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Pharmacology Short Review

OM Nursing Academy

Anil Kantiwal Gudha

Disease Drug Of Choice

Fever Paracetamol

Anaphylatic shock Adrenaline

Myocardial Infarction Morphine Sulphate

Epilepsy in Pregnancy Phenobarbitone

Heart failure Digoxin

Typhoid Ceftriaxone ( chloramphenicol.पहले थी )

Eclampsia MgSo4

Pre Eclampsia & Gestational Hypertension Methyldopa

Increased Intra Cranial Pressure ( ICP ) Manitol 20 %

Malaria ( Pregnancy ) Chloroquine

Breast Cancer Temoxifen

Ulcerative colitis & Chron's Disease Sulfasalazine

Prophylaxis of Myocardial Infarction Aspirin

Rheumatoid arthritis Methotrexate

Acute Gout Indomethacin

Gastritis / GERD / Zollingen Ellison Omeprazole


Chemotherapy Induce Vomiting Ondasetron

Anil Kantiwal ( OM Nursing Academy )

Cholera Tetracycline

Bed Wetting ( Enuresis ) Imipramine

Mania Lithium + Benzodiazepines

Phobia, Depression, OCD, Anorexia Fluexitine

nervosa, Bulimia nervosa

Dysentery Nalidixic Acid

Herpes Virus Acyclovir

Hepatitis B Entecavir

Swine flue Oseltamavir

Vertical Transmission of HIV Navirapine

Kala Azar ( leishmaniasis ) Amphotericin B

Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms Chlordiazepoxide

Teratogenic Drugs ( Contraindicated in Pregnancy ) :-

Name of Drugs Congenital Anomalies

( ज मजात वकृ त )

Phenytoin Fetal Hydantoin Syndrome

Warfarin Fetal warfarin Syndrome ( Hemorrhage )

Tharidomide Phacomaliya ( Sea limb कछु आ आकार का )

Streptomycin ( Anti tubercle ) Deafness

Tetracycline Denticien Problem ( दां त से स बं धत )

Lithium Epstein Anomalies

Velproic Acid Neural Tube Defect

Vitamin A Carcinogenic effect

Anil Kantiwal ( OM Nursing Academy )

Special points :-
 Most Drugs have molecular weight Between : - 100 - 500

 Ethambutol is only one Bacteriostatic Drug in DOT's.

 Rifampicin Causes Red Orange colour urine.

 Manitol 20 % is Drug of choice in Increased ICP.

 Frusomide ( loop Diuretics ) have high ceiling effect with good efficacy.

 Qunine cause Hypoglycemia इस लए Qunine को Glucose content (Juice / Milk ) के

साथ दे ते ह

 Fetal Lung maturity के लए Pregnant mother को 32 week पर Betamethasone का

इंजे शन लगाते ह

 Benzathine Penicillin is longest Acting Penicillin.

 Lithium लेने वाले Patient को Sodium से भरपुर diet दे नी चा हए, य क Lithium के कारण
Hyponatremia क condition होती है

 Vancomycin = Side effects is Red man Syndrome

 Aspirin = Side effects is Bleeding, Tinnitus, Reye Syndrome, salicilism

 Expiry Dated Tetracycline Drugs cause Fanconi Syndrome

 Aminogycosides drugs cause Ototoxicity ( Deafness )

 Morphine or Codeine are Strongest Pain killers.

 Morphine toxicity - Naloxone ( Antidote )

 Morphine De-Addiction के लए - Methadone

 Dopamine क कमी से Parnsonism होता है

 Raynaud's Syndrome म D.O.C is Nifedipine ( Ca channel blocker )

 Aldosterone Antagonist also called Potassium Sparing Diuretics.

 Salbutamol is D.O.C in Acute Asthma

 Note:- य द कोई Patient, Salbutamol और Beclomethasone के inhaler का use कर रहा है

तो पहले Salbutamol का inhalation करे और उसके बाद corticosteroid का inhaler काम मे ले

Anil Kantiwal ( OM Nursing Academy )


1. MesoProstal ( Prostaglandin ) :- Uterine Contraction

2. Mifepristone ( Anti Progesterone) :- Placental Seperation

 Long Acting Proton Pump Inhibitor :- PantoPrazole

 Streptokinase :- thrombolytic agent should be given in Acute MI within 6 Hours.

 Nitroglycerin Sublingually used in Angina Pectoris.

 Most Potent typical Anti Psychotic Drugs - Haloperidol

 Vitamin B12 का Absorption , Terminal Part of Ileum से होता है

 Heparin is mostly given by SC route.

 Antibiotics क खोज Sir Alexander Flamming ने क थी

 HIV needle prick injury use - Zidovudin

 यद कोई Patient Oral Corticosteroid ले रहा है तो इसके कारण Patient म Oral Candiasis
होने के chance रहते ह इसके लये Nurse, Patient को Betadine के gargles या फर
Nystadine Ointment दे

 Ear Drop Administration :-

 ब च म ( Below 3 year ) - Ear Pinna Down and Backward

 Adult म - Ear Pinna Up And Backward

Anil Kantiwal ( OM Nursing Academy )

 Eye Drops and Eye Ointment Use

 First Use Eye Drop

 After 10 min. Use Eye Ointment

 Z track Method ( IM injection route ) के ारा Iron & other Oily injection दे ते ह

Bcz it Reduce Backward leakage of Drugs.

Therapeutic Serum level :-

Name Of Drugs Therapeutic Serum level

Digoxin 0.5 - 2 ng/ml

Lithium 0.5 - 1.2 mEq/ltr

Acetaminophen 10 - 25 mu g/ml

Phenytoin 10 - 20 mcg/ml

Cabamazepines 4 - 12 mcg/ ml

Anil Kantiwal ( OM Nursing Academy )

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