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GRAM : BHAVISHYAMIOHI REGISTERED A.0. x Phone : 26444130, FAX : (020) 69F6145 a POST BOX NO. 226, EMPLOYEES' PROVIDENT FUND ORGANISATION REGIONAL OFFICE, PUNE PUNE CANTONMENT BOARD BUILDING, GOLIBAR MAIDAN, PUNE. 5, ces en Fra 68 ‘oad: as}os}200% Tre Soumibye Toshi. Bivecteox, + Let. 1000544} S.No, 276 Missa Wo, 1, “iting Maan, Tal. Mulsvi_ Ris Pure ‘Subject : Employees’ Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 and the ‘Schemes framed there under - Applicablity thereof - Allotment of Code Number. 1. Yours factory/establishment with all its branches and departments a brought within the purview cf the Employees’ Provident Funds and Miscallanaous Provisions Act, 1952 and the Schemes framed thereunder with effect trom O} ee OF The ntermaton made avail by you mat: ‘avaals that = BD Towr factory is engaged in £1 ow Ge ‘one of the industries specified in Schedule to which the Employees’ Provident Funds and Micolaneous Provisions, 1981 is applicable under Section 1 (2 (a) of the Act. (8) Yours is an establishment classified as {0 which the Employees Provident Funds and Miacalaneous Provisions Act, 1962 has bean ‘made applicable by the Government of india by « Notification issued under Section 1 (3) (bt of the Act. Ui The activities carrad on by our estabishmont/tactory are neither the specified industry in Scheduled I nor the class of establishments under Section (1) (3) (b) of the Act. Your ‘etablishmentitactory is therefore held as non-specified. 1-A_ With etemece to your application No, dated, received {or extension tor Employees’ Provident Funds & Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1962 under Section 1 (4) of the Act, on a voluntary basis, @ Code number is hereby alloted to your stabatyment namely MH/PUN covering your establishment with ettect form _panding sue of « Notification by the Govt. indasContral Provident Fund Commissioner in exercise of the powers conferred on tham by aub section (4! of Section 1 of the Provident Funds and Miacelaneous Provisions Act, 1962. \L2F The Code No. MHIPUN) BOCOS4. in allotted to youtor the purpose of making ‘compliance under thf provisions of the Employees’ Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act 1952 and tha Schmos tamed thereunder. TNs Code Number should invariably ‘by quoted in all the correspondence with tie Office. \-2- You are required to implement the provisions of the Fund Scheme, w.e.f. O\ oF |200F pension scname wet. O1| OF 12004 end Deposit Linked insurance Scheme w.e.t. O11 02|2©07 it not already, done. ‘3. As provided in para 26 ofthe Employees’ Provident Fund Schaie, 1952 avery employee working 19 oF in connection with the work of the Factory/establishment shell be sligible for membership of the fund.

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