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Read the following questions carefully and choose one answer.

Write your answers in the

answer sheet.


1. Why did you _______________ that job opportunity? You have been complaining about
your current job for so long!
a. turn up b. turn down c. turn on d. turn around
2. Do not be so _____________________! If he promised to call you back, he will do it!
a. unpatient b. impatient c. outpatient d. dispatient
3. Why don’t you ask you mother _________ a piece of advice?! She seems to be very
a. about b. of c. for d. with
4. Don’t be so vain! Looking down on somebody just because they are poor is way out of
line! The synonym to the word vain is:
a. superficial b. dishonest c. thoughtful d. unreliable
5. My mum has asked me to look _________ my younger siblings when she is busy with school
a. up b. for c. after d. around
6. She was so _________________ when he started telling his silly jokes.
a. embarrassing b. exhausting c. exhausted d. embarrassed
7. Hurry up! The plane is about to _______________!
a. take off b. take down c. take up d. take in
8. He has just decided to put the meeting off. In this sentence the verb put off means:
a. cancel b. arrange c. postpone d. interrupt
9. He said he was going to marry Kate! I was so shocked to hear the news! After a while he
admitted he was just pulling my leg. The idiom pull someone’s leg means:
a. tease someone b. tell a lie c. annoy somebody d. bring somebody down
10. She looks as if she was walking on air! The idiom walk on air means:
a. be angry b. be devastated c. be sad d. be extremely happy
11. My teacher was very angry with me because I had __________________ again. It was the
third time this week!
a. overslept b. slept over c. slept rough d. slept on
12. This song is such an earworm! The word earworm stands for:
a. moving b. catchy c. far-fetched d. thought-provoking
13. I have never played truant! I don’t think it’s something students should do. The phrase
play truant means:
a. cheat in an exam b. fail an exam c. miss deadline d. cut class
14. Kiepsko się dziś czuję. The idiom that expresses the meaning of this sentence is:
a. I am feeling my oats. b. I am feeling under the weather.
c. I am feeling sick at heart. d. I am feeling like a million dollars.
15. After his wife had passed away, he was a single dad and barely _____________ ends
a. took b. did c. managed d. made
16. He said that he had been home _____ night.
a. at b. in c. on d. from
17. After they had fallen _______, they made _______ a week later.
a. in, up b. out, off c. out, up d. in, off
18. You are so annoying! I won’t put _______ your behaviour anymore!
a. up with b. forward c. away d. through
19. Think it over! If you don’t keep your word, you risk losing your _____________
a. incredible b. credible c. incredibility d. credibility
20. After he passed ______, the paramedics came and managed to bring him _____.
a. out, round b. up, into c. into, up d. round, out
21. Sorry, I hope you will forgive me! I have done it ________________.
a. intentionally b. disintentionally c. unintentionally d. outintentionally
22. My nephew passed his exam with flying colours! As a reward, I decided to take him to an
__________________ park.
a. amazement b. amusement c. amusing d. amazed
23. In order to book a room in our hotel, you need to pay ______ advance.
a. from b. off c. on d. in
24. Studying at university has lots of ups and downs. Luckily, I have the best friends who
always cheer me up when I’m down. Thanks to them my life is ____________.
a. tolerated b. tolerable c. tolerating d. tolerant
25. Cut it out! I have had enough of your silly jokes! The expression Cut it out! stands for:
a. stop doing something b. C’mon! c. disappear d. walk away
26. Spill the beans! I need to know what happened! The idiom spill the beans means:
a. let on b. discover c. find out d. explain
27. That car is too expensive! I won’t pay through the _________!
a. ear b. eye c. nose d. head
28. He takes her for ___________! He doesn’t appreciate what she has just done for him!
a. granted b. obvious c. irrelevant d. unimportant
29. If you teach me how to ski, I will help you with your homework ______ return.
a. on b. by c. at d. in
30. I hate the rush hour in the city centre! The traffic is bumper to bumper! The expression
bumper to bumper stands for:
a. the streets are congested b. the streets are polluted
c. the streets are bumpy d. the streets are noisy
1. I crammed the whole night! The exam is way too difficult! No wonder so ____________
students pass it every year!
a. few b. little c. a few d. a little
2. Warsaw is _______________ away from Berlin than Warsaw.
a. farrer b. further c. farer d. furrther
3. As soon as he ___________________ his job, he will visit his wife in a hospital.
a. will finish b. would finish c. finishes d. finished
4. I won’t pass the exam unless I ____________ some private tuition.
a. have b. would have c. will have d. had
5. If I ____________ in your shoes, I wouldn’t hesitate.
a. borrowed b. wore c. bought d. were
6. I can’t believe he was __________ do it.
a. made to b. made c. done d. done to
7. The ________ you learn, the _______ results you get.
a. more, most b. most, most c. most, more d. more, more
8. He is ______________ to understand that people mustn’t behave in such a way!
a. too old b. enough old c. old enough d. old too
9. I haven’t done it __________!
a. yet b. just c. already d. still
10. Look, he has won again! He can run really _____________.
a. fastly b. fast c. quick d. fastest
11. A: I enjoyed his concert so much!
B: So ……!
a. me too b. do I c. did I d. me as well
12. A: I have just interviewed both candidates. I am disappointed because __________ of
them has the charisma needed for the job.
a. either b. both c. nor d. neither
13. I needed this money because I ______________ concert tickets.
a. have spent my savings on b. have spent my savings for
c. had spent my savings on d. had spent my savings for
14. I _______________ you ________ telling him my secret!
a. am angry with …… for b. am angry on ……… for
c. am angry with ……… with d. am angry on ……. with
15. I was born on the 30th of April 1991.
a. thirtyth b. thirtith c. thirtieth d. thirty
16. I am looking forward ____________ from you!
a. to hear b. hearing c. to hearing d. hear
17. I don’t know what to do! Should I ask my mum for ____________?
a. an advice b. some advices c. a piece of advice d. a advice
18. She is such a night owl! She is not ____________________ early!
a. used to getting up b. used to get up
c. use to get up d. use to getting up
19. Look at the sign! You __________ park here!
a. don’t have to b. aren’t allowed c. don’t need to d. mustn’t
20. Oh my God, this soup __________ amazing!
a. tastes b. tasting c. is tasting d. taste
21. Q: When ___________ the film __________?
A: At 9 p.m.
a. do …… starts b. is ……. starting c. does ……. start d. does …….. starts
22. I have to go! I ______________ a doctor in 2 hours!
a. will see b. would see c. am seeing d. see
23. It is so annoying! He _____________ such a noise
a. is always making b. always makes
c. always make d. always making
24. When she __________________________, she _______________ her best friend.
a. ran, saw b. ran, was seeing
c. was running, was seeing d. was running, saw
25. While I ____________________, my mum ___________________ a dinner.
a. was studying, was preparing b. studied, prepared
c. was studying, prepared d. studied, was preparing
26. I went to Germany last year. I _____________ there three times before.
a. was b. have been c. was being d. had been
27. I am going to tell my teacher that _____________ his wallet.
a. just found b. had just found
c. have just found d. has just been found
28. I am absolutely exhausted! ________________________ for 3 hours!
a. I was running b. I have been running
c. I had been running d. I ran
29. These watches _______________ in Switzerland.
a. are made b. is made c. make d. made
30. He isn’t as ___________ as his brother.
a. tall b. taller c. tallest d. the tallest

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