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Polygraph Examination is used to test an individual for the purpose of detecting deception or verifying

the truthfulness of his statements

It is done by recording identifiable physiological reactions of the subject, such as blood pressure, pulse
rate, respiration and skin resistance

The effectiveness of the polygraph in the recording symptoms of deceptions is based on the theory that
“A conscious mental effort on the part of a normal person to deceive causes involuntary physiological
changes that are in effect a body’s reaction to an imminent danger to its well-being”

Polygraphy – Is the scientific method of detecting deception with the use of polygraph machines. (Other
names: Deceptography and Lie Detection)

Polygraph -An instrument that graphically records the physiological responses such as respiration, blood
pressure and pulse rate, and skin’s resistance or conductivity to electricity exhibited in response to a set
of questions. The term literally means “many writings” from Greek words “poly” and “grapos”. Other
names: Deceptograph, Lie-detector and Pneumo-Galvo-Cardio

Types of Polygraph:

1. Analog Polygraph-a polygraph instrument that directly records the responses of the subject on a
piece of chart.

2. Computerized Polygraph – a polygraph instrument capable of monitoring, recording, storing,

and analyzing respiratory, electrodermal, and cardiovascular activity

Main Components:

a. Pneumograph-It records the respiratory activity.

b. Cardiograph/ Cardiosphygmograph-It records the cardiovascular activity.

c. Galvanograph Component responsible for producing the graphic recording of skin

resistance or Electrodermal Activity (EDA). EDA recently replaced the term Galvanic Skin Response
d. Kymograph – a motor that drives the polygraph chart under the recording pen at a uniform rate of 1
division/5 seconds (1 division of the chart is equivalent to ½ inch). This component is used only. In
analog polygraphs in which the polygram is produced simultaneously with the application of stimulus.

Accessory Components:

Polygraph Chair-A chair designed to absorb concealed muscular movements of the subject. To serve its
purpose, additional recording channel must be provided in the polygraph to register the movements of
the subject.

Plethysmograph-Device that measures changes in blood volume in a part of the body. Two common
types of plethysmographs are occlusion (use of inflatable cuff to restrict venous return while

Of infrared light

Measuring volume changes indirectly via pressure or resistance) and photoelectric (use emitter-collector
diode pair that measures volume changes indirectly by directing light into the skin and detecting its
reflection back). – Blood pressure

Polygram – A graphic representation containing selected physiological data generated by an examinee

During the data collection phase of a polygraph examination. Also refers to the physiologic recording of
responses of the examinee in response to stimuli. Also known as: (Polygraph Chart or Test Data)

Types of Polygrams:

1. Analog polygrams – Result com from Analog rolig graph

2 Computerized polygrams Result come from Computerized photography

Polygraphist-Someone who has successfully completed formal education and training in conducting

Polygraph examinations, and is either authorized or formally certified, by the examiner’s agency. To
conduct such examinations. Other names: (Polygraph Examiner, Forensic Psycho-physiologist

And Polygrapher)

Subject-Person taking polygraph examination. Also known as: (Examinee)

Who may take the Polygraph test?

1. Victim

2. Witness

3. Accused

4. Job applicant

5. Employee/ Personnel

In the recent year, polygraphist no longer use this test result and if the subject is inconclusive, their
diagnosis is reduced to No Opinion.

No Opinion (NO) An evaluation that indicates the examiner cannot render a conclusive opinion of DI of
NDI based upon the physiological data on a given set of charts. Based on earlier references, this result is
the diagnostic opinion of the examiner when the subject has been uncooperative during the test and the
data has been corrupted.

Accuracy of Polygraph Test Result:

If the property trained examiner utilizes the established testing procedures, the accuracy of the
decisions made by polygraph examiners is very high. Generally, the accuracy level as based on several
experiments is on the range of 85%-95%

Errors in Polygraph Test Result

1. False Positiv-occurs when a truthful subject is reported as deceptive,

2. False Negative-occurs when a deceptive subject is reported as truthful.

Causes of Errors

1. Misinterpretation of the data on the charts.

2 lack of training and experience of the polygraph examiner.

2. Counter-measures from the examines

4 equipment malfunction,

5. failure to properly prepare the examinee for the examination

6. poorly worded test questions,

7. Improper assessment of the examinee’s

8. improper use of testing techniques

9. lack of quality control review.

Emotional and physical condition

Examination Room- A controlled environment where polygraph examination is conducted.

An Ideal Examination Room:

1. spacious for two persons

2. Well lighted

3. room temperature should be more or less 25°C.

4. at least 90% sound proof 5. No decorations

6. painted with white color

7. with one-way mirror.

8. with concealed microphone

9. with adjacent observation room.

Deception-the act of making someone believe something that is not true. It is an act of deceiving or

Misleading usually accompanied by lying.

Dicrotic Notch-graphic representation within the cardio tracing on a polygraph chart caused by a.
backward surge of blood against the semi-lunar valve in the left ventricle of the heart.

Distortion-change in polygraph tracings caused by artifact stimulus

Lie-is an intentionally false statement to a person or group made by another person or group who knows
it is not wholly the truth,

Stimulus-Is a force or motion reaching the organism and excites the perceptors It is a question
formulated by the polygraphist to be used in the polygraph examination.

Question string-All questions that appear on the polygram between test commencement (X) and Test
termination (XX)

Serial position – the position of a question within a question string. Also known as: question

Purpose of Stimulus:

1. to pose threat to the security of the guilty subject

2. to establish the innocence of truthful subject

Polygraph Examination –

A process that encompasses all activities that take place between a PDD

Examiner and an examinee during pretest, data collection, test data analysis, and post-test phases of a
polygraph examination Also known as: (Polygraph Test. Lie-Detector Test and Psychophysiological
Detection of Deception (PDD)

Utility of Polygraph Examination:

Law enforcement agencies and intelligence agencies in the United States are by far The biggest users of
polygraph technology. In the United States alone all federal law Enforcement agencies either employ
their own polygraph examiners or use the services of examiners employed in other agencies.

1. Law Enforcement-Polygraph Examination is used as a tool in the investigation of crime.

2. Legal Community Result of Polygraph Examination is used as evidence in court

(subject to the existing rules on the admissibility of polygraph evidence). Polygraph examination is also
used by the Parole and Probation office in the US to evaluate if the parolees or probationer follow the
conditions of their release.

3. Private Sector – Polygraph examination is used in Pre-employment Screening to check the

honesty of applicants and to establish background information. It is also used in Periodic
Screening of employees to check their loyalty and honesty. For issues

Limited only to a person’s Integrity, polygraph examination can also be used.

4. Other known application of Polygraph Examination includes the Test for Espionage and

Sabotage (TES) of the US Department of Defense and Counter Intelligence-Scope Polygraph Examination
(CIS) of the US Department of Energy. Both examinations are used to test their applicants and
employees especially when giving security clearance to classified information.

Test Results:

1. Deception Indicated (DI)

An opinion which indicates that an analysis of the polygraph charts revealed the physiological responses
to relevant question(s) is an indicative of deception.

2. No Deception Indicated (NDI)

An opinion that indicates that an analysis of the polygraph charts revealed the physiological responses
to the relevant question(s) were not indicative of deception. No Significant Response (NSR) is an
equivalent term to NDI.

3. Inconclusive

This is the examiner’s required diagnostic opinion when an examinee’s polygraph record shows
responses that are insufficient to determine truthfulness or deception

Specific Response – A deviation from an examinee’s normal state of homeostasis as evidenced by the
tracings on a polygraph chart.

Sphygmomanometer or blood pressure meter (also referred to as a sphygmomanometer) is a

Device used to measure blood pressure, composed of an inflatable cuff to restrict blood flow, and a
mercury or mechanical manometer to measure the pressure.

Fear -is the emotional response to specific danger that appears to beyond a person

Response - is any activity or inhibition of the previous activity of an organism resulting from defensive

Reaction-It is an action in mental attitude evokes by external influence,

Detection-is an act of discovery of existence, presence of fal or something hidden or obscure.

Lying-the uttering or conveying of falsehood or creating a false or misleading information with the
intention of affecting wrongfully the acts and opinion of other.

Specific Objectives of Polygraph Examination

1. To ascertain if person is telling the truth

2. To obtain additional facts of an offense, location of the stolen goods and whereabouts of

3. To verify and compare conflicting statement persons.

4. To identify other persons involved in the case.

5. Gain valuable information from unwilling subject

Principal Use of Polygraph Examination

1. It is an investigative aid for the investigator to:

a. confirm the statement of the victims

b. ascertain the credibility of witnesses

c. assess truthfulness of suspects

2. It speeds the process of investigation

3. It eliminates innocent subjects

4. The investigator can concentrate/focus to one subject to determine truth or deception

Uses of Polygraph

1. Criminal Investigation

It is a valuable tool for criminal investigation. It provides fast means of eliminating innocent suspects,
gives clue about the identity of criminal suspects, verifies statements of those who are involved and

Save a lot of time and effort during the process of investigation (Geronimo 2007)

2. Pre-Employment Test (Screening)

It is the fastest and most accurate means of verifying statement of a job applicant from derogatory
remarks by a previous employer who bears personal grudge against him.

3. Periodic Personnel Check (Integrity)

It is the best way of the company to determine dishonest employees who are responsible for company
losses and to determine the honesty of the employees assigned to sensitive position.

4. Claim Verification Test (Insurances/Compensations/Benefits)

For the insurance company, for them to know if there’s a fraud or manipulation
5. Loyalty test (Intelligence and Honesty Check)

This is mostly conducted in organization like PNP, Phil. Air Force, Phil, Army, Phil. Navy and the likes

6. Promotion

There are instances wherein the company has difficulty in deciding between two or more candidates to

Be promoted, polygraph test helps to determine who is the most qualified as well as employees future

Intent against the company (Geronimo 2007)

Principal Use of Polygraph Examination

1.It is an aid to the investigator

2.It speeds up the process of investigation

3.It eliminates innocence suspect

4.The investigator could focus or concentrate to the subject to determine the truth or deception

Significance of Lie Detection in Criminal Investigation

In criminal investigation, the truth must be established to ensure proper prosecution of offenders.
Criminal investigators must exert all effort to determine lying not only on the part of the suspect but as
well as to everyone involved in the criminal act-witnesses, victims, etc.

Lie refers to either untruthful or falsehood statements; any act that deceives or creates false
impressions. It is also synonymous to deceit, deception or fabrication. Lying is an uttering or conveying
falsehood, creating a false or misleading impression with the


Content Notes
Lie refers to either untruthful or falsehood statements; any act that deceives or creates false
impressions. It is also synonymous to deceit, deception or fabrication.

Lying is an uttering or conveying falsehood, creating a false or misleading impression with theIntention
of affecting wrongfully the acts through the opinion or affection of another.

Lying can be devastating, it does not only hurt the one who is being lied to, but it also hurts the one who
tells it.

Lying is the common denominator in many of our lives and recognizing some of the different types
might help us in dealing with the liars in our lives.

Kinds of Lies

1. White Lie/ Benign Lie - it is used to avoid the harmful and realistic implications of the truth. It will
cause no discord if not discovered and offers some benefit to the liar and the hearer. It is basically used
to lubricate interpersonal relationships. will not cause any harm.

2. Black Lie- telling an untruth and attributing it to a false source. A lie who accompanies pretensions
and hypocrisies, intriguing to cause dishonor or discredit one's good image. Parixining

3. Red Lie-a lie common to communist countries, it is used to destroy common ideologies' by means of
propaganda. This involves political interests and motives because this is a party of communist
propaganda strategy.

4. Aggressive lies are self-serving and may potentially damage others, and therefore, most people would
see them as clearly immoral. -Pinipilit niyang mag sing

5. Bold-faced Lie-lie that is told when it is obvious to all concerned that it is a lie.

6. Perjury-making verifiably false statements on a material matter under oath or affirmation in a court
of law or in any various statements in writing. Perjury is a crime because the witness has sworn to tell
the truth, and for the credibility of the court, witness testimony must be relied on as being truthful 44
Semnungaling Catrial.

7. Malicious lie-a pure dishonesty to obstruct justice. It is a very pure and unjustifiable kind of lie that is
intended purely to mislead or obstruct justice by a quilty accused person,

8. Altruistic lies are those lies that are told to benefit someone else, to reduce suffering, or to help
increase self-esteem, Used to comfort, protect and support the deceived.

9. Pathological Lies-are those that are told even when there is little or no apparent gain to the person
who is lying. In fact, the lying often occurs even when the results would be better if the Truth were told.
A lle made by persons who cannot distinguish right and wrong Furthermore, the lie is not determined
solely by situational factors and appears to be compulsive or fantastic.

10. Emergency Lies Defensive Lies- used when the truth may not be told because of the harm that
would come of it.

11. Humorous Lies - (Jocose Lie) those aimed at amusing the listener, and any intent to deceive is
transient and teasing. Characteristically, they involve some degree of preposterous exaggeration.

12. Bluffing- is an act of deception that is not usually seen as immoral because it takes place in the
context of a game where this kind of deception is consented to in advance by the players. This kind of
deception is accepted as a tactic and even expected.

13. Exaggeration - is when the most fundamental aspect of a statement is true. but the degree of its
truthfulness is incorrect. Maximization of felt emotions reflects a dramatic attempt to influence another

14. Minimization - The result of an individual's attempt to dampen the external appearance of a more
deeply experienced emotion is minimization of emotional expression.

15. Neutralization An effort to mask emotional response by adapting a "poker face Psychoanalysts and
other professionals may display relatively little response in their efforts to appear nonjudgmental of the
patient's or client's statements.

16. Substitution it's a common mechanism of hiding one's true feelings. One of the most common
techniques employed for this purpose is to substitute("pleasure for a negative emotion. Smiling is one
of the easiest nonverbal communications to produce and may be used to mask feelings of arrogance,
anxiety, or boredom.

17. Promotion Lie a kind of lie used in advertisement (or marketing strategies) that is used to influence
the consumers to buy products.

Different types of Liars

Sociopathic Liars

are those who lie continuously to get their own way, without care.or.concern for Others. They are goal

Compulsive Liars are someone who continually lies as their habit. They feel discomfort of being truthful
because lying makes them feel right

Occasional Liars are those who seldom tell lies. They are quick to ask forgiveness from the individual
that they lied to

Panic Liars are those who lie in order to avoid the consequences of confession. They are afraid of
Embarrassment and they believe that confession will just make the matter worse.
Occupational Liars are considered to be practical liars for they lie when it has a higher “pay off” than
Telling the truth

Tournament Liars are those who love to lie and are excited by the challenge of not being detected.

For them an interview is a contest that they want to win; they realize that they will probably be
convicted but Will not give anyone the satisfaction of hearing them confess.

Psychopathic Liars are the most difficult type; these persons have no conscience and show no regret For
dishonesty and manifestation of quilt.

Ethnological Liars are those who are taught not to be a squealer – Security Agency, security group.

Pathological Liars are persons who cannot distinguish right from wrong due to their sick mind.

Black llars are persons who always pretend what he is and what he thinks of himself

White Liars are those who don’t usually think of themselves as true “liars”. They justify their lies
asHarmless and beneficial.

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