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1.1 Background

Linguistics is the study of language, how it is put together and how its functions. According
to Yendra (2018) through his book Knowing The Science of Languages, linguistics is a field of
science that studies and learns everything about language starting from function, form, meaning,
value and scientific discourse. Linguistics help us understand the structure of language, how
language is used, the variations of language and the influence of language arround the world have
commonalities in structure, use, acquisition by children and adults how they change over time.
The field of linguistics is concerned with the study of human language as a universal part of
human behaviour and thingking. Based on the definition above it can be concluded that linguistic
is a basis for scientific study of human language. Including sounds, words and grammar rules or
can be defined as the study of language and language is the subject matter of linguistics.

Basically, there are two levels of Linguistic studies, microlinguistics and macrolinguistics.
Microlinguistics is study of the structure of a language system such as phonology, morphology
and syntax. Meanwhile macrolinguistics is study about the relation between language and the
world outside language such as sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, biolinguistics,
ethnolinguistics, and ecolinguistics (Derni 2008). Ecolinguistics can be divided into two branches,
ecolinguistic critical discourse analysis and language ecology. Ecolinguistics discourse analysis at
showing correlations in discourse between language and ecological phenomena. Language
ecology, this study firstly introduced by Einar Haugen in 1970, language ecology analysis about
the relation between language and environment . Language ecology not only determines spoken
utterances but also written texts.

Ecolinguistics is study about the relation between language and ecology. According to Derni
(2008) ecolinguistics is the study of language is relevant to many other fields of inquury.
Ecolinguistics is the study of language according to the environment it is used in. That is why
language cannot be separated from the environment in which the language is used by its speakers.
Likewise, the speech if certain language will form a speech community a certain environment. As
long as we have the language, we have the culture. As long as we have the culture, we can hold
on the land (Manu Metekingi, maori from whanganui iwi “Tribe”).

Based on the topic of this research, there was one previous study that discussed about
ecolinguistics and the subject is “Correlation of Irires noun towards sago in Tambrauw
Regency” by Syufi, Budiarsa, Satyawati, Simpen (2019). This study focuses about language and

cultural aspects of Irires community socio-culturally that correlate with sago processing systems
and compound words. The sago lexicon is part of representation of the Irires people's life about
the sago environment. Especially, in its classification there is afes (male sago) and afai (female
sago). It can be concluded that people have a language to reflect their experiences and knowledge
and determine how they see the world. Almost the same as the previous research because, I also
discusses about the classification of the same plant (sago). Although using the same approach, but
the focus of my research is different, in this research I will focus on classification of sago, in
Saifi. Types of ecolinguistics in this research is Language ecology. I’m interested in this topic
especially sago because, the people in my village (Sentani, Jayapura) can classify almost 14 kinds
of sago . That is why I want to do my research in different place, I want to know how the people
in Saifi classify their sago palm in their places. Which is has become the largest sago forest in the
world besides Maranti Regency.

In this study, I use a morphological process and will examine the meaning of classifying
sago in Saifi, South Sorong Regency. The example of morphologycal and meaning process I took
from Mayor (2021) about word“Posai”. “Po” means bird and “Sai” means beautiful , the head
noun “Po” is modifier by “Sai” as a adjective. The bird name “Posai” in Tomolol Villages
means the beautiful bird, because the birds has beautiful feathers.

1.2 Language and Its Speaker

Tehit is a Papuan (non-Austronesian) language belonging to the Toror language group of

western most part of the West Doberai Penisula (Bird’s Head) of New Guinea. As has been
pointed out by Voorhoeve (1975:718) and Wurm (1975:635, 1982:28) in Flassy, the language of
this group has form a language family called “The Bird’s head Family”. Tehit language is
spoken by about 8.500 people spread over the districts Teminabuan, Ayamaru and in the regency
of Sorong.

The language is divided into 8 main dialects and several variants. Dialects and variants in
Tehit are Tehit Jit, Tehit Mbofle with variants Afsya-Neqna and Gemna, Tehit Saifi with variants
Srer and Saifi, Tehit Imyan with variants Imyan and Sfaden, Tehit Sfaryere, Tehit Fkar, Tehit
Sawiat, and Tehit Salmeit, (Flassy,1991).

1.3 Demography and Ethnography

Saifi sub-district has its capital Kayabo Village, saifi district consists of 9 villages which were
divided from Seremuk district and the addition of one village, namely Botain village which is

close to the district of Sorong. Most of Saifi sub-districts are in the plans, which are 6 villages, 1
village is on the hillside and 3 others villages are the coast. According to Saifi district statistics
(2018), Saifi is about 931.824 m2 consisting of 749.199 m2 land area and 182.625 m2 sea area.
With population 2.008 people, consisting of 974 men, 1.034 women based on the latest statistic
in 2018.

Picture 1

Saifi is a district located in south Sorong regency, West Papua, Indonesia consisting of 10
villages. According to Saifi distrcit statistics (2018) most of the population is a farmer but the
specific data is not yet available. The available data are from farms with a population of 48 pigs,
295 chickens, and 30 goats. This is the data for one sub-district of saifi, the people is not only
work as a farmers but also civil servants.

1.4 Language Affiliation

Diagram 1


West Doberai Penisula (Bird’s Head Family)


Tehit is a Papuan (non-Austronesian) language belonging to the Toror language group of
western most part of the West Doberai Penisula (Bird’s Head) of New Guinea. As has been
pointed out by Voorhoeve (1975:718) and Wurm (1975:635, 1982:28) in Flassy, the language of
this group has form a language family called “The Bird’s head Family”.

1.5 Sociolinguistic Situation

1.5.1 Language Use

Tehit language is still used, especially for older people or for those who live in
village. This is because the language has been contaminated with the modern world, like
teenagers in general who talk using papuan malay, but is still strong maintaining local
languages. According to Don Flassy, there is dictionary of Tehit language from Tehit-
Indonesia-English (language center publisher, 2009 281 pages). Saifi district also use
Tehit language with “Srer and Saifi” dialects, Saifi is a place this research.

1.5.2 Language Attitude

Based on data from the ministry of education and culture Tehit language is
spoken by about 8.500 people and Tehit is a language with 95%-100% difference
precentage, with compared to the surrounding language. The attitudes towards Tehit
language is positive because the speakers communicate this language well with others
and this language is not used during a traditional event, or religious ceremony but
also it used at home with their families in daily activity.

1.6 Research Question

1. What are the meaning in the Sago naming?

2. What are the morphological process of Sago names in Saifi?

1.7 Research Purpose

1. To find out the meaning in the Sago naming.

2. To find out the morphological process of Sago names in Saifi.

1.8 Benefit of The Research

There are several benefit of this research. First, the readers be able to know based on what
and how do people in Saifi classify sago palms in their area. Second, increase research in
ecolinguistic subject because the research on this subject is still few. Third, as a reference and a
new understanding to the junior level about this subject and the topic.



2.1. Previous Studies

There are several previous studies that were useful and helped this research.

Correlation Of Irires Noun Towards Sago In Tambrauw Regency by Syufi, Budiarsa,

Satyawati, Simpen (2019). This study explain about the aspects of language and culture that
corelate with sago processing systems and compound words, it also explain the language
phenomena from the aspect of sago dimensions as a configuration of Irires community life.
This research used ecolinguistic theory and lexical semantics. The method used in this
research is qualitative descriptive method to describe the concept both theoretically and
practically. Location of this research is in Tambrauw Regency, West Papua Province. From
this research it can be conclude that Irires people classifying their sago into two types there
are afes (male sago) and afai (female sago). The contribution of this research to my mine is
knowledge of sago and how people classifying sago in their area based on their experience
and knowledge. The similarity of this research with mine is about the classification of sago.

Rizal (2014) wrote a research entitled Subjective And Objective Personal Pronoun In
Saifi Dialect Of Tehit Language. The aim of this research is to find out the subjective and
objective personal pronoun in Tehit language including the form, structure. This research
used descriptive analysis to describe language, this research used morpho-syntax theories to
analysis from and structure in Tehit language. The data collection technique in this research is
by interviews, library and internet research. Location of this research in Sorong Selatan
regency, in Seremuk district, Sisir village. The result of this research, there are two forms
subjective personal of Tehit language : free subjective personal pronoun and bound subjective
personal pronoun. Objective personal pronoun not has bound personal pronoun, there no
distinction between subjective and objective personal pronoun. The subjective personal
pronoun that attach to verb and adjective has function as prefix. What this research has in
common with mine is the language and the location, even though in different villages but still
in the same Sub-District.

Grammar Sketch Of Tehit A Toror Language The West Doberai Peninsula New
Guinea by Flassy (1991). This study explain about the structure of Tehit language in the

context of language teaching in schools. This research used morphology and syntax theory,
from this research I found the language affiliation of Tehit for my research.

2.2. Theoritical Background


Ecolinguistics is a new branch of linguistics that belongs to macrolinguistic is

originated from the thoughts of a linguist named Einar Haugen by the name of
language ecology. According to Stibbe (2015:1) by Nuzwanty in (Pengenalan Awal
Ekolinguistik), ecolinguistics is a unique study because on the one hand the study
discusses language and on the other it discusses ecology at the same time, while these
two fields occupy lands of human life that are far apart. The relation between language
and ecology can be seen in Mayor (2021) Naming System Of The Animals In Matbat
Language. In Matbat language Powam means black bird, because the bird has black
plumage, they named the bird based on its characteristics.


According to Hornby in Sudaryat, (2009:13), he explains that meaning is what

we interpret or mean by us. Through language, we can express ideas, and we assume in
most cases that the receiving party understands what we want to express. He or she
understands the meaning of our words. The study of the meaning of words and
sentences is called semantics. Meanwhile, according to Yendra in Knowing Language
Science (2018), meaning is the result of the relationship between language and the
outside world, the determination of the relationship occurs because of the agreement of
the user, and the embodiment of that meaning can be used. convey information so that
they can be understood by each other. Meaning in linguistics is divided into two types,
lexical meaning and grammatical meaning.

According to Chaer (2013), lexical meaning is a real picture of a concept

symbolized by a word. A word that has a clear lexical meaning that even without
context it has a direct reference or meaning. In addition based on Ilmu Bahasa the
lexical meaning of the word contained in the lexical (dictionary). The lexical meaning is
general or straightforward, meaning that meaning of the word is not influenced by other
forms. While the grammatical meaning is the meaning that is present as a result of the
process grammar such as affixation, reduplication and composition. Grammatical
meaning depending on the context in which it is brought. In my research I will focus on

grammatical meaning to analyze what grammatical processes occur in naming sago in


According to Lieber (2009), morphology is the study of word formation

including the ways new word are coined in the language of the world and the way forms
of words are varied depending on how the are used in sentences. Morphology is the
study of systematic covariation in the form and meaning of words. By this meaning it
can be infered that words have a system, this system is connected to another system or
in other words, each word connected to other word. These words are connected to
another words and morphology studies these connection (In Theoritical Review, BSI
University). New words can be developed from existing words or invented due
technological advancement, Akmajian (1985:46-67) adds that words can also be
formed by blending, clipping, and through accronyms. But, the most commonly used
way used to from new words is affixation.

Based on some of the definitions above, it can be said that the morphological
process is the process of forming words from basic forms into new words through some
of the processes : Affixation, coinage, back formation, clipping, compounding,
borrowing, blending, accronyms and reduplication. In this research I will use three types
of word formation process in naming sago namely : Affixation, compounding and
blending. Affixation

Affixation is a process of attaching a suffix to the root either to the

left side or right side to the root. When an affix is attached to the end of the
root or to the right side of the root it is called suffix. For example, free +
(dom) = freedom. When an affix is attached to the front of the root it is called
preffix. For example, (dis) + continue = discontinue. Prefixes and sufixes are
affixes attached to the bases or two various combination of the morphemes
(Wardhaugh, 1997:84). Compounding

Compound words are formed by combining two or more words into

one unit with a perceptable meaning, for examples :

1. Class (noun) + room (noun ) = Classroom

2. Green (adjective) + house (noun) = greenhouse

3. Sun (noun) + bathe (verb) = Sunbathe
4. Pick (verb) + pocket (noun) = Pickpocket
5. Hit (verb) + run (verb) = Hitrun

These compound words can be made of many combinations but the

most frequent combinations is those of noun and noun. This is the largest
sub-grouping of compounds. Many types can be isolated within this
grouping, (Bauer, 1983 : 202). Blending Words

Blending is the fusion of two words into one, usually the first part of
one word with the last part of another, so that the resultant blend consists of
both original meanings. For example :

1. Motor + hotel = Motel

2. Smoke + fog = Smog
3. Breakfast + lunch = Brunch

The word motel used to mean a motel for motorists, smog is used to
mean smoke and fog, and brunch is used to mean a meal taken instead of
both breakfast and lunch. Again, the process of blending does not follow an
extract rule, it is formed according to the speaker’s ease, meaning easy to say
and easy to recall. Here bellow some more examples of blends.

1. Radio + telegram = Radiogram

2. God bless you = GBU
3. Air Conditioned = AC
4. Post meridiem = P.M

These kinds of accronyms are now used a lot in text messages and
everybody understands their meaning even when seeing them for the first
time. The phrase “by the way” is made into btw and “God blesz you” into
GBU (In morphological analysis : Lumban Raja).

2.2.4.Folk Taxonomy (Naming System)

Such classification system embedded in local social and cultural system is

refered as folk taxonomy, Durkheim (1912) and this classification is often based on
people’s own cultural belief system rather than scientific knowledge. Folk taxonomy not

only reflects how people describe and organism of a natural ecosystem but also relates
to their local culture (Brown, 1977).

Folk taxonomy systems generally have five hierarchical categories: unique

starters, life forms, generics, specifics, and (less common) varieties (Berlin 1973).

2.3. Focus of Study

In this study, I will focus on the morphologicall process and how the sago naming.
The result of this research will be discussed in chapter IV.



3.1 Place and Time

I will collecting the data in South Sorong Regency especially in Seremuk district. The
research will begin on october until november. After collected the data, then I will analyze the
data and consult to my supervisor for advices.

3.2 Research Method

In analyzing the data I will use qualitative research method, gathers data about lived,
experiences, emotions or behaviour and the meaning individuals attach to them. It assists in
anabling researches to gain a better understanding of complex comcepts, social interactions, or
cultural phenomena, (LIB Newcastle University, 2020).

3.3 Research Object

My research object is vocabulary that related to sago, so in this research the object is sago.

3.4 Research Subjects

My research subjects are people (native speaker) who have the language. The subjects are
informants who working in the sago farm with an average 30-70 years, because the adult
informants have more knowledge of the subject that I will examine. There will be 4 informants to
be interviewed and colsult.

3.5 Instruments of Collecting Data

In collecting data I will use :
1. Handphone (as camera and recorder)
2. Laptop
3. Notebook
4. Pen
5. Interview list

3.6 Data Collection

Collecting data will use two methods such as :
a) Interviews

According to Moleong (2005:186), interviewing is a process of digging in
depth, open, and free information with problems and research focus and is
directed at the research center.
There are several types of interviews in research, email interviews, web
interviews, personal interviews and telephonic interviews. In this study I will use
personal interviews, when were the questions are asked personally directly to the
informants. In this case in interview method is carried out with a list of questions
that have been prepared in advance.
For example :
1. How long have you been working as a farmer in the sago fields?
2. While you are working here, are there certain types of sago ? Or all sago
here is the same types ?
3. How to distinguish the types of sago, does it differ by habitat, forms or its
functions ?

The informants are the people who working in the sago farm.

b) Library and Internet Research

In collecting the data I used library and internet research to find out about the
language and the previous studies who related to my topic.

3.7 Data Analysis

In analyzing data I will use :
1. Morphologicall process
To find out the word structure of sago
2. Meaning
To find out the meaning of sago naming
3. Folk Taxonomy
To find out the classification of sago.


Yendra (2018). Knowing The Science Of Language. Accesed on 2020 from :

Syufi, Budiarsa, Satyawati and Simpen. (2019). Correlation Of Ireres Noun Towards Sago : An
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Flassy, D. (1991). Grammar Sketch Of Tehit A Toror Language The West Doberai Peninsula New
Guinea (IRIAN JAYA). (Doctoral Disertation), Faculty of Letters, State University of Leiden).

Kecamatan Saifi Dalam Angka, 2019. Available :

Bahasa Tehit Kemendikbud, 2019. Available :


Rizal, (2014). Subjective and Objective Personal Pronoun In Saifi Dialect of Tehit Language. Sarjana
Sastra Skripsi, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Papua.

Natacha,G.(2010) Ecolinguistics. Available:

Nuzwaty. (2019). Pengenalan Awal Ekolinguistik (1ed). Sastra UISU Press, Medan.

Hornby in Sudaryat (2009). In “Pengertian Makna Menurut Para Ahli”. Accessed on 21 July 2019.
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