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Transition word

21B1NUM3585 Г.Нармандах
1. In the first place = (юуны түрүүнд) = in the beginning
 For example:
We should never have agreed to let him borrow the money in the
first place

2. not only ... but also = (төдийгүй) = in addition , We use not only
X but also Y in formal context
 For example:
Not only you but also I going to this party in order to make my
mother happy.

3. As a matter of fact = ( үнэн хэрэгтээ) = Actually

 For example:
Are you new around here? As a matter of fact,I have lived here
three years.

4. In like manner = ( иймэрхүү байдлаар ) = likewise

 For example:

The artist beamed and continued in like manner giving me enough

copy for a small report.

5. In addition = ( нэмээд ) = moreover

 For example:

Pine trees, in addition to hills, valleys and waterfalls, added beauty

to the city.

6. Coupled with = (хосолсон) = together with

 For example:
That thought coupled with her nightmare made her even angrier at
not being able to eat.

7. Again=(дахин)= once more

 For example:

Boxing promoter Don King appeared on our first list in 1995 and
appears again this year.
9. equally = (тэнцүү) = in the same way that
 For example:

“Eat three small meals a day, at equally spaced intervals.”

10. like = (шиг) = as
 For example:
It's just like her to tell everyone about it.
11.moreover = (түүнээс гадна) = furthermore
 For example:
A loop is not a circle for it lacks symmetry, and moreover, it can have
several centers.
12.together with = (хамтдаа) = coupled with
 For example:
Traveling together with family, friends, and extended kin these mobile
groups bond and build community life.
13.of course = (мэдээж) = by all means
 For example:
“The better team won of course.”
 For example:
The task was accomplished with comparative ease.
15.eventually = (эцсийн эцэст) = finally
 For example:
I think you should eventually change your style.
16.meanwhile = (зуур) = for the moment
 For example:
Meanwhile, another problem arose with the nuclear power plant
17. henceforth =O= starting from this time
 For example:
Henceforth, attendance will be taken in all classes.
21. whenever =O= it is not important what is
 For example:
Whenever the reason, more people are emigrating to Australia day than
at any time since the 1950s. = (үед,адилхан,учир нь) = when/like/since
 For example:
23.Too = (Maш,мөн, нэмж хэлэхэд) = very/also/moreover
 For example:
He wasn't too pleased/happy when I told him about the mistake
I'd like to come too.
It's a wonderful picture of light shining through trees - and by child too!
24. not to mention = (төдийгүй) = in addition
 For example:
That picture triggered a national scandal, not to mention an emotional
hock wave that threw his life off course.
25. to say nothing of = (Hэмэлт) = extra
 For example:
It would be an enormous amount of work, to say nothing of the most.
26. by the same token =0= In a similar way
 For example:
I was just going to say, by the same token that it's not safe to wash
hands, face, body with standing water.
27. identically =O= same
 For example:
If the estimated tree differs from the true tree by a single branch or by
many branches it is scored identically as non-identical
28. uniquely =O= more than usually
 For example: There are some very interesting period features,
including some uniquely ornate
29. as well as =(мөн) = and also
 For example:
We have a responsibility to our community as well as to our families.
30. likewise =(aдилхан)= similarly
 For example:
Just water these plants twice a week, and likewise the ones in the
31. comparatively = (хамааралтайi) = relatively
 For example:
Each group will have the same set of questions, in order to ensure
Comparatively speaking, this machine is easy to use.
32. inasmuch as =0= therefore; explain why
 For example:
Inasmuch as you are their commanding officer, you are responsible for
the behavior of these men.
33. due to =0= because of
 For example:
A lot of her unhappiness is
34. specifically =0= purpose
 For example:
I bought it specifically to wear at the wedding.
35. expressly =0= for a particular purpose
 For example:
The farmer put up the fence expressly to stop people walling across his
36. surprisingly =O= in way that is unusual
 For example:
The restaurant turned out to be surprising cheap.
37. amid =0= in the middle of or surround by
 For example:
On the floor, amid mounds of books, were two small envelope.
The new perfume was launched amidst a fan fare of publicity.
38.beneath =0= below
 For example:
He looked out of the window at the children playing beneath.
39. beyond =0=outside or after
 For example:
We cannot allow the work to continue beyond the end of the y
40. by the time =0= at the time
 For example:
It seemed like a good idea by the time.
41.whenever =0= any time
 For example:
I try to let the kids out to play whenever possible.
42. instantly =O= without any delay
 For example:
Contrary to expectations, the film was an instantly success.
43. forthwith =0= immediately
 For example:
We expect these practices to cease forthwith.
44. straight away/off; right away/off = O= immediately
 For example:
I knew straight away what you were thinking.
45. further =O= extra, or additional
 For example:
To further complicate things, I locked my keys in the car.
46. in time =0= early enough
 For example:
If we don't hurry up, we won't be in time to catch the train.
47. prior to =O= before a particular time or event
 For example:
The weeks prior to her death.
48. in the first - (юуны түрүүнд)- in the beginning
 for example:
 We should never have agreed to let him borrow the money
in the first
49. not only….but also-(төдийгүй)- in addition
 for example:
 We use not only X but Y in formal contexts.
50.. as a matter of fact- (үнэн хэрэгтээ)-actually
 for example:
 The rise in commodity prices is as a matter of fact directly
related to the rise in gasoline prices.
51. furthermore-(цаашлаад)
 for example:
 I like play football. Furthermore, I like play voleyball.
52.. inasmuch as- (гэх мэт)
 for example:
 There is a lot of work to do in the coming days, inasmuch as
doing your homework well and spending time with your
53. moreover- (үүнээс гадна)
 for example:
 Moreover, he will do all the cooking and cleaning while he
studies at home.
54. likewise- (мөн адил)
 For example:
 Talking to your siblings has a positive effect on their
intellectual development. Likewise has a positive effect on
their speech development.
55. equally important- (адил чухал)
 For example:
 We have to consider the students’ needs, but the staff’s
needs are equally important.
56. in which - (аль нь)
 For example:
 Bowling is a sport in which the player with the highest score
57. coupled with-(хосолсон)
 For example:
 The weather, coupled with the fast and loose itinerary, is the
reason why I’m skipping the trip.
58. unlike-(ялгаатай)
 For example:
 This society must accept the unlike of people.
59. to summarize- (нэгтгэн дүгнэхэд)
 For example:
 To summarize today is lesson, I learned that a healthy diet
is the key to a healthy lifestyle.
60. on the whole - (бүхэлд нь)
 For example:
 Today has been a wonderful day that has changed my on the
whole life.
61. while-(байхад)
 For example:
 While I am lazy, my sister is really hard-working.
62. as much as- (аль болох их)
 For example-
 Playing with children as much as possible is good for their
intellectual development
63. conversely- (үүний эсрэгээр)
 For example:
 Conversely, the goal in golf is to get the lowest score.
64. on the contrary-(эсрэгээрээ)
 For example-
 I went to the seminar expecting a long, boring presentation
but on the contrary, it was engaging and a lot of fun!
65. on the other hand- (нөгөө талаас)
 For example:
 In a society where independence and individual
accomplishment are valued, a student earned his degree by
working would be greatly admired. On the other hand, in a
society where cooperation and family dependence are value,
a student who received support would be better understood.

66. above all- (бүхнээс илүү)

 For example:
 There are many reasons to exercise regularly. Above all, it
keeps you healthy.
67. notwithstanding – (гэсэн хэдий ч)
 For example:
 Notwithstanding the greatest threat to the existence of the
Bible was not the sudden heat of persecution, but the slow
process of decay.
67. despite- (үл харгалзан)
 For example:
 Despite all opposition, two more nuclear power stations
were built.
68 . since- ( …оноос хойш)
 For example:
 The United Nations has been in operation since 1945.
69 . After that- (үүний дараа)
 For example:
 ’ll start by telling you what transition words are. After that,
I’ll tell you why you should always use them.
70. due to –(улмаас)
 For example:
 According to the United Nations Children's Fund
(UNICEF), all students around the world have lost 1.8
trillion hours of classroom time due to the KOVID-19
71. For instance-(тухайлбал)
 For example:
 In the evening, I like to relax. For instance, I enjoy watching
72. because of - (учир нь)
 For example:
 I'm strong.
"Why not?"
"Because of I'm patient." I learned to keep quiet,
even when I was angry.
73. as long as- (хэр удаан)
 For example:
 As long as there are pets that need homes, I’ll keep
volunteering at the shelter.
74. I hope that- (гэж найдаж байна)
 For example:
 I hope that you find someone who truly loves you. Someone
who accepts your mistakes and shortcomings. Someone who
stares at you like you've won the lottery. He never compares
you to others, he loves you for who you are.
75. unless- (үгүй бол)
 For example:
 Do you agree with me? Unless, I will not impose my views
on you.
76. in case-(хэрэв)
 For example:
 I brought extra socks in case we have to walk through
77. whenever - (хэзээ ч)
 For example:
 In Kate Chopin’s The Awakening, Edna Pontillier felt
inadequate whenever she spent time with Adele Ratignolle.
78. so that-(тэгэхээр)
 For example:
 So that the economic crisis is likely to lead to poverty.
79. in effect- (хүчин төгөлдөр байна)
 For example:
 The right-hand rule is in effect at school
80. as a result- (үр дүнд нь)
 For example:
 Miguel forgot to add the yeast to his dough and as a result,
the bread didn’t rise.
81. because the- (учир нь)
 For example:
 Do what you want, because the people will scold you, good
or bad. Just be yourself.
Then do what you want so you don't regret it
82. hence-(тиймээс)
 For example:
 There was a problem in the university, hence I went home
83. under those circumstances- (ийм нөхцөлд)
 For example:
 The coronavirus is spreading around the world. Under those
circumstances wear a mask and wash your hands regularly.
84 .However- (гэсэн хэдий ч)
 For example:
 I am not fond of fruit. However, I do like bananas.
85 .in addition- (нэмж хэлэхэд)
 For example:
 You are really sad right now. In addition, the people around
you frustrated you. Do not have a decision right now, please.
85. in the same fashion- (ижил загвараар)
 For example:
 This dress is made in the same fashion as the Mongolian
national dress.
86. not to mention- (дурдахгүй байх)
 For example:
 Not to mention that I'm still doing well, thanks to my
87. Even though- (гэсэн ч гэсэн)
 For example:
 I won’t go to the party even though I was invited.
88. Whereas-(харин)
 For example:
 I use water when making pasta whereas my mom uses eggs.
89. afterwards- (дараа нь)
 For example:
 I am doing my homework right now. Afterwards I clean the
90. rather than- (гэхээсээ илүү)
 For example:
 A company is stronger if it is bound by love rather than by
91. all of a sudden- (гэнэт)
 For example:
 I was walking through the mall when all of a sudden, I
recognized my long-lost sister standing in line to buy a

92.In spite of – (гэсэн хэдий ч)

 For example:
 In spite of all the difficulties, they helped us.
93. another key point:(өөр нэг гол цэг)
 For example
 Another key point is to learn to make plans if you want to
spend time productively
94. Either- (Аль аль нь)
 For example:
 Either you or I should be informed about his project.
95. Neither- (аль нь ч биш)
 For example:
 Neither my friends nor the bookstore has the book.
96. Scarcely- (дөхөж байхад)
 For example:
 Scarcely had I gone to bed when the doorbell rang.
97. Although-(хэдийгээр)
 For example
 Although they have a lot of money, they’re still not happy.
98. with this in mind – (үүнийг бодолцон)
 For example:
 Everyone who has access to the latest information on health
and safety needs help. With this in mind, Money has
analyzed travel insurance and created an in-depth guide to
help travelers with health insurance.
99 instead of- (оронд нь)
 For example:
 Mary went there instead of her mother.
100. Whether or – (эсвэл)
 For example:
 Whether or not John is coming to the school.
101. to put it another way- (өөрөөр хэлбэл)
 For example:
 To put it another way, school is the worst place in the world.

102. for this reason - (үүний улмаас)

 For example:
 For this reason, it causes severe occupational dust-related
illnesses and adverse health effects.
103. by all means- (ямар ч байсан)
 For example:
 By all means your decision, I will always support you.
104. under those circumstances- (ийм нөхцөлд)
 For example:
 It is very cold outside. Under those circumstances, wear
warm clothes.
105. in that case- (энэ тохилдолд)
 For example:
 Unless otherwise provided by law or the employment
contract, the employee has the right to leave the workplace
after 30 days from the date of submitting the application for
termination of the employment contract to the employer, in
this case the employment contract shall be considered
106. as can be seen- (харж байгаагаар)
 For example:
 All the facts have been presented and, as can be seen, the
results are clear.
107. generally speaking- (ерөнхийдөө)
 For example:
 Metadata is generally speaking a computer control that is
important for identifying structured information,
information relevance, presenting information, evaluating,
and managing information.
108. in the final analysis- (эцсийн дүн шинжилгээнд)
 For example:
 In the final analysis confirms that economics is a science of
109. all things considered- (үзсэн бүх зүйл)
 For example:
 All things considered in tomorrow's exam will come in.
110. as shown above- (дээр үзүүлсэн шиг)
 For example:
 Follow this as shown above in the picture.
111. as has been noted-(тэмдэглэснээр)
 For example:
 As has been noted in the book, economics is the science of
112. for the most part- (ихэнх хэсэг нь)
 For example:
 For the most part researchers agree that economics is a
science of choice.
113. at the present time- (одоогийн байдлаар)
 For example:
 At the present time, 150 students are scheduled to take math
114. from time to time- (цагаас цагт)
 For example:
 The economy is evolving from time to time.
115. sooner or later- (эрт орой хэзээ нэгэн цагт)
 For example:
 Sooner or later I will have to learn to do it.
116. at the same time- (нэгэн зэрэг)
 For example:
 The twins grow and develop at the same time.
117. un to the present time- (өнөөг хүртэл)
 For example:
 The United Nations was established in 1945 and continues
to operate today.
118. to begin with- (эхлэх нь)
 For example:
 The summer holidays are about to begin with.
119. in the meantime- (энэ үеэр)
 For example:
 The summer holidays are coming soon. In the meantime, I
will attend training.
120. in the middle- (дунд нь)
 For example:
 There may be some confusion in the middle, but I'm excited
about all the extra pay.
121. first thing to remember- (хамгийн түрүүнд санах зүйл)
 For example:
 First things to remember: The time and money you spend
learning are always multiplied.
122. must be remembered- (санаж байх ёстой)
 For example:
 The truth must be remember: We are healed of Jesus’
123. occasionally-(хааяа)
 For example:
 Occasionally there will be times of exhaustion.
 Occasionally there is a loss of consciousness
124. Even though- (хэдийгээр)
 For example:
 Even though it rained a lot, We enjoyed the holiday.
125. Is the consequence of- (-ын үр дагавар юм)
 For example:
 My printer got broken is the consequence of I borrowed my
126. If I am not mistaken- (Хэрэв би андуураагүй бол…)
 For example:
 If I am not mistaken, we’ve met before.
127. What I mean is- (Миний хэлэх гэсэн юм)
 For example:
 What I mean is that a group consists of more than two
128. I’d say that- (Би тэгж хэлэмээр байна)
 For example:
 I'd say that economics is a science of choice.
129. Personally, I think- (Би хувьдаа бодож байна)
 For example:
 Personally, I think I can do it.
130. In my experience - (миний туршлагаас харахад)
 For example:
 In my experience, language learning seems to depend 100
percent on individual efforts.
131. It seems to me- (надад санагдаж байна)
 For example:
 It seems to me that economics is a science of choice.
132. In particular-(ялангуяа)
 For example:
 In particular the use of chips, carbonated drinks and canned
goods can cause cancer.
133.In reality- (бодит байдал дээр)
 For example:
 In reality the university felt very different from a ten-year
134. Significantly- (Чухал ач холбогдолтой)
 For example:
135. occasionally-(хааяа)
 For example:
 Because I am alone at home, I am occasionally very lonely.
136. consequently- (улмаар)
 For example:
 I’ll be out of the office on Wednesday and consequently
won’t be responding to emails.
 We stayed to see the whole show and consequently missed
our train home.
137. therefore-(тиймээс)
 For example:
 I just picked up a new dress, got my makeup done, and
therefore, I’m ready to hit the club.
138. essentially-(үндсэндээ)
 For example:
 Although they offer personal training and classes, that gym
is essentially an overpriced equipment store.
139. explicitly-(тодорхой)
 For example:
 The gym’s website explicitly states that no guest passes will
be issued until further notice.
140. as well as - (түүнчлэн)
 For example:
 Furthermore, it’s a skill that takes daily practice as well as
dedication to hone your craft.
141. momentarily- (түр зуур)
 For example:
 Don’t leave the lobby—we’ll be with you momentarily.
142. In conclusion- (дүгнэж хэлэхэд)
 For example:
 In conclusion, transition words are an important aspect of
SEO copywriting.
143. overall-(ерөнхий)
 For example:
 There were some surprises, but overall we had a great time.

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