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Corrosion in the Mining and Metal

Processing Industries
The mining, mineral processing, and extractive metallurgy industries deal with a wide range of corrosive
environments and erosive media. In mining and mineral processing, erosion and erosion-corrosion are
the major concerns. Extractive metallurgy often involves the use of aggressive acids and other


 Corrosion of material handling system in mineral processing industry such as conveyor

belts and vertical conveyors, Buckets, bucket elevators, and heavy-duty blades,

Vibrating and drum screens etc. since the material contains moisture causing the
gradual degradation.

 Corrosion in slurry pipeline caused by mineral concentrates and tails are being
transported to designated places using pipe lines hydraulically.

 Corrosion may occur in other slurry transportation system such as slurry storage tank,
centrifugal slurry pumps, intermediate storage tanks, control systems etc.

 Wear and erosion of the ball mill’s steel balls and jaws of the jaw crusher.


 The right material of construction should have the following properties like high mechanical
strength, high corrosion resistance and low cost.
 The structure is coated with a layer of other metal or non-metal which may be nobler than the
structure or less noble than it.
 Use of Corrosion inhibitors.
 Proper equipment design
 Use of Electrical protection such as cathodic and anodic protection.

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