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Blck Nil Nil

Brown 0 1%

Red 2 21

Orange io00


Grcen 100000 -057

Blue IM +025%

Violet L0M +0.1026

Grey 10OM +005%

White 8 IG Nit

Gold Nil Nil

Silver Nil Nil

Energy and Power

Power dissipated in a resistor P= PR= VIR = IV

Energy dissipated in a resistor in a time interval At is
AW=IV. At =R.At
(Slunit of Power is Watt &Energy is Joule) v3R
Power dissipated in the transmission wires P= P'R,

Combination of Resistors


Parallel resistors Series resistors

R cquivalent Rsguivalkent = R,+ R,

In Parallel: The Voltage drop In Series:The current is the
across each of the branches is same at each resistor
the same

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