5th TQ

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(KS) If you were looking for biblical texts that provide with certain foundations of Christian anthropology, what book in the Bile would you look into? a. b. c. d. Mathew John Exodus Genesis

2. (KS) Being a person in the image of God involves existing in a relationship because _________________. a. b. c. d. God Himself is the communion of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit God destined us to be in communion with other human beings God found that man needs a partner and should not live alone God created us with the command to multiply and subdue the earth

3. (KS)In what Pastoral Constitution can you find the teaching of the Council Fathers that the Lord Jesus Christ, when praying to the Father that they may all be oneas we are one (Jn 17:2122)? a. b. c. d. Humane Vitae Gaudium et Spes Mater et Magistra Lumen Gentium

4. (LR) Being created in Gods image and likeness makes the dignity of the human person inalienable. Romnick is created in Gods image and likeness. What would be the best conclusion to these statements? a. b. c. d. Romnick is a human person that reflects God Romnick is like God in dignity and honor The dignity of Romnick as a person is inalienable The dignity of Romnick as a person equals to that of God

5. (PS) Noriel is the Chairman of Barangay T.S. Cruz. He is not only active and faithful in his responsibilities as chairman of the barangay but he is also a committed lay minister in the barangay parish. Being in the position for three consecutive terms, his barangay holds the record of the most peaceful and safe community in the country. In fact, there is no record of any blotter-case in the book of record. And citations were awarded by the DILG and the office of the president. According to the account, if true, what would be the value that Noriel as a chairman upholds and applies in his style or manner of governance? a. b. c. d. Authority and strictness in governance Honesty and righteousness in governance Justice and equality in governance Love and unity in governance

6. (T)Knowing that there is a parallel between the union existing among the Divine Persons and the union of the children of God. What must you do to show this in your relationship with your neighbours? a. b. c. d. Invite everyone to come to your house Relate in love and in truth with one another Know everyone in the community Entertain everyone in the community

7. (T) Marites finds difficulty in supervising her employees because there are conflicts among them. To solve this problem she scheduled a recollection and planned to invite a priest to facilitate it. What do you think would be the best topic that the priest should prepare for the recollection? a. b. c. d. The dignity of the human person The social nature of the human person The psychology of the human person The spiritual of the human person

8. (KS) If you are looking for the basis of the teaching that the Catholic Church has been established by Jesus Christ as mother and teacher of nations, what document would you be browsing at? a. b. c. d. Mater et Magistra Rerum Novarum Gaudium et Spes Lumen Gentium

9. (KS) In what document could you find the teaching that it is the Church that strives not only to instruct the mind but to regulate by her precepts the life and morals of the individuals? a. b. c. d. Mater et Magistra Rerum Novarum Gaudium et Spes Lumen Gentium

10. (KS) What would be the best description about the Church that the statement the Church places herself concretely at the service of the Kingdom of God above all by announcing and communicating the Gospel of salvation and by establishing new Christian communities implied? a. b. c. d. The Church as a Mother and Teacher of the Human Person The Church as Sign and Defender of the Human Person The Church as Sign and Mother of the Human Person The Church as Defender and Teacher of the Human Person

11. (LR) To say that Jesus Christ came to save us is perfectly correct. But to say that saving us, meant only dying on the cross is incomplete. Which of the following statements would substantiate the argument? a. In the life of Jesus, we can see that He was totally involved in the life-situations of the people around Him b. In the life of Jesus, we can see that He preached the good news about the coming of the kingdom of God c. In the life of Jesus, we can see that He was attending and following the traditions that the community observed d. In the life of Jesus, we can see that He was intending to establish a church by forming a small of community of disciples 12. (PS) Fr. Rodrigo was interviewed by a reporter from GMA 7 about his stands on the issue of the RH Bill. He discussed during the interview the many disadvantages of the bill that it will bring to the society if ever it will get approval from the congress. But the reporter addressed him a question about the Churchs involvement to the issue especially the Churchs strong opposition. Fr. Rodrigo stated that the Church most holy founder has entrusted the double task of begetting sons unto herself, and educating those whom she begets, guiding with maternal providence the life both of individuals and of peoples. From his statement, what would Fr. Rodrigo be referring about the mission of the Church? a. b. c. d. The Church as human and divine The Church as mother and teacher The Church as sign and defender The Church as pillar and ground of truth

13. (T) Imagine that you are that reporter who interviewed Fr. Rodrigo. And you were convinced by the statement he told you about the mission of the Church. What should you do if you happened to see a beggar in the street while doing your field report? a. b. c. d. Give the beggar what he/ she wants and leave Give the beggar more than he/ she wants and leave Ask your assistant to attend to the needs of the beggar Attend to the needs and alleviate the condition of the beggar

14. As a member of the Church, you also carry the mission of Christ being shared to you through your membership of the Church. Being aware of this mission how would you react to some social issues that affect you and your community? a. Be indifferent to the situation anyway you are not primarily involved on it 15. (KS) In the phrase spirituality of social transformation, aside from the definition that spirituality refers to a persons religious or ethical values that serve as the foundation for his actions and decisions, what else would best define the word spirituality? a. The behaviour that shows mans priority in praying and attending liturgical activities

b. The inspiration within a person to live a particular way of life based on his religious conviction c. The holiness of the persons shown in his thinking, words and actions d. The knowledge of the person about his religious faith and beliefs 16. (KS) What do you call the process that seeks to heal and liberate the society from its social problems and injustices and transform it into a more humane society? a. b. c. d. Social Service Social Action Social Transformation Social Analysis

17. The Plenary Council of the Philippines enumerates

The Plenary Council of the Philippines enumerates the following major elements of the spirituality of social transformation. These are as follows; enduring and intimate commitment to Jesus, seeking the Kingdom of God, sharing the Good News joy, and heeding Gods word.
18. (KS) One of the major elements of the spirituality of social transformation is enduring and intimate commitment to Jesus. And commitment to Jesus entails following his example of commitment to love not only those who love us but even our enemies. What would be the precise characteristic of this love? a. b. c. d. A continuous effort to make justice present and eliminate the different forms of oppression The assurance that in the end, goodness will prevail over evil The preference for the poor and marginalized and recognition of Jesus presence among them The discernment and following the will of God, in the teachings of the Church and the experience of the faithful

19. (KS) Plenary Council of the Philippines (PCP) II identifies the second element of the spirituality of social transformation as seeking the kingdom of God. If you were a member of that council, how would you interpret the second element of the spirituality of social transformation as seeking the kingdom of God? a. b. c. d. A continuous effort to make justice present and eliminate the different forms of oppression The assurance that in the end, goodness will prevail over evil The preference for the poor and marginalized and recognition of Jesus presence among them The discernment and following the will of God, in the teachings of the Church and the experience of the faithful

20. (KS) What does the third element of the spirituality of social transformation which is sharing the good news joy mean? a. b. c. d. A continuous effort to make justice present and eliminate the different forms of oppression The assurance that in the end, goodness will prevail over evil The preference for the poor and marginalized and recognition of Jesus presence among them The discernment and following the will of God, in the teachings of the Church and the experience of the faithful

21. (KS) You were asked to give the meaning of the fourth element of spirituality of social transformation which is heeding Gods word, what would be the proper statement that precisely defines it? a. b. c. d. A continuous effort to make justice present and eliminate the different forms of oppression The assurance that in the end, goodness will prevail over evil The preference for the poor and marginalized and recognition of Jesus presence among them The discernment and following the will of God, in the teachings of the Church and the experience of the faithful

22. (KS) It is an action rooted in charity and compassion with the intention of alleviating the misfortune and suffering of another person. What kind of manifestation of the spirituality of social transformation does statement define? a. b. c. d. Social Development Social Action Social Service Social Transformation

23. (KS) What kind of manifestation of spirituality of social transformation is sometimes called social justice, action for justice or Christian social praxis? a. b. c. d. Social Development Social Action Social Service Social Transformation

24. (KS) Experience is the first step or moment in the cycle of Christian social praxis. If you will be going to evaluate this first step, what kind of question would you ask and raise? a. b. c. d. What do people feel? Whats behind all this? As a Christian, what must I do? What can I do about this problem?

25. (KS) Social Analysis is the second step in the cycle of Christian social praxis. It is defined as analysing and examining the causes, probe consequences, delineate linkages and identifying actors. What kind of question would you ask to address and evaluate this second step?

a. b. c. d.

What do people feel? Whats behind all this? As a Christian, what must I do? What can I do about this problem?

26. (KS) After analysing the experience it is seen in the light of the living faith, scripture, Church social teaching and tradition. How would you call this moment or step in the cycle of Christian social praxis? a. b. c. d. Social Analysis Action Theological Reflection Experience

27. (KS) How do you call the step or moment in the cycle of Christian social praxis that leads the Christians to a life of involvement for justice, love, unity, peace, and integrity of creation? a. b. c. d. Social Analysis Action Theological Reflection Experience

God blessed them, saying: Be fertile and multiply, fill the earth and subdue it. Have dominion over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, and all the living things that move on the earth
28. (KS) What is the best implication of the word multiply in the biblical texts above? a. b. c. d. Nurturing and making use of all our God-given talents and skills The use of the resources of the earth to promote life for all Service and taking care of rest of Gods creation Social relationship, leadership and political order

29. (KS) What does it mean by the words be fertile in that biblical texts? a. b. c. d. Nurturing and making use of all our God-given talents and skills The use of the resources of the earth to promote life for all Service and taking care of rest of Gods creation Social relationship, leadership and political order

30. (KS) In the biblical texts above, what does it mean by the words fill the earth? a. Nurturing and making use of all our God-given talents and skills b. The use of the resources of the earth to promote life for all

c. Service and taking care of rest of Gods creation d. Social relationship, leadership and political order 31. (KS) To subdue the earth in the biblical texts above means. a. b. c. d. Nurturing and making use of all our God-given talents and skills The use of the resources of the earth to promote life for all Service and taking care of rest of Gods creation Social relationship, leadership and political order

32. (LR) In creation, one of the blessings God has given man was to have dominion over the rest of the creatures. Marco as man shares with this blessing. What would be the possible next statement? 33. 34. (KS) What words best characterized Christian salvation? a. b. c. d. absolute and unconditional meaningful and significant integral and universal remarkable and extraordinary

35. (KS) We are all saved by the salvation made by God through Jesus Christ. But what does the salvation offered by God requires to us His Children? a. b. c. d. 36. obedience and faithfulness free response and acceptance humility and submission sacrifice and martyrdom

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