Why Technology Has Become So Important For Us?

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Ministry of Education

Centro Educativo Fuente de Agua Viva

English Composition Work
Why technology has become so important for us?

Prepared by: Valery Vanegas Grade: 10th Science

Teacher´s name: Ricardo Lay Date: November 9th, 2021


Technology plays an important role in the development of education, business, art,

medicine, scientific areas and others. It has become one of the essential parts of our
lives in order to communicate each other and making this world easier to live.

As students, technology also provides us with different tools to improve our learning
experience. We can create new things with the help of it. It brought methods of
electronic communication, for example: e-mails, applications and social networks
like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter.

Technological devices can be found in many areas, such as in our homes, offices,
schools we find it everywhere. We have smart television, laptop computers,
headphones, digital music, cellular phones and others.

It has come to improve our quality of life as long as it is well used.

Answering this interesting question of why technology has become so

important for us? I can say that it has greatly impacted our lives, therefore it is
considered as an extension of human being innovation.
Technology offers us many advantages and the opportunity to make our planet a
better place to live. I can mention some of the following advantages that it has, for
example in the field of education, in this time that we are living in a pandemic, virtual
learning environments have been really necessary to continue acquiring knowledge.
In the scientific area, I can also mention the diagnosis of diseases and the creation
of more effective medicines. In business, it helps increase productivity and obtain
good results.

It is important to say that those young professionals who manage technology

optimally will be able to get better jobs.
Developing technological skills is important, but knowing the possibilities that it
allows is even more so.
New technologies promise to bring profound changes to all areas of society, but
especially to Education and Employment.

In conclusion, technology has evolved bringing with it different tools that allow us
to be more efficient and competitive in carrying out our daily activities. Also it makes
our lives easier. Technology has been present in the development of education,
business, medicine, health and others.

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