the topology of the aggre- tial dependences on N =l.) In other words, tight rings are
gate as well as on the prevailing flexibility mechanism. exponentially suppressed. Again, we arbitrarily set the
We take as a reference the “internal” partition function of f a
cut-off at N = l, and put Z0 = 0 for all 1 N l. (There
a free monomer, and define Z …1† 3 1. The (dimension- is obviously no monomeric ring.) In the opposite limit of
less) chemical potential of the monomers, l ~, can be S S
long chains, N l 1, a simple scaling argument allows
related to the total volume fraction of aggregating mate- us to deduce the partition function of the closed config-
rial, b, via P the normalisation condition Pv b ˆ b0 ‡ b1 , urations, Z0 , from that of the linear chains, Z1 . The argu-
where b0 3 v
N ˆ2 N q0 …N † and b1 3 N ˆ1 N q1 …N †. In
ment is a slight modification of the one given by Porte7)
our calculations below, we replace summations by inte- (and others3 ,4)) for the case of flexible chains, and hinges
grations whenever the mean aggregation numbers are on a consideration of the ratio Z1 =Z0 . The ratio Z1 =Z0 is
large, that is, whenever
Pv p P 3
N b = q … S
N † 1 and/ equal to the probability of opening a loop, which must be
p P 3 S
0 0 N ˆ 2 0
or N 1 b1 = N ˆ1 q1 …N † 1. proportional to i) the number of places the ring can break,
Given that the size distribution is directly proportional N, ii) the volume that two neighbouring segments can
to the partition function Z, one would next like to obtain explore after being disconnected, proportional to
accurate expressions for the partition functions Z0 and Z1 N 3 2 l3 2 7), iii) the increased angular phase volume of these
= =

for arbitrary aggregation numbers N. Within the rigid new end segments, l1 2 , and iv) a Boltzmann weight,
430 P. van der Schoot, J. P. Wittmer

~ †, for the creation of the two end caps. Using the

previously given expression for Z1, we find

Z0 lk 0 zN N ÿ5 2 lÿ2

for N l 1, with k0 an unknown constant presumably
close to unity. (Pfeuty and co-workers3) set k0 ˆ 0:1 in
their analysis of self-assembled, flexible chains.) We
extrapolate this expression in our calculations down to
N ˆ l. Our estimate for Z0 …N l† is smaller by a factor A
of lÿ1 2 than the previous estimate of ref.7), due to the

reduced angular phase volume of the two ends upon ring

closure, not taken into account in that work.
The size distributions we thus obtain are

x 0 if 1 fNal Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of the aggregation states of semi-
q0 …N †
k0 N ÿ5 2 lÿ2 exp…lN †
if N Fl …3† flexible micelles. Volume fraction b vs. the scission energy E. (i)
Monomeric phase (spherical micelles), (ii) ring phase consisting
mainly of rings and a few rods, both about a persistence length
for the rings, and long, (iii) worm phase of long and worm-like aggregates, many
8 ÿ1 persistence lengths longs, a few relatively short rings. Here l is a
< z exp…l† if N ˆ 1
x :0 f al
dimensionless persistence length and unimportant prefactors of
q1 …N † if 2 N …4† order unity have been left out
exp…ÿE ‡ lN † if N l F
for the linear chains, where in both expressions we have
absorbed a ln z in the chemical potential, l l
~ ‡ ln z, 3
and a constant into the scission energy,
E 3 ~ ÿ ln…23 2 =k1 †, which we regard as the actual, mea-
E =

surable scission energy. Using Eqs. (1) and (2), we evalu-

ate the relative contributions of chains and rings to the
total volume fraction material b, and calculate their mean
p P
lengths N . Careful inspection of the various contribu-
tions to
 p p
b0 x 2k l 0
exp…ll† ÿ ÿpll erfc ÿll …5†

and to
b1 xz ÿ1
exp…l† ‡ l exp…ll ÿ E†
2 1
2 ÿ
…6† Fig. 2. As Fig. 1, now given as a function of the scission
energy E and the chemical potential l times the dimensionless
persistence length l. Indicated are also the cross-over chemical
reveals that, depending on the dimensionless chemical potentials l3 , l33 , discussed in the main text
potential l 0, three regimes can be distinguished. See
Fig. 1 and Fig. 2. When E ln…l9 2 kÿ0 1 † we find, at a =

fixed scission energy E, transitions between all three

regimes upon increasing the chemical potential: The mean lengths N 0 p P xp P x
N 1 l …1 ÿ …ll† † 1
(i) The monomer-dominated regime: l l3 , where a increase only logarithmically with b. When ÿlÿ1 l a a
l3 ÿ lÿ1 ln…k1 l1 2 ‡ k0 k1 lÿ4 exp…E††. For volume frac-
l33 the mass fraction of worms grows with increasing
tions b kÿ1 1 l3 2 exp…ÿE†, almost all of the material
chemical potential.
p P
resides in “monomers” with N 1 = 1, i. e., in spheres and (iii) The worm-dominated regime: l33 l  0. The a
(possibly) in very short rods. fraction of worms overwhelms the ring fraction when
(ii) The ring-dominated regime: l3 l l33 , where a a A A
l l33 , that is, when b 4k0 lÿ5 2 . The volume fraction

l33 ÿ l5 4 …2k0 †
ÿ1 2
exp…ÿE=2†. When l3 l ÿ lÿ1 ,
a a x
of material held in rings levels off to b0 2k0 lÿ5 2 , as =

rings and chains about a persistence length long occur in p P x

does the mean size N 0 3l. We find, furthermore, that
a ratio almost independent of the concentration, in this worm-dominated regime N 1 ˆ …b ÿ b0 † p P 1 2 =

exp…E=2† l. This is consistent with Porte’s result7),
b1 =b ˆ 1 ÿ …b0 =b† x1 = …1 ‡ k0 lÿ9 2 exp…E††
…7† except for the different scaling of b0 with l.
Linear aggregation revisited: Rods, rings and worms 431

When E ln…l9 2 kÿ0 1 †, in other words when the micelles
near the rod limit. It is, however, straightforward to verify
are sufficiently stiff for a fixed scission energy E, the ring that terms not identical but similar to those found in the
phase disappears and we are left with a single transition rigid Gaussian chain model do arise in a continuous
from a “monomeric” solution of spherical and short, rod- description of the (inextensible) worm-like chain model,
like micelles to a worm-dominated regime. The cross- when taking the limit17) N ev ev ,l , N =le 0. (In this
over takes place when l > l3 x ÿ1
ÿ…l3 l† exp…ÿl3 l†, limit the problem can be treated at the level of a Gaussian
which for all sensible values of l gives ÿl3 l ˆ O…1† inde- fluctuation theory around the straight-rod configuration.)
pendent of the scission energy. The corresponding cross- Again we find that the rod-like configurations in q1 …N †
over volume fraction, however, does depend on E, are strongly suppressed, with a different prefactor of N ÿN
s s
for 1 N l.
b xk ÿ1 3=2
1 l exp…ÿE† ak ÿ1 ÿ3
1 l s1 …8† Fortunately, the “phase” diagrams given in Fig. 1 and
Fig. 2 turn out to remain unchanged if we set
See also the “phase” diagrams given in Fig. 1 (in b ÿ E
space) and in Fig. 2 (in E ÿ l space). Note that “mono-
Z1 …N † zN ÿ1 …2l†
ÿ3 2
for all N 2, i. e., if we ignore the
suppression of the rod configurations. It is for this reason
mers” do occur in the polymerised phases (ii) and (iii), that we expect the main conclusion of our work to be
albeit only in very low concentrations. In the electron invariant to the choice of chain model. We nevertheless
micrographs of ref.2), spherical micelles can indeed be believe the suppression of the rod configurations to be
seen in coexistence with long, polymer-like micelles. physically significant, as it forces the polymerisation
The main conclusion of our work is that the intermedi-
ate (ring) regime can be very narrow indeed for cylindri-
transitions …i† e …ii† and …i†e …iii† to be of first order;
otherwise these would have been continuous. Only a first
cal assemblies which are rigid on the scale of a micelle order transition can explain the existence of the sphere-
diameter 12): see Fig. 1. Even when the assemblies are not to-rod transition in micellar systems.
all that stiff, the ring regime may be difficult to detect as Computer simulation studies of self-assembled lattice
the worm-dominated phase sets in at very low volume chains with a finite bending energy have recently
fractions of order lÿ5 2. Indeed, for fairly flexible linear

appeared in the literature18–20). Unfortunately, comparison

micelles, such as those formed by the surfactant CPyBr in
brine, we (conservatively) estimate that l 4, meaning
with our predictions is not straightforward, for the chains
interact strongly in the quoted works (and in fact exhibit
that the worm phase must occur at a volume fraction of order-disorder transitions) in contrast to the dilute case
the order of 10–3 above the cmc. (Here l was equated to studied here. Ring formation is furthermore explicitly for-
the ratio of the persistence length and the micelle dia- bidden in ref.19, 20), where simulations were in addition
meter, which for this system are accurately known quanti- restricted to two spatial dimensions only. (Another diffi-
ties13).) Obviously, we are stretching the theory to the culty might arise from the rather low mean chain sizes of
limit of its validity in this example, but it does once more order ten investigated in ref.18–20)) Tentatively setting
confirm that rings should almost always be neglected in aside these reservations, some of the trends obtained from
micellar systems7). our analysis seem to be preserved in the simulations.
Perhaps our most surprising finding is that not only Indeed, in ref.18) rings were found to play an insignificant
tight rings are suppressed, but also rod-like assemblies role in the (“disordered”) worm-dominated phase, while
shorter than, say, a persistence length but longer than a in ref.19, 20) an increasing chain rigidity strongly reduces
few micelle diameters. The reason is that close to the rod the mean aggregation number. This happens, in our calcu-
limit very few bending modes remain that could help to e
lation, close to the (i) (iii) transition17).
compensate for the loss of translational entropy upon In conclusion, we have have shown, using a simple
aggregation. It has to be noted that the precise impact of mean-field analysis, that a finite chain rigidity may be the
the freezing out of bending modes on the size distribution reason why ring formation is unimportant in many (if not
appears to have non-universal aspects, i. e. it is model all) micellar systems. As mean-field theory is thought to
dependent. Other workers14–16) do not find the relevant have a very broad range of validity in semi-flexible sys-
logarithmic terms in the single chain free energy at all. tems due to reduced self-interactions and a narrow semi-
(In ref.14, 16) this is likely to be due to the approximate eva- dilute scaling regime8), our results should be reasonably
luation of Z1 …N †, and to the particular choice of the chain accurate all the way from the dilute to the concentrated
Hamiltonian in ref.15); we reject this choice as it leads to a regime, provided the system does not cross over to a
free energy that diverges in the rod limit.) The question to liquid crystalline phase where a different behaviour has
what extent our results depend on the choice of the rigid to be expected18).
Gaussian chain model9) needs to be addressed. This parti-
cular model exhibits “breathing” modes which are not
present in the standard persistent or worm-like chain Acknowledgement: We thank Peter Swain for a critical read-
model8), and could therefore exhibit spurious behaviour ing of the manuscript.
432 P. van der Schoot, J. P. Wittmer

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