Your Destiny Is Waiting For You

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Can you hear me? Can you see me? Is life good or what? Absolutely!

Look around for just a moment

and see all the beautiful people that you've been swimming in this ocean of devotion with. But do more
than that, as you're looking at all of these beings, open your heart and allow for your expanded
awareness to embrace everyone in this room. And you can do that because you know you're not in this
room, this room is in your field of awareness. So you can begin to embrace these beings right now with
an inner desire that they be set free from any sense of lack or limitation whatsoever. That they become
absolutely awake to the divine spark of divinity that is seeking to express by all of these unique, distinct,
individualized expressions of the ultimate. Just have that as an inner desire, and then be aware that as
you know, by law, you only get to keep what you give away. That is the universal law.

So right now, give all the love, all the abundance, all the prosperity, hope, and desire that everyone in
here reaches their highest potential for the day. Do it right now and give yourself a shout. Yes! Yes! Yes!
Now, increase the field by looking at one person next to you and let them stand in proxy for the entire
eight or nine hundred people that are here in this room. Look at that person. Look them up and down
and just say, "My, my, my. There is so much good in you. There is so much power in you. There is so
much love in you. There is abundance in you. Prosperity is in you. Wisdom is in you. And you have come
to set it free. To make a mighty difference on this planet and to change the world for the better. Let's be
this. Let's do this together in the here and now. And so it is. Touch and agree. Touch and agree. High-
five. Handshake. Whatever the case may be. And understand that that vision had a vision, vision had a
vision in. This vision includes this field that is being generated right now. Now, all of you know that we
generate a field of love and beauty and intelligence, a field that is as real and rich as magnetism, gravity,
which are all fields that can be measured, even though the sensorium can't catch them. And so the field
that you have been generating since the moment you had an intention to be at the Mindvalley this
weekend is rich and real. And it's been amplified with every speaker, with every process, with every
practice, with every high conversation, with every hug. You are magnifying this field as being generated
from the very depth of your being of love and beauty and intelligence and joy and wisdom. It is a field
that, as it becomes stabilized within you, you then become impervious to the lesser fields that run
through the gamut of the human experience: the fears of doubt and worry, lack and limitations, scarcity,
separation, not enoughness, self-loathing. Those fields, after a while, cannot disturb you because as you
continue to co-generate this feeling, it becomes stabilized in it. Then you vibrate so high, you become
impervious to those fields. And even though those thought forms may pass through your awareness,
the background in your consciousness is the joy, the wisdom, the harmony has real spiritual qualities.
These qualities of love and peace and joy, wisdom and harmony and intelligence, are not a
philosophical bent of mind. They're not beliefs. These qualities are real, dynamic, and by means of you,
are seeking to become more conscious of themselves as your very life in being. Now, as you become
more aware of your true nature and purpose, you can begin to change those limiting programs in your
mind and start to live your life from a place of abundance, love, and joy. You can start to create the life
that you truly desire, and in doing so, you will be fulfilling your divine destiny.

So, my friend, take a moment to look around you and appreciate all of the beauty and goodness that
exists in this world. Allow yourself to feel the love and abundance that is all around you, and know that
you are a part of it. Embrace your true nature and purpose, and start living your life from a place of joy
and fulfillment.

Remember, you are here to give, to share, and to shine. You have a unique gift to offer the world, and it
is up to you to bring it forth. So go out into the world and be the light that you were always meant to
Unfolds it, does not improve it. Unfolds to reveal what is already? There, do you understand what I'm
saying? Many of you have probably seen the experiment where they have taken a very small tree. They
weighed the tree, and placed it in a vat or a bathtub full of dirt. They weighed the dirt. They weighed
everything. They placed the tree in the bathtub and then they began to water it, give it its proper light,
etc. And the tree grows, grows, grows. It becomes very substantial. They take the tree out, they weigh
the tree. It's grown momentous, it's grown at a very great magnitude that weighs a lot more than it was
when it was a little sapling. And then they go back and weigh the dirt, and the dirt is the same weight
that it was when the little sapling went in. That the tree didn't take anything from the dirt, but the dirt
and the water and the nutrition and the sunlight activated the energy, the energetic information within
the tree, so that literally almost out of nothing, the tree flourished and became itself. Now within you,
there is an idea. There is a destiny. There is a unique pattern that does not come from the world, doesn't
come from society, doesn't come from your parents, doesn't come from anything already out there. It
comes from you. And when you nurture that idea, when you begin to place yourself in the right
condition of which you are in right now, this is a vibrational condition of luminosity and brilliance and
self-love and appreciation and generous heart and a high conversation, when you place yourself in that
right condition, and you do it on a regular basis through spiritual practice, then this idea that you are
the grand idea held within the mind of the infinite, powerful destiny begins to unfold. And as it's
unfolding, it becomes a law unto itself, and it does not tarry with yesterday. It doesn't, no circumstance.
It only knows its own idea. So it's not blocked by any mistake you may have made in the past. It's not
blocked by anything anyone may have said about you. It's not blocked by anything you think you may
be missing. It's an idea all of its own, and in the right condition, it flourishes and it flowers to reflect and
to reveal the mighty cosmos in a way that has never ever happened before. You have this gift within you
as destiny, as a destiny. You have the power within you. You are an endogenous being, meaning your
environment is created from within. Ex doggedness means that the external environment determines
your destiny. A palm tree can't grow in Antarctica. And so it's ex doggedness. It has to be in a nice
sunny place. But you can thrive anytime, anywhere, because you are endogenous, meaning you create
your own environment for your own flourishing. So by being here, by celebrating, by loving, by
meditating, by praying, by studying, by guarding your conversation and keeping it high, keeping it
possibility, keeping it potential, you, you, you, endogenous being, you begin to allow the flowering of
the spirit to take place. And out of nothing external whatsoever, the giftedness of your soul begins to
emerge. Now, you heard me say is that the external world can't block it. As a matter of fact, as you took
your incarnation, you knew the turbulence you would be facing during this Renaissance period in our
human history. And it is a Renaissance. The individuals that were in the previous Renaissance, they
didn't know they were in a Renaissance until many years
Unfolds it does not improve it. Unfolds to reveal what is already?

There you understand what I'm saying? Many of you have probably seen the experiment where they
have taken a very small tree, played weighed the tree, and placed it in a vat or a bathtub full of dirt.
They weighed the dirt. They weighed everything they placed the tree in the bathtub and then they
began to water it, give it its proper light, etc. And the tree grows, grows, grows. It becomes very
substantial. They take the tree out. They weigh the tree. It's grown momentous, it's grown at a very
great magnitude that weighs a lot more than it was when it was a little sapling, and then they go back
and weigh the dirt, and the dirt is the same weight that it was when the little sapling went in. That the
tree didn't take anything from the dirt but the dirt and the water and the nutrition and the sunlight
activated the energy, the energetic information within the tree so that literally almost out of nothing the
tree flourished and became itself.

Now, within you, there is an idea. There is a destiny. There is a unique pattern that does not come from
the world, doesn't come from society, doesn't come from your parents, doesn't come from anything
already out there. It comes from you. And when you nurture that idea, when you begin to place yourself
in the right condition of which you are in right now - this is a vibrational condition of luminosity and
brilliance and self-love and appreciation and generous heart and a high conversation - when you place
yourself in that right condition and you do it on a regular basis through spiritual practice, then this idea
that you are the grand idea held within the mind of the infinite, powerful destiny begins to unfold, and
as it's unfolding, it becomes a law unto itself and it does not tarry with yesterday. It doesn't no
circumstance, it only knows its own idea. So it's not blocked by any mistake you may have made in the
past. It's not blocked by anything anyone may have said about you. It's not blocked by anything you
think you may be missing. It's an idea all of its own and in the right condition, it flourishes and it flowers
to reflect and to reveal the mighty cosmos in a way that has never ever happened before.
You have this gift within you as destiny, as a destiny. You have the power within you, you are an
endogenous being, meaning your environment is created from within. Ex doggedness means that the
external environment determines your destiny. A palm tree can't grow in Antarctica. And so the it's ex
doggedness, it has to be in a nice sunny place. But you can thrive anytime anywhere because you are
endogenous, meaning you create your own environment for your own flourishing. So by being here, by
celebrating, by loving, by meditating, by praying, by studying, by guarding your conversation and
keeping it high, keeping it possibility, keeping it potential, you, you, you endogenous being, you begin
to allow the flowering of the Spirit to take place and out of nothing external whatsoever, the giftedness
of your soul begins to emerge.

Now, you heard me say that the external world can't block it. As a matter of fact, as you took your
incarnation, you knew the turbulence you would be facing during this Renaissance period in our human
history. And it is a Renaissance, the individuals that were in the previous Renaissance, they didn't know
they were in a Renaissance until many years later, but somebody wrote about it. But you're

Therefore, the world is not fixed or immutable, it is subject to change, and it is up to us to create the
change we want to see. We have the power within us to shape the future, to manifest a new reality, and
to bring forth a better world. This power comes from our connection to the infinite, to the divine, to the
creative force that animates all things.

But this power cannot be accessed by conforming to the old paradigm, by following the herd, or by
living in fear. It can only be accessed by stepping out of our comfort zone, by embracing the unknown,
and by trusting in the power of the universe to guide us.

So, my friends, I urge you to nurture that idea within you, that unique pattern that is yours alone. Place
yourself in the right condition, through spiritual practice, through positive thoughts and feelings,
through loving relationships, and through a high conversation. Allow that idea to unfold, to flower, and
to reveal the mighty cosmos within you. Know that you are an endogenous being, that you create your
own environment, and that you have the power within you to manifest your destiny.

Do not be afraid to break free from the chains that bind you to the present paradigm. Do not be afraid
to walk in the awareness of what could be, even before it manifests. Trust in the power of the universe,
trust in the power of your soul, and trust in the power of your idea to bring forth a better world.

Remember, the world is an artifact of a previously held point of view. Let us hold a new point of view,
one that is based on love, on compassion, on justice, and on equality. Let us create a new reality, one
that is based on the power of the infinite, on the power of the soul, and on the power of the idea. Let us
be the change we want to see in the world.
It was once a perception you to you who are growing spiritually or not to? Just simply learn how to
move through the artifacts of an old world You are the ones who were carrying the new world that
which can't be seen by everyone that which can be heard by everyone you to begin through this
vibrational matching with your Destiny to walk in that kind in just global world to walk in a in a
society that's heaven bit on Generosity and circulation as having been on taking care of everyone
that's heaven bent on including everyone across the spectrum of nationalities and ethnicities and
sexual Orientations and you and and you are to be the ones who are to walk in that dynamic Even
before it is visibly seen because that which is visibly seen is an artifact of an old perception Stinking
and dying you are not here for that. You're here to be to be midwives Yes You are here too
Absolutely Hospice that which is dying into Midwife that which is seeking me to be born Through it
is your very life. You're more powerful than you think you are You're more beautiful than you think
you are. You're more Magnificent than you think you are and there was nothing out there
Supposedly out there. It's more powerful than this luminosity. This light this brilliance this
magnificence that Says I am I am with thou art thou art what I am that wants to express yourself so
fully and completely That you live in a perpetual. Yes of a pickle. Yes. I am a perpetual. Yes I can a
perpetual. Yes I am willing so that the great destiny that's loaded encoded within every cell of your
body temple Even the spaces between the cells full of infinite potentiality that your sacred yes
Carries that dynamic so that wisdom and guidance and direction flowing through you in a life and
in a way that you can understand Moves through you with an ease a Grace and a spiritual dignity.
Why are you here? And I don't just mean why are you here in the plan? Why are you here at this
particular time in this particular room, you are here to one learn the difference between choice and
decision Decision, which has the word? Incision in it means to cut away you're here to consciously
begin to strip and cut away that which no longer serves you you make a decision that is to cut
away the Apps' the habits that no longer serve you to cut away the opinions the conversations the
points of view all the excuses You're here to cut away and through spiritual practice Then you grow
into choice choice and decision are not the same thing choice is a function of expanded awareness
decision is cutting away that which no longer serves you when you enter into a moment and you
feel the connection of yourself with the presence and you have a moment of pension of your
perception into expanded awareness Now you're operating from choice You can see clearly and
you can choose to Serve the presence you can choose to serve love you can choose to serve peace
choice is a function of expanded awareness choice is something you do every day and everyone
has to make choices and Decisions everyone has to choose to cut away that we so longer serves
them so that they can live in a perpetual choice until the choice becomes choiceless a choiceless
choice where your total Subjective awareness is leaning towards unfoldment leading towards
evolution Leaning towards growth leading towards becoming more and more and more your real
self Are you picking up what I'm putting down? Are you catching this? Are you catching this? You
are here. You are here to move through the stages of that Deep sense of gratitude for being alive
and making it conscious conscious gratitude in that first level of conscious gratitude is to allow for
your mind to go on a hunt for Everything to be grateful for you give it something to do so that it's
not just running around looking for Negative things to be afraid of it's not just your mind just isn't
programmed any more towards worst-case scenarios anytime something happens the mind just
starts going towards all the worst thing that could possibly Happen and the next thing, you know,
your body's feeling that and you're producing toxic chemicals. You prematurely age yourself You
create the condition for disease and nothing has even happened yet know Your your programming
your mind to lay it live in a state of perpetual gratitude And so the first thing is is that you become
grateful for everything You just look around and see what you're grateful for The heart is beating
the lungs are extracting the necessary elements for you to stay alive You're able to have certain
faculties being whatever it is You just let the mind go on a hunt every single day to be Grateful
every day when I wake up and I put my feet on the ground I throw my arms open and I am grateful
for my life I'm just grateful and then I surrender to life and then I say what's my assignment? What
am I to do today? Bring it across my path every single day you wake up first-stage be grateful for
everything Second-stage, you learn to be grateful for all the tough stuff happening in your life
That's some strong muscles right there, you know us you've come to - coming to the earth school
weight room You know, I got to be grateful Yes, you become grateful for all the tough stuff and
you increase those gratitude muscles to such a degree that you Blossom into being grateful for
nothing at all just Why are you smiling? You what's going on I'm grateful for what nothing Which
wha you're grateful for nothing, I'm just I'm just grateful and then what happens is and many of
you know This if you were raised by a parent such as mine Sometimes my mother would say to one
of my brothers listen If you don't stop crying, I'm gonna give you something to cry about That's
not just in the black culture is that's kind of universal Alright, so so this is how the universe
operates the universe says if you don't stop being grateful I'm gonna give you something to be
grateful for That's what that's what the universe says You keep on being rifle Imma give you
something to be grateful for and so out of nothing out of nothing no thing whatsoever Your
vibration of gratitude allows you to embrace yourself as an endogenous being Creating your
environment from within you're not waiting for external cues to be grateful You're not waiting for
everything to line up to be grateful You're not waiting for all your plans to unfold the way you want
them to to be grateful No, no, no, no. No, we're not allowing the tail to wag the dog We start off
with gratitude Thanksgiving and appreciation we start off with I got cargo we start off with I got
gift we start off with Everything that the universe is is within me already. We start off with I am and
I have That's the premise. That's the starting point.

You, superman, it doesn't matter. You start off with "I am grateful." I got it all, and then
there becomes an inner vibrational match within you, and then the universe matches that
vibrationally. Doors open, barriers fall down. The vibrational structures of an artificial world
held together by previous perceptions begin to disintegrate, and you live in an entirely
different world.

Understand this, there is a big difference between the planet and the world; they are not
the same thing. The planet Gaia, Mother Earth, is a living entity that's conscious and
becoming more and more conscious vibrationally every year. In the past years, scientists
have shown us that the frequency in the vibration of the earth has increased yearly. Now,
the indigenous cultures have been telling us this for hundreds of years that Mama Earth is
alive, awake, aware, and becoming more and more conscious.

You see, there is water, mountain ranges, rainforests, rivers, land, Mother Earth, and then
there is the world. The world is not the earth; the world is held together by a synergetic
network of opinions, conversations, points of view, positionality, perceptions, and
perspectives that creates a world. People can be standing in the same place on the planet,
but be in two different worlds, based on perception, opinion, released points of view. So,
we are not here to save the world; we're here to serve the paradigm that's trying to arise.

People say, "Do you think these teachings and these spiritual practices can save the
world?" I say, "Hell no!" What kind of you want to save that world of bigotry and
homophobia and racism and let's Karen, greed, stingy, nice, consumerism, and and and
and uh, in all of that kind of you want to save that world? No, no, no. We're here to serve
the new world that is arising. We're gonna serve a new perspective. We're here to serve,
not save, not save but serve a higher order of being.

Now when you begin to understand there's a difference between the world and the planet,
and now you realize you're an endogenous being creating your own inner environment for
your own unfolding, and you begin to have the capacity to see a vision and be pulled by it.
See and be pulled by it. Then you begin to understand the difference between individuals
who are living in the dying paradigm and in the media that is emerging from that dying
paradigm. You become, it becomes so easy to see that these individuals are reporters from
a dying paradigm. They're reporting from something that's decaying. They are reporting
from something that's decadent, decadence out of cadence with the fundamental harmony
of the unfolding destiny of humanity.

And then you look at yourself, and you realize that you are a reporter from the new
paradigm. That's who you are. You've got your Mindvalley credentials. "Where you from?"
"I'm a reporter of a new paradigm. Let me tell you what it looks like." So, every insight,
every revelation, every time you catch an "aha" about possibility, and then you begin to do
the inner work to stabilize it, and you begin to walk in that awareness, you become a
reporter of the new paradigm, and you can literally see "decadence, cadence, D-cadence,
cadence, D-cadence." You can see the difference.

And with the awareness that a thought, a single thought that is emanating from a sense of
oneness, a sense of love and beauty, carries an amplitude way more powerful than a
thought emanating from a sense of scarcity
I lay on my back, my heart beating fast, breathing hard, and feeling exhausted, but grateful to be back
in Los Angeles. I spoke to a medium friend about my experience, sharing that I was caught in a Riptide
and had asked for help. She closed her eyes, did her thing, and shared that an archangel had given me
three waves of support. She explained that the angelic realm and realm of the ancestors can't interfere
with our free will, but they're always ready to help when we ask for it. I still had to make the effort, but I
had momentum and support. We shouldn't be afraid to ask for help.

We have an intense destiny within us that we need to move towards, with an ever-increasing awareness
of gratitude. We need to uncover, discover, and activate everything within us to ultimately express
ourselves. We need to program our minds to already have what we need, rather than coming from a
sense of victimhood. We need to be humble, available, and open to asking for help every day.

We are barely scratching the surface of our spiritual practice, whether we are a veteran of meditation,
prayer, study, or life visioning. With humility, we're not blocking the flow of life or divine intelligence,
and we're becoming the reporters of a world that only a few can see. We need to see the invisible and
hear the inaudible, becoming the people who can do what the world calls impossible.

We need to be aware of the power, presence, love, joy, beauty, and intelligence that are waiting to flow
through us. We tend to block this flow because we're too prone to living in the past or the future. We
need to collapse time through our spiritual practice and become timeless beings, seeing the invisible
and bringing heaven to earth with every step we take. We come to soulful gatherings not to get high
but to connect with our spiritual selves.
You came here to remember who you are. You came here to remember that you are a divine being
having a human experience, not a human being trying to have a divine experience.

So, in this moment, I invite you to close your eyes, take a deep breath, and connect with that divine
essence within you. Feel the presence of the universe, the love, the power, and the wisdom flowing
through you. Know that you are supported, that you are loved, and that you are worthy of everything
you desire.

As you continue on your journey, remember to ask for help when you need it, to stay present in the
moment, and to trust that the universe is conspiring in your favor. Keep shining your light, keep sharing
your gifts, and keep being the change you wish to see in the world. Thank you for being a part of this
soulful gathering today. May you continue to walk in love, joy, peace, and abundance.
"So, you don't speak about you. Don't tell God about your big problems. You tell your problems about
your big God. You switch it around. Presents principle possibilities. That's what flows. Now you are a
reporter of the new. You're in a Renaissance right now, you know, a Renaissance. These teachings, when
I began teaching many years ago, these teachings were peripheral, now they're central. They were
hidden in occult books. People used to put a newspaper around the books. Cleaning anybody didn't
know if they were reading about meditation or reading about manifestation, what are you reading? Oh,
nothing. You know, now it's a billion-dollar industry. You see, and people aren't afraid just to say that
they can call something forth. They're not afraid to say that they can know how to manifest. I'm not
afraid to say that they have a powerful destiny. That which was peripheral is now central and emerging
everywhere. And so, we're in this Renaissance. It doesn't look like it sometimes because the old
paradigm, with the technology of the media, is constantly giving you the lowest common denominator
of the human experience. But fortunately, we have a precedent that mirrors the parade of evil so that we
can see what it looks like. Before it was hidden with a suit and a tie, now which is all, oh, that's what hate
looks like. Oh, walls. Oh, we hate Muslims. Oh, we hate Mexicans. Oh, we hate gay people. Oh, that's
what it looks like. That's what the old paradigm looks like. Oh, we're going to give tax breaks just for the
rich. Oh, that's what we can take away, Medicare America. Oh, oh my God. Yes, oh. So now we look like
what the parade of evil looks like. Hey, yes, as Lawrence Carter would call it. And so we give thanks. He's
doing a great service. Maybe he came down for that. They need to see what this looks like. I'll do it. Give
me some inspiration, Hitler. I'll do it. But now, with the juxtaposition of seeing narcissism, we can
embrace. You know what? I'm going to stop talking with somebody, and it's you. It's all of us.
Somebody has to be strong enough and courageous enough to imagine and articulate with a kind and
just global society looks like. Okay, right now, with the old paradigm, we imagine greater weaponry to
protect us against enemies more than we imagined what a wonderful world. It would be if we reached
across borders and worked with each other. Somebody's got to be strong enough to have the right use
of imagination and conversation. That's you. You're the reporters of that dynamic. That's who you are.
That's who you are. And you do it with your heart open, embracing everyone, even people who disagree
with you, heart open, embracing everyone. No one left out, lifting your frequency so that somebody has
a choice because of the clearinghouse. You become a vibrational clearinghouse that begins to
transmute that also fear, that worry, separation, not enough, this. So that someone can be in an
atmosphere. Perhaps they wake up in the morning, and they start to think differently because of a
choice you made. See, we're all interconnected holographically and ultimately entangled with each
other, and as anyone is lifted up, we're all drawn into that higher frequency. Life is good. Life is good
now. I'm supposed to stop a little while ago, not, not, I'm not complete, but I was going to open it up
for questions and comments and statements and revelations. So when you lean into spiritually
aerodynamic questions, you start to activate a different kind of energy within you, an energy of
possibility, of expansion, and of creativity. And through the law of the universe, the answers will start to
come to you.

Another practical cue is to listen to your intuition. Your intuition is the voice of God within you, and it
speaks to you through your feelings and your inner guidance. When you're faced with a decision or a
choice, tune into your intuition and ask yourself, "What feels right?" "What feels aligned with my values
and my purpose?" Trust that inner voice and follow it, even if it goes against conventional wisdom or
what others might expect of you.

Finally, practice mindfulness and meditation to quiet your mind and tune into the present moment.
God's will is often revealed in the present moment, and when you're distracted by worries, fears, and
regrets, it can be hard to hear that still, small voice within you. By practicing mindfulness and
meditation, you create a space within you to listen and receive the guidance and inspiration that you
need to live a life that is aligned with God's will.

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