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Self-assessment Activity:


Carefully read the following statement, then arranged it being 1 as the first step to the last step to come
up with a step by step process of project planning. Consider your priorities when performing the activity.
From the activity below, answer this question in your journal: Why did you arrange the following steps
this way? Explain. (Give your reflection)

3 Start planning the project. Use whatever project planning tool that works for you.
5 Create a list of tasks that need to be carried out for each identified deliverable
2 Create a strong, shared vision; it's hard to gather the momentum needed to get the project off
the ground.

Create a list of tasks that need to be carried out for each identified deliverable.
1 Set achievable goals.
6 Identify as many risks to your project as possible and be prepared if something bad happens
9 Have a clear understanding of your role in project implementation is an important pillar of a
successful project

8 Calculate the approximate direct and indirect costs/expenditures of the project

4 Determine the project's stakeholders, particularly those affected indirectly

12 Update plan as the project makes progress, and continually measure progress against the plan
7 Find out what resources are available for the project, now and in the future.
11 Keep your project plan attached to other project-related documents such as the proposal, time
logs, work reports, meeting notes, or anything else that might come in hand.

10 Create a clear communication of the project goals and the effort required to meet them.


Clear goals and a strong vision are required to complete a project. Then you can plan the project
itself. Who is involved, what needs to be done, what resources are required, and the risks
associated with the feature. We recommend calculating the cost of your project so you know
exactly how much money you need to get started. However, before starting a project, you should
clearly understand your role and communicate your project goals to your team members. While
your project is live, you should monitor progress to see if you're meeting your goals and getting
closer to your vision.

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