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Subject: General Knowledge

Name: Sardar Zayyan Saeed

Class: Grade-1
Exam: Annual
Objective Part:
A. Choose the correct Option:
a) We celebrate independent day on
i. I4th august
ii. 15th august
iii. 16thaugust
b) The founder of Pakistan is
i. Allama Iqbal
ii. Quaid-e-Azam
iii. Liaqat Ali Khan
c) The Pakistani Flag is:
i. Yellow and White
ii. Green and Pink
iii. Green and White
d) The Pakistani flag has:
i. The sun and crescent
ii. The moon and sun
iii. A Crescent an a star
e) To get on a bus, we wait at A/An:
i. Bus stop
ii. Railway station
iii. Airport
f) At the railway station, we get on a :
i. Bus
ii. Car
iii. Train
g) Ships anchor at a/an :
i. Bus stop
ii. Sea Port
iii. Airport
h) At a sea port, we board :
i. An airplane
ii. A ship
iii. A Car
i) Always hold an elder’s hand while:
i. Eating Meal
ii. Crossing a Road
iii. Writing Home work
j) Before crossing the road look :
i. Both ways of road
ii. Don’t look Around
iii. Look at signal lights
k) Before getting on a bus stand in a :
i. Bus Stop
ii. Don’t wait
iii. In a Queue
l) Follow the traffic rules help us to :
i. Avoid Accidents
ii. Learn road crossing etiquettes
iii. Nothing
m) Great blessing of Allah is :
i. Wealth
ii. Good Health
iii. Life
n) We can protect ourselves by using :
i. Fruits and vegetables
ii. Chocolates and Sweets
iii. Eggs and Butter
o) Before and after eating :
i. Wash your hands
ii. Wash your Feet
iii. nothing
p) Ball is a :
i. Living thing
ii. Non-Living Thing
iii. Both
q) A Plant is a :
i. Living thing
ii. Non-Living Thing
iii. Both
r) A plant needs Sunlight, Water and:
iv. Food
v. Shadows
vi. Soil

B. Fill in the Blanks with correct word:

a) All Students in school attend the_______________________ assembly.
b) Rabia bumped into a _______________.
c) Do not___________ while crossing the road.
d) Your Dress look nice______________.
e) I am really _______________.I have lost your pencil.
f) I eat with _______________hand.
g) Human beings, animals and plants are_______________________.
h) Plants that do not have flowers are called_____________________.
i) Lion and leopard live in _______________________.
j) _______________, can I sit there?
k) Can I have a cup of tea, _________________?
l) Do not put your_____________ out of a moving car.
m) Stand in a _____________________before getting on a bus.
n) Students come to a school to_______________ and write.
o) Students keep the playground____________ and__________.
p) All students_______________ the school staff.
q) We get______________ from animals.
C. Write (T) for True and (F) for a false statement:
a) The Quaid-e-Azam is the founder of Pakistan.
b) We should be proud to be Pakistanis.
c) In the Pakistani flag, the white part shows Muslims.
d) The Star on Pakistani’s flag shows light and Knowledge.
e) Saba Goes to school once a week
f) Students raise their hands to speak.
g) During the lunch break, all students read and write.
h) There are many maids in Saba’s school.
i) The bicycle is a slow means of transport.
j) Trains arrive at a bus stop.
k) An airport is a big building with a long runway.
l) A ship flies in the sky.
m) Rabia was running across the road.
n) You should get into a moving bus.
o) Walk in the center of the road.
p) Always hold an elder’s hand while crossing the road.
q) It is good to be late for school.
r) We should be kind to others.
s) Always eat with the left hand.
t) Milk makes our bones weak.
u) Living things breathe.
v) Fruit-bearing trees do not have flowers.
w) Beating animals is not good.
x) A hen lays eggs.
D. Fill in the blanks with given words:
i. Claws
ii. Hooves
iii. Fins
iv. Trunk
Subjective Part:
A. Answer these questions:
1. Write the full name of Pakistan?

2. When did Pakistan come into being?

3. Why is a flag important for a country?

4. Who is in charge of Saba’s school?

5. Write your favorite activities at school?

6. List three ways to keep your school clean?

7. Write the name of different means of transport?

8. Compare any two activities of people at a railway

station and airport?
9. What transport do you use when going to school
and why?

10. What are the rules to get on a bus?

11. What is a pavement used for?

12. Which rules do you follow while crossing the


13. Draw traffic signs?

14. List three good and three bad manners?

15. Why should we always show good manners?

16. List a few healthy foods?

17. Why should we take healthy food?

18. Write two uses of trees and plants?

19. What happens if you sow a seed, keep it in the
dark and do not water it?

20. Why do we not keep wild animals at home?

21. Why do water animals not live on land?

22. Write any two ways to protect plants and


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