G4 Lab Report Experiment 4

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CODE: DRK 2421


2022/2023 Semester II
Date of Experiment : 19TH MARCH 2023
Lecturer’s Name : Ts. JOHARIZAL BIN JOHARI
Instructor’s Name :
Group Members :
Name ID
Group No. 4
Section : RK09
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Subject Code : DRK 2421


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Rubric for LAB REPORT

Item Unacceptable Poor Average Good

Assessed (0) (1) (2) (3)
Abstract  No abstract  No highlight of the  Missing objective and/or  Objective
(x 5) significant results conclusion.  Summary of the
and/or methodology. methodology
 Summary of the results
 Conclusion
Methodology  No flowchart  Methodology flow is  Methodology flow is correct, but  Methodology flow is
flowchart incorrect. not concise. correct and concise.
(x 5)

Data  No table  Tables provided but no  Tables provided, captions given  Tables numbered with the
Tabulation captions given OR and numbered in sequence but Arabic numerals and have
(x 3)  Tables provided but no units captions in sequence. The
captions not in units in which results are
sequence and not expressed are given at the
mentioned in the text top of each column (in
Graph  No Graph OR  Graphs provided but  Properly captioned, numbered  Properly captioned,
(x 3)  All graphs wrongly plotted no captions given OR and graphs mentioned in the numbered and graphs
 Graphs provided but text. However, conditions of mentioned in the text.
captions not in experiment (P, T) not Conditions of experiment
sequence and not mentioned in the caption (P, T) mentioned in the
mentioned in the text caption
Calculations  Calculations not shown OR  Skip a few important  All calculation steps are clearly  All calculation steps are
(x 5)  Calculations totally wrong calculation steps written and correct but wrong clearly written and correct
unit and with correct unit

Results  Data sheet with stamp not  Results given but  Results given but a few not tally  Results shown for all the
(x 10) provided with the report OR significant amount not with the requirements of scopes of experiments
 Results not compatible with tally with the experiment
scopes requirement/ scopes

Discussion  Only mention the results  Attempt to discuss but  Elucidation of result but  Elucidation and supported
(x 20) without meaningful failed miserably contains some flaws by proper references or
discussion logical explanations.

Conclusions  No conclusion sections OR  Conclusion missing the  Conclusions regarding major  Important/ significant
(x 5)  Conclusions totally not important points OR points are drawn, but many are results are highlighted
reflecting the scopes  No recommendation misstated, indicating a lack of which also meets the
given to improve the understanding OR scopes of experiments
experiment.  Conclusion is too general. AND
Several recommendations have  Several recommendations
been given but they are too have been stated.
general and not contributing to
the experiment’s improvement.
References  Copy & paste references OR  Most of citations in text  A few citations in text are not  All citations in text are
(x 5)  Ununiformed referencing are not available in list available in list of reference available in list of
system OR of reference although AND reference and use the
 80% references from internet use same referencing  Use same referencing system same referencing system
OR system OR AND
 Use of Wikipedia  Internet sources > 60%  All references from reliable
Grammar and  Unreadable and not written in  Numerous spellings  Occasional spelling and/or  Correct use of words.
Spelling scientific way and/or grammar errors. grammar errors.
(x 5) Direct translation using
Google Translate.

Total Assessment Marks (198)


Any solid, semi-solid, or liquid feedstocks are typically turned into solid products through the drying process by
applying heat to cause evaporation. The tray drier that has been used in this experiment is using the drying principle.
The purpose of this experiment is to study how the drying rate, moisture content, and impact of air velocity on drying
rate of macaroni are affected by different heating levels. In addition, the experiment will look at how a wet solid
behaves when drying in air with constant humidity and temperature. We choose macaroni as our sample because it is
much simpler to obtain and lot simpler to improve the moisture content of macaroni dried in tray dryers. Based on the
sample's mass, which is inversely proportional to both temperature and time, the moisture content is measured.
Hence, using the formula that is provided in the calculation part later, we may calculate the sample's drying rate.
For this experiment, 100 grams of macaroni was weighed by using the weighing balance and boiled in a beaker
containing hot water. After 10 minutes the macaroni tossed evenly spread on the tray into a thin rectangular shape and
the tray was weighed. The tray was then weighed with macaroni spread on it and the mass was recorded with time
during the experiment. Next, the fan and heater button on the control panel was switched on. The first round of this
experiment, the heating rate level was set to 2. Besides, the flowrate and velocity of air was also recorded by using an
anemometer. The value for temperature inlet, outlet and percentage relative humidity inlet and outlet was recorded for
every 5 minutes. The experiment was repeated with the heating rate level of 4. The moisture content of the wet macaroni
decreased over time decreases and the drying rate of the wet macaroni increases over time as the heating level increases.
The drying rate for heating level rate 4 is lower than heating level rate 2, as can be observed from the graph. The wet
macaroni dried according to the theoretical drying curve. In fact, a high heating rate allows for faster evaporation of the
substance's water vapour, resulting in a lower free moisture content and a slower drying rate.

Boil around 300g macaroni in boiled water for about 10 minutes and toss it.

Tare the balance without the drying tray. Then put the drying tray into the dyer and record the

Spread around 100g boiled macaroni in tray. Measure the new weight and exposed
surface area of the macaroni on the tray.

Set the fan level and heating level to the desired value, then switch on the fan and heater. Start
the stop watch to count the drying time.

Monitor the inlet and outlet humidity and temperature

Used anemometer to measure the air velocity and calculate the air flow rate.

Repeat the experiment with different level of heating.

Figure 1 show dry Figure 2 show shows the
macaroni is placed on the tray inserted inside tray
tray dryer

Figure 3 show the drying

process is running

Heating Rate Level : 2 Weight of tray + macaroni (g): 509.2

Air velocity (m/s) : 0.47 Weight of dried macaroni (g): 100
Air Flow Rate (cnm) : 8732
Area of macaroni on tray : 263.5 Weight of Tray (g): 344.8

Weight of Moisture Free Moisture

Time Air Temperature Air Temperature Percentage Percentage
(Min) tray + Inlet, T1 (ºC) Inlet, T1 (ºC) Relative Humidity Relative Humidity Content , XT Content , X
macaroni Inlet , H1(%rF) Inlet , H1(%rF) (kg H20/kg solid) ( kg H2O /kg
0 509.2 27.6 28.0 30.6 31.4 0.644 0.559
5 505.8 51.1 51.3 28.1 29.1 0.610 0.527
10 504.2 51.6 52.3 27.2 28.2 0.594 0.514
15 503.9 52.7 53.1 25.2 26.3 0.591 0.513
20 502.6 52.8 53.3 24.8 25.2 0.578 0.503
25 501.1 53.9 54.2 24.5 24.8 0.563 0.491
30 499.2 54.1 54.6 24.1 24.6 0.544 0.476
Heating Rate Level : 4 Weight of tray + macaroni (g): 509.2
Air velocity (m/s) : 1.35 Weight of dried macaroni (g): 100
Air Flow Rate (cnm) : 3041
Area of macaroni on tray : 263.5 Weight of Tray (g): 344.4

Weight of Moisture Free Moisture

Time Air Temperature Air Temperature Percentage Percentage
(Min) tray + Inlet, T1 (ºC) Outlet, T1 Relative Humidity Content , XT Content , X ( kg
Relative Humidity
macaroni (ºC) Inlet , H1(%rF) Outlet, H2(%rF) (kg H20/kg solid) H2O /kg dry solid
0 509.2 35.2 34.8 40.8 43.1 0.648 0.533
5 504.1 41.7 40.4 30.2 40.1 0.597 0.496
10 502.3 48.9 44.7 29.9 33.5 0.579 0.484
15 501.1 48.3 45.9 28.0 32.1 0.567 0.479
20 500.1 48.5 46.0 27.7 31.7 0.557 0.475
25 499.3 48.8 46.2 27.5 31.5 0.549 0.470
30 497.1 50.1 46.5 27.2 31.0 0.527 0.452

Time (Min) Mass of material to be dried (g)

Heating Level : 2 Heating Level : 3
0 509.2 509.2
5 505.8 504.1
10 504.2 502.3
15 503.9 501.1
20 502.6 500.1
25 501.1 499.3
30 499.2 497.1

Table 3.2.1 Mass of material to be dried and time

Mass of Sample vs Time



Mass Of Sample





0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35

Figure 3.2.1 Graph shows the mass of materials to be dried against time

Figure 3.2.1 shows that the graph mass of the sample to be dried decreases while the drying time
increases. The initial mass of the macaroni which is 50 g, is higher than the final mass which is
44.1 g at heat level 2 and 41.9 g at heat level 4. Due to the fact that as the heat from the tray
dryer increases, the initial rate of humidity decreases
Time (Min)
Heating Level : 2 Heating Level : 4
0 0.644 0.648
5 0.61 0.597
10 0.594 0.579
15 0.591 0.567
20 0.578 0.557
25 0.563 0.549
30 0.544 0.527
Table 3.2.2 Moisture Content and time

Moisture Content vs Time


Moisture Content






0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35

Figure 3.2.2 Graph shows the moisture content against time

Figure 3.2.2 shows a plot of the moisture content versus drying time of the graph drying curve.
The drying curve in the figure shows three distinct drying stages. Initially, there is the early,
transient stage, when the product is heating. Constant period of constant rate during which
moisture is comparatively removed quite easily. The crucial moisture content is the amount of
moisture that is contained or held inside the solid matrix during the drop rate period.
Free moisture content, X = Moisture content, xt – Equilibrium moisture content, x*
Time (Min)
Heating Level : 2 Heating Level : 4
0 0.559 0.533
5 0.527 0.496
10 0.514 0.484
15 0.513 0.479
20 0.503 0.475
25 0.491 0.47
30 0.476 0.452
Table 3.2.3 Free moisture content and time

Rate of Drying (KG/ m2 min)

Time (Min)
Heating Level : 2 Heating Level : 4
0 0.0243 0.028
5 0.01 0.012
10 0.008 0.0096
15 0.0072 0.008
20 0.0061 0.0077
25 0.0032 0.0056
30 0.0011 0.0031
Table 3.2.3 Rate of Drying, R and time

Rate of Drying VS Free Moisture Content


y = 0.273x - 0.1312
0.02 R² = 0.9266
Rate of Drying




0.46 0.48 0.5 0.52 0.54 0.56 0.58
Free Moistue Content

Figure 3.2.3 shows Rate of drying vs free moisture content for heating level at 2
Rate of Drying VS Free Moisture Content
y = 0.3148x - 0.1418
0.025 R² = 0.9539
Rate of Drying





0.44 0.45 0.46 0.47 0.48 0.49 0.5 0.51 0.52 0.53 0.54
Free Moisture Content

Figure 3.2.4 shows Rate of drying vs free moisture content for heating level at 4
Based on Figure 3.2.4 and Figure 3.2.3 we find out that the different heating level will
give the different value of rate of drying.From both Figure, we find out the gradient of the graph
represent about the rate of drying and when the heating level at 4 the rate of drying will be more
higher than heating level 2. Its is because of the temperature of the process will give effect to the
water molecule in the substance and increase the rate of drying. (Drying rate)
Drying basically known as a process of removal of relatively small amounts of water from
material. In the drying process the water is usually removed as a vapor by air. For this
experiment, the drying process classified as batch which is the material was inserted into the
drying equipment and the drying process proceeds for a given period of time. The study of
this experiment is the drying curve based on the moisture content of the macaroni within the
time taken. Theoretically the dryer occurs in this experiment by the supply of heat into the
macaroni samples and use the air velocity in order passed over a heated element that act as
mass transfer to evaporate the moisture contain in result. From the result, the humidity from
the experiment recorded in Table 3.1.1 according to time taken to dry macaroni sample for
every 10 minutes. Humidity of an air-water can be defined as kg of water vapor contained in
1kg of dry air. The first humidity that recorded at the first 10 minutes is 40.8% for H1 and
43.1% for H2 with the temperature of 28.0 and 34.8◦C. respectively. Meanwhile, for this
experiment, as we can see that the humidity value only gives a small amount of changes
which is from 40.1% to 43.1% during the drying process of macaroni until the end of
the experiment. So that, its mean that the water vapor that contain in1kg dry air does not have
large change. This situation occurs because of the lack of efficiency of equipment. Noted that
in this experiment, the value of H1 and T1 was the humidity and temperature at early before
tray inserted into the dryer while H2 and T2 after the drying process. Besides, Table 3.1.1
shows the moisture content that contain in the which is 0.648 until 0.527 and drying rate of
the macaroni sample from 0.0243 to 0.0011. The moisture content of macaroni decreases
proportionally with time taken. Graph in Figure 3.2.2 shows the moisture content of will
decrease when the time increase. In this experiment, the initial mass of macaroni used 164.g,
then the weight of macaroni reduced from the starting of experiment until the end for every
10 minutes can be used to calculate the moisture contain in macaroni. The moisture content
decreased as the time increase because the water in the macaron vaporized when the dry air
flow through the macaron. After the surface of the macaroni dried that shows the moisture
different, the concentration between upper and bottom of the macaroni also different. So that,
the transferred of the remaining moisture forms from bottom to the top of macaroni sample
which is diffusion process occur.

As a conclusion, the drying process in the experiment is successful since we

managed to obtain data that is almost similar to a typical drying rate curve.Based on the data
and graph plotted, it can be concluded as the objective of the experiment was achieved. The
drying process outcomes for the macaroni (solid sample) were in line with the theory of
evaporation, according to which the free moisture content decreased with time. When time
increase, more water vapour can be evaporated and the drying rate is getting lower.
Furthermore, the macaroni's free moisture content was also impacted by the heating rate
level. The free moisture content will decrease as the heating rate level rises. One could say
that a higher heating rate level provided more heat and increase the rate of drying.
Theoretically, the drying rate depends on the temperature of the air. The rate decreases for
the rest of the process, in a phase known as falling phase. The drying rate increases as the
difference between T1 and T2 larger. As the air velocity is the same for both heating rate
levels, the drying rate of the macaroni is not significantly impacted. As a result, we came to
the conclusion that, as long as the inlet air's humidity content is maintained, the drying rate
is directly proportional to the air's temperature.
As precautionary steps to improve the accuracy of the experiment a variety of
recommendations are made. First of all, to reduce zero errors, zero the digital scale before
weighing the macaroni. Check the device's functionality to ensure a reliable outcome. At the
start of the experiment, make sure the tray is properly drained of extra water. Moreover, the
equipment should be well-insulated to reduce heat loss to the environment, which slows the
rate of drying. Other than that, to get a better result and speed up the drying of the macaroni,
the fan's speed needs to be increased.

1. Amanlou, Y. and A. Zomorodian, 2010. Applying CFD for designing a new fruit
cabinet dryer. J. Food Eng., 101(1): 8-15.
2. Margaris, D.P. and A.G. Ghiaus, 2006. Dried product quality improvement by air
flow manipulation in tray dryers. J. Food Eng., 75(4): 542-550.

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