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[arte SC to a td G ver WARRANTY 200VA AC Test Capacity 240xG4 Ice Blue Dot Matrix LCD + Manual/Auto Mode Function Key for Quick Selecting High Intensity Flash for Caution & Status Indication Safety Interlock Function Zero Crossing Turn-on Operation Controllable Ramp-up Time True RMS Current Measurement High Resolution :1)1A for Measuring Current, 2V for Setting Voltage PWM Switching Amplifier to Enhance the Power Efficiency and Reliable Testing Max. 100 Memory Block for Test Condition(Step) Setting. And Each Step can be Named Individually Remote Terminal on the Front Panel for “Start"and“Stop” Control by External Interface : RS-232C, USB Device, Signal I/O end GPIB (Optional) GW INSTEK Simply fe A Solid Foundation for Reliable, Safe and Practical Safety Compliance Testing. ‘The GPT:9800 Series Electrical Safety Tester, with high durability and multiple user-protection design look to meet the test requirements cof a variety of safety standards, such as IEC, EN, UL, CSR, GB, IS, and other safety-related tests forthe electronic products and components [total of4 safety testers in the GPT-9800 Series, namely GPT:9804, GPT:9803, GPT:8802 and GPT:980, are available fr various applications. The GPT-9804 is a4-n-1 model capable of performing AC withstanding, DC withstanding, insulation resistance and ground bond tests. The GPT-9803 is a3in-1 model capable of performing AC withstanding, DC withstanding as well as insulation resistance tests. The GPT-9802 is capable of performing both AC and DC withstanding tests, whereas the GPT:9801 is able to perform AC withstanding test The series of safety tester is built upon a high-efficiency PWM amplifier platform with AC 200VA maximum output capacity to impede the influence from the voltage Nuctuation of the input AC source. This ensures a stable voltage supply for ll the tests of the GPT-9800 Series Targeting user's protections, the GPT:9800 Series uses a combination of hardware and software controls to improve safety: A self-check is performed to make sure all the functions and operations are under normal condition each time when the tester i turned on; the Zero Crossing Tum-On design imposes the output voltage to always begin atthe zera crossing ofa sine wave to avo‘d the impact of surge voltage output; and the output voltage is automatically cutoff (within 150ys) when abnormal output voltages have been detected or when the upper or lower current limits have been reached during testing. To protect operator from hazardous injury, the GPT:9800 Series automatically discharges the DUT after test (within 200m) each time to eliminate excessive voltage that remains on the DUT. To further censure safety the interlock key can also be used as double protections to prevent inadvertent operation The GPT-9800 Series, equipped witha simple & clear panel layout, a high resolution dot matrix LCD display, and color LED indicators, allows operators to interpret measurement results easily and quickly All major test functions including AC withstanding (AC SKV/40rA), DC withstanding (DC 6kV/10mA), insulation resistance (DC SOV ~ 1000V) and ground bond (AC 30A max) tests, are performed under a high stability voltage output with high-resolution measurement results. Further more, the test duration, ramp up time and upper/lower limits ofthe output voltage are fully adjustable to accommodate a wide variety of safety tests with accurate measurement results ‘ther functions and featutes ofthe GPT:9800 include: open circuit detection for ground bond testing to get correct measurement result with confidence; 100 sets of memory to save panel settings, which can be recalled for single test individually or for automatic tests in sequence; a remote output on-off terminal inthe front panel and a signal /O port inthe rear panel provided as the means for remote start/stop control ofthe safety tester, RS-282C, USB and GPIB (optional) interfaces available for PC remote control and test result logging, Pisteais seu b icra ak mr a Efficiency Pun ample nar Ampiier ‘Output Power PWM Amplifier Efficiency Unlike conventional safety tester design that uses variable voltage ‘operations ofthe ester sigiicany increases is rally and service transformer and class YB amplifier to provide tes voltage, the GPT: etme In addition, as PWM amplifier is comparatively mote resistant 9800 Seis, carrying a higheficiency PWM amplife design, generates tothe Muctuations af nput power voltae, 2 stable high-voltage output ‘output source up to 98% efcienc. Ths rently reduces the amount of withers than 19 regulation is provided by the GP-9800 Series to power loss to heat and therefore lowes the temperature within the perform precision ests cabinet. The suppression oftemperature rise during heave duty HIGH Md Meh unm kencnten as 8.589, High Adjustment & Measurement Resolution In der to provide high accuracy safety tet fr product manufacturing regulation compliance, and characteristic erifcation, the withstanding test voltage (AC SRV Max, /DC 6 Max) ofthe GPT-9800 Series can be adjusted in2Y steps, wile the current measurement canbe done with eA resolution and (1.586 + 30/rA) accuracy to enable sll leakage current measurements ofthe product or the components. In ation, the tes voltage of insulation resistance af the GPT-S800 Series can be adjusted in SOV steps within its DC output eange From SOV to 1000, carrying a measurement accuracy of (10% of reading 1M) a full sale (2000M 02 /$500MQ). This provides the Resiblty for performing LR. measurements under variable levels of applied voltage. As the ajo of aft regulations need an AC source for ground bond tes, Brace uen canner the GPT-9800 Series provides 6c voltage (open crcl) and 3A-30Aae curent for ground bond tes, meeting IEC 606011 requirements. Furthermore, open dtcult detection (via SOURCE H, SENSE H and SOURCE L terminals or ground bond testing also provide to check ifthe test apparatus has been properly connected before the start ofa test. This is to ensurethe ground bond tests done accurately without ‘ny unnoticeable misconnaction between the test leads andthe test With these capabilities, the user is abe to perform various safety est nd verfistons with high feb, accuracy and confdence LG cae Zero-Crossing Operation To protect operator fom high voltage shock and DUT fom unintended armage, the protection functions ar always in operation throughout the testing period. When the power is turned on, the GPT-SBD0 Series immediately goes through the selEcheck procedures to ensure that ll test functions are performed under normal conditions, asthe fst protection funetion being applied ‘The second protection faction tat button pressed. Within the 100m intializtion period of output star, the GPT98000 will senda detection vltage (-100¥) to check whether the DUT has any shot circuit defect due to peor insulation before the high voltages applied. This isto prevent high voltage or current From returing tothe DUT during the test time. Te protect DUT for ted once the “Start” (output) testy |! ett Time so RAMP 705 TEST TIME > Initial Time Discharge Time (200m) (zooms) Output Voltage Variation in One Test Cycle insulation breakdown caused by the rapid increase of test voltage at output start, and avoid Rashover or arcing phenomena that could act the test els, the GPT-9800 Series has a Zero Crossing Turn-On Feature, which ensures the output voltage to always start rom the zero crossing ofa sie wave. Moreover, the adjustable voltage ramp-up time (0.15 999.9) allows the test voage to slouly ise tthe set est voltage to reduce the risk of damaging DUT during mandatory production testing. Furthermore afer the voltage has ramped to the set test voltage, the {GPT-9800 will continue monitoring the test voltage and eu off power output once any regulary is detected. This provides both the safety tester and the operator with a high level protection, which allows the testo be done ina safe and accurate manner Maeno Safety Interlock ‘The GPT.9800 Series also offers varletyof features for personnel protection to ensure operator's safety when operating the safety tester. Tre interlock function is provided to set daublestart operation procedures for high voltage output. When the interlock funtion tivated, 2 dedicated interlock key must be inserted ito the Signal /O pot forthe tester to start sending out test vltage. This mechanism is designed to preven unauthorized person From geting access to the tester the safety tester operator only needs to remove the interlock key he working environment to disable the tester output before leaving YO can azo be connected to an external safety device, The inter FRIENDLY USER INTERFACE Fast Cutoffin 150ys suchas. a senor switch or the safety door of atest future, o provide double start” protection This addtional output on/off witch disables the output before the external safety device is activated and thus prevent ‘operator rom the exposure of hazardous votagesjeurents In adition, the CPT-9800 series can quickly cut ofits high voltage output, within 150) after the test has been completed, or the high/low current limit has been reached, or an abnormal situation occurs, When atest ‘completed, the unit will automaticaly discharge the DUT within 200ms to reduce the hazardous risk ofthe operator in case ofan inadvertent touch ofthe test apparatus Se = odo High Intensity Indicators BCR ACM Cnc Large LED and Function Keys With a 240.64 LCD display, the GPT-9800 Series ley shows test conditions est parameters, measurement values and test results on the screen at the same time. The eal:time status update onthe LCD display accompanied by the mut-colore LED status indicators on the Front panel allow operator to have afl contro ofthe test process to perform sion test and avid unnecessary operation risk atthe Eon neu neh ne nc same time. The status indieator above the high voltage output terminal wil automatically fash when an output voltage isin place. The function keys below the LCD display allow user to select main test functions on the LCD screen directly without going through tedious processes of multilayer menu operation. Variety of Control Methods MANU MODE Vaal e ey ‘AUTO MODE (oma Sa) 1ginclude Multiple MANU Processing. In order to-comply with al safety regulations, the GPT:9800 Series allocates a large numberof merry locations (100 ses in total) forthe ‘conditions, When a test condition is saved storage of variety of into one ofthe 100 xed memory locations, 3 unique tes fle name {up 10 12 characters) can be assigned to this memory location. For txample tet file named “IECEIOI0AN" (or 1ECEIOIO AC \Withstending test) can be saved and ecalled for future use. Any stored test condition can be recalled fora single test individually, or inked with other est conditions infiearrangement sequence fr automatic testing: eliminating the need to perform a series of tests manually. In alton to using the START/STOP buttons on the front panel to contrl the output onjffof the safety tester, the GPT-3800 Series also provides 3 *Remote” terminal onthe Font panel for the connection to an external remote controll, anda signal /O port on the ear panel for the connection 1o a PLC for actuator contl, With RS.232C and USB as standard features (GPIB optional) forall models, the GPT-9800, Series i able to store and retieve test data ad test results via 3 PC ee ee pees eae Pritt etc Pe green the status of safety tester Daa ne ena RE retin ce ees age ets See es corresponding tothe functions or parameters displayed on the screen 5. Remote terminal provides “start” and See eee od 7. The Signal 1/0 port provides remote cic Pee eee ee eer rr Pats Pe ee ee ea ports facilitate the easy & convenient ema PX ee eee optional APPLICATIONS © Safety Testing of Electrical Product in Manufacturing Power Cord Home Appliances Information Technology Equipment Medical Equipment + Quality Assurance Verification + Safety Standard Compliance Pre-qualification in R&D AC/DC Withstanding Voltage/Insulation Resistance/ Ground Bond Tester Sees sonenvone ose shiewaace Sahay emomvernn Se in a Belasco ie | ame alain on Semiawone Santee Sees se [ae Ssareier | shiaeanree Warten | ula ne ercaan screens Seren nares oer somes Siete | sais =a eee. Scere mone es Berit | Sgn a Picts SEATON RETIRE gape Bao SEE in | SE femmes. |e ink Compator Mathod sige ES aa, cemavan ——) sors fmt ee ee Sietcentamne” | ln sori mann 068 ss epee Eee Susan Teer | Sianad See |e ee ees freee | Serres Bn ; mendes on wa arate ace FT | SR am = ti et 3 sae Spinone | Se ine hs ‘0120472007300 105%, Sp SIONS & WEG) 0H) «150(9) 4600) em: Approx. Sk ma or GPT 9803/9802); Apo. 9k me foe GP 9D Theta be turned uh eee pM de Spector abject cage whe ntea PISRGICOIOR EIEN) {GPT-9804 AC 2014 AC/DC Wthsanding Voge islion Resta rou Bond Tse {GPT-5803 AC 00vA AC/OC Wihstandng Wotage/insuatonResstance Tester Sa {GPr-S802 AC Z00VA AC/OC WihstandingWatage Tester CGHTNS High otape Test Patt EPT.SBDT AC 200VA AC Wstanding Ve Tester CGHT205 High Yatape Tes Probe {GrLana neste cl pn Foran nll Modem for Cmpater ‘Quickstart Guide, Power cor, CDxl compete user maa noch Key GILaW Us8 cate Ate oppoe 13 Remae terminal male pig. Teslesg GM 14 for GPY5805/ 3802/80), ‘Gta coi calc appx 2m Jemima cH TIA eT CIE Se Herc 80H Seacaon RACK apr ane (9 AU) GOOD WILL INSTRUMENT CO.,LTD. INSTEK AMERICA CORP. NN pongeeg tna tary Dat New pe Cy 206, Tnan SR tas rane Chine, EABITIOUSA ‘GOOD WILL INSTRUMENT (SUHZOU) CO, LTD. _INSTEK JAPAN CORPORATION Poethceeiy Pagan ieeve oda {GOOD WILL INSTRUMENT (M) SON. BHO. {GOOD WILL INSTRUMENT KOREA CO, LTD. ‘Simply Reliable Tscous0n0 88 F2eou O88 Tinbakase estas = www.gwinstek.com

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