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Test 1Exam practice Use of English Part2

Action plan
1Lo at the title and the ewampie SPuy the rwds either side of the gap fer moe

witkout trying to l l in any aiers qurly read rhuses

the text to see what if aboun 5 Think nd wneds that mighit fit and try earh one
For each gap. loot at the contevt and decide what 6 When yras have filled in all the gaps read our text
kind of word (eg relatve pronoun) i needed to check it makes sensp

Follow the exam instructions uting the advice to help you

a may havr r than oine pcibie arrsWe b you must only put one
PvoN cant asiw a patirular question go on to the others and come back to it later when you hav
comgseted more of the text

For Guesthons 13-24, read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap
Use onl one word in each gap There is an exampie at the beginning (0)

Example WH CH

A short history of tattooing

tattoos (0) whh some people call 'body art', have become more and more popular in OA relative pronoun s
needed Tatoos are thngs
recent years. In (13)...of the pain caused by having a needle make hundreds of holes so it could be whch or
n ther Skin, millons of people (14). vary widely in age and background are nowadays thar, but the commas
show ths s a non-desinng
havng ther bodies decorated with ink in all kinds of ways relotive coLse so & mS
De whch
Many of today's young people, (15).parents were the first generation to experiment
13, 18, 20 Conrest in
with 1atoos, see il as a way of express1ng their individuality, and in (16) do this, needed
hey are constantly looking tor new styles and designs. (17). to this increasing demand
14, 15, 21, 22 Reianve
LaT Sludios have appeared in many towns and villagEs. pronoun neeced

16, 24 Pupose ins

(16) preropie tend 1o think of it as a modern practice, tattooing has in fact been around eeded
tar alng tume There is evidence of tattoos being worn in Siberia over 4,000 years ago, as
17, 23 Reuson an
(19)a in Ancient Egypt at that tume, and it is thought to have existed in Japan 10,000 neeued

years ago Even (20) I was not until the late 18 century, (21) Captan James
19 Ackcecn ink neecd
Look Saled 1o Palynesia, that Europeans took an interest

t was on the islard of Tatit (22) .

tattooing ad an inpotant role un society, tnat Cook
f s Ciew fusl saw tattooed mnen and wamen, and ( 2 3 ) . of that, the Engish word

sfram the Tahitian word fatau Ever Since then, salors have had tattoos done, otten
(24) sthOw the distant places they have visited

Tp e r e pu (onti acied forms lke es of n ( as they count as two nords

Use of English Part 2 Test 1 Exam practice 41

decide which a n s w e r (A, B, C or D) on page 37
read he text below and
questions 1-12
There is a n example at tho beginning (0)
bes fits each gap

Btaking C travelling D flying

0 A making

Holidays at home
Ohicial figures show that the number of people (0).international flights is decreasing, O The only word of
the four that forms a
and that this is (1)... in significant changes to holidaying habits. collocation with flights's
As the cost of air tickets increases, it appears that more and more families are choosing to 2,4, 7, 10, 11 Which of
AB, CorD often goes
(2)their summer holidays at home. People are also becoming more(3)...ofthe harm with this noun? Notice
that it isn t aways next to
that flying does to the environment, and see it as a way of helping to (4).. the planet, too.
the gap.

1, 3, 5, 6, 9, 12 Which
For many parents a summer with no airport queues or overcrowded resorts may seem
of A, B, C or D goes with
attractive. but the idea might well be less (5)... with their teenage children, who are this preposition and fits
the meaning of the text?
probably (6).to fiying offto the Mediterranean or Miami as soon as school breaks up. Notice that it isn 't aiwcys
next to the gop.
So. the question is, how can young people(7). lots offun when so much will be closed
9,12 Which of A B
for the holidays, and so many of their friends are (8)..o be away? Cor D goes with this
preposition and fits tYhe
meaning of the text?
The answer may lie at the local
sports centre. Nowadays, many centres organise summer Notice that it isn t aiways
activities aimed at young next to the gap
people (9) . either on indoor or outdoor sports. These might
10, 11 Which of A. B, Cc
range, for instance, from
playing table tennis to (10)..... mountain-biking. As well as being or D often goes with this
healthy and enjoyable, taking part in activities noun? Notice that it snt
like these is also an excellent way to (11). aways next to the gaop
new friends. For the most
popular activities, though, it is advisable to (12) . early for a
perhaps two or three months in advance.

Tip! Fill in your

answers on the
This will
question paper in pencil.
you check the
completed text when you finish.

38 Test
Test 1 Exam practice Use of English Part1

Action plan
Look at the title and the example. 5 Try each word in the gap, checking whether it fits
2 Without filling in any gaps, quickly read the text to the grammar of the sentence.
an idea of what it's about. 6 Check that the word you choose fits the overall
2 For each gap, decide what kind of word (e,g. nouns, meaning of the text.
adverbs) the four options are. 7 Read through the complete text, checking that
4 Study the words either side of the gap, underlining everything makes sense.
any possible collocations.

Fallow the exam instructions on page 38, using the advice to help you.
io Wrte the example answer into gap (0). t will help you understand the begining of the text.

1 A leading B resulting C causing D creating Tip! f you're not sure

- o f an answer, cross
Out any you know
2 A pass Bemploy Cuse D spend are wrong and
choose from those
3 A aware B thoughtful C wise D familiar remaining
4 A save B secure C guard D defend

5 A liked B popular C approved D accepted

6 A used B experienced C preferred D prepared

7 A do B live C causee D have

8 A positive B inevitable C bound D definite

9 A eager B keenn C fond D enthusiastic

10 A going B cycling9 C playing D riding

11 A meet B know C join D make

12 A demand B apply C claim D order

Use of English Part 1 Test 1 Exam practice

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