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To begin with, languages are part and parcel of our society. The more
languages you know, the more successful you are. You cannot work in a huge
international company unless you are fluent in a number of languages, you will
not be able to read books in original if you are not familiar with at least some
languages, and, finally, you will not earn a lot of money if you speak just your
native language.As a matter of fact, language teachers are essential, and their
work is always of high importance, especially when you talk about English,
which is spoken and understood practically everywhere.

Admittedly, all the teachers have to possess a great number of qualities.

Speaking of an English teacher, it is quite obvious that they have to be
professionals in the realm of the English language. Furthermore, teachers have
to be patient, as sometimes it is really difficult to explain Present Simple 7 times
a day. Moreover, learning goes faster when you get on with your teacher, so, as
a matter of fact, teachers have to be sociable. And, with no doubts, hard
working and disciplined. Besides, it is essential to teach students not only
English, but also how not to be afraid of their own mistakes.

Frankly speaking, I believe I am cut out for being a teacher, as, to my

mind, l possess almost all of there qualities. It is worth mentioning, that I
developed them though hard work and devoting long hours to my self-

Nevertheless, it would be great if I worked on self-discipline a little bit.

Actually, we are all humans and we are to work on ourselves continuously, so
that is quite natural.

Summing it up, it is worth mentioning that being a teacher is extremely

hard despite the fact that this profession is more than popular and, obviously,
really well-paid.

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