Science Test

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1)The image given below is of a cactus wren's egg on a cactus plant .

a)Why have cactus wren adapted itself to lay eggs on cactus plants?



b)Some living organisms have adapted themselves to be nocturnal .Explain how it helps
them in their survival . [2]



2)The image given below is of a food web in Sonaran Ecosystem .

a)Name the producer in the above food web .[1]


b)Name the tertiary consumer in the above food web. [1]


c)Give one difference between food chain and food web . [1]


3)The image given below shows macaques in the mangrove ecosystem .

a)How do macaques manage to prey for their survival in mangroves? [1]



b) What is the source of food for the crabs and prawns in the mangrove ecosystem?



a)Explain native species and invasive species using your own words . [2]





b)Name some native species of your locality .[1]



c)Suggest why it is very difficult to eradicate an introduced species once it has settled into a
new place . [1]


5)The image given below shows biomagnification of DDT in aquatic food chains .

a)How is biomagnification different from bioaccumulation ? [1]



b)Explain biomagnification DDT in aquatic food chains . [2]



6)The image given below is an unlabelled diagram of atoms .

a)Label the protons and electrons . [2]



b)Name the force that holds an individual atom together . [1]


c)Which subatomic particle has almost no charge .

d)How is Rutherford's atomic model different from the model scientists use today .



7)When we buy gold it is usually marked to state if it is pure gold (24 carat) or an alloy such
as 18 carat or 9 carat .Similarly when silver is sold it is marked with the number of parts per
thousand .

a)What is an alloy? [1]



b)What is the % of purity of 18 carat gold ? [1]



c)What is the % of purity of silver marked 925 . [1]



8)Pure diamonds which contain no other elements are colourless and translucent .

a)Which element cause a diamond to be green?[1]


b)Which element mixed with carbon in diamonds makes them blue ?



9. a)Explain how an increase in the number of cattles and producing building cement can
add to global warming. [2]



b)What are bioplastics ?How will it help in preventing global warming ? [2]



9The diagram given below is a ray of light passing from a glass into the air .

a)Give difference between refraction and reflection .[1]


b)Give some examples of refraction from our everyday life . [1]



c)Why does the ray of light bend when it moves from one medium to another medium ? [1]



11)The diagram shows white light being separated into different colours .The colours are
seen on a white screen.

a)Between the two rays marked as 'V 'and 'R' which refracts with the largest angle . [1]



b)Explain why drops of water are needed for a rainbow to be seen . [2]



c)What do you mean by colour filters ? [1]



d)Why do the green grass looks green in colour [1]



e)Why do we prefer to use white colours clothes in summer over black .






a)In India labourers do a lot of physical hard work.Therefore most of them prefer having rice
as their staple food .Explain how rice acts as the chief source of energy . [2]




b)List two uses of protein . [1]



c)Give one difference between fats and oil. [1]


d)What are the short term energy stores and long term energy stores in our body?



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