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DE4202 Land Surveying 1 Assignment 1

DE4202 Assignment 1 2020 – Rev B

This assignment is worth 18% of the course marks.

There are a total of 45 marks.

The assignment report should be typed and include a cover sheet with your name,
course paper & assignment reference.

The assignment should be tidy, well laid out and easy to follow. Headings, title
blocks for diagrams and plans will help make it more presentable.

Up to 4.5 marks (10% of the assignment marks) can be subtracted for poor

The report and accompanying documentation is to be emailed to the tutor in a single document in a digital pdf format, no later
than 9:59:59 pm on the 21st April 2020.

But the earlier you hand it in the easier it will be.

DE4202 Land Surveying 1 Assignment 1

Question 1 Data Search (10 marks)

You have been asked you to carry out a desktop search to gather together information on a
property at 51 Raumanga Valley Road. (6 marks, 1 for each point)

1. Go to the Whangarei District Council GIS website and find out theses points of interest:
a) Lot number and survey plan.
b) Title Reference
c) Is the land subject to any hazards on the site?
d) What district plan environment is the site in?
e) Describe where and what existing council services run through the site or on the
road adjoining the site?
f) See the copy of DP 150039 below – Does the plan show any information that might
be of interest to you as an engineer and in particular to building on the site.

2. Go to the LINZ geodetic database and find the closest 4th order geodetic mark to the site using
the map search facility (4 marks, 1 for each point)
a) What is the mark name and geodetic code?
b) Describe the mark type.
c) When was it last maintained?
d) Estimate the distance to the closest site boundary of the above address using the
measurement tool on google earth.
DE4202 Land Surveying 1 Assignment 1

Question 2 Types of Error (3 marks)

List 3 types of error that are encountered in all survey work and a brief example of such an error in
a surveying situation.

Question 3 Care of Instruments (3 marks)

(see Care and Maintenance of Survey Instruments – MoW manual)

When you return to the office what steps should you take to care for an optical instrument that has
become wet while working in the field

Question 4 Survey Accuracies (2 marks)

Explain what Relative Accuracy & Absolute Accuracy means in relation to a survey that has been
completed and what is the difference between these two terms.

Question 5 Direct & Indirect Measurements (2 marks)

Explain what a Direct Measurement is and what an Indirect Measurement is in a survey situation.
Please give an example of both types of measurement.
DE4202 Land Surveying 1 Assignment 1

Question 5 Gradients (10 marks)

The centreline of a concrete driveway has been levelled using an automatic level with heights
taken every 5 metres from the kerb where it meets the road to a point where it enters the garage of
a house.

i) Complete the level run reduction calculations (5 marks)

ii) Calculate the gradient of each 5 metre section of driveway (3 marks)
iii) A deck above the garage overhangs the driveway at the 33 metre
chainage. What is the height of the deck above the driveway at this point (2 marks)

Back- Inter- Fore- Rise Fall Reduced Remarks Gradient

sight mediate Sight Level (%)
2.540 10.000 CH 0 (Kerb)
2.431 CH 5
2.288 CH 10
2.561 1.296 CH 15
1.527 CH 20
1.503 CH 25
1.459 CH 30
1.417 CH 35
-1.205 Bottom of Deck
3.805 10.000 CH 0 (Kerb)
DE4202 Land Surveying 1 Assignment 1

Question 6 Levelling Exercise (15 marks Total)

Field Work Completed by Another Surveyor
The following equipment was used to measure heights and positions on a series of cross sections
relating to a proposed alignment.
 Automatic level and tripod
 staff
 tape

The aim was to gather sufficient information for a road to be designed. So, the surveyor has surveyed
an alignment (100m long) and cross sections at 20m intervals along this alignment.
This method is a convenient method for collecting data where the route of the proposed road is known
or an existing road is to have its shape altered. The desired outcome from the survey is to draw a
longsection of the proposed alignment, as well as cross sections every 20 metres.

Note the following points:

1. The benchmarks used for this survey are:
a. Nail 1 – In Footpath – RL = 14.995
b. Nail 2 – In Bridge Abutment – RL = 16.723
The Reduced Levels are in terms of One Tree Point 1964 Vertical Datum
2. Change points are marked by pegs at 20m intervals along the alignment being surveyed
3. Cross sections were surveyed to be at least 20m wide (i.e. 10m either side of the centreline)
4. Intermediate marks will be on the cross sections and on other notable features identified onsite.
(tops and bottoms of banks, streams)

Drafting Sections from the Survey Data (15 marks)

The following office work needs to be completed for this survey

1. Reduce Levelling Fieldnotes (5 marks)

Calculate all rises and falls, miscloses, RLs, checks and adjustments of the attached fieldnotes

2. Long Section (5 marks)

Plot a long section of the centreline.
This will show the centreline pegs but will also show the change of gradient at the bottom of the
slope and the point where the stream crosses the centreline.
Use a horizontal scale of 1:500 and a vertical scale of 1:100.
Long sections must have necessary items as shown in the Course Notes

3. Cross sections (5 marks)

Plot cross sections at 20 metre intervals. There will be 6 sections.
Cross sections must have necessary items as shown in the Course Notes
Use a scale of 1:100. (horizontal and vertical)

This will fit on an A4 sheet

Surveyors Page Project: Assigment 1 - Land Surveying Fieldwork Notes
1 of 2 Survey of Sections for Proposed Road Topcon AT-B4
Surveyor: HC, HT & MC Date: 29/03/2020 Serial No: MZ4008
Back- Inter- Fore- Rise Fall Reduced Adjust- Adjusted Distance Remarks
sight mediate sight Level ment RL Offset
0.353 16.723 - Nail 2 Bridge Abutment
0.809 2.148 0.00 CH0 Peg
1.272 10.10 CH0 - Footpath
1.350 4.00 CH0 - Breakline
0.285 -5.50 CH0 - Top of Bank
0.419 -9.30 CH0 - Other Top of Bank
2.068 -12.40 CH0 - Down Bank Slope
1.606 10.15 CH20 - Flat Land
1.446 3.40 CH20 - Bottom of Bank
0.429 -3.80 CH20 - Top of Bank
0.338 -8.70 CH20 - Other Top of Bank
1.612 -11.20 CH20 - Down Bank Slope
0.813 0.900 0.00 CH20 - Peg
1.629 10.00 CH40 - Spot Height
1.422 1.36 CH40 - Bottom of Bank
0.233 7.43 CH40 - Top of Bank
0.244 -10.86 CH40 - Other Top of Bank
0.970 1.140 0.00 CH40 - Peg
1.853 10.00 Ch60 - Flat area
1.758 4.59 CH60 - Bottom of Bank
1.002 -5.52 CH60 - Top of Bank
0.327 -10.28 CH60 - Top of Bank

DS4202 2020 - Assign 1 - Fieldnotes

Surveyors Page Project: Assigment 1 - Land Surveying Fieldwork Notes
2 of 2 Survey of Sections for Proposed Road Topcon AT-B4
Surveyor: HC, HT & MC Date: 29/03/2020 Serial No: MZ4008
Back- Inter- Fore- Rise Fall Reduced Adjust- Adjusted Distance Remarks
sight mediate sight Level ment RL Offset
0.862 1.371 0 CH60 - Peg
1.458 10.00 CH80 - Flat Area
1.554 -6.25 CH80 - Bottom of Bank
1.131 -10.00 CH80 - On Slope
1.269 1.448 0.00 CH80 - Peg
3.161 10.00 CH100 - Spot Height
3.170 -10.00 CH100 - Spot Height
1.498 0.00 CH94.4 - Top Bank
3.031 0.00 CH97.4 - Bottom of Bank
3.265 0.00 CH98.2 - Top of Creek
3.675 0.00 CH98.7 - Base of Creek
3.251 0.00 CH99.35 - Top of Creek
3.012 3.049 0.00 CH100 - Peg
1.166 0.356 - Change Point 1 - Temporary
1.544 0.854 - Change Point 2 - Temporary
1.272 14.995 - Nail 1 - Footpath

DS4202 2020 - Assign 1 - Fieldnotes

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