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Quarter 4, Module 1 of 2

Prepared by:
Subject: Community Engagement, Solidarity and Citizenship
Quarter: 4
Module No. 1

Methodologies and approaches of community actions
and involvements across disciplines

Message to the Parents/Facilitators:

This module contains essential information that the learner needs. This contains a
series of activities that our student needs to go through for better understanding of the lesson.
If the learner has difficulty or clarification while doing this module, it is suggested that you
may guide him/her. You may also contact me using the following contact information:

09956385785 angelikajoyce1613

To the Learner:

Welcome to our new lesson that you will surely learn and enjoy. This contains activities
that might be useful in your everyday living. The key goal of this is to learn it from the heart.
Make this module personal, it only requires you to question things and to think.



Methodologies and approaches of community actions and involvements across disciplines
1. Partnership building with local groups
2. Community profiling
3. Needs assessment
4. Working with a core group of leaders/leadership development
Participatory action planning
5. Resource mobilization
6. Social action
7. Evaluation

The learner demonstrates an understanding of…
1. the integration of social science perspective and community action initiatives

The learner shall be able to…
1. synthesize the integrative experience of implementing community-action initiatives
applying social sciences’ ideas and methods

Great day, Excellencians! I am Teacher Joyce. How are you today? I hope that you
are having a good day. We are now up for our second and last semester for this school
year. We are all rooting for you. This module is good for two weeks. You have two

weeks to accomplish all of the activities. Enjoy learning!

Learning Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, learners will be able to:

1. Explain the methodologies and approaches in community action


2. Apply systematic methods of community action in understanding community


3. Formulate a community action HUMSS_CSC12-IVa-d-19

4. Plan using participatory approaches HUMSS_CSC12-IVad-19


Directions: Read the statements carefully. Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if

________________________ 1. Resource mobilization is a process where we identify the Resources

essential for the development, implementation and continuation of works for achieving the

organization’s mission.

________________________ 2. Resource mobilization focused on the relationships with Resource

Providers, the skills, knowledge and capacity for proper use of resources.

________________________ 3. Resource mobilization is an individual effort.

________________________ 4. Resource mobilization is just a means to the end.

________________________ 5. A set of accountabilities shared by everyone onboard is one of the

concept of Resource Mobilization.

________________________ 6. Resource mobilization maximizes dependency on others.

________________________ 7. Resource mobilization prevent spending and utilization of


________________________ 8. Resource mobilization limits relations.

________________________ 9. Resource mobilization fulfils responsibilities for the community.

________________________10. Resource mobilization negates organization and its programs.

Lesson Proper
What’s In

Directions: Answer the question below. Write your answers on the space provided.

1. If you are to go on a trip, what are the three important things that you will include in
your luggage and why?


What’s New

Directions: Write examples for each type of resources.

What Is It

Writing a community action plan

What are needed in writing an action plan

1. A clear vision
2. A set of values
3. The strategic framework
4. An overall goal

Elements of an Action Plan

1. Statement of what must be achieved – the goal or output

2. Activities that have to be followed to reach the objective or goal
3. Target date for completion or schedule for when each activity must begin/end
4. Identification of the organization/individual who will be responsible for each activity
5. Clarification of the inputs/resources needed to complete the task
6. Identification of indicators which will allow for measurement of progress towards the

Parts of a Community Action Plan

I. Cover Page
II. Executive Summary
III. Table of Contents
IV. Community Profile
V. Introduction to the Plan
a. How the plan was developed
b. Who was involved in the development of the plan
c. Who will manage the implementation of the plan
d. Other information that is important to the plan
VI. Action Plan
VII. Appendices and Supporting Documentation

Partnership Building with Local Groups

1. What is the purpose of forming partnerships?

• To bring about more effective and efficient delivery of programs and eliminate
any unnecessary duplication of effort.
• To pool resources.
• To increase communication among groups and break down stereotypes.
• To build networks and friendships.
• To revitalize wilting energies of members of groups who are trying to do too much
• To plan and launch community-wide initiatives on a variety of issues.
• To develop and use political clout to gain services or other benefits for the

• To create long-term, permanent social change.
• To obtain or provide services.

2. What are the types of partnership?

• Community-based
• Government-based
• Faith-based

3. What are the different methods and

approaches in building partnership in
the community?
• Coordination
• Cooperation
• Collaboration
• Partnership

Community Profiling

Community profiling is a social research method which involves building up a picture of the
nature, needs and resources of a locality or community, with the active participation of its
members, the aim being to create and implement an action plan to address the issues

Needs assessment

1. Why do we need to perform an assessment?

Community needs assessment is a process that describes the state of local people, enables
the identification of the actions needed and how to address these. A plan which delivers the
most effective care to those in greatest need; applies the principles of equity and social
justice in practice;

2. What does a community assessment measure?

Community needs assessment measures the strengths and resources available in the
community to meet the needs of the children, youth and families.

3. When should you do needs assessment?

Needs assessment should be done before doing a community-action plan.

4. What does needs assessment contain?

A community assessment contains compilation of demographic data from census records,

results of surveys conducted/ by others and informal feedback from community partners.

Community Profile and Needs Assessment

How is community profile different from community needs assessment?

Community profile essentially answers the question, “Where is the community now?” and

provides baseline information on the present situation of the community like population
and other unique characteristics of the community. The information can then be used for
planning purposes while community needs assessment is a systematic process for
determining and addressing needs or gaps between current conditions or wants.

Participatory Action Planning

I. Rationale and Definition

Participatory planning is an urban planning paradigm that emphasizes involving the entire
community in the strategic and management processes of urban planning; or, community-
level planning processes, urban or rural. It is often considered as part of community
development. Participatory planning aims to harmonize views among all of its participants
as well as prevent conflict between opposing parties. In addition, marginalized groups have
an opportunity to participate in the planning process.

II. The Need for Participatory Action Planning

1. Public distrust of planning based on past practices

Participatory planning is needed when there is public distrust of previous planning practice
and/or where new development may lead to significant conflicts. Research around the globe
present several examples where failures of traditional planning approaches and public
distrust of planning led to innovations and new forms of participatory planning. In South
Africa planning had been part of the apartheid system and so the need to reinvent a new
form of planning was overwhelming.

In the Ephrata case study, a planning consultant was brought in as a mediator after
litigants had obtained a court order against the city's plan that had been adopted after a
traditional process of 'public participation'.

Therefore, public relations consultants have been hired to 'do public outreach, run
community meetings, provide public notices and informational items to get the public
involved'. This sounds less ambitious than many examples encountered in our research,
but the point remains that there is a perceived need to make a step-change from past

2. Governments' desire to improve the co-ordination

Planning needs to change from a narrow, self-enclosed system of regulation to become a

means of delivering development that achieves broader objectives, social justice and other
sustainable development action initiatives. Planning needs to be about integration not
about separation - integration between public and private investment in an area, between
different scales of government and between different agencies. Thus there is a need to
rethink the traditional approach to consultation with stakeholders and other public

agencies. It means moving from 'We have a plan; what do you think about it?' to active
integration of the aspirations and intentions of other players into the preparation of the
plan and its structures for implementation. This will require engagement and negotiation to
anticipate and reconcile differences, but it offers the prospect of eventual shared
commitment to the plan and to its implementation. Where conflicting aspirations between
planning and other institutions and agencies with sectoral responsibilities threaten to block
agreement, independent persons such as academics can play a valuable role as 'informal'
mediators in efforts to find consensus.

3. Respect to Grassroots Community

Planning practice needs to engage with the reality of diversity in today's society. This means
being aware of different cultures and ensuring that issues of diversity are addressed
throughout the planning process. Traditional public participation has often failed to do this.
Participatory planning is built around diversity, conflicting interests and the need to listen
to the voices of marginalized groups.

A recognition amongst governments and non-governmental organizations that sustainable

development requires consensus building and engagement with citizens. Grassroots
involvement and local participatory democracy are much more a part of a political culture
while in other country it is a non-political culture, a sense of resistance. Thus, there is a
good deal of regional variability in attitudes toward planning, government, and local
activism. Planning is accepted widely and there is an emphasis on grassroots participation
and inclusivity.

III. Levels of Participatory Action Planning


There are a number of ways to consider participatory planning. As demonstrated in the
discussion above of advantages and disadvantages, this kind of process always presents,
even at best, a trade-off between efficiency and inclusiveness. Time pressure, the needs of
the community, the skills and experience of those participating, and the nature of the
intervention, among other factors, all help to dictate the actual shape of the planning

So what are the possibilities? Just how participatory do you want to be? David Wilcox, in
his excellent "Guide to Effective Participation," sets out the following as a model of the
different possible levels of participation:

1. Information - The least you can do is tell people what is planned.

2. Consultation - You offer a number of options and listen to the feedback you get.
3. Deciding together - You encourage others to provide some additional ideas and options,
and join in deciding the best way forward.
4. Acting together - Not only do different interests decide together what is best, but they
form a partnership to carry it out.
5. Supporting independent community initiatives - You help others do what they want –
perhaps within a framework of grants, advice and support provided by the resource holder.

Each of these levels may be appropriate in different circumstances, or with different groups,
although only at "deciding together" and above do they really begin to be fully participatory
in the sense that the term is used in this section.

The Resource Mobilization Cycle

A. Plan- including an assessment and design element;
B. Act- implementation;
C. Reflect- RM lessons learned.

A. The Planning Phase

Firstly, a situation analysis of the external resource environment is required in order to
discover what RM opportunities may exist and how best to approach potential resource
partners. Secondly, the resource requirements of the programme or project should be
examined and a plan developed on how to engage the likely resource partners. The planning
phase should ideally establish an RM strategy and action plan (for the immediate term),
describing how particular resource partners will be targeted and for which resources. A
communication plan, describing the various tools for communication with specified
resource partners would form an element of this. A communication plan therefore supports
the RM strategy. The resource targets formulated in the RM strategy or Action Plan are tied
to those as specified and prioritized in the programme or project document.

B. The Action or Implementation Phase

This phase is broken into a five- step process.

C. The Reflect Phase
Here, the RM effort (strategy and action plan) is monitored and evaluated, specifically
reporting on successes and failures, and working through lessons learned, in order to tailor
and refocus RM initiatives to maximize success.

Resource Mobilization Hand-outs:

• Resource Mobilization is a process where we identify the Resources essential for the
development, implementation and continuation of works for achieving the organization’s

• It is focused on the relationships with Resource Providers, the skills, knowledge and
capacity for proper use of resources.

Following this concept, we can say that Resource Mobilization is:

 Just a means to the end.

 A team effort
 A set of accountabilities shared by everyone onboard
 A management process that has no quick fixes
 A management process that involves identifying people who share the same values
as your organization and taking the steps to manage that relationship.

The Importance of Resource Mobilization

• Diversifies and expand resources
• Formulates an independent budget (fund),
• Allows spending and utilization of Resources

• Minimizes dependency on others
• Sustains the Organization and its programs
• Maximizes use of domestic capital and skills
• Expands relations
• Fulfills responsibilities for the Community

A community is “A social, religious, occupational or other group sharing common

characteristics or interests and perceived or perceiving itself as distinct in some respect
from the larger society within which it exists; self-organized network of people with common
agenda, cause, or interest, who collaborate by sharing ideas, information, and other
resources. A profile is description of someone or something of all the most important and
interesting facts. A community profile is a data sheet that records information on a broad
range of factors (such as environmental/natural features and management, socio-
demographic characteristics, political and economic structures, local institutions, economic
activities and livelihoods, basic household and community facilities, and social

A community profile is a basic understanding of a community as a whole, information on

particular areas of interest (such as which local institutions might be important for
household livelihood strategies and need to be investigated in more depth)

What’s More


What I Have Learned

Let us test how far you got this lesson. Have fun!

Identify the following if it is under Planning, Action or Reflect Phase.

_________________________ 1. Including an assessment and design element.

_________________________ 2. The RM effort (strategy and action plan) is monitored.

_________________________ 3. This phase is best broken down into a five-step process.

_________________________ 4. The resource requirements of the programme or project should be

examined and a plan developed on how to engage the likely resource partners.

_________________________ 5. Manage and Report.

_________________________ 6. Communicate Results.

_________________________ 7. Situation analysis of the external resource environment.

_________________________ 8. A communication plan therefore supports the RM Strategy.

_________________________ 9. Identify external sources of funding.

_________________________ 10. Engage means involves seizing every opportunity to

communicate the programme for which resources are sought.

What I Have Valued

Directions: Answer the question below. Write your answers on the space provided.

1. How significant are the use of methods and approaches of community actions in a
particular community?

What I Can Do

Directions: Given the community action that you all have done last February 14, 2021
which is the Bakas-Puso: A Project Help of PEGAFI. Evaluate it using the evaluation
form provided below.



Directions: In a short bond paper, formulate a participatory action plan table. Use the format
given below. This will be counted as Performance Task #1. Make sure to make it and attach it
in this module.

Additional Activities

Read in advance about Community Action Initiatives: Field Practicum for this will serve as our
next lesson.


Online Resources:

Photo credits:

Answer Key



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