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Term 4

Summative assessment for the Unit “Sport”


Task 1.Listen to the speaker’s information: ”How to keep fit and healthy” and write
“Yes” or “NO” in the following sentences. You will listen twice
1. Eat healthy food. _______
2. Drinks lots of water. _________
3. Food doesn’t give us energy to do work. _________
4. Eat too much of snacks. ________
5. Sleep for at least eight hours every night. ______
6. Don’t eat fresh fruit and vegetables.___________
Task 2 Choose a picture about sport and answer the following questions.
Talk 1 min.

1. What sport do you like?
2. What sport does your family like?
3. What sport do you play? Why?
4. How much time do you do sports?
5. Who is your favourite sportsman or sportswoman?
6. What do you know about them?

Assessment criteria Task Descriptor Mark

A learner
1 chooses “Yes” 1
Find out the main chooses “Yes” 1
information of a talk chooses “No” 1
and use supporting chooses “No” 1
information chooses “Yes” 1
chooses “No” 1

2 gives the own opinion at 1

Respond speaking sentence level about sport
information about sport provides the information about 1
and express the your family’s sport
attitude to sport responds with flexibility at 1
uses the sentences with right 1
grammatically order
uses appropriate subject- 1
vocabulary and syntax to talk
communicates meaning clearly 1
answers the following questions 1
Total mark 13

Task1 Listening
Short moral stories for kids…. Fit and Healthy
 Food gives us energy to do work energy to play
 We need energy to play
 Eat healthy food
 Drink two glasses of milk every day
 Eat fresh fruits and vegetables
 Wash fruits before eating
 Chew food properly
 Drink lots of water
 Do not eat too much of snacks
 Do not talk with food in mouth
 Do not waste food
 Parents know what is healthy for you
 Sleep for at least eight hours every night
 Sleep early to get up early
Exercise and play every day to keep fit and healthy

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