02 eLMS Activity 2 - ARG

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02 eLMS Activity 2 – ARG

Directions: Think of someone who, in your perspective, can rise as a “star” in his/her own field
of expertise someday. Then, compose at least ten (10) questions to know more about him/her.
After that, schedule an interview with that person and have a transcript of your conversation. The
questions should highlight the abilities and characteristics, positive attitude, and important
experience in the life of that person.
 Joshua, my older brother, is the person I thought could become a star in his own field. I
interviewed him to learn more about his goals for becoming into a leading expert in his
field as a psychologist. He seeks to establish a secure environment in a community as a
psychologist himself. The following questions will highlight that person's skills and traits,
optimistic attitude, and significant life experience.

Ten (10) questions to know more about him:

1. How does it feel to achieve your dream profession?
2. Do you encounter a lot of problems when you are working on achieving your dreams, back
then? If so how did you surpassed them?
3. Who are your inspirations on achieving your dream?
4. Do you think having a positive outlook in life will have a big impact on achieving your
dreams and aspirations?
5. What are your strengths and weaknesses?
6. What is your main motto in life that helped you in achieving success?
7. You achieved your dream of being a psychologist, do you have plans on continuing to
improve your knowledge and skills on this profession?
8. How important your dream is?
9. If you were given a chance to become a superhero, what kind of power do you want to have?
10. How would you feel when you achieve your dream in creating a safe space for the

ME: How does it feel to achieve your dream profession?

HIM: I’m still on my way to creating a safe space for the community but I am currently doing
the best that I can by providing a safe space for my loved ones and colleagues.

ME: Do you encounter a lot of problems when you are working on achieving your dreams, back
then? If so how did you surpassed them?
HIM: Creating a safe space is not easy especially when different people have different
circumstances. But little by little, the obstacles in getting their trust with rapport is by being
genuinely able to sympathize with them.

ME: Who are your inspirations on achieving your dream?

HIM: My loved ones. I am their greatest fan and I want to see them succeed and live a happy life
and be their outlet should they have any problems or concerns that have been weighing on their

ME: Do you think having a positive outlook in life will have a big impact on achieving your
dreams and aspirations?
HIM: Yes. I always tell my students the quote “Believe and you are already halfway there”. I’m
not a fan of stressing myself out before the actual problem presents itself instead I look for more
ways to use my time effectively and efficiently.

ME: What are your strengths and weaknesses?

HIM: I always considered my hunger for knowledge as my strength and multi-tasking as my
weakness. There are times wherein I will study something for about a time and if a new topic
arose in which I am also interest, I have some tendency to abandon temporarily what I am
studying for that new one.

ME: What is your main motto in life that helped you in achieving success?
HIM: Do not let your emotions override your wisdom. I see to it that in every decision that I will
make is that I am always calm, cool and collected to avoid deciding in the heat of the moment
and regretting it later.
ME: You achieved your dream of being a psychologist, do you have plans on continuing to
improve your knowledge and skills on this profession?
HIM: I have still not yet able to become a psychologist but if I do become one, I am planning to
continually develop and expand my learning and knowledge in this field. The human mind is a
pool of abyss, a land unexplored, a sea unconquered. I believe that I have so much to learn which
fuels my passion to learn more about it.

ME: How important your dream is?

HIM: It is my passion which makes what I am doing right now worth it.

ME: If you were given a chance to become a superhero, what kind of power do you want to
HIM: The power to read minds and the power to heal their traumas.

ME: How would you feel when you achieve your dream to create a safe space for the
HIM: I would be really happy and that would be very nice to see everyone living stress-free.

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