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peloponnesian control sheet

scenario B: Brasidas in the north 424-422 B.C.

brasidas Klearidas polydamidas pasitelides

ishagoras lysistratos dionysos Perdikkas

arrhabaeos pausanias derdas iolaus

at start Setup: Treasury

Treasury- 10 talents
Turn Start- Skirophorion A, 424.

Forces- Brasidas, Polydamidas, 3 Lakonian Hoplites (Neodamodeis), 4 Arkadian Hoplites

(Mercenaries) at Chalastra at start.

Reinforcements- On Beodromion A (the start of Autumn) in 423, the Peloponnesian Player rolls
1D6 every turn. A 5,6 means he recieves reinforcements at Chalastra; however, if he is not allied
to Perdikkas on the turn that they arrive, he only recieves the leaders. The leaders show up alone
at the start of winter if he had not received them up until then.
-Ischagoras, Clearidas, Pasiteledes, 3 Peloponnesian Hoplites, 3 Pel. Hellenic Psiloi.

Allied cities: Olynthus, Spartolos Stolos. Acanthos is opeen to an open vote for the first 2
turns, regardless of Nikes.

Macedonian Macedonian pretenders Local thracian

At h e n s 5 , S p a r t a 5 At h e n s 7 , S p a r t a 4 At h e n s 3 , S p a r t a 3 / 5 *
Receive: 1d6 Tribal Psiloi Receive: 1d6 Tribal Psiloi Receive: 1d6 Thracian
1d6 Hetairoi 1d6 Hetairoi Peltastes (3 Minimum)
•Will not ally with anyone •Will not ally with anyone •Will ally with anyone
who has Pretenders as allies. who has Perdikkas as ally. *If Spartans take

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