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BT-01 Igor Gogol

lesson 8 - Time for a chat

Ex. 1 А
When people meet for the first time, very often they start their conversation by
asking how the interlocutor is feeling. Next, people often start a conversation on some
common topic that caused them to meet, it can be a common problem or just a desire
to make a friend. The third thing that is usually talked about when getting acquainted
is basic information about yourself.

1. Conversations are a behavior style characteristic only of people, when they
communicate on various topics to have fun or to solve a problem. What is special
about the conversation is that it can start completely out of the blue and end with a
discussion of a wide variety of topics.
2. I'd be interested in asking what three adjectives people would use to describe
me, I'd ask about the main ingredients a person looks for in a job, and maybe an ocean
or city view, but this question is pretty obvious.
3. In a conversation, I would definitely not ask about what is in the wallet of
my interlocutor)) At least it sounds strange and they can be treated with caution

Ex. 2 A
In the first part of the conversation, the woman tells the man that she is quite a
sociable person, but she needs a balance so that the friend is not too sociable,
especially in the morning. They also raise the topic of cleanliness. In the second part
of the conversation, the man tells how other people would describe him with three
adjectives, he says that they say that he is creative, spontaneous and disorganized.
1. T
2. F
3. T
4. F
5. T
6. F
7. F

1. As an example of an antisocial person, the woman says that such people go
into their room and are no longer seen for the rest of the day. Neat people do not
scatter their things and clean up on time. Unreliable people in money constantly
postpone payment of services or something else. It is easy for creative people to come
up with new ideas. Adventurous people easily and spontaneously make some
decisions, for example, swim in the sea at midnight. Non-judgmental people don't
judge people. until they get to know them personally.
2. I would not mind talking about both topics, but I would like to talk more
about the sociality of people. In general, I agree with the woman in the first option, it's
fun and not sad with social people, but I also don't like it when a person is hyperactive
and her head starts to hurt from her imposition.

Ex. 3 A
1. keep yourself to yourself
2. a people person
3. a morning person
4. witty
5. spontaneous
6. a good laugh
7. down-to-earth
8. a computer greek

If I were to describe myself, I would use the following words: keep yourself to
yourself and spontaneous.

Ex. 4
2. how much you earn?
3. such as?
4. what you do?
5. if you agree
6. do you mean

Ex. 5
2. Do you have any idea how long you plan to study?
3. Can I ask what you do in the evenings?
4. Do you mind me asking if you have a full time job?
5. I'd be interested to know which countries you visited.
6. Could you tell me where you got that watch?
7. Do you know if there is a good cafe anywhere near here?
8. I was wondering if you'd like to come for a coffee.

Ex. 7
1. I'd be interested to know which countries you visited.
2. I was wondering if you'd like to come for a coffee.
3. Could you tell me how to get to the nearest tube station?
4. Can I ask how I can best accomplish this task?
5. Do you mind if I ask what time you are free?

Ex. 8 A
Would you prefer to live with a view look for ocean or city?
I said earlier that this was a pretty obvious question, but then I realized that it
wasn't. In fact, both options are good, but have their own advantages and
disadvantages. And I must have chosen the view of the city from a high floor,
especially at night or in the evening it is incredibly beautiful, but there is also a lot of
incredible in the view of the ocean (I think so) and it is the dream of many, but I think
that such a view will remind of loneliness.

Where do you feel most at home?

Actually, there aren't many places like this, I would say it's the only one and it's
my grandparents' house in the village, I've spent a lot of time there and it's very quiet
and peaceful, it's a cool break from the city, so I consider it my second home .

I think the idea of a conversational evening is very cool, I would spend it in
some "lamp" place, but not at home, I would choose a comfortable cafe or restaurant
for this, where we could sit with friends and discuss interesting issues. For food and
drinks, I would choose something light, like snacks, so that the process of eating does
not distract from the conversation.

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