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Jinnah science foundation high school and college

Student Name: Roll No: Date: / /

‫معاشرہ بدلیں‬،‫سوچ بدلیں‬ Class 2 Year
Ch#13,14,16,15 ‫ خوش رہیں‬،‫ت سوچیں‬
T- Marks - 45 Subject: Chemistry Time: 1:10 mints Obtained Marks:
‫ٹیسٹ سے پہلے کم از کم تین بار درود شریف پڑھ لیں‬
Q# Encircle the Correct Option 10X1=10
1. Which acid is used in the manufacture of synthetic fiber :
a Formic acid b Oxalic acid c Carbonic acid d None
2. Which reagent is used to reduce a carboxylic group to an alcohol :
a H2/Ni b H2/pt c NaBH4 d LiAlH4
3. Acetic acid manufactured by :
a Distillation b Fermentation c Zonolysis d All
4. Thickness of atmosphere is about how much kilometer above the surface of earth:
a 100km b 1000km c 10,000km d Unlimited
5. Micro nutrients are required in quantity ranging from :
a 4-40g b 6-200g c 6-200kg d 4-40kg
6. Ammonia contains % nitrogen:
a 82% b 33-33.5% c 46.46% d None
7. Manure is an material used to fertilize land :
a Plant b Animal c Fungus d None
8. Ecosystem is smaller nit of :
a Lithosphere b Hydrosphere c Atmosphere d Biosphere
9. Which one is disaccharide:
a Glucose b Fructose c Sucrose d Ceullose
10. The fiber which is made from acrylonitrile as monomer .
a Acetic acid b Adipic acid c Vinyl chloride d Acetyl chloride
Q#2 Short Questions 10 X 2 = 20
i. Write mechanism of reaction of carboxylic acids with SOCl2.
ii. Write four uses of acetic acid.
iii. Prepare acetic acid on industrial scale from acetylene.
iv. How polyester is formed by condensation polymerization?
v. Write the structure of Amylopectin.
vi. What is difference between conjugated protein and derived protein?
vii. Write composition of cement.
viii. What is slurry .
ix. What are the causes of water Pollution?
x. Write harmful effects of chlorination of water?
Long Questions
Q#3 3 X 5 = 15
1. Explain mechanism of formation of amide.
2. How water is purified by the process of i) Aeration ii) Coagulation
3. Explain manufacturing of urea .

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