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Intas Polivet (2011) Vol.

12 (II): 322-324 Short Communication

Acute Bloat in a Goat and its Surgical

management by Rumenotomy
Jayakrushna Das1, Sidhartha Sankar Behera2,
and Soumyaranjan Pati2
Department of Surgery and Radiology
College of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry
Orissa University of Agricultural and Technology
Bhubaneswar-751003 (Orissa)

Bloat/Tympanitis (accumulation of gas in the rumen) is an emergency condition of ruminants. It is mostly seen in
cattle and buffaloes but less in sheep and goat. It occurs due to carbohydrate engorgement/stale food/boiled rice
with sugar, non-feed materials and so on. In the city/town areas people are leaving their animals on roads during
day time as semi free range system. During roaming on the road the animals use to engulf many non feed
materials like gunny bag, plastic rope, polythene, metallic foreign bodies etc. In the long run due to metabolic
derangement the animals use to suffer from some of the emergency conditions like tympany/bloat. In 70% of this
condition the problem can be ruled out by medicinal therapies like anti-bloat agents with supportive therapies. But
in rest it requires emergency evacuation of ruminal gas and expulsion of ruminal contents by performing
rumenotomy. But in this case due post-operative therapies along with care and management should be taken for
faster recovery.
KEYWORDS: Bloat; emergency; goat; rumenotomy; tympany.

Introduction History and Diagnosis

Normally the animals get rid of gases produced An indigenous doe of about 5 years age weighing
in the rumen by eructation. Bloat (accumulation 14 kg body weight was presented with the
of gas) can therefore occur when the gas is complain of distended abdomen with gasping,
produced too rapid rate rather than can be eructed respiratory distress and unable to walk. The animal
or where the eructation mechanism is faulty used to rear in roadside market and after
(Sastry, 1983). Bloat is one of the major problems developed inappetance and deprive appetite.
of the gastrointestinal tract in buffaloes and cattle The animal was reported and treated locally with
but less in sheep and goat. In India the incidence stomachics, antibloat powder, treacle, suspen-
of bloat is higher in buffalo as compared to that of sions, sodium bicarbonate, liver stimulant and
cattle and more in cattle as compared to sheep Vit.B complex injection, but the condition did not
and goat. This bloat may be acute or chronic. But subsided.On the day of presentation, acute
in both the instances the accumulation of free distension of abdomen since morning, dull unable
gases occurs on the dorsal part of rumen or gas to walk and respiratory distress. By examining the
are dispersed through the rumen content to cause patient and since there was no time for examining
frothy bloat (Tyagi and Singh, 1995). Rumen other parameters for study, it was diagnosed as a
impaction due to plastic resin, leather and clothes case of acute bloat by taking this type of indigested
are referred as non-penetrating foreign body gas forming and non-feed materials. So it was
syndrome (Raiderg, 2010). Regarding the decided for doing emergency rumenotomy.
correction from these problems rumenotomy is Treatment
indicated in impaction of rumen; hairballs or other The animal was not in a condition to permit for
foreign body therein or in the reticulum (O’Connor, operation in standing condition. So it was
1985). performed in recumbent position (Frank, 2002).
At the time of operation it was not in a condition to
1. Assistant Professor, Dept. of Surgery and Radiology admister GA. So it was done with local anesthesia
2. M.V.Sc Scholar and manual restraint. Since the sheep and goat

Das et al.

are highly succeptible to the toxic effects of So inverted - L block under (a) infiltration was
Lidocaine, so a volume of diluted (1%) lidocaine given with 5 ml of lidocaine (2%) with 5 ml of
was used (Fubini and Duchame, 2004). At least 6 distilled water. One inch away from the transverse
techniques are there in doing anesthesia of process of lumbar vertebrae in the mid paralumbar

Preparation for rumenotomy after local anaesthesia Entangled plastics and gunny bag in ruminal content

Exposed rumen part after rumenotomy Closure of rumen wall by Cushing suture

Complete closure of rumen wall Applying Continuous suture to close muscle layer

Closure of skin by nylon suture Recovery of animal after rumenotomy

paralumar fossa and abdominal wall i.e (a) fossa 3 inches long vertical incision was given to
infiltration (b) proximal paravertebral thora- the skin and abdominal muscle. Peritoneum was
columar (c) distal paravertebral thoracolumar (d) incised and then the rumen. Rumen wall was fixed
segmental dorsolumbar epidural (e) continuous to the Mc Lintock’s rumenotomy set
lumbar segmental epidural and (f) thoracolumbar (Venugopalan, 2004) with the hooks. From the
subarachnoid anesthesia (Tranquilli et al., 2007). rumen the content were removed along with

Acute Bloat in Goat

plastic gunny bag, polythene, plastic rope, paddy, irrespective of ropes, gunny bag, plastics,
boiled rice and other ingredient keeping in a polythene bags and so on. In the long run they
polythene bag and weighted 4 kg. After removing become habituated but due to deranged
the contents from the rumen outward feedstuffs metabolism at times they use to suffer from some
containing chaffed grass and concentrate conditions like traumatic reticulitis, traumatic
weighing 1kg has kept inside the rumen. The reticulo peritonititis, rumen fistula, bloat, tympany,
incised walls were cleaned with NSS solution and foreign body syndrome, obstructions so on. In
the rumen wall was closed. Regarding closer of order to get rid of these acute emergent conditions
rumen by any pattern under inverted suture can the goat should be reared in farming condition
be applied. It is usual to suture the rumen by providing sufficient natural feedstuff as per their
lembert‘s method (O’Connon, 1985). But for habitat.
easier and fast suturing Cushing pattern was
applied. Peritoneum and muscle were closed by
It can be concluded that the gastrointestinal
continuous suture and skin as mattress suture.
foreign body syndrome causing acute tympany,
Intravenous infusion of fluid therapy along with
bloat is an emergency condition and requires a
nervine tonic, antibiotic (Intacefa), analgesic and
prompt emergency surgical approach with good
anti-inflammatory (Melonexa) injection was given
supportive care and management.
and advice the owner to follow the same for 7
days. References
Frank, E.R. (2002). Veterinary Surgery, CBS Publishers
Result and Discussion and Distributors, New Delhi.
On 8th day of post operation the sutures were
Fubini, S.L. and Ducharme, N.G (2004). Farm Animal
removed. Since the goat was administered with Surgery, Saunders. Missouri, p.522
post operative therapies along with appetizer and
O’Connor, J.J. (1985). Dollar’s Veterinary Surgery, 4th
rumenotoric as electuries, so no marked
Edn., CBS Publishers and Distributors, New Delhi.
complication were observed apart from 1-2 days
of inappetance. The animal recovered well on 10th Raidurg, R. (2010). Rumen impaction in a Six Month
post operative treatment and behaves normally. Pregnant Cow and its Surgical Management. Intas
The goat reared in urbanized area are forgetting Polivet 11: 194-95.
about the browsing habit and being accustomed Sastry GA (1983) Veterinary Pathology, 6th edition, CBS
with taking feed as other animals due to shortage Publishing and Distributor, Delhi: p. 341-47.
of bushes, fences and feeding trees. The people Tranquilli, W.J., Thurmon, J.C., Grimm, K.A. (2007).
are also left loose the animal and keeping as half Lumb and Jones' Veterinary Anesthesia and Analgesia,
free range animal. So they use to search for food Blackwell Publishing, Lowa (USA).
at non feeding places also. Out of hunger they
Tyagi, R.P.S and Singh Jit (1993). Ruminant Surgery,
use to take whatever encountered on the way
CBS Publishers and Distributors, New Delhi.

a - Brand of Intas Animal Health, Ahmedabad

33rd Annual Association of Avian Veterinarians Conference

11-15th August, 2012
Louisville Marriott , Louisville Kentucky

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