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Agas ananta wijaya

Short Report (Digital Footprints)

Every time we go online, a digital footprint of our online behavior is recorded.

It includes everything we do online and might be viewed as a constant representation
of who we are, even when we are not online. By placing cookies on our devices,
websites may follow our online activities, and applications can collect our data
covertly. Once we give a company access to our data, they may sell or share it with
outside parties. Even worse, there's a chance that a data breach will expose our
personal information. So, a digital footprint is a piece of online information on a
specific individual as a result of online activities.
My digital footprint isn't that large. However, LinkedIn is where I hope folks
may learn more about me. This is because using LinkedIn is very important to build
contacts, advance our career, and locate the ideal job or internship. In addition to
LinkedIn, I hope people can locate my Instagram. Instagram has the potential to be a
great informational tool and strengthen connections.
Two of my friends, Januar Eko and Ong Valencio, who I questioned, turned
up some digital footprints about me. A few of them are my complete name, high
school, Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn.
My approach to controlling my digital footprint is to avoid sharing sensitive
private information, only sharing positive content, and delete offensive content. In
addition, I'll keep using LinkedIn to its fullest potential by building professional
contacts and sharing valuable content like activities, experiences, talents, and job
openings. I can therefore employ digital footprint technologies to create a favorable

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