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Linnorm Hunter Your animal companion grows up, becoming a mature

The most common way to become a Linnorm King is animal companion and gaining additional capabilities.
to defeat one in single combat, but traditionally Ulfen If you have the Hunt Prey action, your animal
hunters would stalk and defeat them with their most companion assaults the prey even without your
trusted companion, their hunting dog. This way of orders. During an encounter, even if you don't use the
becoming a Linnorm King has fallen away into Command an Animal action, your animal companion
memory for most, but there are a few Ulfen hunters can still use 1 action that round on your turn to Stride
that have such a bond with their animal companion.
toward or Strike your prey.

Though they do not hunt Linnorms in particular

anymore, but the tactics are still used against their
        The animal companion gains the Linnorm Hunter
quarry. Several of these hunters have taught others Stance action as its support benefit, rather than the
across the inner sea to keep this old tradition alive, normal support benefit for its type. While its in
and to honor its roots in the Linnorm Kingdoms its Linnorm Hunter Stance the animal companion can
still the way of the Linnorm Hunter.
Feint and become Flat-Footed and the linnorm hunter
can make the free melee Strike action, and use any
        Additional Feats: 4th Monster Hunter (Core feats that the Linnorm Hunter has that require
Rulebook 171); 6th Disrupt Prey (Core Rulebook
Linnorm Hunter Stance.
172); 12th Master Monster Hunter (Core Rulebook
175); 14th Double Prey (Core Rulebook 175); 18th HUNTER'S STRIKE FEAT 6
Legendary Monster Hunter (Core Rulebook 176)

LINNORM HUNTER DEDICATION FEAT 2 Prerequisites Linnorm Hunter Dedication

UNCOMMON ARCHETYPE DEDICATION   You can unleash a particularly powerful attack that
Prerequisites trained in Nature, Animal Companion viciously wounds your Hunt Prey target, but leaves
You and your animal companion become focused on you a bit unsteady. Make a melee Strike. This counts
hunting prey big prey and taking it down with as two attacks when calculating your multiple attack
teamwork. You gain the Hunt Prey action (Core penalty. If this Strike hits, you deal an extra die of
Rulebook 168). If you already have Hunt Prey, you weapon damage. If you’re at least 10th level, increase
become an expert in Survival.
this to two extra dice, and if you’re at least 18th level,
    Special You can’t select another dedication feat until increase it to three extra dice.
you have gained two other feats from the Linnorm OPPORTUNIST HUNTER FEAT 6
Hunter archetype.

LINNORM HUNTER STANCE FEAT 4 Prerequisites Linnorm Hunter Dedication

ARCHETYPE STANCE Trigger Your hunted prey is within your reach, and it
Prerequisites Linnorm Hunter Dedication uses a manipulate action, uses a move action, makes
You enter a stance focused purely on the hunt of your a ranged attack, or leaves a square during a move
prey, noticing every movement while you and your action it’s using.
animal companion take advantage of each others You lash out at a foe that leaves an opening. Make a
actions. While in this stance, when you make a melee Strike against the triggering creature. If your
successful melee Strike against your hunt prey target, attack is a critical hit and the trigger was a manipulate
you can make a Feint against the hunt prey target. On action, you disrupt that action. This Strike doesn’t
a successful Feint you become Flat-footed against the count toward your multiple attack penalty, and your
target until the beginning of your next turn. If your multiple attack penalty doesn’t apply to this Strike.
hunt prey target hits you with a melee Strike while INCREDIBLE HUNTER COMPANION FEAT 8
Flat-Footed due to this stance, your animal companion
can make a melee Strike as a free action.
Prerequisites Mature Hunter Companion
MATURE HUNTER COMPANION FEAT 4 Your animal companion continues to grow and
ARCHETYPE develop. It becomes a nimble or savage animal
Prerequisites Linnorm Hunter Dedication companion (your choice), gaining additional
capabilities determined by the type of companion.
In addition, it gains the Opportunist Hunter as a STANCE SAVANT FEAT 16
second Advanced Maneuver and when you use the
Command an Animal action the animal companion also
Prerequisites Linnorm Hunter Dedication

gains a reaction that it can only used with Opportunist

Trigger You roll initiative.
        As keen hunter using your keen senses you drop
LINNORM HUNTER STEP FEAT 8 into a stance on ready with anticipation. Use an action
ARCHETYPE that has the stance trait.
Prerequisites Linnorm Hunter Dedication LEGENDARY HUNTERS FEAT 20
Requirements You are in Linnorm Hunter Stance
While in Linnorm Hunter Stance and you or your
Prerequisites Linnorm Hunter Dedication
animal companion make a free Strike against the Hunt
Prey target that attacked the flat-footed target due to You and your animal companion move like one being,
the Feint. The target of the Hunted Prey may take a effortlessly reading each other's signals to take down
free Step. your targets. Whenever you have a hunt prey target,
you are quickened; you can use the extra action only
HUNTER'S FOCUS FEAT 10 to command your animal companion using the
ARCHETYPE Command an Animal skill action.
Prerequisites Hunter's Strike
You’ve learned to maintain your balance even when
swinging viciously at your Hunt Prey target. When
you make a Hunter's Strike with a melee weapon
you’re wielding in two hands, it counts as one attack
toward your multiple attack penalty instead of two.



Prerequisites Linnorm Hunter Stance

Requirements You are in Linnorm Hunter Stance
You and your animal companion close the distance to
your Hunt Prey target in a blur, pouncing on the
creature before it can react. You and your animal
companion Stride up to your respective Speed and
make a Strike against your Hunt Prey target at the end
of your movements.



Prerequisites Incredible Hunter Companion

Your animal companion continues to grow in power
and ability, and it is now cunning enough to become
specialized. Your animal companion gains one
specialization of your choice.

Special You can select this feat up to three times. Each

time, add a different specialization to your

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