PMG100 Project Management Assessment 3 Recommended Structure For Preliminary Plan

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PMG100 Project Management

Assessment 3

Recommended Structure for Preliminary Plan

Main body sections can be structured or titled differently, as long as relevant information is
included and there is a logical flow of information.

 Title Page
o Title (relevant to sub-project task selected)
o Full name of author
o Team number
o Date prepared
NEW PAGE (use a section break – refer to Moodle for instructions)

 Table of Contents
NEW PAGE (use a section break)

The Introduction page needs to be Page 1 – listed in the footer, right justified.

1. Introduction
o Why this document has been written
 Provide background information
 Brief description of the client’s requirements and purpose
 How your team project relates to the main needs of the client
 What specific task (for example transport or catering) is being covered in
this Preliminary Plan
 Note: ‘Tone’ of the document should be as if written by a project manager
for a client and not as a student doing an assignment.

This next section, known as the body of the report, is the largest section of the report.
2. Project Charter (completed at the team project level)
o Fill out the Project Charter template provided and include it as an Appendix
(see the required list of Appendices at the end) and in this section of your
Preliminary Plan tell the reader that it is there, for example ‘Please refer to the
Project Charter attached as Appendix 1.’

o In this section explain some of the key points of the Project Charter
 for example, why you decided on your particular goals – these reasons
should be supported by research
 cite references used
 any other points you think need expanding or explaining.

3. Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) for your task

o Fill out the WBS template provided and include it as an Appendix (see the
required list of Appendices at the end) and in this section of your Preliminary

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Plan tell the reader that it is there, for example ‘Please refer to the Work
Breakdown Structure attached as Appendix 2.’

o In the Preliminary Plan explain what the WBS is

 include any details and assumptions that may impact WBS
 cite any references used.

4. Preliminary Effort Estimation for your task

o Fill out the Preliminary Effort Estimation template provided and include it as an
Appendix (see the required list of Appendices at the end) and in this section of
your Preliminary Plan tell the reader that it is there, for example ‘Please refer
to the Preliminary Effort Estimation attached as Appendix 3.’

o In this section, expand on the following:

 explain what an Effort Estimation is – your audience (the client) may not
 explain why it is needed
 provide explanations on how you came up with the estimation in the table
 provide reasons for special skills
 cite any references used.

5. Preliminary Budget for your task

o Fill out the Preliminary Budget template provided and include it as an Appendix
(see the required list of Appendices at the end) and in your Preliminary Plan tell
the reader that it is there, for example ‘Please refer to the Preliminary Budget
attached as Appendix 4.’

o In this section, expand on the following:

 provide explanations for costs
 clearly explain any assumptions and justify them
 clearly state final budget amount and ensure it is included in the team’s
Project Plan final budget
 cite references used, especially for quotes (copy of quotes should be
included in the Appendix).

6. Action Plan for your task

o Fill out the Preliminary Action Plan template provided and include it as an
Appendix (see the required list of Appendices at the end) and in your
Preliminary Plan tell the reader that it is there, for example ‘Please refer to the
Action Plan attached as Appendix 5.’

o In this section, expand on the following:

 explain what the Action Plan is and why it is needed
 explain why and how the target dates have been set - state any
assumptions made
 list any dependencies and resources required.

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7. Conclusion
o summary of what has been done – what are the key points
o refer back to the client’s needs
o overview of next steps required.


8. References


9. Appendices
Appendix 1: Project Charter
o The following elements must be clearly stated in the Project Charter
 Purpose and objectives
 Scope
 Key requirements and acceptance criteria (quantified where appropriate)
 Exclusions
 Stakeholders
 Total budget
 should match budget developed in the Preliminary Plan below
 Milestone target dates
 based on tasks and milestones in the Preliminary Plan below

Appendix 2: Work Breakdown Structure

o Breakdown of project tasks in graphical form (WBS) or using the Excel template
and include it as an Appendix (see the required list of Appendices at the end)
 The number of levels in WBS is left to your discretion
 Higher levels should be worked out with the rest of the team
 Area of individual responsibility should be expanded further
 Lowest level should be granular (small) enough to allow for easy
estimation of effort (final estimation)
 Should include any relevant post-event tasks for example, clearing site,
payments of outstanding invoices

Appendix 3: Preliminary Effort Estimation

 This needs to be as accurate as possible
 Effort estimation table is based on expanded WBS tasks for area or section
assigned to you
 Note: Since preliminary, not all details may have been worked out,
but put in as much as possible so you can get feedback
 You may think of additional tasks as you are working this out. You
should update your WBS accordingly
 Work out the person-hours by estimating how long it would take one
person to complete the task to the required quality
 Put down how many people you think should be assigned to the task

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 This will probably be modified in the next iteration, but need to have
some idea here
 Skills required should be listed as appropriate
 Need for specialised skills may impact the budget

Appendix 4: Preliminary Budget

o Use the template to estimate cost for elements of project for the project task area
you are responsible for
o Possible budget items would include:
 Site and equipment hire
 Materials and consumables
 Transportation costs
 Labour (excluding team members)
 Should take into account any specialised skills required
 Other overheads
 Local government approvals
 License fees


Appendix 5: Action Plan

o Work out the tasks you need to achieve your goals for your section and put down
which WBS item(s) it is related to
 Each WBS item for your area of responsibility needs to have at least one
task associated with it that is, what needs to be completed!
o Fill in a proposed start date and a target end date
 Both HAVE to be filled in. They are crucial for working out a schedule later
on, though they may be changed as the schedule is refined.


10. Permission to proceed

__________________________ (client name) wishes to proceed with the project as detailed in this

________________________ ___________________
Client signature Date

________________________ ___________________
Project Manager signature Date

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