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Note: those enclosed in Quotation marks/“ “ are dialogues while those in Parentheses/ ( ) are like internal

monologues or thoughts.



Chapter 6: Sacred Tree
Chapter 7: Crossing a Mountain Pass
Chapter 8: Night in Osaka
Chapter 9: Yankee and Soccer
Chapter 10: Kaibutsu Exhibition

Chapter 6: Sacred Tree.

The next morning.

Rio guided him to sneak out of the back door of the hot spring inn. Rio prepared the bedding,
bath, and meal for him so that his family would not find out. It was a difficult mission, as if he had
"taken a stray dog ​and hid it from his parents", but Rio succeeded.

"Um, if you don't mind, I have this..."

He hands him a paper bag that looks like a souvenir.

“I, I made these muffins. I like to eat and make sweets. Oh, but I don't know if they are good or

Rio looked shy and scratched his cheek with his index finger.

“Yum! So sweet~! ♪”

(He’s already eating it!?)

But seeing Bachira eating while smiling made Rio happy.

Influenced by the mold-breaking Bachira, Rio tried to bake muffins in the kitchen of their inn last
night instead of doing his cram school homework. It may be a small thing compared to Bachira’s
dribbling trip, but it was a big adventure for Rio not to do his cram school homework. Letting this
big bro stay over without telling his parents, not doing homework, and baking muffins. He was
nervous, anxious, and guilty. However……

(......I'm glad I made them.)

For the first time, Rio knew how happy he was when someone ate his food so deliciously.

“Now then, please do your best!”

“Bye bye~ ♪”

After that, Rio really got into baking sweets. He asked his mother to reduce his cram school
classes and made lots of sweets during the summer vacation. Eventually, his hobby grew to the
point where he started making desserts to be served at the inn, which became the talk of the
town, and it would be a long time before the inn became popular as a "sweets hot spring inn"
with a famous patissier.

Now, under the summer sun, Bachira entered Mie from Aichi.


“So hot~”

It was scorching hot. Still, he went on and on, crossing fields and mountains.

“Whew~ I can’t anymore.”

He stopped his ball, then put his hands on his knees. It’s getting late, and it was time for him to
find a place to sleep. That's what he thought, then there was a red torii gate right in front of
Bachira. It was a shrine.

“Pardon my intrusion……”

It was small and old and didn't look like anyone was there, but it was clean and there were
benches in the grounds. A large tree with plenty of leaves is wrapped in a shimenawa rope, so it
must be the sacred tree of this shrine. He decided to stay here today.

Once that is decided, it’s time to pay for a visit. He made some monetary offering, then clapped
his hands in prayer.

(Uhm, I wish to play soccer with Noel Noa, Ronaldo, and Messi ♪ Ah, and also Benzema,
Mbappe, and……) It was a little too much to ask for ten yen.

Then late at night, there’s a faint sound of pebbles being stepped on. The feeble light from the
street lamps barely reached the back of the torii gate. A man wearing a black jacket, black
pants, and a black mask quietly crept into the shrine through the darkness.

He holds a curved iron bar...a crowbar and looks around.

There’s an offerings thief.

Even if he’ll be cursed, he is trying to break the offertory box and steal the money. Although it is
a small shrine, there are festivals and bon dances held in the summer, so the money box
attracts a good amount of money. It has also been investigated that there is no security system
and that it is completely unmanned at night.

While the man quietly approaches the offertory box……



He suddenly yells out of the blue and jumps with surprise.

He fearfully look in the direction of the voice, but it's too dark he couldn’t tell. He hears the
rustling sound of the leaves and knows that it is the direction of the sacred tree that he saw
during his initial inspection.

Rustle! The leaves shook noticeably louder.

“What are you doing!”

The sacred tree yelled at him.

“Hiii~! I, I'm sorry! I won't do it again!"

The offerings thief rushes away in terror.


“I will never do anything bad again! I will change my ways and work diligently! Please don’t
curse me!”

He ran for his life, falling many times along the road approaching the Shinto Shrine.

“Oi! Hey!”

Even after the offerings thief were gone, his yells echoed through the temple grounds.

“Oi! What are you doing, Zico! Pass! Pass it!”

It's nothing much. It was just Bachira's sleep talk.


Chirp chirp. Pip pip.


Early in the morning, Bachira woke up to the chirping of birds gathering at the sacred tree. It
was another beautiful day.

(......What’s this?)

As he was getting up, he noticed a piece of white paper on his stomach. When he picked it up, it
was an unopened omikuji*.

*These are random fortunes written on strips of paper at Shinto shrines and Buddhist temples in Japan.

He has no idea why it ended up here. He doesn't know, but omikujis make him excited. Bachira
doesn't think too much about it, and immediately begins to peel it off.

“Omikuji ♪ Omikuji ♪”

He peels off the glue and looks inside……

Excellent Luck. The person you’ve been waiting for will come. You will meet your
destiny. Believe in yourself and live as you wish.

“Yay, it’s excellent luck!”

Believe in yourself and live as you wish…… isn’t that nice.

"Alright! We're going all the way to Osaka today!”

He casually put the omikuji in his pocket and kicked the ball. Perhaps it was a thank-you from
the gods for driving away the offerings thief, but Bachira had no idea what had happened last

Four months later. Bachira meets his destiny*, Isagi Yoichi.

* actual term is 運命の相手 which is known to be translated as "fated partner" or "destined partner".


Chapter 7: Crossing a Mountain Pass.

"If I cross this mountain, I'll be in Osaka!"

Facing the green mountains, he shouted Banzai.

After hitchhiking and getting a ride on a light truck, he finally reached the edge of Kyoto.

Looking at the map on his phone, it seems that Osaka is on the other side of the mountains.

A single road is leading into the mountains. The road is unpaved, but it is wide enough, and the
thick greenery casts deep shadows and blocks out the sunlight.

Just a bit more, the goal is right in front of him.

Bon! Kick the ball out and take on the challenge of crossing the mountain pass.

"I'll just keep going ♪"

The ball bounces irregularly on the dirt and pebbles, and he kicks it, kicks it, kicks it, and keeps
on kicking it up the mountain.

“Bam…bam… Off I go……” However, it was the fourth day of his dribbling journey.

My legs are beginning to scream because of the slope going up, which is becoming physically
tough. No. This is not Bachira's place to give up. Rather, it starts from here.

“......Full speed ahead! Full body! Advance!”

The juice that spurted out soaked his T-shirt. In the mountains where neither humans nor cars
pass, the voices of cicadas and Bachira’s shouts resound.

Zing-zing-zing. “Full Body! Advance! Go! Forward!” Bzzzz-bz-bz.

The slope gets steeper as he goes. The ball he kicked comes back to him, and if he loses focus,
it will roll down the way he came.

Zing-zing-zing. “Full Body! Advance! Go! Forward!” Bzzzz-bz-bz.

Unlike the flat field, the slope puts a lot of strain on his thighs that his muscles feel like they’re
going to burst. Above all, the ball is rolling around here and there, so he can't let his guard down
even for a moment. Even so, he was still thinking, “Full Body! Advance! Go! Forward!”

The noisy cicadas suddenly quieted down, and then came the pitter-patter. Rain started falling,
wetting the ground in no time.


Then all of the sudden, the rain gets harder.


It’s as if it is a squall. He was drenched from the head down, and a river formed around his feet.

“Ah~ ♪”

He opened his mouth to drink plenty of water. It felt good to cool down his burning body. It felt
good, but…he’s in trouble. The ball doesn't roll at all due to the resistance of the water flowing
down the slope. He played even in the rain, but this was the first time for him to play in such a


Even if he kicked the heavy ball hard, it just won't roll well.

(If it doesn't roll, then…… that’s it! Just don't put it on the ground!)

Bachira went “Bon!” and kicked it up hard.

“Nyaha ♪”

Then dashes just before the floating ball hits the ground.


He kicks it again.

Tmp, tmp, tmp!

He repeatedly dash and kick at high speed, lifting and dribbling.

(Nice idea ♪)

The downpour blocking the view, his soaking and heavy body, legs beyond the limit of fatigue.
Those worst of conditions is the reason for his maximum concentration. Lifting and dribbling the
heavy ball forward, forward, and forward. In the remote mountains, alone in a battle against the
(I’m not gonna lose~)

……Eventually, the rain started to subside. Before he knows it, the slope gradually becomes

“At last ♪”

At once, the view opened up, the trees parted, and he could see the bright sky and the city in
the distance. He’s at the highest point of the mountain pass.



He was so moved that he didn't realize it until it was too late. There was a huge frog under his
feet. A light brown, warty toad. Oh no. If he doesn't do something, he’s gonna step on it.


He quickly avoided the toad.


The momentum caused Bachira to lose his balance and he plunged into the grass on the side of
the road.



The frog hops away as if nothing happened. Bachira is covered with muddy grass. It's the worst.

“Ah…… I’ll take a little break….…”

Worst of all, he’s sprawled on the ground.

Droplets of water dripped from the leaves of the trees, but the rain seemed to have stopped,
and white clouds drifted across the sky.


There is something in his hand. It seems to have gotten caught when he hit the ground.
Gently, he opened his palm and saw……

“Whoa! Wow!”
There was an acorn that had a really cool shape.

It was the smoothest, shiniest, biggest, and best acorn he has ever seen in his life.

“Lucky~ ♪ I’ll treasure this ♪”

He puts it in his pocket and stands up cheerfully. He picks up the ball and looks up at the sky
after the rain. Something even more amazing was happening.

“Whoa……That’s awesome!”

There was a huge rainbow in the blue sky. Moreover, it was a double rainbow, with a small
rainbow inside the huge rainbow.

“Hehe…… Lucky.”

An excellent luck, a cool acorn, and a double rainbow.

(......I feel like something amazing is about to happen ♪)


Chapter 8: Night in Osaka.

By the time he passed through the mountains, the sun had completely set.

“I made it! I’m in Osaka!”

But Osaka is a big place. And his phone ran out of charge, so he couldn't use the map or call

(At any rate, if there is electricity, there must be people!)

He proceeded onward, relying on the lights. From the lights in the fields, to the lights in the
residential area, to the lights in the buildings. As we moved toward the shinier lights, we came


Two hours later, we arrived at this brightly shining place. It was so flashy that it looked like the
city itself was emitting the lights. In front of him was the famous Glico sign. Yes, this is
Dotonbori. The scent of takoyaki and okonomiyaki wafts in the air, and the thick Osaka dialect is
flying around, like “Aren’t ya stupid”, “What the heck?” Shaddap, stupid.”

“How interesting~ ♪”

There’s this lady in very revealing clothing, then this dead drunk drunkard and also a giant,
moving crab. It's a lot of fun. It's exciting, but it's not all fun and games. Tomorrow morning, he
has to start looking for a venue for Yuu's solo exhibition so he has to find a place to sleep.

(I wonder if there's a place where I can sleep~)

After passing Dotonbori, the downtown area turned into an office district, and further on, a
shopping street with shuttered stores. The area became more and more deserted, and before
he knew it, the underground atmosphere of Osaka was becoming thicker and thicker.

“Something’s there……”

In the corner of a small park, three old men were having a drinking party.

“Kuh! Drinking after work just soaks into my body!”

“You don’t work at all!”


Could it be that they are homeless?

They are using cardboard boxes and chatting happily with a cup of sake in one hand. He looked
at them from the side then as he passed by……

“Ah, here they are!”

“I won't let ya get away today!"

I passed a group of four yankees who looked like high school students coming from the
opposite direction. All of them had rocket fireworks in their hands and were laughing.


Whoosh. Crackle crackle.


The cup of sake exploded, knocking the short and stout old man over.
“It’s a hit~”

“Keep ‘em comin’! Rocket fire!”

They targeted the homeless men and shot them with fireworks.

“It’s you guys again?”

“Why are yah shooting at us?”

“What the hell do you have against us, idiots?”

The old men were yelling, but then, bang, bang, bang! They fire off fireworks in rapid

“Ouch, it’s hot!”

A white plume of smoke filled the area, and screams erupted.

"Bwahahaha! A’right, next!”

They are amused to see the old men running around so the yankees tried to light more


“What the…” The ball hit the yankee with the lighter in the face.

“You shouldn't aim fireworks at people."

Lightly kicking the ball that came back, Bachira pointed his finger at him.

“What the… Are ya with them?”

The blonde guy who got hit in the face with the ball glares at him while holding his nose.

(Huh? Am I with those homeless old men?)

When he looked at himself again, he saw that he was covered in mud and was dirty all over.

(This was my favorite t-shirt……)

It's a little bit depressing.

Then, a big punch from a macho yankee came flying at him. He effortlessly dodge it, the macho
guy staggers.
“I'm not looking for a fight! I'm telling you to stop with the fireworks, you stupid macho!”

“Who are ya calling stupid macho?”


“Watch out, kiddo!”

The old man shouted.


There was another man behind him. Bachira was hit and fell to his knees.


Chapter 9: Yankee and Soccer.

When Bachira collapses, his ball rolls away.

“What a weakling!”

“Yah think you can beat us four to one!"

He gets kicked in the back with a thud.


As I crouched down holding his head... In the opposite direction of the yankees, a bluish-black
flame appeared. His mouth ripped open to the ear, smiling broadly. It's the “monster”. He has
not played soccer with the “monster" once since he went on this dribble journey.

“Hehe… Wanna play here?”

Bachira, who was on all fours, suddenly started laughing, and the yankees were perplexed.

“Hey! Don’t laugh!”

The moment when the macho guy from earlier pulled his leg far back to kick Bachira, the
“monster” beckoned.
“Yup ♪ Kick off!”

He quickly got up and started running toward the ball.

“You're running away, huh! Wait up, hey!"

He kept the ball and quickly turned to the direction of the yankees.

“Nope, you're not running away! You're not gonna get away!”

He passes the ball between the legs of the yankees.


“That way! No, this way!”

“A’right, got him……but I can’t hold him!”

He swung his body wide to get off the defense, and then kept the ball again.

Being surrounded by four players was a challenge. However, Noel Noa could easily pull this off
with ease. Controlling the ball little by little, he dodges the four players one after another.

(Here comes a feint spin…… come round and round…Bon! ♪)

The image comes to him so suddenly, and he’s having a lot of fun. The yankees somewhat felt
madness when Bachira suddenly started playing soccer. They sometimes laugh "Nyahaha ♪"
while dribbling. It's pretty scary. And they couldn’t catch him at all.


“Come on!”

The blonde and the macho one attacked Bachira at the same time.


“Guh!” The two collided head-on, and both fell to the ground together.

“I ain't done yet ♪”


Another is hit in the face at point-black and falls to his knees, his nose bleeding so much.

“That hurts.”
“Damn you, stupid……”

“Ah, my nose…”

Before they knew it, the three were unable to fight.

“......You gotta be kidding.”

There's only one left.

“Hey, ...... You rotten yankees. How dare you screw with us, huh?”


The trio of old men, their hair burnt to a crisp by the fireworks, stood there with an angry look on
their face.

“Ru……run away! They’re dangerous!”

The four yankees ran away in a panic.

“Don't you ever touch us again, you assholes! We'll beat you!”

“That's right! It’ll rain blood!”

“Yeah! This soccer kiddo’s here!”

The trio of old men chased away the yankees vigorously.


“Kiddo! Thank you!”

“You saved us.”

“In return, you should eat takoyaki. I risked my life to protect this one. Don't worry, this is the one
I bought.”

The short and stout old man offers him a carton of takoyaki. Drawn to the takoyaki, Bachira sits
down on the cardboard. He takes a bite. The takoyaki was cold, but it tasted really good after
that workout. He ate what was offered to him.
“So, why did you become homeless, kiddo?”

“Running away from home? Isn't your mom worried about you?”

“Don't just throw your life away~”

The old men asked.

“No, I’m actually……”

When Bachira explained why he had come to Osaka, they all laughed.

“Dribbling to Osaka!”

“Just how much do you love soccer!”

“That’s stupid!”

It makes him happy to hear that these people of Osaka like it.

"So, are you enjoying soccer?"

After drinking a cup of sake, the short and stout old man asked.

“Hmm.... Not much……?”

Bachira puts the soccer ball on his head like a sea lion.

“I want to play more fun soccer. Exciting soccer. But the other guys don't get me at all. That's
why it's so boring these days.”

Only the "monster" understands Bachira’s soccer.

“Don’t get you, huh…….”

The short and stout old man, just as if to say "I fully understand", puts his index finger on the tip
of Bachira's nose.

“There's only one solution.”

He smiled meaningfully, and Bachira also leaned forward.

“The solution is… Don't worry about it.”

A "?" appears above Bachira's head.

“Worrying about this and that won't help. Worries are worries because they worry you.If you just
give up, then there’s nothing to worry about.”

He just left a blank stare.

“Yasu-san, that's a nice way of putting it.”

“It’s philosophy. The philosophy of life.”

The two old men were strongly impressed.

“If you truly understand each other, you already understand each other before you even think
about communicating. Rather than complaining about not being able to communicate, be the
boke for someone who does a good tsukkomi.* That chemical reaction is what makes good
comedy. Comedy is a chemical reaction. Yasushi has Kiyoshi, for All-Hanshin, there’s

* The double act comedy, Manzai, usually involves two performers (manzaishi)—a straight man (tsukkomi) and a
funny man (boke)—trading jokes at great speed. (Wikipedia)
** These are all known Manzai duos. Like legends.

He was not sure when they started talking about comedy, and he didn’t get the analogy at all.

“Well, you can stay at my luxury apartment tonight!”

And so, Bachira was allowed to stay in Yasu-san's luxury apartment, a tent under the bridge.


Chapter 10: Kaibutsu Exhibition.

When he woke up the next morning, Yasu-san was still asleep. He is snoring loudly and looking
comfortable. Bachira whispered, "Thank you for the hospitality..." and prepared to leave.

(That's right! I have to thank him for the overnight stay and meal.)

He fumbled in his pocket to see if there was anything. What came out was some tissues, an
omikuji, and…

He thought, what should he do……., it might be a waste to give it away. He was a little worried,
but the takoyaki was delicious, so he decided to give it to him as a thank-you. Gently, he put his
treasure on Yasu-san's belly. A shiny lucky acorn.

“See yah.”

It was a beautiful day when he got out of the tent. Bachira kicked his ball.


“Here at last!”

It had been five days since he left their home in Chiba. After much hesitation, he finally arrived
at his final destination, the venue of Yuu's solo exhibition. It’s a stylish art gallery with a view of
Osaka Castle. The revolving glass doors looked like an entrance of a luxury hotel, and a crystal
chandelier hung from the ceiling. It was super cool.

“Whoa~ it’s here~ ♪”

Bachira, with his ball in one hand, was thrilled to get his hand on the revolving door.


At the same time.

(......My feet are killing me……)

Underneath her smile, Yuu was enduring the pain of trying to get used to her heels.

An up-and-coming artist, Bachira Yuu.

The gallery was crowded every day with visitors to the Kaibutsu Exhibition. The guests were all
discerning celebrities who love art. Normally, Yuu wears only work clothes covered with paint,
but this was the only time she dressed up. Her bright blue dress was a perfect match for the
luxurious atmosphere of the gallery.

“To think that this powerful painting could be created by a beautiful woman like you…I would like
to hear from you where your creative motivation comes from.”

An elegant gentleman speaks to her.

As Yuu begins to speak smilingly, the other celebrities gather around to listen. She may look
intelligent, classy, and talkative, but she's really not very good at talking to people, and she can't
wait to get out of those heels and that dress.


Yuu is in such a tired mode when a familiar voice reaches her. The entrance to the gallery is
noisy, and the guests are fleeing away…


“Hehe, I came ♪”

His head was unkempt, his face was dark from sunburn, his T-shirt and pants were torn in
places, and there was a dirty ball at his feet. His son, who was supposed to be in Chiba,
suddenly appeared in tatters, she was too stunned.

“What the hell happened to you?”

“You know, I dribbled all the way here!"


All the guests tilted their heads.

What's with this dirty boy? Why the soccer ball? Why dribble ......?

The venue is filled with a fine atmosphere, but upon seeing the “monster” on a huge canvas,
Bachira was filled with emotion.

(I'm glad I came to see Yuu's painting after all!)


Then, with a thud, a group of strong-looking security guards came rushing into the venue.

“I told you not to go in there dressed like that!"

“Show me your ticket properly!”

“That's not the issue!"

In fact, Bachira was so tattered that he had been refused entrance. Because he forcibly broke
through there, he was completely treated as a suspicious person.
“It’s dangerous, Bachira-sensei. This way, please.”

“No, that kid is……”

When Yuu tries to explain the situation to the staff who are trying to evacuate her…


“Watch out!”

There were screams and shouts. A security guard tried to throw out Bachira, and Bachira ran
away. Moreover, he dribbled away. A suspicious person suddenly started kicking a soccer ball,
causing an uproar in the venue.

"Hey! Don't run away!"

“You’re trying to grab me so I run away!”

He stuck out his tongue and dribbled between the guests to escape.


Bachira dodges the guard's tackle.


The security guard stumbles and hugs a female customer, causing more screams to resound.
The venue was in a panic with the chasing security guards, the quick Bachira, and fleeing



Yuu took off his heels and ran toward the escaping Bachira.

“Take this!”

As expected of his mother. She caught Bachira from behind in one go. She hugged him tightly,
not minding her beautiful dress getting dirty.

“Bachira-sensei has……”
“Did she catch the suspicious person?”

The guests and security guards were taken aback.

With all eyes on her, Yuu laughed, “Ahaha.” then smiled naivety.
“It’s alright. He’s my son.”

(This feral child is Bachira-sensei’s son!?)

Even the celebrities were surprised.

“......I'm so glad you came!”

Yuu suddenly wraps an arm around his shoulders.

“Did you have fun?”

Asked with a smile, Bachira nodded. Five days of meeting and parting with all kinds of people,
of freedom and excitement.

“...... Yes! Soccer is so much fun!”


TL: @hoshi801_ (twitter). Thank you for reading! But I still encourage everyone to buy the original copy if it is available in your region to directly support
Blue Lock! Anyone is free to retranslate this to their own language as long as it is properly credited and has no intention of publishing it for sale.

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