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Badilla, Missy Joy T.

BS-RadTech 1A


We came to the point that we are gonna asked ourselves, Am I really free? Or I am

just wandering around and that I am not totally free. Before we go through the topic let

me decode first what is “ethical experience” broadly mean. Well, ethical experience is the

special phenomenological conversation between psychology and philosophy is offered by

Ethical Experiencing. This innovative method focuses on real-world experiences like

self-identity and moral judgment that are part of everyday practical life. The reader can

investigate the connections between psychology and ethics as well as how the ethical

agent defines herself in relation to her environment and the wider world thanks to this

practical focus.

Let us jump into the summary of the story “A clockwork orange”. The book begins in

a totalitarian country where there are many violent youngsters. The main character, Alex,

is a nasty juvenile gang member who loves classical music. He and his droogs (friends)

have drug-fueled orgies; their preferred drug is drugged milk. Burgess's invented

language, Nadsat, is used to amusingly describe their random acts of violence, especially

those committed on the vulnerable. The mob breaks into a cottage at one point, where

they beat a young author and gang rape his wife, leaving her to die. Alex is given a 14-

year prison term after killing an elderly woman during an attempted robbery gone wrong.

He gradually gets used to being in prison, until one night he and his cellmates kill a new

prisoner by beating him. A cruel form of aversion therapy known as the Ludovico's

Method, which involves Alex watching videos of Nazi atrocities, is chosen for Alex to
participate in. If he even considers committing a crime, the treatment makes him

physically ill. Alex also comes to dislike classical music as a result of it. Officials from

the government declare the treatment a success, but the prison priest who had become

friends with Alex challenges the morality of taking away someone's ability to choose.

The chaplain asserts that moral After Alex is released from prison, he is helpless and

defenseless due to his behavioral training. Former gang members who have transitioned

into law enforcement are among those who seek punishment. Alex, who has been

severely injured, arrives at the cottage that the droogs had attacked, but the author, F. He

is not recognized by Alexander. Instead, when he finds out about the teenager's aversion

therapy, he is sympathetic and wants to share the story in order to change people's

perceptions of the government. But as he starts to believe Alex was a part of the vicious

attack, he tries to get Alex to kill himself so he can blame the authorities. Alex leaps out

of a window while being locked in a room and made to listen to Beethoven music, but he

makes it out alive. The best theme that describes the movie The freedom of individuals to

make choices becomes problematic when those choices undermine the safety and

stability of society, and in A Clockwork Orange,the state is willing to protect society by

taking away freedom of choice and replacing it with prescribed good behavior. The

conclusion of A Clockwork Orange indicates that his condition—which was caused by

the Ludovico technique—is undone as a result of surviving the suicide attempt.

Government officials provide Alex with a fantastic career, hush money, and even a public

position in an effort to conceal the illegal procedure and human testing.

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